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GameCube Reviews

Animal Crossing

Where something happens everyday whether you're there or not!

Graphics: This game has relatively decent graphics, however if that kind of thing is what you are looking for, look somewhere else. The games' graphics could have easily been simulated on the N64, but the gameplay makes up for it.

Gameplay: The gameplay is VERY well thought through and has a whole slew of things to accomplish and do throughout the day, not to mention the pleasing thought of being able to decorate your house with anything from a backyard theme to a Christmas theme to an entirely pink theme. The only downside is that the time in the game runs the same way as your clock at home, so you'll find yourself saving the game and resetting the clock multiple times. However, the animals are friendly (most of the time) and really I just wish Harvest Moon were more like this. I must forwarn you though, this game is ADDICTIVE!

Sound: Not much to say here except that when K.K. sings he sounds like a cartoon dog (which he is) and the music that you can get to play in your house sounds really good. Not bad considering there are only 2 sound settings: Monoaural, and Stereo.

Price: Varies, but I bought mine for 24.99. It was totally worth it!

Blood Omen 2

Graphics: Dont let anyone tell you different... bar none, best of gamecube. these graphics rival anything on the X-box. right down to shaddow effects on walls you can barely see. alot of work went into every aspect of this game, and it really shows.

Gameplay: easy to learn, hard to master. Kain levels up in health as he goes so it gets easier to kill enemies, but the challenge is never lost. each enemy has 1 unblockable attack to keep you from getting too confident. Bosses can be very hard almost maddening, but something about Kain will keep you coming back for more. Plus, it's just plain fun to be a bad guy.

Sound: Very nice, almost eerie. The music is almost nice enough to listen to by itself. Kain's voice shows power and leadership and is great to listen to.

Price: 30 bucks or less, dont pass it up.

Darkened Skye

Graphics: These are some of the best PS2 graphics I have ever seen. Unfortunately, this is a Gamecube game. Dont get me wrong, the graphics are pretty and the character is a real hottie, they just could have been a little better. However, what may be lacking in looks, this game more than makes up for in every other aspect.

Gameplay: One of the best for the 'cube. Challenging game play, but no puzzle is too hard if you give it a little thought. The gags, jokes and one liners are very funny. This game will keep you laughing. This is a real must have for any cuber. I can't believe this one snuck in under the radar. Skye has classic gaming girl potential.

Sound: Very good for the 'cube. Again, something the designers didn't slouch on. Funny jokes and sarcasm you have to pick up. You can hear enemies far enough away to prepare for attacks. You got to hear it to believe it.

Price: 20 bucks or less, cant go wrong.

Freaky Flyers

Graphics: I don't know what crack people smoke talking about this game, but i bet it costs a lot. This game has beautiful, detailed graphics. Sure the character may look cartoony, but i can name another cartoony game cube game, reviewers raved about being the best out! But i wont stoop to naming names *coughzeldacough* we all know I'm above that sort of thing. Cartoony though they may be, they are very, very well done. This game is better than looking at the cartoon network, graphically speaking.

Gameplay: If you give this one a chance, you'll be playing this one years from now. Freaky Fliers is easy enough to keep playing, but challenging enough to keep you wanting to play. The planes control very well, not "realistically" it seems video game designers forget you have a game cube controller, not a joystick, throttle, and foot pedals. Freaky Flyers, on the other hand, plays like you are (gasp) using a game controller. Someone had the stroke of genius to realize a console game is played with that consoles controller. It's about time.

Sound: Good music, entertaining dialogue that DOESN'T get old, and a sarcastic commentator make for great sound. All of the planes and guns sound different. Ambient sounds from the track only add to the experience.

Price: This game is in that weird bracket, new but has crappy reviews....50 to 10 bucks normally.

By the way, you can tell when I don't think a game had a fair shake by the amount I write.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Graphics: The graphics are mostly cutting edge for cel-shaded movements. It’s very easy to look at, but lacks the dimension you would expect from the previous games.

Gameplay: Most of you have probably read Wind Waker’s reviews in other magazines or websites, but since we have no numbers... it’s time to tell the truth. This is a great game, however, I personally do not feel that it is in any way perfect the way that the magazines would have you think. The gameplay mechanics are a tad off since there is so much you have to do and that you have to do it with. I have found more than a few bugs in the game of which I will not be going through all of them. I will, however, give you a few.

1. Almost every time I tried to roll into the big tree at Windfall Island I actually rolled through it.

2. The first time I got the Master Sword I was disconcerted to find that I had to restart my game, because the computer wouldn’t give me the Master Sword.

3. When walking up the stairs in the Forsaken Fortress, I fell out of the world and had to start at the beginning.

Some of the bugs are big ones that will ruin your game, some are just minor annoyances. Just thought you should know.

Sound: It has the surround capability, but some of the music (*cough*cough* the sailing music. *cough*..) gets extremely annoying.

Price: I bought this game at a great bargain from my little brother ($20). Most of you won’t have that luxury. You’ll end up paying $45 - $55, depending where you go.

The Scorpion King

Graphics: Again some really good PS2 graphics on the Game cube. The graphics are really nice but nothing new or exciting for those of you who like that sort of thing.

Gameplay: Again nothing amazing. It'll keep you playing and it's a lot of fun, but there isn't anything here you haven't done before. It is, however, refreshing to have just and old school brawler.

Sound: The sound is very well done. The Rock's voice-over goes well with the game. Enemy sounds are also nicely done.

Price: Worth buying in the 20 dollars or less club.

Sonic Adventure 2

Graphics: If you were a fan of the first Sonic Adventure 2 on Dreamcast, you'll notice a great improvement in visual quality. If you are new to the speedy blue one's second 3D platformer, then you'll be treated to some solid, colorful graphics. The only headache is that you must constantly fight the camera.

Gameplay: The gameplay is very solid and varied. It is important to keep in mind that this game came out when 3D platformers were relatively new. Missions basically consist of survive the level. The character change-up makes for gameplay variation and a constant challenge. What it may lack in depth, Sonic's time tested formula makes up in fun and replay value.

Sound: This part is one of the best in the game. you'll want a soundtrack.

Price: 30 bucks or less.

Soul Calibur 2

Graphics: This game is breathtaking. I still can't get over the lighting effects in this game. It really shows off what the gamecube is capable of. The arenas are great and detailed and fully show off the culture of where in the world that arena is located.

Gameplay: I can honestly say that this is the best fighter I have ever played. Its suprisingly easy to pick up and play but as deep as one would expect from a game so meticulously crafted. The only real problem is that the game cube controller isn’t very well suited for this genre of games, but after a few fights your hands become accustomed to the button placement. Another great thing is that this game can keep you entertained if your playing solo with great modes like weapons master, and head to head is still great if you are playing with friends. This is a must have for a fighter fan or game-cube owner.

Sound: There are too types of sound in this game, the first is the back ground music. The BGM is great. it matches the culture of the arena perfectly and just sounds great, Then there is the voice acting. Remember those old martial arts movies from the 70's? 'nuf said.

Price: This game has been out for a while look for it between 25-20 dollars.

My favorite character: Nightmare