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Pluto & Charon With HiRes

Moon rise on Pluto







Just after TLi burn to Charon








A upper view of Pluto's moon charon

I must admit that this is a spectacular add-on for Orbiter. Although despite the basic drawbacks with all HiRes (8) textures (it increases load time) it was tested on my Intel 1.3 Ghz, 64 Mb Nvidia Geforce 4 MMX running WinXP. But load time aside, and whether or not I have to hand edit the .cfg to turn it on or off, it is a great add-on for Orbiter. The graphics are off course great and the model for Charon is nothing short of spectacular.

I've included some pictures on the right that show pretty well what to expect from Pluto and in the first picture you can clearly Charon rising behind Pluto in the lower left.

This Files Rating

for users with a high
end graphics card or
load time is high.


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Copyright © 2003-2004 Orbiter Guides
Last modified: August 11, 2004