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Dreamcast Game Reviews

Crazy Taxi

Graphics: By today's standards the graphics look a tad dated. The levels are highly detailed, however, and loaded with people. What they may lack in sophistication they make up in fluidity. Even with 20 people and several cars on the road there is no slowdown at all. An interesting point, this game is unchanged in it's translation to PS2, and Gamecube.

Gameplay: One word, frenzied. This game has the player constantly diving into a tangle of buildings, people and traffic in order to fulfill customers' unreasonable requests for speed and tiome limit. The coolest part is you can bang and beat all you want and your car doesnt take any damage.

Sound: Very well done. The customers have different voices and things they say, as well as the cab drivers. Pedestrians you narrowly miss have things they say too. The music is nice and doesnt get old quickly. All of the cars sound different too.

Price:A lot of bang for the buck. If you are fortunate enough to still have your Dreamcast, you can have the same game as on the PS2 and 'Cube for 15 to 30 bucks less.

Jet Grind Radio

Lest you think we think everything on Dreamcast is good

Graphics: I can't help compairing this to Jet Set Radio Future, which by the way, I love. The graphics on this one are very similar, except the developers were going for an overly cartoony look. In my humble opinion, they went way too far with the cartoony look. The faces of the enemies and of the people in the cut scenes make it impossible to take it seriously. Don't get me wrong, I like the cell shaded look of the actual game, but i cant get passed the big mouthed face of the DJ.

Gameplay: Like i said, I love Jet Set Radio Future, but this stinker controlls like a freight train. You will find yourself ripping your hair out trying to perform even the most simple jump combos. Forget easy to spray grafiti, you have to try and follow arrows in the pattern on the screen to spray any at all. You'll find yourself using all of your paint trying to spray one little tag. Another thing, if these kids are used to running from the cops, why do they skate so slowly? What did they do here, put skates on the "special" class from down the hall, give them paint cans, and set it to music? This game almost made me want to stop playing Jet Set Radio Future.

Sound: The sound is the part that really makes the rest of this game seem so bad. The music and voice overs are so well done you wonder what they are doing here. It's a wonder a sequel was ever made of this.

Price: 2-3 bucks. Only waste your money on this is you are trying to build up a video game collection.

Nightmare Creatures 2

Graphics: Beautiful. Simple as that. The graphics are probably the best that ever came out for the Dreamcast. Good lighting effects and chilling images will ensure some of you have nightmares afterwards (Shannon).

Gameplay: Some of the coolest for the Dreamcast. You play an ax-wielding maniac, literally. The creatures that drove you insane in the first game, are back and have taken the people that were taking care of you. You cant get any better than that.

Sound: Again some of the best for the Dreamcast. It'll make the hair stand up on the back of your neck.

Price: Dreamcast=bargain bin.

Shadow Man

Graphics: These could be early Playstation 2 graphics. For a Dreamcast game, an awful lot of work went into making this one look good. Lighting effects look right, the character moves much more fluidly than in a lot of newer games, and a high level of detail went into the enemies. Even if it's mostly disturbing, the visuals are very easy on the eyes.

Gameplay: Unfortunately, this is where the game kinda falls short. Shadow Man is a fun game, but just doesnt reach the level of Soul Reaver. The premis is similar, Shadow Man and his real world counterpart can trade back and fourth through the game, but unlike Raziel, shadow man can be killed in the Outworld. Also, as if they needed to add an extra level of frustration to the mix, Shadow Man shares a life bar with his real life self, so as soon as you are killed in real life and sent to Outworld, if fate deals you a cruel hand, you can find yourself killed as soon as you enter. The only saving grace is shadow man comes right back after being killed, and while you'll have to retrace alot of steps from the check point, all the enemies you killed will stay gone.

Sound: The voice acting and music in Shadow Man are nice as well. Again they dont reach the level of Soul Reaver, but that can be forgiven. All in all, the sound works nicely and is at least enjoyable, if not disturbing.

Price: even more bargin bin than Soul Fighter, at least you can find a copy of Soul Fighter in the used bin with a case.

Sonic Adventure

Graphics: This was one of the games that came out for the launch of the Dreamcast. Even so, these are some really good Dreamcast Graphics. The levels are colorful, vibrant, and loaded with details.

Gameplay: Sonic Adventure features rock solid gameplay that works the way you'd expect it to. The levels mainly consist of survive the level, but a few side games break things up nicely. Only the Sonic levels are really fun, and the Big the cat levels are madeningly boring. But over all. this is a game well worth buying.

Sound: Truely some of the best out for the Dreamcast. Sonic has never been a slouch on the sound department. but this is probably the best to date. The music is very nice and you'll enjoy just listning to it. Fortunately, the sound is convieniently available to listen to from the game menu.

Price: 5 bucks or less. Dont expect it to be easy to find though, it may be easier to buy it for the Gamecube.

Soul Fighter

Graphics: Bright colorful, and well rendered. One has to take into account that this is an early Dreamcast game, so don't expect to see something special here.

Gameplay: an old fashioned brawler. If you liked Streets of Rage on the Genesis, you'll love this 3d update on the genre.

Sound, As you'd expect from a game early in a consoles life, nothing special. The best word to describe it is adequate.

Price: Bargain bin, even for the Dreamcast.

Soul Reaver

Don't Fear the Reaver!

Graphics: The graphics in Soul Reaver are very nice for the Dreamcast. Nice lighting effects are found throughout, and character models show a lot of work and attention to details.

Game play: Unlike in some other games i could mention, just as much work seems to have gone into Game play as into graphics. Levels are expansive and there is a free roaming ability seldom found. All in all, the reaver makes for a fun, playable game.

Sound: Voice acting is spectacular. sounds are nice to listen to, and add to the realism.

Price: This is a Dreamcast game. Bargain bin.