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Azlar Leveling Guides

I. Slowmotionman's Leveling Guide

Here is how I went/would go from 150-600. I wont bother with a pre-150 guide because the stats have changed so many times, I don't know if my strategies would work, plus I don't remember them. It has been awhile since I have been that low. Note that all numerical values include the base stat, Psychic boost (after level 400), and additions given by armor. So when I say 6k power, it means base power + belt + necklace + any power rings. I also stopped wearing pants, shirt and gloves at roughly level 300 or so. By this point, it does nothing. I only wore rings, necklace, boots (dexterity) and the belt (power). Follow this guide to a T, or take it with a grain of salt, its your call. I can tell you though, if you use most of my stats but vary in a few places, it will cause a lot of problems with you. It would be easier to level an Azlar if you had a few spare poison pills, but this guide is designed to use minimum supplies and maximize time efficiency. With this, I say, good luck. You will need it.

*DISCLAIMER*-These are leveling stats. Its not designed to make you extremely powerful in war. Most of these stats will give you very high power for player versus player combat. These are ideal leveling stats, and will allow you to move fast in this manner. Granted Azlar becomes super powerful after 500 in war, these stats still will not be set up to take on people in fighting, or at least you wont be killing anyone higher than you unless they have low power. Anyways, you get the idea. These aren't designed for fighting people.

Levels: 150-200

Key levels: none

Leveling speed: 30 min-1hour


Downtown1-Stay here until about 170, 180. Its up to you.

Downtown2-You can level here when you are ready, but don't stray to far south until you are ready to deal with commandos

Strategy: Simple levels. Your base stats at 150 should be 150-3880-10-874. This is very low power, but enough to 1 hit snipers. Level in downtown 1 until you build your power some more, then you can venture into Downtown2. Once you feel you can really take commandos, start straying a tad farther south. Add all power from level 150 until level 245.

Explanation of Strategy: Simple stuff. You don't want to have to deal with snipers healing, because it's a waste of supplies. So you want to 1 hit them. If you are worried about dying, just be careful how many of them you take on at once. Commies are hard at this point, and will deal massive damage. Be careful fighting them.

Leveling tricks:

-1 hit mutants with shock

-2 hit spy3's with shock

-Use rain when there are large groups of spy3's and mutants. It's very effective

Levels: 200-300

Key levels: 245

Leveling speed: 30 min-1 hour (at end of 100 set)


Downtown2-Level here until you feel confident in fighting multiple commandos

Downtown3-Spend most of your time leveling here

Downtown4-You can level here if you wish, but I chose not to. Espers always seem to appear when you are mobbed, and it's slightly dangerous to be fighting them before level 300. If you have and egg though, it may be ok. You can even venture into Sahara1 before 300 if you feel confident with an egg.

Strategy: These 100 levels will prepare you for Sahara2. At level 200, your base stats should be: 150-3610-10-2266. Don't forget to always wear 3 spirit rings. From levels 200-245, you will add all power. You want as much possible power for Sahara2. At 245, stop adding bonus points. You will need all 63 levels of bonus points to 1 hit Esper's at level 300. If you find that you are close to a certain benchmark with your spirit (such as 2 hitting spies with rain, or 3 hitting commies, or something like that) that would make life a little easier, its ok to add a few bonus points. Try to refrain from adding to many though. Just hold onto them.

Explanation of Strategy: This strategy used to be very complicated. It involved changing what you added bonus points to about 6 times throughout the 100 levels. But since they have changed the spy3 stats, it can no longer be done. The reason I say to not add to many bonus points is because having a low spirit will keep costs down. Ideally, you can stick with tequila until 300. But at 300, you will most likely need to upgrade to whiskey.

Leveling tricks:

-1 shot mutants with shock

-2 shot spy3's with shock

-Rain is strong when fighting groups…use it

-If you find that after raining once or twice, it leaves an enemy with very low health, try your special skill. They actually come in useful

Levels: 300-400

Key levels: none, really

Leveling speed: 30 min (if you are lucky)-1 hour (end of 100 set)


Sahara2-All 100 levels here

Strategy: These 100 levels will be spent in Sahara2. Your base stats for level 300 will be: 150-5860-10-3178. Start adding power, and don't stop. At level 350, you will have pretty good power. Raise your strength to 450. Then keep adding power again until level 400. These levels will be pretty dry.

Explanation of Strategy: Not a whole lot of variation in these levels. Use cold cell extensively for quite awhile. As you get higher power, you will find less and less need for cold cell. After awhile, cold cell wont even be that helpful anymore. By 390, if I had an egg, I could run into 10 TNT's, 5+ Espers, and several bats and just start raining without having to freeze anything.

Leveling tricks:

-2 hit Giant bats and Commandos with rain (don't bother with shock)

-Use special attack to finish off TNT's

Levels: 400-500

Key levels: 450

Leveling speed: 45 min-1hr+


Sahara2: You may be forced to level here, if you don't feel ready for Dungeon1 yet

Dungeon1: Most of your levels will be spent here.

Strategy: At 400, your base stats should be 450-5860-10-5230. Continue to raise your power from here. With 5230 base power, it will be roughly 5.5k power at level 400. Keep raising power until your base is 5734. This will give you a total of 6k power or so. Then start raising strength. Bring it from 450 to 550. You will need it. Once your strength is 550, begin raising spirit until level 450, when you will be able to1 hit androids with just Psychic boost. After 450, you will still be adding spirit. Once you have 8110 base spirit, begin adding to power. At level 500, you will 1 shot lab techs.

Reason for Strategy: You will need a lot of power in Dungeon1.Get eggs as much as you can, they will make your life infinitely times easier. Unfortunately, you wont be able to 1 hit Androids until 450. At 449 you wont be able to, because you wont have the boost from the rings. I liked carrying about 120 food and 80 magic drinks. You can change this as you feel necessary.

Leveling tricks:

-As you get closer to 2 hitting monsters with rain or 1 hitting with hatred, finish with special

-Don't bother with rain unless you have an egg, it conserves MP but drains food fast without an egg

-Stand in places where you can hit as many monsters at once if using rain

-Save boosters for when dun1 isn't crowded, you can level fast. ½ hr with egg and quickyne if it's not busy

-You wont 2 hit Minos with rain, so just attack with hatred if they are solo

-Stay away from 3+ guns without an egg unless you can approach without being seen by all 3 at once, or are brave-every time I did, I died

-Kill guns first, then androids, then Minos, then bats and skeletons

Levels 500-600

Key levels: 578

Leveling speed: FAST


Dungeon2-This is about the only place you will be leveling. I can't see why you would stick around in Dungeon1, and you aren't ready for anything else yet. At 500, without any power pellets, you will be able to 1 hit lab techs and have some ok power. Your stats should be 550-8110-10-6022. Start raising your power until its 6610, then raise your spirit again. 6610 base power will give you a tad over 7k power, which is sufficient for Dungeon2. After you have 7k power, you will want to 1 shot combat drones, because you will be here for quite some time. At 550, your base spirit should be 9028. At 578, you will 1 shot drones if you followed these stats. After this keep raising spirit until you can 1 shot combat drones. If you leveled your Azlar to this point-good job. I am sure it wasn't easy (unless you used cheats, in which case I wish you never had access to this guide) and you deserve a pat on the back.

Fighting wars

If you want to do well in war, the best idea is to go 10-xxxxx-10-10. Carry a few caffeine pills, and use Absolute defense whenever you aren't attacking. You can only take 1 shot, but it's very powerful. Even rain is strong this way. At 420 I had to reset to these stats for a war, and ended up, with 3 spirit rings, having 18k spirit. This was enough to take half the power of a level 700+ Philar with leveling stats. So imagine what I could do if I had had storm…  

II. SweetzZz’s Leveling Guide

Level 1 - Level 6

Punch out Gangsters. Raise pure spirit. 10-226-10-10

Level 7 - Level 12.

Move onto hooligans. You should be able to 3 shot them with your current spirit. Try not to take hits. Play hit and run. Raise pure spirit. 10-442-10-10

Level 13 - Level 19.

Move onto street 1. Stay on the right side. Face a mixture of Spies and Robbers. You may find Robbers a waste of your manna as you miss a lot. You may want to wait until level 15, but they move slower than ever and are no threat. Do not take hits. Keep raising pure spirit. When you reach level 19, you will allocate one bonus point into spirit and one bonus point into strength. With these stats, you should be able to 1 shot Spy2s. 20-676-10-10

Level 20 - Level 22.

Raise strength to 80 in order to carry more PAS. This is the most dangerous part of leveling an Azlar. Spy2s will kill you with their critical hits. Do not take hits and have yourself ready to use PAS. Carry about 3 pieces of food incase you do take a hit and survive. Carry about 10 PAS and make the rest manna. If you run out of SP, avoid large numbers of Spy2s. It gets a bit risky. There's no point in raising power before strength because you are vulnerable until you get your first belt at level 25 anyway. By then, you should be able to take critical hits from Spy2s. 80-676-10-10

Level 23 - Level 35.

Raise power to 310. Don't bother moving onto Thugs until you get around 250 power. It's not worth the risk and doesn't level you much faster. Look at it this way. You can kill 2 Spy2s in two shots and get 496 experience from it, or you can try facing Thugs, which can kill you with their spin kick, if they come in numbers, and take 3 shots to kill for only 513 experience. I don't face them until I can 2 shot them. It only slows me down otherwise. Start carrying supplies like this, 20 HP, XX MP (Around 35), 10 PAS. 80-676-10-310

Level 36 - Level 41.

Raise spirit again. Face thugs at this point. You should be able to 2 shot thugs very soon. At around level 41, with raising spirit, you should be able to 3 shot Cyborgs. That is when it is worth it to move on. 80-910-10-310

Level 37 - Level 50.

Keep raising spirit. You should be able to 2 shot Cyborgs at around level 46. You should be able to 4 shot Jesters. It doesn't matter what you face at this level. If you want my personal opinion, there were points where I missed Jesters a lot. I never felt as if it was worth it. What ever suits you best, I guess. By level 50, you get your new rings. Now you can almost 1 shot Cyborgs (Level 51 with Shock, level 52 with Rain.) 80-1234-10-310

Level 51 - Level 72.

Get 3 spirit rings. Keep raising spirit. You will be able to one shot Jesters with both Shock and Rain at around 1900 spirit. You can two shot Dragon Infantry at around level 65, I think. At level 72, put 1 bonus point into spirit and 1 bonus point into power. There is no need to have more than 310 power to take hits from Dragon Infantry, surprisingly enough, if at all. Pitifully, you should have all of the best mage armor at level 60. Apparently that is enough to handle 2 to 3 Dragon Infantry critical hits. I often swarm myself with Dragon Infantry and just Rain them all, with little risk. 80-2008-10-324

Level 73 - Level 100.

Raise power. At around 400 power, you can start playing hit and run with Mutants. Believe it or not, I got fed up with having to run with these things and just decided to kill one. It takes you 4 shots to do, but it is worth it! I found that you should be able to take at least one hit from these things. At around 600 power, which doesn't come much later, you can take about 2 critical hits from these things. By 800 power, they are cake. Do not bother facing Spy3s. They do not give much more experience and freeze you. They also have more spirit which causes you to miss more often. So just face Mutants until 100. 80-2008-10-1006

Level 101 - Level 135.

Raise spirit. At around level 117, you should be able to two shot Mutants and Spy3s with Psychic Shock. Level 119 with Rain. Keep raising spirit. At around 135 you should switch up to "strength" rings. This goes against everything fLiPrYdAh88's chart stands for, but I'll explain why. At level 135, you should be able to 2 shot Mutants/Spy3s whether you are wearing spirit rings or not. Your accuracy may go down a bit, but there is no significant difference. "What does this do?" you ask. Well, it allows you to carry more stuff. This saves you time from having to walk back and forth to restock. I started carrying things like this. 40HP, 67MP, and 50PAS. You will also start facing Spy3s. I tell you to take off your spirit rings and now I'm telling you to face Spy3s which have more spirit?! I'll tell you why. There seems to be more scraps down by Spy3s. This is where Ice Rain really becomes useful. Nothing spawns around Mutants in the Backyard. There are more Dragon Infantry and Jesters around Spy3s. That adds up after a while. I noticed a change of speed in leveling when I did it. A lot of my friends found this idea iffy, but I'm telling you to try it out for yourself.

Note: I know that Snipers were moved onto the left side of Downtown again, but nothing spawns. You will find it slower. The Backyard may be crowded, but it is the fastest way to go. I'll leave it up to you on what you want to do. 80-3268-10-1006

Level 135 - Level 150.

Raise spirit. Keep leveling on the bottom of the Backyard. When you hit 150, go back to using "spirit" rings. You should be able to kill Mutants/Spy3s in 1 hit with Shock and Rain. You should be able to kill Snipers with Hatred in 1 hit. There is a catch. Facing them is extremely risky. With your current power, you should only be able to take 2 hits from them without dying. If you lag a lot, you should not move on. 80-3808-10-1006

Level 150 - Level 160.

Raise power. You should be able to carry a whole lot less now. It'll definitely be hard adjusting. I would recommend going up north of the Backyard to take Mutants. This will allow you to carry more manna in substitution for PAS. Conserve your HP. Play hit and run as you'll take less hits. If this is done correctly, you should be able to carry less HP in substitution for MP. I would carry things in this fashion. 15HP, 44MP, 5PAS. The 5 PAS is incase a Spy3 comes up north and freezes you. It's never happened to me before though. Up to you on whether you need them or not.

Another tip. Lucky for me, I have a level 100+ Jarexx with a Gold Spear. I went to a General Shop, filled him up with 300 Soda and 176 PAS. I then placed him on the bottom right corner of the Backyard. Whenever I ran out of supplies, I just walked him to the bottom corner, logged onto my Jarexx, dropped what I needed, and then logged onto my Azlar to pick it up. If you have a melee character, this may be the thing to do. Plus, I could keep facing Spy3s, which was faster. I never needed to restock on HP. It is completely up to you on how you want to load up your melee character.

If you do move on to Snipers right away, I recommend that you go straight to the left side of DT2, where you'll be near a General Shop. You will run down your supplies really fast. The General Shop should take care of your low strength problem. It is best to throw up Absolute Defense after you make a kill. This will protect you from running into a group of Snipers (Which will definitely kill you.). If you have a friend who could sleep/freeze for you, then it is best to keep your shield up until everything is sleeping/frozen, and then go for an attack. And alas, at 160, you should have the power to take around 4-5 hits. You should be able to go it alone. If you are lagging badly, I wouldn't recommend it. Just go back to the Backyard until the lag settles down. I started at 160 and survived the first 2 levels (Went from leveling every 45 minutes to leveling every 20 minutes.). I think I'm going to be fine facing Snipers from now on. Congratulations. You made it through the gap. Sigh of relief!!! 80-3808-10-1246

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