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Toon World


Feel free to look around my site. You may download from the downloads page and take pictures from the pictures page but please do not take anything else.

If anyone wants a challenge or needs me to build them a deck, come to the address listed below.

705 N Tibbetts St.
Mt. Vernon, SD 57363
United States

Or if you just want me to make you a list of cards for a good deck. Send me a list of the names of your cards and how many you have of each. I will send a deck list back to you. This is absolutely free and there are no strings attached. If your deck is good enough, I may even add it to the Deck Depot.

They might not know it, but I am an affiliate for Yu-Gi-Oh! Realms,

[Home] [Action Replay Codes] [Game Shark Codes] [Strategies] [Deck Depot] [Gallery] [Downloads] [Forum] [Links]

If you have anything I don't and want it posted or just want some feedback, please send it to me. To do so, click here.