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Fun with Music, Play & Learn, Games & Activities and Elfy the Storyteller

Fairytale Stories, Dress-Up Dolls, Make-Up Celebrities, Doll Maker, Potato Head, Monster Maker and Farm Maker

Beez Library
Best Books for Kids, Visits Online, Mazes, Dot-to-Dot Fantasy, Paper Photo Cubes and Slider Puzzles

Coloring Center
My Coloring Books - Animals, Food, People, Travel & Numbers

Drawing Studio
Free Drawing Board, Message and Gallery

Cadmus Park
Virtual & Animated dragons, virtual oceanarium, virtual aquarium & more

Joe, the

Don't thank him too early.  His answer may lead you to nowhere.


Aesop's Fables Translated by George Fyler Townsend

  An educational tour over the net.

You are encouraged to visit the following sites for reading more educational stories.
  1. Aesop's Fables

    The Ant and the Dove

    The Ant and the Grasshopper

    The Ass and the Grasshopper

    The Bald Man and the Fly

    The Bear and the Two Travelers

    Belling the Cat

    The Cat-Maiden

    The Cat and the Mice

    The Cock and the Pearl

    The Crow and the Pitcher
  2. The Story of a Bear
  3. The Lucky Seed
  4. The Snowman
  5. Happy House

    Story 1

    Story 2

    Story 3

    Story 4

    Story 5

    Story 6

    Story 7
  6. Kaola Trouble Stories
  7. Mr. Flibby 
  8. BAB Books Online Stories
  9. Children's Storybooks Online
  10. More to be discovered...

To recommend a good online story to this page, please email us at:  Thank you.