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New Recruites
7/12/03 Posted by: Allan

> Well now we got 3 new members! Congrats to Ebola, []V[]alaria, and Riddle-Out. Thanks to that we now have 15 members 1 inactive and 14 active members. I am not sure what a normal amount is but if we think your good we will ask you to try out if you would like to.

> IP CHANGED TODAY AT 8:39 for some reason my isp changed the ip so heres the new ip

Woah its been awhile
7/12/03 Posted by: Allan

> Its been close to 2 months since the last post and ive heard many people are not still in. If you are in please contact me with in the next month if you do not contact me i will assume you have quit the clan. We have also started recruiting. We would like to start trying people out now instead of just lettin them in so sorry but were guna try u out now.

Really Really IMPORTANT
05/13/03 Posted by: Allan

> This is important... Once again the server ip has changed. Hopefully this will be the last change it will make. I just switched over from a Linksys router to a NETGEAR router with wireless g. So now i can use my laptop far away and still run the server. THE NEW IP IS:

>MATCH: we have a match on the 20th... The rosters have been reopened but will be closed permenantly on the 25th.. So register and give me ur aim address. WE NEED YOU SIN!! hes awsome. The match is against Requiem. Map is de_inferno. So expect the server to have that as the map more often. WE NEEDA PRACT ReAL BAD tell me what time is good for u!

Our last Match
05/13/03 Posted by: Allan

>WWOAH we lost very badly... But those ppl played cal-i's for there first match and there lucky they won one round. So thats why we lost real bad. I think thsy should be cal-i but whatever.

> IMPORTANT: Ok we needa pract!!! Tomorrow around 4:30 PM we gunna pract to get better for our next match which isnt posted yet. I will tell the cal registered members |S.t.d|Crazed, |S.t.d|Solid, |S.t.d|Boxcarwillie, |S.t.d|M(o)use, |S.t.d|Murd@, and |S.t.d|w/e. THose ppl reallly really needa pract. We need the other people to be there so we can pract against you.

Server Info
05/12/03 Posted by: Allan

> I added som important server info in the info section. This includes the times of the servers since the servers are not 24/7 and are run on a home network that Crazed and w/e are connected to so if u see really low pings for them thats why.

> Im pretty sure only 5 of us can play in the matches i think thats the official cal number. And were home the next game and i have to choose 5 ppl so far only around 6 are registered for cal o. Solid, Crazed, w/e, Murd@, Boxcarwillie will be the ones playin the next match.

05/11/03 Posted by: Allan

> I was in our server the other day... and saw some new recruits so good job ppl were growing and spreading. But onlly like 5 people can play in the cal matches. Everyone should register so we can have extras incase someone cant make it.

>IMPORTANT!! the ip has changed of all the servers...

05/10/03 Posted by: Allan

> Yes it is up... can you believe it? this is crazy. We started as a group of friends taht played cs and now we are in a league with like 7 members. i cant believe it. Well Its under construction so dont expect many pages to work. Later

> Oh ya we had to forfit a match in cal-o cuz i was the only one registered. But we all registered and are now gunna play our "first" match May 13 against the Lost Gamerz.