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Playstation Reviews

Blazing Dragons

Graphics: I can't even say it's not bad for its day, because it is. Its the kind of game you'd expect to come out on the Sega Genesis. Yes, it's that bad.

Gameplay: Not easy. Getting around takes some getting used to and knowing where to go is very hard to figure out. The jokes are funny the first time you hear them, but if you don't know what you're doing and you have to go back and talk to people a second, or third, or even maybe more times, the jokes get VERY annoying. This is a fine example of really bad game manufacturing. This game is useable for not much more than a flashy coaster. Please don't waste your time and most importantly your money.

Sound: Very loud sometimes, but mostly muted and foggy.

Price: I really don't like to admit that I actually spent money on it, but I take it as a loss, because it was only 3 dollars.

Clock Tower

Graphics: Well… to put it simple I think the only thing they tried to make look real are the mass of dead bodies, which were only good enough to make you sick to your stomach.

Game Play: Well you spend the whole game running away from the deadly “Scissorman”, and the only way to defend yourself is to either hide or throw something at him. Kind of like a bad horror movie.

Sound: I would have liked to have played it with mute on, but the only way to know when Scissorman is after you is the music change.

Price: Got it for $19 new at EB Games a few years back.

Biggest Gripe: Well, all and all the story line is just plain bad.

Cool Boarders 2


Graphics: Not bad for a PS1 game, but not too perfect either. Every once in a while you'll find parts where you can see the other side of the level through the walls.

Gameplay: Just keeps you coming back for more. Gameplay is so addictive, you'll just ignore the graphics problems and play. My favorite rider is Irin, she's the easiest to handle and she's cute! My favorite feature of this game is Mirror Mode. I like it when you get used to a track so well that you catch yourself up on it by running it in a different way.

Sound: Not too bad, but not too pretty either. Has a really cool soundtrack though.

Price: Used PS1 bin at Gamestop: 10 bucks or less.


Graphics:The graphics in Inuyasha aren't really the strong point. Think old-school, 2d fighter.

Gameplay: If you remember the glory days of the 2d fighting game, this one will bring back some fond memories. Some of us still remember when all fighters were like this, little thought, all action. Buy this one if you like the show or miss the old fighter days.

Sound: Again, this is very old-school. Don't expect realistic sounds. this game is all about the fun factor, not the bells and whistles. Also, all of the voice acting is in Japanese.

Price:20 bucks new, 15 used.


Graphics: The graphics are pretty good when taken into context of being a PS1 game. It features colorful graphics, well rendered but small levels, and well rendered playable characters.

Gameplay: One of the most fun games ever! That is if your idea of fun with a game is using it as a Frisbee or a dog toy or even a coaster. Maybe a little bit more work should have gone into tweaking the control. Reboot is playable and OK to pass the seconds before you put in a better game, but all in all, it seems like the last gasp of air for a TV show I actually liked.

Sound: Surprisingly muffled for a Play station game. The sound is OK but not really up to par even for the PS1.

Price: Were talking about another bargain bin game. Even it's price can't protect this stinker. You may as well, however, keep it since you wont get much for it in trade.

Graphics: Not too bad, could be worse. Like, take for instance, Pac-Man. Awesome for it's time... but just wouldn't be able to cut the mustard now.

Gameplay: This game reeks! Well, I take that back. Reboot could be good to the monkey that's still trying to get out of the first level of Cool World, because that's what they'll be doing on this one, too. Dont get me wrong, I LOVED the show, but the game just doesn't flow as smoothly. In the show you'd usually know what your task is, where to go, exactly what to do when you get there, but not in this case. You don't even know which flying cars are bad ones that you have to shoot down. Pretty crappy.

Sound: We have a 5.1 surroound system. If all you have is the TV speakers, it's not bad. If you are like us, its very muffled and incoherent at times.

Price: Bargain bin. We were lucky we only paid 3 dollars for this, but I think I'll keep it, because it might be a collectors item one day.

Spyro the Dragon

Graphics: Not to shabby for a PS1 game, for it's genre its pretty good. Spyro's fire blast could've used some tweaking though, but it at least LOOKS like fire.

Gameplay: This is a really fun game that's fun for anyone no matter what genre you prefer. Spyro has many things to offer, like his headbutt and flame moves for fighting, it's got the pick-ups and running around for RPG lovers, he glides and flies for those of you who like that sort of thing ( he maneuvers much like an airplane), and its a platformer game for everyone else. If you like Jak and Daxter, you'll love one of the first true platformers for the PS1.

Sound: You'll need to turn up your TV a tad because the sound was recorded lower than broadcast television, but other than that there are no errors. The other (older) dragons are hysterical at times, and the voice actors for them are very realistic.

Price: Bought it used 3 years ago at GameStop for $10, if you can find it now, it'd be used and probably less than that, so pick it up and buy it!


Graphics: They're good for a Playstation game with one exception, the people are freakishly tall.

Gameplay: In this game there are 3 fighting modes, duels, group fights, and large scale battles. In duels and the large battles are all too easy. The group fight are too hard, I mean you can have up to six people in your party. The only down side to this game is getting all 108 charters to get the best ending.

Sound: Some of the background music is ok, other then that don’t expect too much.

Price: Paid $19 new at EB Games.