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Spring 2004: "Best. Game. Ever"


Contest entry for Yesmar:

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Tournament bracket for Yesmar:

Division 8

1 - Super Mario Bros. 3
16 - Metal Gear

8 - Metroid
9 - Pac-Man

5 - Phantasy Star
12 - Contra

4 - Final Fantasy
13 - Pitfall

6 - Donkey Kong
11 - Duck Hunt

3 - The Legend of Zelda
14 - Adventure

7 - Pong
10 - River City Ransom

2 - Tetris
15 - Galaga

Division 16

1 - Chrono Trigger
16 - Secret of Mana

8 - Super Mario RPG
9 - Street Fighter II

5 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2
12 - Shining Force

4 - Super Mario World
13 - The Simpsons

6 - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
11 - Gunstar Heroes

3 - Super Metroid
14 - Phantasy Star IV

7 - Earthbound
10 - Doom

2 - Final Fantasy III (VI)
15 - Mortal Kombat

Division 32-64

1 - Final Fantasy VII
16 - Suikoden II

8 - Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal
9 - Xenogears

5 - Final Fantasy Tactics
12 - Dance Dance Revolution

4 - Metal Gear Solid
13 - Resident Evil

6 - Perfect Dark
11 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

3 - Goldeneye
14 - Panzer Dragoon Saga

7 - Super Mario 64
10 - NiGHTS into dreams...

2 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
15 - Fallout 2

Division 128

1 - Halo: Combat Evolved
16 - Starcraft

8 - Soul Calibur
9 - Kingdom Hearts

5 - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
12 - Skies of Arcadia

4 - Metroid Prime
13 - Half-Life

6 - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
11 - Fire Emblem

3 - Final Fantasy X
14 - Shenmue

7 - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
10 - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

2 - Super Smash Bros. Melee
15 - Metal Gear Solid 2

TIEBREAKER: The total number of votes the champion will receive during the championship round:

ENTRY STATUS: Your entry is complete, and error-free. Feel free to make changes at any time.