Mute City, 5 stops HRstadium - start Yoshis story - wide with many plats Dream Land - tunnel Great Bay - healing area Onett - pendulum SCENE 2.1: Homerun Raid Intro HYRULE Shot 1 - m3 Square pillar to middle hole, shot from left. Ness, walking/jumping left over pillar and offscreen. Camera pans down slowly to reveal shiek and doc in the cave of immortality. (0:13) Sheik and doc jump up, about to follow Ness. Sheik gets up to top level, doc doesn't. Shot 2 - s2 Leftmost part of Hyrule visible,sheik close up in foreground, shot from right. Ness turns, sheik ducks behind pillar, doc stays below Bowser: (offscreen) Ness, come on! Shot 3 - s3 Leftmost part of Hyrule and square pillar, shot from left enough so sheik can hide behind pillar. Ness hurries left, offscreen. Sheik stands up, doc junps up and both follow ness. (0:24) MK2 Shot 4 - s3 Wide shot from slightly above. ness Crosses stage from right to left, running. Doc and sheik follow after slight delay, walking. ONETT Shot 5 - m1s1 Area just to the right of right house, shot from slight right. Sheik and Doc enter from right, sheik jumps/air dodges to roof, trying to hide behind chimney. Sheik crouches upon landing. Shot 6 - s1 Chimney of right house, shot from left so sheik can be hidden behind it when crouching. Sheik crouches behind chimney for a second, then stands up for an instant and crouches again. Shot 7 - s2 Middle area and right house, shot from right. Seeing nobody, she stands again, then jumps over chimney followed by doc. (0:34) Shot 8 - s2 LeFt house close up, shot straight on. Sheik and doc jump onto roof. Shot 9 - s1 fading montage from different angles to show them waiting for next mute city cycle (0:40) Shot 10 - s2 They board Mute City, sheik first (0:45) MUTE CITY Shot 11 - s2 Shot from right. Sheik walks onscreen, then doc. As doc turns to look around... Doc: No sentry even. Wonder if we'll get to see any action. Mute city starts moving. Shot 12 - s1 Closer, shot from left Sheik: We won't, we're just backup for the main force. (0:55) Doc: I thought you were supposed to be part of the main force? Shot 13 - s1 Sheik's face in foreground, doc in background, shot from left. Sheik: ...I was... Doc: What're you doing here, then? Sheik? Shot 14 - s2 Middle of stage, Shot from right. Sheik turns. Doc: Sheik? Mute city stops. Sheik walks past doc and offscreen. Doc turns as sheik walks past him. (1:07) Doc: What are you doing? Come back! SHEIK!! Doc dashes for emphasis. Scene 2.2: Homerun Raid Escalation HRC Bowser is just under left side of hrc platform facing left. On top of platform are left to right: Yoshi Ness Kirby Gaw Roy Shot 1 - s3 Yoshi, Ness, Kirby, gaw, Roy. Shot straight on. Kirby is laying on his back, others facing him. Ness: Kirby's not looking so good... Bowser: It's Sheik! (steps forward for emphasis) Chars turn to face left. Shot 2 - s1 Bowser, yoshi, ness, kirby. Chars on platform cut off, shot from left. Sheik enters from left, stops. Shot 3 - s1 Sheik close up, shot from right. Sheik changes to Zelda. (1:13) Zelda: There isn't much time. You have to leave, NOW. Shot 4 - s1 Gaw, roy. Shot from left. Roy: How could they know where we are already? Gaw turns around during roy's line. Shot 5 - s1 Zelda, bowser, yoshi, ness, kirby. Shot from right. Yoshi turns to the right Yoshi: Probably the same way we did; it IS the best choice. Shot 6 - s1 Zelda, close up, shot from right. Zelda: Please! Leave while you still can! (runs left) Shot 7 - s2 Bowser, yoshi, ness, kirby, gaw, roy. Shot from left and slightly above. Ness: Zelda, wait! (runs left offscreen, followed by Yoshi). Meanwhile, kirby gets up. Kirby: What's going on here? Shot 8 - s1 Left side of hrc platform, shot from slight right. Bowser, kirby, gaw cut off. Bowser jumps onto the platform as he says Bowser: Zelda told us to leave right away. Shot 9 - m1s2 Kirby, gaw, roy cut off. Shot from left. Kirby: Let's go, then! (kirby dash dances) EVERYBODY HURRY! (kirby and others dash left offscreen) Shot 10 - m4 Bowser, kirby, gaw, roy Whole platform visible, shot from slight right. Everyone running off platform, left to the edge of the stage. Shot 11 - s4 Bowser, kirby, gaw, Roy Camera attached to Bowser, pretty close straight on view. Bowser: (runs into invisible wall, others crowd him) Crap! Just missed it... (1:34) Shot 12 - s2 gaw, Roy Close up shot from left, gaw walks past view, roy walks into frame and turns left as he speaks. Roy: So...hard for them to force us out, but also easy for them to keep us in, yes? Shot 13 - s1 Bowser cut off, kirby, roy cut off. Kirby: You can rub my face in it when we get out of here. (turns as he speaks) Shot 14 - s1 Roy, gaw. Shot from left. Roy: Actually, I won't rub your face in it unless we DON'T get out of here. (may be shortened to fit time constraints) (roy turns) GaW: So we plan on leaving then? What if they're on Mute City already when it comes next? MUTE CITY (1:48) Shot 15 - m1s3 Doc, zelda, ness, yoshi. Shot from right, slightly below. Doc: Zelda?!? (zelda walks past doc) Hey HEY what's happening? Doc turns side to side as ness and Yoshi walk past him too. Shot 16 - s1 Zelda, close up from right. Zelda walks into frame and turns around. Zelda: Just evening things out a bit. Shot 17 - s1 Zelda, ness, yoshi, doc Shot straight on. Mute City starts moving. Shot 18 - s2 Ness, Yoshi Yoshi turns to the right. Yoshi: The others! (ness turns to the right) Zelda: It's too late for them. Shot 19 - s1 Zelda, ness Shot from left, slightly above Ness turns to zelda. Ness: Aren't the high tiers gonna get on here soon? Shot 20 - s1 Zelda Zelda face close up from right. Zelda: No. HRC (2:01) Shot 21 - s1 Bowser, still close to invisible wall. Close up on Bowser, from right. Bowser: We'll take the fight to them. Shot 22 - m4 Bowser, Kirby, roy, gaw Whole platform visible and all 4 chars, shot from left. (characters getting into combat positions, bowser under left edge, on top of platform are Roy, kirby, gaw) Bowser: They think they'll catch us with our shields shrunk, but we'll be waiting. Shot 23 - m3 Roy, kirby, gaw Close up on Roy's position from left. (Kirby and gaw get into position, Roy enters frame and turns to face left) Roy: Finally, a plan that involves fighting! MUTE CITY (2:07) Shot 24 - s1 Zelda, yoshi, ness cut off. Shot from right. Yoshi: How can they invade without (interrupting) Zelda: ...they'll use a secret entrance. Shot 25 - s1 Yoshi, doc. Shot from left Yoshi, Doc: What?!? Shot 26 - s1 Zelda Slow zoom on Zelda's face. Zelda: And I guarantee you, it'll be a complete surprise. SCENE 2.3: Homerun Raid Climax (2:14) HRC CHOREOGRAPHY for the hardest ~15 seconds ever low tiers facing left Bowser to left of HRC platform Roy on left edge of HRC platform Kirby behind Roy GAW behind Kirby Shot 1 - m1 -camera attached to falling char above platform, looking down and pans up (to normal) showing the falling Peach holding death veggie ~3 seconds Shot 2 - xl -wider shot of Peach falling, zoom out reveals other 3 high tiers also falling, all holding death veggies. When they line up, all throw down simultaneously. left to right: Falcon, Peach, Marth, Samus ~3 seconds Shot 3 - xl -straight view of platform and its 3 occupants platform low tiers get hit by veggies just before Falcon and Marth land with aerials starting combos aimed at hitting chars to the right Falcon combos Roy (dair > side B > uair > knee) is the combo fast enough? Hopefully it takes Falcon off the platform Marth combos GaW or kirby or both for a little while ~3 seconds Shot 4 - xl -camera looking more to the right, rather close to the platform, see Marth continuing to pummel GAW or kirby. Peach and Samus fall in and hit kirby/gaw off platform to the right. High tiers run off platform to the right as bowser jumps onto left edge of platform (foreground) and dashes a short distance. Falco lands in foreground, Bowser turns around ~3 seconds Shot 5 - L1m1 -camera slightly left-looking. Bowser attacks Falco, is rebuffed and comboed in spectacular fashion, ending with fsmash (timing less important with this shot since it's the last action packed shot, unless timing turns out to fit more in editing) SCENE 2.4: Homerun Raid Denoument Shot 1 - m2-3s1 shot from left underneath right side of platform, bottom of platform barely visible. Some characters fighting on the edge of vision, high tiers pushing low tiers back. Falco walks off platform, lands in foreground crouching. Falco: Falco here, come in Fox. Shot 2 - s1 Close up of Falco, shot from right. Fox: (radio-ified) How's it going? Falco: They're on full retreat. Shot 3 - m1s3 Close up of homerun track, camera moving left. Some low tiers running or being hit to the right, then high tiers running and attacking to the right. Falco: They never stood a chance. Fox: Already? Outstanding! Continue as planned. Shot 4 - s1 Falco close up, crouching. Falco: Got it. FALCON! Shot 5 - s1 shot from above and right, Falco just inside frame on left. Falcon walks onto view as Falco talks. Falco: Time for inventory. See who we've got in here. Shot 6 - s1 Falco face close up, shot from right. Falco: NO FIGHTING. Just straight to the end and back. Shot 7 - s2 Falco, falcon. Shot from left and slightly below so some stretch of track is visible, and platform is visible above falco. Falcon: (grudgingly) All right... (falcon dashes right in to the distance, falco turns and jumps onto platform. fade to black)