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Tom Clancy never really goes away. He's always here, making a name for himself in the world of videogames. So, as with no surprise, a third installment of Splinter Cell has been announced, dubbed as Chaos Theory. Again you are in the stealthy shoes of Sam Fisher. He might seem to be getting old, but sure has learned a few new moves.

The story, I'm not sure about. The only thing I've heard is that there are a couple of WMDs and a bunch of terrorists waiting to use them. You as Sam, are ordered to stop them. Sounds pretty simple, but when does stopping the detonation of a couple of WMDs become simple?

Gameplay wise, Sam has learned some new moves, gained better technology for use with his gun, and has finally earned a friggin' knife. Splinter Cell players rejoice, there is a knife. Praise (insert God-like name here).

Aside from the stealth meter that we have come to know and love, comes a sound meter. This implements very well. So if same is near some water fountain, and walks quieter than the fountain, he will not be heard, and no one's the wiser. Remembering I think, the second to last level of Pandora Tomorrow, it was rain soaked and thunder was heard along with splashes of lightning that messed with your night vision. This time, using these meters, Sam can sneak by using the sound of the thunder every few seconds.

Graphics-wise, this baby uses a cooler graphics engine. It uses the normal-mapping technique made famous in Riddick, and uses it very well. The graphics are already better than the first two installments (of SC), and along with ragdolls, and better lighting, this game is to die for.

Already looking like a dream. This is probably the most visceral experience the Splinter Cell franchise has gone through. If all goes well, this is one to look out for when it comes March 2005. I'm saving up money as we speak.

"Again, must use rappelling more".


Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell:
Chaos Theory
Dev: Ubi Soft Montreal
Publisher: Ubi Soft
Players: 1-8 (Xbox Live)



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