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Lavita Leveling Guides

I. Grumer

This guide will take a Lavita from lvl 1-200 very rapidly. As long as you follow it to the letter. It is completely pointless to use a wand, because u only get 10 spr per BP and they key skill needs a bow. Do it for fun, but its real stupid.

Levels 1-25

Every single bonus point that you get will be put into dexterity. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Until you are level 15, carry no food. Instead, carry your next two bows. Every 5 levels, you will get a new bow. At lvl 15, you will want to carry a few pas, because the spy2's on street 3 will kill you in one shot with their critical hits. Finally, at lvl 25 you will be able to use the silver bow. The silver bow adds 200 defense, so along with this, the belt and the rest of your armor, you should be fine against thugs, and even cyborgs.

NOTE: You will die very often, but its ok, this is the hardest part.

Final stats: 10/10/1010/10 (that's alotta 10s....)

Levels 25-55

From 25 to 30, you will want to go all strength. The strength is necessary to carry all that you need, and still you will need very little food. This is a good money making time, by the time my Lavita was leveling in dt1, I had 650 cinnamon punch in the bank. From 30 to 55, you will want to go all power. At this point, leveling will be fastest of jesters and dragon infantries.

Final stats: 90/10/1010/500


I am sure it has been boring with the silver bow, so now its time to increase dexterity. You will want to increase dexterity until 100, when you will get the silver bow of durel, at 2800 dexterity. Add the last 2 bonus points to power.

Final Stats: 90/10/2810/520


All power, so that at level 134, you will have 1200 power, sufficient to take snipers, as long as you eat fast. With the new spy3's this should not be too much of a problem.

Final Stats: 90/10/2810/1200

Depending on whether or not you have a Glasteel Bow, you should pump dex to 4010 or not. Since my lavita has a GS bow, I will pump dex, follow from here if applicable.

Levels 134-164

All dexterity at this point. At 164, you will be able to use a Glasteel Bow, which adds 300 power. Commies will still be a problem until now, so don't go for them until you have the GS bow, and some extra power. If u find that lag is an issue, DO NOT lvl with the GS bow, because u might lose it. If you are rich, by a few, so you do not need to worry so much about losing one.

Final stats: 90/10/4010/1200


Add all str, so you will need to restock less frequently.

Final Stats: 250/10/4010/1200


Since you have the best possible bow, its time for power. You always need power. It will help with the commandoes, and eventually the espers.

Final Stats: 250/10/4010/1480


I never said to add spr, because the lvl 100 skill, Hold, is useless. You would need a ton of spirit to hold anything useful to you, and if you don't have it, noobies wont bug you so much. But, from 188 to 200, add all sprit until you have 250. You will have one bonus point left, so stick it on power.

Final Stats: 250/250/4010/1490


All power. Blue or red is recommended, if you are blue, people wont bug you to sleep for them, and blind is an area skill. Suppose there are three espers coming towards, you, and you can only take 2 hits. With sleep, you will be able to hold one at a time, but with blind, you can stop all three. If you chose to be blue, DO NOT GET UP CLOSE TO THE ESPERS THAT ARE BLIND, because they will be able to hit you. Just keep your distance, and shoot them with your bow. If you wish to decrease the chances of the espers hitting you, be red and use sleep.

Final Stats: 250/250/4010/3500

II. Rivan

There are 2 ways to play Lavita to level 200.

1) Bow way

2) Wand way (sucks big time)

I would suggest taking up style no.1 because wand way totally sucks man. So here goes:

Start at the training area and kill hooligans and gangsters. Don't worry, you won't die here cause you can't. At the end of the training area you should be level 3. Put all 6 bonus points to dex and head for the arms shop to get equipment. You don't need much food, those 5 gold fish would be fine.

Start hanging around nearby killing gangsters to reach level 5. Put 1 point or two to power to take 1-2 hooligan hits. And keep going dex. Your stats should be allocated as follows:


You won't need much power as you kill from a distance and whack up stuff fast! Start killing hooligans, make sure you got the level 5 glove already. Check equipment every 5 to 10 levels. At about level 10 , start killing spies at the bottom left of the map. You can even try to kill them at level 9, you probably can do it. At level 15, head for street 3. Before that stock up your food and whatever you need.*Get Chain at lvl 25*.The chart to level up is as follows:


15:- Kill Robbers at street 3. Don't venture too far up or too far left.

20:- Start Killing Spy2s around the bottom left of street 3.

27:- Start killing Thugs on the up area. They hurt quite a lot. Eat fast.

35:- Hang around the left side of street 1 and kill everything.

40:- Venture into JY and kill jesters and cyborgs.

55:- Start peeping into the right area of JY and kill infantries and others except Mutants.

75:- If you followed the stat way stated you could take Mutants.

85:- Head to By and whack everything at the left side. Don't bother going down as there are few spies compared to the mutants. At this time i had silver bow of durel already.

100:- Do the quest and get new equipment. Then head to dt1 to level at the left side. Don't go too far left as there are snipers there. Don't bother about the new skill.

115:- You must have light crossbow by now already. Head to street 1 and start shouting " Can a sleeper please help me , please I really need one " . After you get one head for sniper area. You'll level like flowing water now.

140:- Congrats, you passed the gap, you can take snipers your own now already. Just eat fast.

150:- Get your last bow "Cho Ko nu" and level around dt1. Now just keep adding power.

160:- Add some strength to hold good amount of food and head for dt2 top area. Be careful there might be lots there.

180:- You power must be like 1500 now already. Head to down area of dt2 to take commies.

188:- Start adding to spirit as when you reach 200 you will have exactly 250 spirit. Go to dt3 if you wish. Be careful, a lot there. Eat fast. Don't add anymore spirit after this.

200:- Congrats! You have the Sleep spell now.

After level 200, you can level at dt3 safe and sound. But still remember, eat fast. That's more like it for a Lavita 1-200. I'll write the guide to level 400 once I get there.

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