SCENE 4: A Warning YOSHI'S STORY Zelda runs by, followed by Doc fighting Yoshi and Ness. Zelda stops Zelda: STOP IT! Stop fighting! They stop and face Zelda. Doc: I’d hardly call this equal time. You’ve been Zelda for too long. Be Sheik again! Zelda: It’s not just TIME! You wouldn’t understand! (goes sulking) Yoshi: I’ve made a bit of a case study on the Zelda/Sheik duality. Time is one factor but there’s also equal influence. Doc: Equal influence? Yoshi: You see, now that Zelda and Sheik are on opposing sides of a conflict, neither wants the other to help. Zelda thinks that by not letting either side have access to her abilities, she’s being equal. Doc: But it’s NOT equal! Sheik is better than Zelda! The low tiers losing Zelda is a small price to pay for the high tiers losing Sheik! Yoshi: There’s also us to consider. None of us are taking part in the conflict at large, so we are also removed from the equation, as it were. Doc: So you’re saying me and Sheik are of equal value to you, Zelda, and Ness? Yoshi: I’m saying Zelda and Sheik think that, in terms of the conflict, yes, you two are equal to our three. Ness: I wouldn’t say that, after all… Yoshi: (interrupting) Are you trying to convince Zelda that the low tiers are benefiting more than the high tiers from us all sitting out? Because if that’s true, Sheik will have to wake up to even things out again. Doc: So what’s wrong with letting her change back and forth? Be Zelda for a bit, fight for the low tiers, then be Sheik for a bit, fight for the high tiers. Yoshi: You’d have to ask Zelda that. Doc: Alright. HEY ZELDA! (he goes over to Zelda) Doc: Why would you rather none of us fight than just let the fighting play out? Zelda: Because… I know what Fox plans to do. You…all of you…think this tier war is just like the others, that it will eventually pass and everything will go back to normal. Doc: …Won’t it? Yoshi: Is it safe for you to tell us this? Will Sheik take over? Zelda: As long as I’m…careful with my wording. Ness: What’s different about this war, Zelda? Zelda: The other tier wars ended gradually, as characters got bored of fighting. Yoshi: Come to think of it, tier wars never end with victory or defeat. They just sort of…fizzle out. And then there's a new tier list. Zelda: This one will have a winner…and a loser. If the low tiers win, the game as we know it will go on as it always has. Ness: …and if the high tiers win? Zelda: … END EP 2 Botom