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Lunarena Leveling Guides

I. Diwtay

Levelling goes a lot faster if you start with a bow. As soon as you leave the beginner area increase your dexterity to 58 to obtain your first bow, then start increasing your strength. Abandon increasing strength once you have 106. You should reach this at level 6. There is no need to increase your spirt because truthfully Luna's lower skills are worthless.

Now that you have your first bow and you can sufficiently carry enough food/water/pas you should increase power to 250 (level 16). Once you have 250 power you can wander into the lower part of street 3 relatively safely and you can start increasing your dexterity to get the next bow.

At level 25 you should be levelling in st3 and you stats should be 106 10 274 250. Don't forget to get a silver necklace. Continue increasing your dexterity until you have 418 so that you can get the Recurve Short Bow. You should reach this at level 31.

Throughout levels 32 though 42 concentrate on your power and increase it to 514. Once you have your 514 power go back to increasing Dexterity. With 514 power + the highest armour you can get you should be levelling in st 1. If you feel comfortable, wander into the JY and level only off of spies and cyborgs. Run if you see anything else.

At level 50 you will receive a message from Kasham about a spy quest. DON'T DO IT! You're NOT ready. You WILL die and no one can rescue you if you drop something important inside the spy house.

At level 50 your stats should be 106 10 610 514 and you should be now using the Long Bow. Continue increasing your dexterity until it reaches 802 and obtain a Composite Long Bow. You should reach 802 dexterity at level 58. Once you have your Composite Long Bow increase your power until you have 1018. You will reach this at level 79.

At level 75 your stats should be 106 10 922 802. Starting at level 80 concentrate all your efforts on dexterity until it reaches 1610 so that you can get the Daikyu Bow. You should reach 1610 dexterity at level 113.

At level 100 your stats should be 106 10 1282 1018 and you should still be using a Compound Bow.

Once you have the Daikyu Bow if you like you can try and increase your dexterity to 2400 to get the Silver Daikyu. If you choose to get the Silver Daikyu you will reach 2410 dexterity at level 143. After you have Silver Daikyu continue by allocating your points on power until level 165.

However I recommend that instead of trying to get the Silver Daikyu that abandon adding to dexterity and instead add to power until level 165. At level 165 its time to get a poison pill and reset your stats.


Now that you are reset its time to start thinking about honour. Luna's are really designed to level using red skills. Most people who have known me for a long time in RM know I have a stubborn streak. I wanted to be blue so bad that I stayed blue almost until level 300. I'm going to tell you right now being forced to waste 2+ hours a level in dt3/dt4 because you don't have enough power or attack to take on an Esper is NOT worth it. It takes forever. Go red. Don't consider seriously going blue until level 500 when you get Drain. And yes even Red Halo isn't worth it because with 1k sprit and an eternity necklace Red Halo still misses a lot.

At level 165 reset your stats to equal 3250 10 250 490. After resetting, immediately begin to increase your strength to 3500 to get a Tulwar. If you like you may continue to increase your strength until you get a Sickle-Sword or Bullion Sword but this is really not necessary.

Once you have a Tulwar, increase your spirit to 250 then place the remaining of your point on power until level 300. At level 200 your stats should be 3514 250 250 838.

If you would like you may also increase your dexterity to 500 like I did. I always prefer to have a little more dexterity that average. If you choose to increase your dexterity to 500 your stats at 300 will be 3514 250 514 2938. If you choose not to increase your dexterity your stats at 300 will be 3514 250 250 3238. At level 300 you also will want to go back to using a bow for the added attack.

Level -300 Stat summary

level Str Spr Dexterity Pow

2 10 10 58 10

6 106 -- -- --

15 -- -- -- 250

25 106 10 274 250

31 -- -- 418 --

42 -- -- -- 514

50 106 10 610 514

58 -- -- 802 --

75 106 10 922 802

79 -- -- -- 1028

100 106 10 1282 1018

165 3250 10 250 490

200 3514 250 250 826

300 3514 250 250 3238

After level 300 most people go their separate ways with stat allocation. It really depends on what the individual person prefers. However you will need to increase your sprit to 440 before you hit 350 to use Starlight Shower. At level 350 you will also want to go back to using a sword.

Post 300 levelling tips

levelling tips 300 - 400

1. Increase strength to approximately 5k+

2. Increase dexterity to at least 500

3. Increase power to approximately 3.5k

Suggested level 350 stats 3946 442 514 3514

Suggested level 400 stats 5146 442 514 3514

II. IceSore

WARNING This guide to lvling lunas is for the patient as it will be tedious til around 200+ when u can 1 shot snipers with dark sword (lvl 200 red skill).

If u have poison pill, lvl a luna with bow til lvl 140 then reset to get the scimitar. And continue killing spies and muties til 165 when u get a 1k defense shield b4 taking snipers.

But if u dont have ppill, u can forget using a bow since the luna skills r dependent on str and u will need to switch to sword later anyway. The following is a tested method of lvling a red luna strictly with sword til lvl 200+. So here goes...

After leaving the training ground at lvl 3, distribute pts evenly between str and pow til lvl 5. At lvl 3 ur stats should be 46/10/10/46. At Lvl 5, u can start taking hooligans and have stats 70/10/10/70.

From lvl 6 to 9, distribute pts evenly between str and dex. Adding to dex will allow u to hit better. At lvl 6, ur stats should be 82/10/22/70. By lvl 9, ur stats should be 118/10/58/70. U should be able to kill spy1 by lvl 7 or 8.

Go back to adding pts to str and pow starting from lvl 10 to 29. At lvl 10, ur stats should be 130/10/58/82. By lvl 13, u can start killing robbers in st3 and ur stats should be 166/10/58/118. Bring lots of food coz u will take lots of hits and make sure to save ur stamina in case u need to run away.

U can start taking spy2 in st3 by lvl 17 or 18 but wait til lvl 20 when u get a shield (Leather Buckler) and a new sword (Teak Sword). By lvl 20, ur stats should be 250/10/58/202 and spy2 will be easy but bring lots of pases. Dont even think about thugs til u get ur pow to at least 250 (lvl 24). At lvl 25, get the necklace from the Old Woman (either in st1 or st3) and ur stats should be 310/10/58/262. By lvl 29, ur stats should be 258/10/58/310. U should be able to take cyborgs at this point.

From lvl 30 to 35, go all str so u can get ur next sword (Mahogany Sword). At lvl 30 ur stats should be 382/10/58/310. By lvl 35, u should have stats 502/10/58/310. U should be lvling in the junkyard at this point and able to kill jesters with some effort (u may want to rest ur fingers every half lvl or so). Again bring lots of food and not so much pases (around 10 to 15 pas).

From lvl 36 to 46, distribute pts evenly again between str and pow. At lvl 36, ur stats should be 514/10/58/322. At lvl 46, ur stats should be 634/10/58/442. Dont forget ur new shield (Small Leather Shield) at lvl 45. And u should be able to take dragon infantries when u have around 400 pow. Run away from the muties til u can get the silver sword Remember to rest ur fingers every half lvl or so.

From lvl 47 to 50, u need bring ur spr up to 94 to get the barrier skills (a.k.a. egg). By lvl 50, ur stats should be 646/94/58/442. Now u get ur egg and need to add beer to ur list of inventory. The luna egg reduces damage but dont last long so bring plenty of beer.

From lvl 51 to 55, distribute pts evenly between str and pow. U need to bring ur pow to around 500 so u can take a hit from a mutie and still be able to eat and/or run away. At lvl 51, ur stats should be 658/94/58/454. And at lvl 55, ur stats should be 706/94/58/502. Still at this point continue to run away from muties coz it will take u forever just to kill it and it will b easy for it to kill u. Continue killing up to dragons only.

From lvl 56 to 89, u need to go all str so u can keep upgrading ur sword. At lvl 57, ur stats should be 754/94/58/502 and u get a new sword (Greater Dagger). At lvl 65, ur stats should be 946/94/58/502 and u get a new shield (Bronze Shield). At lvl 68, ur stats should be 1018/94/58/502 and u get another sword (Dirk). At lvl 78, ur stats should be 1258/94/58/502 and u get another new sword (Short Sword). At lvl 85, ur stats should be 1426/94/58/502 and u get another shield (Bronze Shield of Argus). At this point, u get a better chance of surviving a mutie hit but still u need to eat lots of food and fast. By lvl 89, ur stats should be 1522/94/58/502 and guess what? U get another new sword (Silver Sword). Now u r ready to tackle muties coz this sword adds another 100 defense. Still u gonna need to eat fast to survive.

From lvl 90 to 96, u need to bring ur pow up to 658 so u can take more damage from spy3 and mutie. At lvl 90, ur stats should be 1522/94/58/526. And by lvl 96, ur stats should be 1534/94/58/658.

Now here is the BIG stretch. From 97 to 167, u will go all str and stick to killing spies and muties in the backyard or dt1 and cannot take snipers til u get the scimitar (str 3250) which gives u 1k def and 1k dex. It will take what seems like an eternity to do this and this is where ur patience will be tested...BIG TIME!

NOTE Forget the lvl 100 luna skill (fetters). This skill only nails the monsters to 1 spot but they can still attack. No use since ur using a sword and need to get up close and personal anyway. Also, the snipers can still shoot u even if they are stuck in 1 spot. Better use the pts for something more useful like str.

At lvl 97, ur stats should be 1558/94/58/658.

Here is the highlight of sword and shield upgrade with corresponding lvl stats...

lvl 105...sword = Burnished Long Sword, shield = Steel Shield, stats = 1762/94/58/658

lvl 115...sword = Titanium Long Sword, stats = 2002/94/58/658

lvl 126...sword = Broad Sword, stats = 2266/94/58/658

lvl 135...shield = Steel Shield of Hymar, stats = 2482/94/58/658

lvl 136...sword = Falchion, stats = 2506/94/58/658

lvl 147...sword = Sabre, stats = 2770/94/58/658

lvl 157...sword = Cutlass, stats = 3010/94/58/658

lvl 165...shield = Chaos Shield, stats = 3202/94/58/658

lvl 167...sword = Scimitar, stats = 3250/94/58/658

WOOHOO! U finally can use a scimitar...PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! Not so fast...u still need to get ur hands on it. The Cutlass gives u 1k def but ur not gonna be able to survive 2 or more snipers and ur not gonna be able to outrun em since u barely have any dex at all. But dont think it is hopeless. The trick at this point is to use ur higher lvl char to pick up the scim for ur luna or ask a trustworthy friend to do it for u. And buy lots of scims.

Okay now u have a scim which adds 1k def and 1k dex. U should be able to take snipers at this point but only 1 at a time and u need to eat fast, bring lots of food, and not without ur egg. Now its a little easier to lvl but still kinda nerve racking everytime u see a sniper. U need to build up pow.

From lvl 168 to 186, go all pow. At lvl 168, ur stats should be 3250/94/58/682. By lvl 186, ur stats should be 3250/94/58/1114. At this point, u r pretty comfy with a group of snipers (around 5 or 6 or maybe a little more...u have to test the water here) and getting pretty cocky ( least i was).

From here, u need to start preparing for ur lvl 200 red skill (Dark Sword). U will need 250 spr and minus 200 honor to get it. But u will also need some dex to allow u to hit with DS.

From lvl 187 to 194, go all dex. By lvl 194, ur stats should be 3250/94/250/1114. With ur scim, u will have 1250 dex total which will be good for now but u will want to add more later.

From lvl 195 to 200, go all spr. By lvl 200, ur stats should be 3250/250/250/1114 and honor should be minus 200. Congratulations! U have DS...but u still cannot 1 hit snipers with ur present str so we need to build it up. And since ur doing that, might as well go for ur next sword too.

From lvl 201 to 211, go all str til u get the tulwar. At lvl 211, ur stats should be 3514/250/250/1114 and the tulwar will give u 1.5k def and 1k dex. U will be able to 1 shot snipers b4 u get the tulwar...around 3.3k str if i remember correctly.

At this point u still cannot take commies so u need to start building power b4 u try to get the sickle sword (str 3750). I believe u need around 1.7k power to even think about hunting commies but i have not yet tested this. My luna is currently around 230 with 1500+ pow and commies r very nerve racking to the point of a heart attack. Commies have an easier time killing me that me killing it. So for now i avoid commies til i get pow to 1.7k and then i try again.

Also, at this point u should know ur luna well enuf to determine if u gonna put pts in dex or str or pow. So ur on ur own from this point. Hope this helps...

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