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Saturn Reviews

Black Dawn

Graphics: They're pretty good when you’re in the air, but when you got close to land every looks like looks like stacked boxes. But that’s easy to overlook considering you spend most the time in the sky.

Gameplay: It may take a little time to get use to the controls at first but it’s fairly easy. There are a few different types of missions including hostage rescue, retrieval, and search and destroy. What I like most about this game is the wide range of weapons, every thing from machine guns to tactical nukes.

Sound: Not to shabby, of course it hard to mess up the sound of stuff exploding.

Golden Axe: the Duel

Graphics: Not to good, not to bad, seems to fall right on a median.

Gameplay: Not to bad for a fighting game, it’s kind what might happen if “Street Fighter” got mid-evil.

Sound: I think the background music is annoying.

Biggest grip: some of the special moves need so many moves they're almost imposable to do


Graphics: The best I’ve seen on Saturn yet. Water, trees, buildings they all look almost real.

Gameplay: Since it’s a port of a computer game your stuck with a little pointer hand. This game is full for puzzles to keep one thinking, in fact every thing you do (except walking) involves some sort of puzzle.

Sound: There's no music in Myst so they really out did them selves on the sound effects. You can hear the sound for running water, wind blowing even the sound of bugs.

Biggest Grip: this game has a lot of books in it you have to read, that’s not the bad part; all the writing is in the fancy pants handwriting.

Price: $10 new at EB games

Nights: Into the Dream

Graphics: Not too bad as Saturn graphics go, but you have to remember it takes place in dream world so expect a lot of bright colors, it can hurt you eyes after a while of playing.

Game Play: Well it works best with the 3D controller, but even with out, it’s great fun. It’s almost like a flight simulator, but in a dream world. The only hard part of the game is some of the bosses, other then that the games a breeze.

Sound: Never paid much attention to the music, but it did have some good if not funny sound F/X.

Price: Got it for $28 new at EB Games, back when Saturns were still in business.

Biggest Gripe: Your timed so you don’t really have time to explore the level.

Norse by Norsewest: Return of the Lost Vikings

Graphics: Graphic wise it looks a lot like the first one that came out on SNES.

Gameplay: Sort of an action puzzle game. You play as three of the Vikings, (the friends,) trying to exit the level with every one alive. You need to switch charters a lot in this game, but at the same time you have to split up a lot. Keeping an eye on every one can be a bit difficult.

Sound: The sound effects aren’t too bad but the music is something else. At times it’s funny other times it’s nice music.

Biggest Grip: some levels need you to switch between charters so fast you almost need a 2nd person to help.

Price: $15 new at EB games

Virtual On

Graphics: Every thing looks like blocks, which works well for this game. All the fighters are giant robots.

Gameplay: A fairly easy fighting game. After getting the controls down there’s not much to it. All but maybe one of the last enemys has an IQ that can only be rivaled by a rock

Sound: This game has sound? Well not quiet that bad but almost

Price: $5 used at a yard sale.