SCENE 1: The Interrogation HYRULE Left of path down - ness center pillar - Roy, Luigi Ground slant - jiggs, pichu Slanted air plat - gaw, yoshi Below slant plat - bowser Shot 1 Roy, Luigi, jiggs, pichu Shot from the right Jiggs: What do you want to know? Shot 2 gaw, yoshi, bowser Shot from slight left Yoshi and GaW both speak. Shot 3 gaw, Yoshi shot from slight right Gaw turns around GaW: Sorry, go ahead. Shot 4 Gaw, Yoshi Shot from slight left Yoshi: No no, you first. Shot 5 same as before but closer GaW: Please, I insist. Shot 6 Etc Yoshi: After you. Shot 7 GaW: I couldn't impose. Shot 8 Yoshi: No trouble, really. Shot 9 GaW: You asked first. Shot 10 Yoshi: No, YOU asked first. Shot 11 GaW: I interrupted you. Shot 12 Yoshi: I interrupted YOU. Shot 13 Pichu close up, shot straight on Pichu taunts, jumping style Pichu: SCREW YOU BOTH! Shot 14 Jiggs, pichu Shot from slight left Pichu: Where were you taking Mario? Are they all in one place? camera rotates to face jiggs Jiggs: I only ever brought people here, then the higher-ups would take over. Luigi: Higher ups? Shot 15 Roy, Luigi, maybe ness Shot from right Luigi walks forward an inch Luigi: On the tier list? Roy turns around twice Roy: Has anyone got the newest tier list on them? Shot 16 Gaw, yoshi Shot from slight left Yoshi: I have it here somewhere... (yoshi in shield, noises) Shot 17 Ness, roy, luigi, jiggs, pichu shot from right More noises from Yoshi shield Yoshi: here it is! Shot 18 Gaw, Yoshi, bowser Shot straight on Yoshi: In order, above Jigglypuff, are Dr. Mario, Samus, Ice Climbers, Captain Falcon, Peach, Marth, Sheik (shield breaks) GaW: And Falco and Fox. Shot 19 Ness Close up, shot straight on Ness: By Sakurai, there's only seven of us here and nine of them out there! Shot 20 Jiggs, pichu Shot straight on Ness: Ten if you count this bloated sack of- Jiggs turns to face left Jiggs: Hey now, I was under duress! Shot 21 Bowser Shot from left Bowser: I think this meeting is safe. Shot 22 Jiggs, pichu, gaw, yoshi, bowser Shot from slight right Yoshi recovers from shield break stun, then crouches as: Bowser: Though they may be higher tier and in greater numbers, a fight this large would make it impossible for them to force us in any particular direction. Shot 23 Ness, roy, Luigi Shot from right Luigi: What if they just want to kick the crap out of us? ness, roy: yeah (both hop) Shot 24 Bowser Shot from left Bowser: What would that accomplish? We just respawn when we die. Besides, all nine of them can't be on the offensive, since some must be guarding Mario and the others. Shot 25 Ness, roy, luigi, jiggs, pichu Shot from slight right Jiggs: Actually, that's sort of related to the reason I agreed to help them... Ness: Wouldn't you help them anyway, since you're upper tier? Shot 26 Gaw, yoshi Close up, gaw cut off, slight left Yoshi: She's middle tier, actually. Shot 27 Ness Close up, shot straight on Ness: She's in the upper half, how is that middle? (emphasize upper with up tilt) Shot 28 Jiggs, pichu Shot straight on Pichu turns arpund, inches toward jiggs for emphasis Pichu: It doesn't matter! The point is the high tiers are playing dirty, starting this war without telling us. Shot 29 Gaw, Yoshi close up, gaw cut off, shot left Yoshi: It's never been done before! Not to mention they're trying to pick us off one by one. Shot 30 Jiggs, pichu close up, pichu cut off, right Jigglypuff: That was Fox's idea. He's taking no chances, he really wants to win like never before. Shot 31 Roy, Luigi, jiggs, pichu, bowser Shot from left and above Luigi: How can a tier war like this determine who's better? You're using superior numbers and the element of surprise! Jiggs turns to face Luigi Jigglypuff: It's your own fault for being unprepared. Thinking outside the crate is just as important as fighting well. Shot 32 Ness, roy, luigi Shot from right Roy turns to face ness Roy: I bet if we cut her open, we find a balloon where her heart should be. Shot 33 Roy, luigi, jiggs, pichu, gaw, yoshi Shot straight on GaW: Dude, that's cold. Pichu: (inches to jiggs) Do you really believe that? Jigglypuff: Meh. I dunno. It's what Fox said at our last meeting. Shot 34 Jiggs, pichu Close up, jiggs cut off, from left Pichu: If you didn't like his plan, why go along with it? Shot 35 Jiggs, pichu Close up, pichu cut off, right Jigglypuff: Another thing he said was "if you're not with me, you're against me," and I don't want to be against him. He's ruthless. Shot 36 Jiggs, pichu, bowser Shot from far right Bowser: So? You should have told us sooner, we could have put him in his place for even considering such a cheap tactic. Roy: Uh oh, there's the C word. Shot 37 Roy, luigi, jiggs, pichu, gaw, bowser Shot straight on Pichu: (turning each way) Come on guys, stop it. We agreed long ago that we'd fight these wars once in a while so we could live peacefully the rest of the time. GAW: And to shut up the high tiers about how great they are. Jigglypuff: (jumps) You're one to talk! If you low tiers had your way, the whole war would be fought on this stage! Shot 38 Jiggs, pichu shot straight on, on pichu Pichu: Guys, be quiet, I'm making a point. Anyway, there hasn't been a cheap tactic yet that's dominated the metagame, and this time is no different. shot 39 Gaw, yoshi, bowser Browser cut off, shot from left Yoshi: But how are individual characters supposed to be ranked if it's a group that wins or loses? Shot 40 Jiggs, pichu Jiggs cut off, shot from right Pichu: I dunno, but Fox is using a group, so we better organize as well. Shot 41 Ness, roy, luigi, jiggs, pichu Shot from right Pichu: Fox only has about a third of the cast on his side anyway, we should be able to beat them in a grand melee. Roy: I say we strike now before any more of us are taken. Who's with me? (roy turns, looking for answers) Shot 42 Gaw, Yoshi Close up, Yoshi cut off GaW: I am! (up tilt and hop for emphasis) Lead the way, fearless leader! Shot 43 Ness, roy, luigi, gaw, yoshi Shot from far right Roy: ...I...I meant, after we find out where they are...then...then we strike. Shot 44 Jiggs, pichu, gaw, yoshi, bowser Jiggs cut off, Shot from left Pichu: First we should get Kirby and Mewtwo, and Ganondorf, if he'll help. Shot 45 Roy, luigi Shot from right Luigi: Ganondorf's pretty high tier. I don't think he'll listen. Shot 46 Gaw, yoshi Gaw cut off, shot from left Yoshi (egg): Hmm..not as high as Mario, and look what happened to him. Shot 47 Roy, Luigi, jiggs, pichu Shot straight on Pichu: We should hide out at the Home Run Stadium, there's no way they could kidnap us from there! Camera rotates to face roy Roy: We'd be trapped! The only exit is through Mute City! Jigglypuff: You'd feel trapped in a stage big enough to hold all the others combined? Shot 48 Luigi, roy shot straight on Roy dashes past Luigi, who turns and grabs Roy Roy: LEMME AT HER! LEMME GO! GRRRR! Yoshi and gaw jump above and over Roy & Luigi Shot 49 Luigi, roy, jiggs, pichu, bowser Shot from left Bowser: You're coming with us, puff. Jiggs goes over Roy & Luigi, followed by bowser Luigi throws Roy left over central hole, then follows Scene 1.2 Shot 1 Ness shot straight on Luigi lands next to ness, walks past him Ness: What about you? You're not going to get Mewtwo alone, are you? Shot 2 Ness, pichu Shot from left Pichu jumps onto central pillar Pichu: One character might attract less notice. Ness: Or be abducted. Shot 3 Luigi, ness Shot from right Luigi stops and turns right, walks back to ness Luigi: Where IS Mewtwo, anyway? I haven't seen him since before the latest tier list. Shot 4 Luigi, ness, pichu Shot from left Pichu: He's been training on Icicle Mountain, mostly. Shot 5 Luigi, ness Close up, ness cut off, s/f right Luigi: That's dangerous territory, even without an evil conspiracy on the loose...want some help? Shot 6 Pichu Close up, shot from left Pichu: I've been there, I can find my way. Shot 7 Luigi, ness, pichu Shot from right Luigi: Maybe, but what if your way is blocked? I've wavedashed around the world, I know the paths better than anyone, of any tier. (wd's for emphasis) Shot 8 Ness, luigi, pichu Shot straight on Pichu: All right, let's get going. Luigi jumps past pichu, who turns and follows him Ness: Hurry back, will you? Ness turns left and runs away offscreen