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So you've joined the militia, and wonder what exactly it takes to get promoted. Doing your basic job as a member of your platoon will result in eventual promotion - but you won't get to be a general that way, and any promotions you do get will come slowly. Promotions generally come with regular excellent performance and excelling in tactics or excellent performance in various normal areas, such as scouting.

For the first few ranks, however, you are learning how to work in the militia. As a private and Private First Class, you are expected to spend most of your time simply learning how raids work, your duties doing them, and performing them well.

As a Private First Class and Lance Corporal, you are generally expected to start learning how to take on the duties of an XO/CO. It is recommended that, for the first few times, that the other officer be a more experienced militia member who can teach you the basic responsibilities that you will carry. Now is also an excellent time to find all the black materia monsters, if you haven't already. Ask over mooc, and someone should help you find all the ones you can't locate yourself.

Generally, everyone will get through Coporal and to Drill Sergeant by performing their duties well and consistently. This is the point where you first gain enough rank for the first wave of badge items, as well as the famous White Gloves. After becoming a Drill Sergeant, you are generally expected to start learning more advanced militia tactics - how to deal with enemy generals and Thorn Lieutenants, start developing your own command style and priorities to deal with during raids, and learning effective ways with which to handle just about any militia monster you come across.

The rest is more or less something you'll have to discover yourself - this isn't meant to be a guide to become a general. It's meant to generally show the increase in what's expected of you as you rise from rank to rank. All that's left to say is that the officers and generals are the leaders of the militia, and should act as such at all times in militia-related activities.