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PS2 Fans not correct?

On this page I am going to talk about the many PS2 fans that put down Microsofts Xbox, maybe because of jelousy? Or do they just hate it? Or maybe they are those Linix Freaks that are anti-Microsoft? I am going to discuss all of the insults or phrases these PS2 Fanboys would usually say about the Microsoft Xbox, then I will shove all what they said about it right back in their face. I will give facts that prove all what the common Ps2 fanboy would say about the xbox is not true. Feel free to use these facts to show your PS2 fanboy friends or foes, and they should not even talk about how the Xbox sucks again! It's all in pure reason and mind.

One more thing......just to let you know, I AM NOT against PS2, infact I have one, I am just an ordinary 19 year old video game fan, and I love all the systems equally. I am doing this artical because I am sick of hearing people saying "Oh, PS2 is better" or "Xbox owns PS2". Now to the facts:

I am now going to state some phrases that your hear from PS2 fans "a lot", then I will put a statement about what they said that will argue against it that is "true".

"Well, all the good games for the Xbox are on PC so xbox sucks!"

-This right here was the basic approach, they stated most good games for the Xbox are on PC too, "BUT" did they state the good games that are on PS2 that are on PC? No they didn't! PS2's Good games such as Grand Theft Auto III and Final Fantasy series are ALL on PC also, even GTA Vice City is coming to PC, so therefor PS2 fans should not even say something like that at all about the xbox because PS2 has the same issues! Each system has its unique games, Xbox has Halo, PS2 has........uh........I am not sure if PS2 has a special game that is ONLY for ps2, it has FF series and GTA, but it is all on the PC too. Therefor the PS2 fans should shut the hell up about this issue.

"Xbox sucks because it doesn't have much games at all!"

-huh? Someone said quantity? I am sure many people have heard the term "quality over quantity". Well there is a larger ammount of games for PS2 "BUT" are most of those games even good or fun to play? The Xbox may not have as much games because it is new in the videogame business, but remember...the Xbox has quite a bit of good games on it just as PS2 does (Not to mention, Halo is the most badass shooter game I have ever played!). Sure PS2 has Final Fantasy, but hell, I may as well buy the PC version considering the PC version is more stable and graphics wise! That goes for GTA games too. Well, I covered this topic well....

"Xbox is a Piece of Junk! And it is too big!"

-This quote would be used by both GCN and PS2 fanboys lol. Well one thing is Xbox is NOT a piece of junk considering it uses todays newest and better technology. Nice graphics, sound, and load time, thanks to the xbox's fast processor, it is nearly double the speed of PS2's Processor and not to mention, the xbox has a better graphics processing unit. Well.....I am pretty sure PS2 Fans enjoy and are use to jaggies (and don't forget laggies when playing online lol). Ok, secondly about the xbox being so big, "IT DON'T MATTER" It is a nice multimedia electronic is just as large as a DVD player, I am sure you don't plan on bringing the xbox with you where ever you go lol. Even if you had to, it wouldn't be so bad! There other day a couple of my friends brang their whole computer with monitor over to my house to have a Counter-Stike LAN Party (Did you know the xbox is getting a special counterstike game that is exclusive to it, and will be online!). Well anyways, the PC is larger than the Xbox, probly twice in size, so then why do they say the xbox is so big? Remember "quality over quantity".

"Well, All Xbox does is fail and get errors"

-This is not true at all! If they say this, they are saying it just because they have nothing else to say about it. I know about 7 of my friends who own an xbox and I have not seen them have any problems with it at all! In the first batch of Xbox's on the first day it was released in stores, there was a few defective ones out of a bunch, same with PS2 on the first day too. Everyone learns from their mistakes! Another thing is that when a PS2 plays DVDs over a long period of time, it will actually wreck the laser in the PS2 and will have impact on the graphics too (NO!!!! I don't need any more jaggies!). The Xbox however does not have this problem, it has been tested too.

"PS2 Online is way better than the Xbox Live service"

-LMAO! NOT TRUE AT ALL! lol! Since I own both systems I have tested each online service for both systems. I found that PS2's servers are hella lot laggy and pretty damn unstable! Not to mention you will be challenging a bunch of slow connections such as 56k (Ow!). For the xbox live online service, you get ZERO (Zip, Null, Notin) Lag and the servers are very stable and anti-hacker. Below I will make a comparison list between the PS2 Online service and the Xbox Online serice:


Built-in Ethernet Port-Yes


Built In HDD-Yes


One Unique Identity-Yes


Account Protection-Yes


World Wide Friends List-Yes


Invite or join friends-Yes


Easy to navigate-Yes


Match Making-Yes


World Ranking-Yes


Ability to play people from Europe and Japan Also-Yes


All games support headset communicator-Yes


Voice Masking-Yes


Content Downloads for most games-Yes


Lag Free-Yes


Better Online games-Yes


More third Party online Support-Yes

"Mech Assult is on PC too, ha ha!"

-LMAO, those idiots! No, Mech Assult is exclusivly for the Xbox, and will not make it for PC, Not to mention it was "published" by Microsoft, it is not third party. Even on the front of the MA box it says "Only for Xbox". Same with Halo or Halo 2, MS has a contract with all of them, and they will not make those games on other systems or the PC.

"Xbox has sucky games"

-Well here is a common one lol. First off the Xbox does not have sucky games at all! It has Halo, Halo 2 will be coming soon, Project Gotham racing I and II, the DOA III and beach vollyball! It also has Mech Assult and Unreal Chapionchip, it has a lot of nice sports games online too! It will be recieving the games that will be the two best RPGs ever, Fable and True Fantasy Online! Both I am sure are online, they are said to be incredible games. Do not forget the awsome Mech game known as Phantom Crash! There are plenty more games I can list, I can list on and on about many good games (Note: I didn;t Include any third Party games in this list). Xbox has many unique games for it unlike the PS2, the PS2 may have the FF series and GTA series, but they are on pc too!

"The Xbox Controller is too big!"

-It may be big, but is very Comfortable, I can play games for hours and not feel any pain in my arm at all. Hey if you are still picky, get the xbox s-controller then, it is a lot smaller too.

"Buying PS2 is more worth it than buying Xbox"

-They are wrong here, for the Xbox you get more for your money! Do you see PS2 coming with a built Hard drive or a network adapter?(Hell NO) Nope, instead you have to pay up 100 bucks and get ripped off. It is not even worth buying the Ethernet Adapter because all online play is pretty much Lag-o-hell. And the HDD is not worth it because most items that you store on it are not even compatible with it! Its like flushing 100 bucks down the toilet (Bill Gates wouldnt mind). Not worth buying the PS2 Adapter and HDD. The Xbox however comes with them built in and is very well worth it, you can store music CDs, game Saves, and downloadable content on the HDD. For the Xbox's built in Ethernet port.....two words "Xbox Live".

"PS3 is going to crush the Xbox Next"

-Trust me on this, they are wrong here again (that seems normal). "Microsoft" made the xbox, you know, one of the best technology based Companies today! The Xbox Next will be very powerful, more powerful than the PS3(I am sure MS will make sure it will be better).

My Conclusion: The Xbox is a very nice system and is worth buying, and has a good ammount of good games that will keep you going! The xbox has more exclusive "smash hit" games than PS2 does. PS2 may have more exclusive games but most of them "suck".

As for sales, I must admit PS2 has sold higher units than the Xbox (DUH, the Xbox came out 1 1/2 years after the PS2 release). "BUT" the Xbox is catching up to the PS2 very fast! The Xbox has already lapped the nintendo Gamecube sales (You know the purple toy with a handle).

In the articals above that you have read, I have shoved the Insults right back in their face using "Pure Reason". Not to mention it was all true too! I must admit the Xbox is worth buying and is better than the PS2 in the Most Possible Ways!

One more thing after conclusion: the Ps2 error or problem report section that states all of the real problems people have complained about their PS2:

-If anyone can tell me why all of my old ps2 games will play first time every time, and I rented a few new ones and they wont play at all, blue and silver bottom. The same deal with DVD's, old dvd's play fine, new ones dont have a chance. I have cleaned out the entire system, baby'd it and all that good stuff, I dont think any of that matters. I think there is a new format for many of the games or a new codec they arent telling us about to try to get us to buy new consoles. Its a conspiracy I tell ya!

-i sometimes have truble with blue disc as well they work most of the time but some time they dont were as psOne games neve work on my ps2 im not happy about that one

-Mine seems to be getting worse, but it only does it on 2 different games THPS4 and Micro Machines, everything else is fine