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Heart Piece locations

Description The only requirement to get this piece is the seed satchel(found in level 1). This piece is found to the right of Level 2(not the immediate right though). You have to wait until you get the power to pull stones, or swim. You have to wait until winter to get this piece(inside the cave). This one is only available in the subrosia market place. It costs 20 ember seeds, and 10 scent seeds. This can only be obtained in Spring. It is in the Spool swamp area, and you obviously have to have the power to Swim.


Description You must destroy the moblins keep to get this piece. The moblins keep is in the plains. You must drop down from above to get this one. The drop location is by Level 4. It must be fall to get this one. In the graveyard by the beach. Turn the season to summer, and it will drain eyeglass lake. Pick up the rock to reveal this set of stairs. When you destroy the temple of seasons remains. Bomb this wall to get a heart piece.


Description Maple will randomly drop one. You can obtain one by a gasha seed.





Golden Beasts locations

Description Go to the lost woods in winter. And to find this golden beast. This one is located outside Level 2 in the fall season. This one is located in spool swamp in summer. He is located on the beach when spring comes.

When you have defeated all 4, go to level one(with the season being summer) and go into the cave that is now submerged. You will get a special prize.





Trading game locations

Description Light his torch to get the cuccodex. Take it to Malon. She will give you an egg for the cuccodex. Go kill 30 enemies and run into Maple. She will steal your egg, and give you a retarded looking doll. Give it to the lady by spool swamp. She is chilled by the doll, and gives you her pot. Now head to Subrosia. He uses your pot to cook some Lava soup. Now go to The Big Goron.


Description Give the Big goron the soup to get his Vase. Take that to the water city. He will give you his tasty fish for the vase. Take that to the man north of the horon village. He gives you the megaphone for the fish. Take the megaphone to the cave west of level 4. Wake up Talon, and get his mushroom. Now it back to the water village. In the witches hut she gives you a bird for the shroom. Take that back to horon village.


Description Give the man the bird to get the grease. Take that east to the forest type place. And give it to the windmill man. Give the grease to him to get his music thingy. Now finally take that to the lost woods. In the lost woods find a screen like this one. Go in and the Deku will tell you what to do. Or just look below.


Description When you first walk in the woods turn it to winter. Then walk left. Then turn it to fall, walk west. Summer, west. Finally turn it to spring then walk west. This leads you to your prize. The Noble Sword.






Tree seasons

The pegusus seeds trees only sprout in fall. The gale seed trees only sprout in summer. The mystery seed trees only sprout in summer. The scent seed trees only sprout in Spring. The ember seed trees only sprout in winter.




Iron Shield

Description Um, just just get the blue ore. Okay, um get the red ore. Take it to the furnace and melt it down. Then take it to the smithy to get your shiny new shield(be warned you need the wood shield first).








Fun Stuff

If you sprinkle mystery seeds on the chickens they turn to chicks that follow you around.

If you keep attacking the chicken over and

over many come and attack you. Afterward,

sprinkle mystery seeds on it to make it huge!