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Sadad Leveling Guides

Sadad Leveling Guide 2 – LittleLife.

Congratulations on choosing one of the slowest levelling characters on Redmoon. May I add though, Sadad is a very slow character, but is not necessarily hard.

A Sadad is able to wear all normal armour, including a shield. Defence is a vital aspect of this game for you to progress; especially if you have problems of lag and disconnecting. Basically, in the lower levels, Sadad are one of the slower characters. From levels 1-50, we are not the slowest and definitely not the hardest. As Sadad progresses through Junkyard and Backyard before being able to use a Scimitar will likely leave you feeling frustrated from missing and killing very slowly, you will probably be looking for payment of easy, fast levels. As Downtown kicks in, at around 130-150, you will not level hugely fast, but will level with a certain comfort of not dieing, or even getting hurt. As for Sahara, many say you should not level there ever. If you have starlight or anubyne, you can though. Use either with quickyne, and you should be able to level quite fast, but generally staying in Downtown until level 350. From 350-550 you will be gaining most levels in Dungeon 1. From 550-800, you will be levelling in Dungeon 2, or later on in Himalayas. After 800, you will be likely levelling in Signus with 1 hit stats for, probably the rest of your Sadad’s levelling time. If you choose to level in Sky Cities sometimes after 900, you will not be 1 hitting things, so you should not level there regularly, as it is not worth it. Now before I get started on the main part of this levelling guide, I wish to state that this guide is made under the assumption of having no rares, and no poison pills; hell, even no money! It is made also to make you level with the safest Stats possible, while still managing to maintain reasonable levelling speed. All stats based here are from my personal experiences, and from many other people’s advice, considered by me, to choose the best levelling pattern possible.

Levels 1-3

Even if you are not new to Redmoon, it is a very important place to go. If you are new, then listen to what the NPC’s say, it is very useful. If not, then while you walk through the different exit signs, you should be right clicking on your Level 1 Normal Skill: Soul Blade, and your Special Skill, Mirage Sphere. Note you cannot allocate your first bonus points until you get to the last section of the tutorial. Add both your first two bonus points to Power, so you should kill Hooligans and Gangsters in 2 or 3 hits with Mirage Sphere. Now for the fastest two levels you will ever have…stand in the middle of a group of monsters. Try and gather lots of monsters around you and simply hold down the [Shift] key, and right-click, then you will be level 3. Add 3 bonus points to Strength, one to Dexterity. Your final level 3 Stats should come to: 40 10 20 36.


Gangster: 2 Experience

Hooligan: 8 Experience

Levels 3-5

The first things you need to do after arriving in Street 2 Hospital (from exit in Beginners Map) is to drop the maps. These maps are not particularly useful, but if you really want them, consider putting them in the bank. Now, with your $300, but the following list:

Sports Cap – Level 1

Oak Sword – Level 1

T-Shirt – Level 1

Leather Pants – Level 1

Leather Boots – Level 3

Leather Gloves – Level 5

Tank Top – Level 10

Each of these items should only cost 1-3 gold, weighing exactly 1 each. As a Sadad, you are able to carry all this armour, and it prevents you from having to restock for new armour, which is a waste of time. Do not pick up any MP food (drinks) in Street 2, as they cannot be sold at a profit, and they are seldom in demand as monster drops are very frequent here, even if it is only 5 at a time. Also, do not buy any food yet, as your 5 Goldfish you started with, is enough for now. You should walk (or run) Southeast to the soccer field at level 3, as there are low spawns of Gangsters (so you will be fighting 1 at a time), but still enough to keep you busy. Gangsters will barely scratch you if you are wearing all the level 3 gear, you should be confident, but keep the F1 Status bar open, just to make sure you do not die due to not healing. Sometimes the health bar over your name does not move very clearly so the F1 bar should be kept open forever. Put Goldfish as your [Control +1] shortcut, and remember, carry nothing else in the way of food, PAS, or Drinks. Clear the area in a pattern of you slowly clearing the areas right of the town (“Town” being the shops: Army Hall, Hospital, Food Store, Battle Arena, Bank and Weapon’s Store), slowly progressing up to the very top-right of the map. Do not enter Street 3. Once you get to the top, start moving to the left where there is normally plenty of monsters to get you to Level 5, by which time you can start fighting Hooligans. Do not forget to equip the Level 5 Leather Gloves. Add points as such: first level you get, add 1 BP (Bonus Point) to Strength, 1 BP to Power, then next level add 1 BP to Strength, 1 BP to Dexterity. You will need the Dexterity later. Your Level 5 Stats should be: 70 10 30 49.

Levels 5-10

These levels should consist of more of the same. Fight Gangsters and Hooligans, use the Special Skill against multiple enemies (Always hits and does considerable damage at this level). As you grow more confident, start attacking larger groups of monsters. Keep adding 1 BP to Strength, 1 BP to Power the 1 BP to Strength, 1 BP to Dexterity for now, then 1 BP to Strength, 1 BP to Power and so on… At level 8, you can try take on a Spy (1) from the bottom of Street 2, if you choose. They will take longer to kill but will give more experience. If there are any Spies in Street 2, north of the river, then you should try to engage them in war, as they normally give a booster of some sort. Keep picking up Goldfish from Gangsters, and French Fries from Hooligans. You should make Fries in your first Quick Menu (F Slot, and Goldfish in your second. Eat goldfish if you are half-damaged, but if your life is below 50%, you will need to eat French Fries. You will not need PAS for the Spy (1)’s freeze attack. By the time you have used 1 PAS, it had probably already worn off. It lasts 2-3 Seconds. Your final stats at level 10 should come to: 145 10 50 88.

Levels 10-20

For levels 10-20, you really should stay in street 2. If you can get help then by all means go to street 1 or street 3, but if you go solo, you will find yourself dead very often if a thug spawns, or there are too many monsters at once. Just stay at the bottom of Street 2 past the river, and kill everything you meet. Also, please remember not to steal kills from others. If there are other characters levelling here at the same time, you may wish to walk around for a while. Gun and bow characters can really kill fast at this point in time so at least be prepared to get KSed. Remember though, just because someone steals your kill, it doesn’t mean that they intended to do so, and if they did, don’t give them the satisfaction of knowing that it annoyed you. Remember to get your new armour at level 15:

Bronze Gloves – Level 15

Silk Pants – Level 15

Level Buckler – Level 20

Leather Vest – Level 20

Leather Belt – Level 25

Steal Gloves – Level 25

That will do for now. Just keep adding to strength, dexterity and power as mentioned previously. Remember to update your sword every 250 strength. Your level 20 stats should be: 310 10 110 140

New Monster:

Spy (1): 48 Experience

Levels 20-40

In these levels, you should stop levelling in Street 2, and go into Street 1 and 3. I recommend Street 1 until level 25 because there is no spy 1 in Street 3. Keep adding to stats with same equation. These are some of the harder levels at this stage but you are rewarded at level 25. Now, if you die in Street 1, you will respawn in Street 1 hospital. From here, get a necklace to save your later time; that is a Silver Necklace. Best to run from any thugs for now, as they will probably kill you in 1 hit. Staying left of Downtown 1 entry at the bottom-left, and not venturing up should make you avoid those thugs mainly. I advise you to not run to a monster to level, rather to save stamina for when you see any thugs. After Level 25, with Necklace and Leather Belt on, you can take thugs very easily. You should be levelling in Street 3 at this stage. The highest spawns for Spy 2 is the area between the lake and the second house on the right (from the very bottom left of the map), carry around 20 PAS. Highest spawns for thugs is around the tooniverse studios, and all along the top of the map, especially around the mailbox, and the food store (X: 82, Y: 46). In the park, there is a runaway girl, where you can stock up on PAS, and the Old Lady, where you can buy necklaces. At level 30 you should go to Street 1 to level, via the Weapons Store in Street 1 (X: 110 Y:110) to get your Bronze Cap, Leather Shirt, and Bronze Boots (for level 35) . Level along the top-left hand corner. The spawn rate for monsters is much higher here, but you will be able to take on many Cyborgs and Thugs at once. At level 40, add two points to strength. Remember to get your Silk Vest, and Poly pants. Final stats should come to: 625 10 200 270.

New Monsters:

Robber: 124 Experience

Spy (2): 248 Experience

Thug: 513 Experience

Cyborg: 1,166 Experience

Levels 40-75

Now it is time for Junkyard. You should only be killing only Spy (2)’s, Cyborgs and Jesters at the moment, as Dragon Infantry and Mutants will take too long to kill, and will waste your food. The Small Leather Shield at level 45 should help you. Add every point to strength for the moment, until you have 1000 strength (enough for Dirk). Level 50 armour is: Silk Shirt, and Bronze Belt. At level 53, add 1 BP to Strength, 1 to Power until level 70, giving you 504 Power that is enough for a long while now. Do not get any more Dexterity for a long time now, as your focus should be to strength. Add every single point to Strength at level 71 right through until you get Sickle Sword (3760 Strength) at level 153. Do not forget to pick up a Blouse and Steel Cap at Level 60, Bronze Shield at level 65, or Steel Boots. Level 70 armour is only a Poly Vest, and at level 75, Silver Gloves. Level 75 Stats should be: 1045 10 200 504.

New Monsters:

Jester: 2,345 Experience

Dragon Infantry: 5,004 Experience

Mutant: 12,523 Experience

Levels 75-136

This is the big step, and is not going to be very fast, or entertaining. You should be levelling in Backyard, carrying up to 50 PAS, and everything else as food. The places you should find the highest spawns are around the middle, the left hand sides, and the bottom. Remember to keep killing Cyborgs, even though the Experience is not great. New armour is at the following levels: 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 115, 120, and 135. If you have any Mordyne (Strength booster), you can use it to wear a weapon earlier than you otherwise could. If you do not change maps, or log out, then you can keep using the weapon even though your strength is not enough. This should be done at Level 133 to get Scimitar earlier. The only difficult problem here is getting the Scimitar. It is only sold at the Scientist in Downtown 1 at X: 80 Y: 75. You will be able to take only a few Sniper hits so be ready to heal very fast, if one spawns by you. You should buy about 10 Scimitar’s in case you die a few times. Final stats at level 136 are: 3250 10 200 504.

New Monster:

Spy (3): 22,579 Experience

Levels 136-153

Another tough step for all characters (except perhaps Canon and Destino). If you are extremely tired of Backyard by now, you can venture into Downtown. Maybe you can group with another person in Downtown, although it may not speed your levelling up much more than levelling in Backyard solo. The choice is up to you, and depends on how much you are lagging. If you have higher level friends, you may even get a sleeper, which would increase your levelling speed dramatically. Keep adding to Strength for the time being, as it will mean you can kill things faster, and the increase in defence is worth more than the power you are missing out on. At 153 (with appropriate armour on), I must congratulate you on your level, as the next levels will be much easier. Final Stats come to: 3760 10 200 504.

New Monster:

Sniper: 32,636 Experience

Levels 153-200

This is where it becomes easier for a Sadad. At first, you may still be dieing from lag, Super Snipers, or many monsters, but a skilful Sadad can take up to 5 Snipers even with such low power. Just be careful and eat fast. Add every single BP to Power now. Do NOT get a Bullion Sword (4000 Strength), as its attack damage is only 11000 (1000 more) at the cost of 1000 defence which is extremely vital at such a point. As you grow in confidence, start levelling in Downtown 2, where the spawn rate for monsters is higher. Just stay above the 4-lane street, as the Commandoes will kill you in 1 hit for now. At exactly level 165, you can start fighting Commandoes. At 164 they will still 1 hit you, but at 165 with Chaos Shield, you can take quite a few hits. Carry lots of PAS for now to cure slow. Remember, only cure slow after you have killed all the Commandoes in the screen, or you will run out very quickly. At level 180 (after getting new armour), you should start adding to spirit. Add every point to spirit until you can cast Free Soul and Barrier (230 Spirit, level 190). Some people get Free Soul earlier than this, but it is not a great disadvantage to be using PAS to sure Freeze and Slow. When you have Free Soul, you should be recasting it every 30 seconds, and only carrying 20 PAS, but you will now need to carry drinks. Carry 20 Wines with you after a restock, but if you find yourself running out, just use the soda you find from killing monsters. Every time before fighting a Commando, use the self-egg (if you do not already have a Kitara egg). Highest spawn places: All over where people do not run between maps. Commandoes spawn most around the entries to Downtown 3. Normally there are at least 2 Commandoes around the lower food store (X: 50 Y: 125). Add all to power now, right until level 298. Your level 200 stats should be 3760 230 200 1433.

New monster:

Commando: 45,181 Experience

Levels 200-300

This is when levelling becomes really slow again. Just keep adding to power, levelling in Downtown 2-4, as you grow more confident. Do not level in Downtown 4 until level 235 at least, as Espers will kill you very fast. Downtown 3 has no large spawn areas, other than along the bottom. There are often more monsters in Downtown 2, so it is your choice where to level. In Downtown 4, the highest spawn areas are around the Tyres, the construction area, and all along the coast. Downtown 4 has a very high spawn, which is good for Sadads. When levelling here you should really start to increase your bank balance, selling off all Soda, and selling the following boosters: Visyne, Toxyne, Protyne P and Dextyne. None will really help you to level much. At 250+, if you have a good Kitara egg, consider levelling in Sahara 1 and 2, with Anubyne and Quickyne, Mordyne, Aryne, and Andrendlyne all on at once. Even if the 5 minutes, you should be able to get several million experience, if you get a good spawn. Note: In Sahara, do not use Quickyne, unless you have Philar’s Starlight, or Anubyne on, as you will find yourself wasting precious time just standing waiting for blind to wear off (it lasts 30 Seconds). Do not add Spirit for the level 250 Skill (wither Recover or Guillotine) as your BP are much better spent on power. At level 299, you should start adding to Strength for a while. Final level 300 Stats should be: 3820 230 200 4001.

New Monsters:

Esper: 101,190 Experience

Giant Bat (1) 51,142 Experience

TNT 99,281 Experience

Skeleton 126,495 Experience

Levels 300-350

Here we come to choices. Most people who have levelled a Sadad have found this to be one of the hardest times, while someone else said it was their fastest levels. This can be determined by you, and by how much you lag. Typically, I would say to level in Downtown 4 as your levelling preference. However, you should be fine in Sahara 1 or 2 with just self egg. To level in Sahara 1, you should stick to the top left hand side, where Skeletons are (Espers will still be a problem because of blind). In Sahara 2, you should just generally level in places high levels are less likely to go, that is near dungeon 2 entries. Avoid more than 2 Espers at a time, as you will likely find yourself blinded and unable to find anything to attack. TNT will be your preference of things to find, with low Dexterity, they should be easy to hit, even if you take 20 swings to kill it. Giant Bats and Commandoes are still reasonable experience.

If you are not lagging, and are quite confident with your Sadad, then you can try to level in Dungeon 1. It is best to wait until level 315 for trying Dungeon 1, as the new shield adds another 500 Defence, and 300 power. Do not try to clear the entry 4 guns. It is a waste of food and will probably kill you. Stay in a room where there are few Machine Guns, Androids, or Minotaurs. You can take both Guns, and Androids fairly easy on their own, but not if there are too many of them. If you see lots of monsters and think you will die, run to a safe place and/or log out. Safe places include (but are not limited to):

• In “Safe Room” behind metal ball thing in the top right hand corner of the room.

• In the room west of entry, behind the tin box (bottom right of room)

• In a corridor where 2 Machine Guns often are spawned, you can safely hide behind the 2 barrels.

• Near the bottom left Portal (Below the Alarm Room), you can hide behind the wall beyond the portal, or next to the tin box, past the wall, near where the single gun spawns.

• Behind several guns which spawn slightly off the walls (I will not name them all as there are probably over 20 that spawn often, which are not touching the wall).

• In the area around the Right hand portal is, before the wall (near the corridor where 3 Guns spawn).

• Next to the stone ball where 3 guns spawn in front of you and 2 behind you (middle right of the map, close to the room with the kitchen)

• In the whole room next to where a single Machine Gun and Minotaur spawn (above the Kitchen), hardly ever will a monster spawn there. It is safer to be hidden from general view of a monster in that room though. Behind the barrels in there, you are quite safe.

• In the room above the most Northern Portal, this is enclosed in walls angled so a monster will not go there.

Those are some of the safest places to go if you need to leave the computer for a little while, or if you are lagging lots or think you are going to disconnect. If you have no Kitara egg then those places are great for recasting your Self-Egg. “Camping out” in particular areas where you find you are safe for your level, and not many people are going past you is recommended. If you feel the need to have a Kitara Egg, then you should level in the rooms near entry, or Safe Room, but there will be more people, so you will lag more, and miss more. If you level in places where the spawn rate of monsters is higher then you are likely to level faster, eat more food, get less Kitara eggs, with less chance of Resurrection if you die. If you continually clear the same area in a pattern, then you will have less problems levelling there after you learn where the monsters spawn and which Machine Gun to attack first. Until level 350, you use lots of food in Dungeon 1. Skeletons and Giant Bat (2)’s are the safest things to go for by far.

Add all your initial points to Strength, until you have 4000 Strength. After that, add every single point into dexterity until you have 500 dexterity, then you should add more strength. When you have 4435 Strength, you need to start building Spirit for Vampiric Touch, or Slash. At level 345 you get a new skill (380 Spirit required) which is Guillotine if you are red, or Recover if you are blue. Guillotine is a powerful attack (it does more damage than 2 Soul Blades) and can be used to kill monsters fast, but is generally not recommended, as it only has 2 range (same as spear or Skeleton range), and misses so often that it is overall faster to just use your sword. Recover is more useful than Guillotine, because it saves lots of HP food. For the next few levels I do recommend using it to level, if you are blue (but it is not worth changing your honour for, if you are red). Carry 50 Chicken Soups (you need Soup at around level 346) with your PAS and Food. Final level 350 Stats are: 4435 530 500 4001.

New Monsters:

Giant Bat (2): 141,958 Experience

Machine Gun: 191,089 Experience

Android: 159,290 Experience

Minotaur: 183,003 Experience

Levels 350-400

Blue or Red is the biggest choice you should be making during these levels. You can level in Dungeon 1, but you still will not be feeling very comfortable. In addition, your Level 350 attack skill will not be dealing out large amounts of damage at this time. (Better to use a sword most of the time.) You should use a Flamberge at this point, where power and damage is more important that defence. Here are the Advantages and Disadvantages of being Blue, or Red.


• Has longer attack range.

• Is a faster attack.

• Can kill multiple monsters in a go. (Monsters you hit in between receive less damage though).

• You are able to use Recover, and should use it if you are not about to die soon.

• Is quite bugged. If you Slash a monster, you normally end up standing next to it on your screen, but Redmoon sometimes does not register that until you move a little. If you attack with your sword several times without hitting, then this is likely your problem.

• If you slash from outside an Alarm Room, to a monster inside an alarm room, then you keep any skills on you (like eggs or starlight), but they do not actually help you. If you log out and back in, you can see that it has gone.

• If you try killing an Esper with slash, you get blinded almost every time, because you are teleporting right next to it.

• If you are in an army and have “threat of war” and try PK someone, you are unable to (it appears as though you keep missing).


• Steals life from enemy every time you hit (depends on how much damage you do to the monster). This life steal is not very effective at a lower level. You may only gain a few percent of your life at level 350 with 4435 Strength, but as you get more strength it does a remarkable amount. For example, some level 600 Sadad’s that are red, can steal up to 3/4 of their life back. Low power and high strength will mean you get a good percentage return.

• Hits more often than Slash. Is more reliable if you are depending on hitting (which is not wise, as your hit rates are very low at this stage).

• Slower attack rate, and shorter range than Slash.

• Makes your level 250 Skill, Guillotine, totally useless – with less range, accuracy and damage; and Guillotine costs more than Vampiric Touch.

So whether to go blue or red is entirely up to you. There is probably an equal number of blue and red Sadad’s. I personally prefer red; but I really think you should try both to judge which you prefer. As you gain levels, add points evenly between Strength and Power, until you have 4600 Strength (enough to kill an Esper in 2 hits with your 350 skill). After that, add every point to Power, until you have 4508 power, at level 375. From here it is all strength until you get 7000 Strength, which makes you 1 hit Machine Guns, and TNT; and one hit Androids when using either Mordyne, Lord of Wars, or Starlight (Aryne does less and will leave you “Black-Baring” Androids). Just keep levelling in Dungeon 1, or in Sahara and even Downtown, if you are lagging or not very confident in Dungeon 1 yet. Try to avoid fighting too many Minotaurs, as their Power is high, so they will waste a lot of food for even less experience than Machine Guns. Note: If you walk right up to a machine gun with over 5300 strength, and right click on it then immediately left click on it you are able to kill them in the equivalent of one hit, if they both hit.

Final level 400 Stats should be: 5365 530 500 4508.

Levels 400-500

These levels are very comfortable for Sadad’s. Firstly you must get your 400 Armour, which will make a very significant difference. At this point you should level with a normal Claymore (not Heavy Claymore), as Defence is the reason why these levels are comfortable, with few restocks, where you can make a fortune from money drops, and selling Whiskey (if you can ever get to a food shop before you give Mages all your MP food. Good advice after doing the Boss Spy Quest is to restock yourself around 20,000 food, and 20,000 Soup, from the Himalaya shop where the Bank and Food is in the same place, so that even restocks are quick. Keep adding to strength, so that you can start killing monsters in 1 hit using ordinary Claymore. At 418 you should finally be killing Espers in 1 hit; but the level before you can start killing Skeletons in 1 hit when using either Lord of Wars, Mordyne, or Starlight. One hit figures that are useful to know are:

Esper: 6000

Skeleton/ Giant Bat: 6430

Machine Gun: 6820

TNT: 7000

When you can one hit one of these, with Lord of Wars, Mordyne, or Starlight you can one hit one class higher, or with any 2 of those damage enhancers, you can one hit two classes higher than your base Strength. Also, with 4508 Power, using the special skill, Mirage Sphere, combined with your level 350 skill, will kill a monster one grade higher. For example: With 6000 Strength, and Starlight and Mordyne, you can kill TNT in 1 hit after using your special skill.

The most important one hit stat is definitely Machine Guns, because they are probably what you will be killing most, and by killing a Gun at range means another Machine Gun may not be able to hit you at the same time. Do not add to Dexterity yet, it is painful missing so much, but being able to 1 hit is more important at this stage. At level 445, when you get new Moon Boots, and level 450 where you get a new Helmet, Armour, and Necklace, which will greatly reduce the damage a Machine Gun does (although it does not help against Androids or Minotaurs much). At level 445, add one Bonus point to Strength, giving you 7000 Strength, then the other point to Dexterity, as its time to increase that once more. Get 820 Dexterity, at level 471 (that leaves one BP to allocate).

Here becomes a first Stats Choice.

Plan A) Level 500: 7300 750 1000 4508

Plan B) Level 500: 7000 750 820 5002

Either Plan A or B will produce the same stats at level 550, just it is up to you for when you want the extra power. With 5002 power, you should be very set up for level 500, either in Battle Arena, or levelling with any lag. If you feel the extra 500 power is not necessary, then Plan A is best. With plan A, keep adding dexterity until you get 1000 dexterity, then go all strength until 7300 strength (level 489.5), then add Spirit for level 500 skill. If you choose Plan B, then add to Power after you get 820 Dexterity. Then at 489.5 you add to Spirit. Final Level Stats are just above depending on which plan chosen.

Levels 500-550

For Plan A) you should be adding more to Strength, one hitting will speed up levelling speeds. Add every single point to Strength, until level 593 (8230 Strength). After you have this, add all to power, so you can start levelling in Dungeon 2 at level 550. You can level there before, but it is not really worth it, you burn through huge amounts of food and die easily with just a little bit of lag (and disconnect with poison will kill you often).

For Plan B) you should be adding to Dexterity for now, so you can actually hit monsters! Just a bit though…get 1000 for now (by level 509), then add everything to Strength. In fact, by adding every point to Strength and keeping 5002 Power and 1000 Dexterity, by level 593 you can finally kill Combat Drones in 2 hits. From here you obviously need Spirit for Lightening Blade. In this way you can just kill Combat Drones with Lightening Blade at level 600.

These levels are slower than from 400-500, but in Dungeon 1 you should not die (except in Alarm rooms). For these levels you should change what food you use. Bring about 250 MP Food, 250 Pizza, and some Noodles if you want. If you do not fight multiple Androids or Minotaurs at a time, you can go even 10 levels without restocking. When your Pizza runs out, just use Noodles, and use Whiskey if you have to (or trade Whiskey for a lesser MP Food from another character. At this point try not to use any boosters. If you go to Battle Arena or Wars you can, but it is really wasting them in Dungeon 1. At 550 even it is hard in Dungeon 2. If you are very lucky you can get about 10 boosters per level. Good places to level are the very back on Dungeon 1 (around the 2 Alarm Rooms up there), and just below the Alarm Room in the Top left. Machine Guns are the best form of experience, and are very safe to fight. Even disconnecting by 4 Machine Guns you should survive. For these levels it is good being Blue or Red. Red has been forgotten about by most people, who want to have Teleport; but at such a level there is no need to restock, if you are Red. Being red, you can use Soul Drinker to kill monsters, which you cannot kill in 1 hit with Vampiric Touch. Otherwise, you should only be using Vampiric Touch, because of the life steal which by now is adding large amounts to your HP, and almost stopping the need to bring ANY Pizza or Noodles to level. Soul Drinker does not steal Hit points (HP), Mentality Points (MP) or Stamina Points (SP) and return it to the caster, when in Player verses Player combat it drains the targets HP, MP and SP by the same amount in percentage terms .The good points being blue are many also: you get Teleport, which basically means free Kitara eggs, and Free Lord of Wars. Just teleport to Kitaras and giving some Whiskey (or Cognac if you happen to have any), and you get an egg! Slash is another reason for being Blue at 500. You can attack even 3 Machine Guns in a line with one attack. Even with 1000 Dexterity you will probably only hit one or two of them, it speeds up levelling. Also, with Teleport, you can help people in need, restock people, and restock yourself: all very fast.

Overall, in this guide, I would recommend going Red, as it will save you money, and you will die less. Strange as it may seem, Teleport is likely to slow your levelling dramatically. You teleport to people to help, or to get help (like teleporting to Kitaras), but will sometimes teleport to the wrong person, and wind up surrounded by several Yetis in Himalayas, or Himalaya Dungeons. Even a Boss Spy will kill you most likely, if you teleport to the wrong person. Best idea is to have a character on your account placed somewhere near a food shop and bank, so you can log onto that character, then teleport to someone who was near you – do not teleport to high level Philar or Sadads though, for they may have teleported away to some map where you cannot survive (Many Sadads have found this out the hard way). So Red is your best option, if you are looking to have cheap levels without restocking, but it is up to you. Perhaps try both ways. For anyone who has not done the level 500 quest by this point, the easiest way to get the first part done, is to Ask your Army Commander to make you a Lieutenant, and get someone else in your army (in your new unit) to stand next to the frozen Philar in Himalaya Dungeon 4, then click on him, and either warp to someone else, in your unit, to get out of Himalaya Dungeons, or use either Ardne’s Thread, or an Escape Capsule. They are not very cheap, but they are not very rare, so you may already have one, or you can buy one for about 10 Million Gold. Remember, that is not in any way needed, it just may make the quest easier (make the quest last a few minutes rather than hours, but warping to someone else in your new unit, who is not in Himalaya Dungeon, does the same thing effectively.) You do not need to complete the second part of the quest yet. After seeing Kasham in Sahara 2, you can still get +/- 1000 Honor.

Final Stats for Level 550 (from Both Plan A) and Plan B)) come to: 8230 750 1000 5002. Note to Readers:

Here, at level 550, I am going to stop for a while. I have some experience levelling in Dungeon 2, both on LittleLife, who cannot at the time of writing, safely level in Dungeon 2 (4833 Power, level 483). But I have done some levels in both Dungeon 2 and Boss Spy Dungeons using Nogard, who is currently 754 Sadad, with 7303 power. When I get some good strategies as to levelling in these maps, I shall continue on. For anyone at level 550, just keep adding Strength, until 9520 Strength, and then add all Spirit. This will mean at level 600, being Blue, you can 1 hit Combat Drones. From there, if you want to stay blue, add to Power and Dexterity (if you feel like hitting more, do not get too much though). Get enough power until you feel very comfortable in Dungeon 2. Then start building Strength for one hit in Signus, which is 12500 Strength with a Glassteel Sword. Stats for Signus should initially be around: 12500 900 1000 7004, but should be based around what you feel comfortable with. The Stats just given are for level 776, and you should not be trying Signus before then without some form of rares. After this, add to Dexterity and Power as you see fit. Fastest way to level after 900 is to have just enough Strength to 1 hit in Signus, just enough Spirit for Lightening Blade, Just enough Power to feel comfortable, and build Dexterity. So that means levelling stats at level 1000 (assuming no resets were used) could be 12500 900 5510 7004. It is always going to be hard in Signus, with only just enough power to survive (not to feel comfortable), and you can only kill monsters in one hit with Lightening Blade, which is less accurate, than Slash, or Vampiric Touch. Blue is used far more than red in Signus, as food is consumed far faster, so you cannot stock as fast being red. Also, you cannot teleport to those Signus Eggers in Sky Cities. Yet the main use of being blue instead of red is you need teleport to get between maps easily, which is useful if you are not camping. Just keep going, and do not let Lag and Disconnect get you down. Remember to enjoy levelling, and not play the game as if it were a job, for that is when the fun stops. If anyone has any improvements for what they have seen here, please either Mail me, or Post a message to me on the Voice of Freedom. Any new strategies, or help for 550-1000 would be appreciated greatly.

Finally, I wish to thank a number of people:

Nogard – Friend who lets me use his Sadad, which helped me try level in Dungeon 2, Boss Spy Dungeon, and all Himalaya maps long before I otherwise could have.

SirTimothy – For making a Sadad 1 Hit Chart, and putting endless thought to the game, helping everyone in need, even at personal cost, and for posting my Sadad guides on his own Website.

Millithor – My old army, for providing me with lots of fun and friendship.

BEATDOWN – My current army, mostly for showing me the power some wars where I cannot even hurt people using Nogard.

The GM’s – For spending their time helping us, even sometimes giving us Eggs and other Kitara Skills, and for persisting with the job, despite so many people insulting them for something which is not under their control.

For Everyone who obeys the general Rules of Conduct, which everyone agreed to before installing Redmoon, and those who do not make anyone else’s time in this game less pleasurable – for maintaining such a great community, and not falling down to the levels of Thieves , hackers, KSers, PKers and other disruptive events. Good luck to you all!

Note: about xx10 dexterity instead of xx00 dexterity:

I have found absolutely no difference in this 10 dexterity difference.

Many players both on this server and other servers have this extra 10 dexterity.

The only reason being is that you start with 10 dexterity, so if you have 1000 dexterity, then that is 99 bonus points, where 1010 is 100. I have heard no statements proving that such extra 10 dexterity is of significant advantage. I levelled with 500 dexterity from level 322 to level 355.5 (refer to my Bonus Point guide) and after this time, adding dexterity to 820 has made some difference, yet I found no difference until I had about 250 dexterity. Of course, the Blue Kitara skill, Goddess of Mercy dramatically helps Sadad’s hit rate (depended on the amount of spirit the Kitara has. So when you get a Game Master egg, you will have a higher hit rate than a level 300 gun Kitara who happens to cast it on you. If a low level Kitara over-eggs a better egg that you may have, do not harass her (unless it has been done purposely to annoy you, then it is up to your own discretion) as you perhaps will prevent that Kitara from egging others in the future, at least you will stop that Kitara from egging you in the future (this happens very often is some events).


• 5665 Strength at level 400 Should be 5365

• You reach 4508 Power at level 375, not 376.

• Added Comma’s for monster experiences.

• Level changed from 453-483.

• Power changed from 4508-4833.

• Stop adding strength at level 331 now 593.

• Added: Note about dexterity at end in italics.

• Added likely to levelling in Signus at 800+, not necessary.

• Added endnote about contacting me for changes in guide etc.

• Added note about Soul Drinker, and Stamina Points (drain not steal).

• Removed the safe place “Behind the stone ball, outside the top-right Alarm room” as Androids and bats are sometimes spawning nearer.

• Added bullet points to safe places and Red or Blue for easier reading.

• Added Slash bug of trying to PK when at war. (RvDSadad)

• Note on killing Machine Guns in 1 shot with 5300 strength (iteme86)

• Added note on Blue and Red in Signus, (Julius, TheDarkServant)

Please remember to give me comments, questions or improvements. They are the only way this guide can be improved. As I increase in level I shall update it, yet the best guides are not based on ones opinion, but many. Already many have contributed, yet more will always be appreciated. I will give anyone the recognition for their tips unless they want to remain anonymous. Mail me in-game on LittleLife, LittleDestino, or Vipyr, or post on the official Redmoon Voice of Freedom or official Redmoon Forums under Sadad.

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