Bianca's Journal

Here's a little piece of my unedited life... if you don't like what I have to say don't read it .
I rate my days on a scale of a 1(being horrible) to a 10(being excellent).
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September 3, 2003: (Today was a 9 & the song of the day was: Radiohead "there, there") Its been a long ass time, and just about every damn thing in my life has changed. Sean and I broke up shortly after my last post, I moved out of my apartment (well, was evicted technically) and am now living in the state of florida. Sean and I dont talk anymore, and hes just obviously not mature enough to have a friendship with an ex. I really have no idea why I wasted my time with him, he made me misserable every single day. And i let him do that to me. Not a good cycle. I mean dont get me wrong i loved him and still do, but loving someone doesnt mean you cant really hate them also. The day after we broke up I flew to florida, and decided to move here and proceeded to do so a month later. Now I'm going to school in palm harpor, fl. for dental tech/assisting. DA's make good money even up in new york if i ever wanna go back there, though its highly unlikely. Im living in spring hill, fl its like 50ish miles north of tamp. Its nice down here the people are friendly and there is actually sunshine instead of depressing weather. So anyway im off to school just thought it'd be stupid not to update this since i have the time. ciao!

May 21, 2003: (Today was a 7 & the song of the day was: the Cars "Shake It Up") Well I have just fallen in love with a bunch of little dogs i've found on this website. My favorite is the 2 little chihuahua's right here, scruffy and lolitta . They are sooooo adorable! I really want a dog. Or anoter cat. I guess I just like animals :) Thats about it for today, i'm a little busy. Till next time.

May 16, 2003: (Today was a 5 & the song of the day was: the Used "Burned Myself Alive") Today a few things have been getting to me. For example trying to turn in side out socks the right way with a cut on my finger. And waking up really fucking early to do all the house work around here just so its done before gumpy bear gets home. And there wont be a thank you for me doing 2 loads of his laundry and putting it all away. He'll just complain about work for 5 minutes, see that i dont care and go to bed for 7 hours. Mind you I can't do the house stuff while he's sleeping because he'd be pissed it wasnt done when he came home. And another thing. I'm really fucking tired of let all of my girlfriends borrow my fucking clothes. Because 'Bianca i'm gonna borrow these jeans' turns into me never EVER getting them back. I'm really tired of it. To me if you 'borrow' something and don't return it that becomes stealing. A friend of mine borrow brand new, tags still on them jeans from me. She all of the sudden wants to keep them and says she'll pay me for them. She doesn't, still has them, and had the fucking nerve to tell me to drop off clothes that she had left over my house to her sister. I dont fucking think so. So all my friends reading this, you guys have hundreds of dollars of my clothes and I want it all back. And if its not in the same condition I lent it in your fucking paying me for it. How about that?

May 9, 2003: (Today was a 9 & the song of the day was: the White Stripes "Seven Nation Army") So... i've mostlikely got myself a job . yey!!!! I'll probably be working at the Goshen Planned Parenthood. That'd be so freaking kewl. I'm all about that organization, so lets all cross our fingers. Things with Sean and I have been shakey to say the least. Pretty much everything wrong in his life is my fault. I 'never do dishes or laundry' and hes 'tired of always picking up the fucking slack' well excuse you mr. bigshot. Just because I dont have a penis inbetween my legs doesn't make me his fucking bitch. And plus if he wants to go work and support me and pay the bills, i'd be happy to clean everything myself. If he wants a mother then he needs to move back home with mommy. He also never writes anymore and supposedly it has to do with me and never having alone time. Well before we lived together he never wrote and didnt have a job or a girlfriend. So I think hes just pissed at himself. Plus he works an over night shift, all alone and the work take an hour and a half max to finish, but hes there for like 10 hours a night, maybe if he werent watching tv he'd have time. So whatever, i'm not gonna let him get away with putting it all on me. Co-habitating can suck. I wish i had my own place sometimes or just a girl roommate. I'm about ready to give up on guys. All of them, especially the kind that always seem to plans with me and cancel last minute. You know who you are :p

May 5, 2003: (Today was a 7 & the song of the day was: Tesla "Love Song") Hi kids, I'm back again. I really should update this thing on a regular basis, but sometimes life just gets in the way. A brief re-cap of recent times: On April 28th I saw the Used at the chance and it was just amazing. I'm like in love with Bert McCraken, he's hot in a dirt punk rock kinda way, or maybe i'm just horny and blind lol. Right now just about any fantasy guy would do. Don't get me wrong, I love Sean, a lot, but life with just one person can get dry. In other news I'm just about finished with school!!! yey school sucks. I'm not sure I'll go back next semester. I'm no closer to a degree and cant study what I want so what's the point? The only thing I would really want to do is be an astrologer and the only colleges that I know of offering a degree in that field is in Arizona. Im not sure Arizona is gonna fit in the picture at the moment but maybe in the future? I've always wanted to go out there. I've been hanging out with my friend from the station again. thats been interesting to say the least. I really wanna go to see Poison this summer and I think hes going with erin and jeph (maybe?) and I really REALLY wanna go too. In other music news I've been listening to a buncha new wave recently, Happy Mondays, Joy Division, new Order, ect.. Oh yeah I'm finally closer to getting a job!! For those of you who know about my spending addiction, this is major! i am a few grand in debt already and just bought a pair of $500 Versace shoes yesterday which doesnt help at all, I got them on sale of course (im not on crack, 500$ is more than my freaking rent). They are so pretty that I'm gonna post a picture of them on the site soon. i'm in love with them! I'm probably going to be a receptionist or secretary either with a chiropractors office or this concrete company. Either would be good but the chiropractor is much closer so I'd prefer that job. What else is new... Oh yeah I'm going to the gym everyday now. Sean bought me a membership (xoxox to him) and I've already lost weight. Working out is awesome but I always end up slacking off after 1 or 2 months. I swear I wont do it this time. So I think that's it? Yup i'll post soon again I hope... but who knows mercury is retrograde so perhapse that has prompted my return to my old habits (radio dj's , spending, updating this thing, concerts, hanging out with the warwickians.. ect.) I guess time will tell. Till next time!

April 11, 2003: (Today was a 9 & the song of the day was: Blur "Song #4") A handful of my favorite bands (Elliott Smith, Beck, Radiohead,The Roots, Blur, ect.) are coming together for a weekend camping and music festival 'Feild Day Music Festival' in Long Island, NY on June 7th and 8th!!! I am so excited, I loved Woodstock so much and I'm sure this will be a lot more fun. I can't wait! Ticket prices are a bit steep, $150 p/p, but that's if i camp there. I'm not sure if i'll be doing that because it's $120 if i don't camp and I could just rent a motel with a friend or my boyfriend if he goes and it'd probably be nicer. However I think camping out is half the fun. Well anyway thats why i'm excited. :)

March 20, 2003: (Today was a 7 & the song of the day was: Fiona Apple "Never is a Promise") Holy Crap it's been a year since I've updated this shit. Wow that's amazing... where has the time gone? well let me get to my opinion peice on our war with Iraq and then I'll update about my life.

I think the fact that we jumped so fast to making war with Hussein is due to two distinct problems. The first problem being that since Sept. 11, 2001 our President Bush has been looking for a scapegoat to blame for the attacks. Bin Laden has been no where to be found, and wasted money (our taxes at work) on the Afghanistan anti-Al Qaida missions have failed to produce any leads and instead of trying to spare our deteriorating economy, due in part I’m sure, to increased military spending, he covers it up and blames the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Proof Most Americans are Morons, Survey

The second problem I see with this war is that America is currently in violation of international laws set forth by the United Nations and are in actuality committing war crimes against the Iraqi people because we have no proof of illegal weapons in Iraq and we have failed to find a direct link between Saddam Hussein and the terrorist attacks in NYC and DC. And since we kicked out UN weapons inspector’s, with whom the Iraqi’s had been complying when asked to destroy certain weapons, before they had even finished their assessment, we’ll never know the truth about what they realistically have as far as weapons go. In the process of our going into an unfavorable war we have managed to alienate the whole world (excluding Britain, Australia, and Spain) and turned UN favor on Iraq. . World Protest Story This has been a terrible strategic decision on our Presidents part.

I think it is time we ask ourselves, what are the real reasons we are at war with Iraq? It just seems to me like a modern day holy crusade on the Muslim Middle East, or perhaps to finish the job his father ex-Pres. Bush senior started in the early 90’s. Also I think America needs to seriously look back a few years to our governments treatment of Clinton. If sexual misconduct, officially ‘abuse of power’, are grounds for impeachment of a president then I’m sure committing war crimes, which should also fall under ‘abuse of power’ would be sufficient grounds for getting rid of the tyrant Bush.

Ok so as for how my life is going, its good. really good! lol. I'm in love with my boyfriend Sean who I've been with for a year now. He is a fantastic friend and boyfriend. i love him with all my heart. We live together in Middletown, NY. I'm going to school at a community college up here, which sucks. I'd love to take time off of school and just move around and see shit in this country. Or other countries for that matter. On sunday march 23, 2003 sean and I are going on a cruise! yey! anyone who knows me well enough should know I love going on vacation. Especially to warm places. So yeah thats it for now I promise to update again soon. Probablly after my vacation. Love ya all!!! peace

March 3, 2002: (Today was a 6 & the song of the day was: Weezer "Only in Dreams") AAAAHHHHHH! I have midterms this week!! This semester is going by way too quickly and I'm a little freaked out. And this friday I get to come home for spring break!!! I'm not really that excited to come home because i'll have to see my parents... but i'll have my friends to see and the rest of my non fucked up family to visit. Right now I have a little cold which isnt too cool and my room is hot as fuck and so hummid. Its sickening in here. The guy situation is kind of okay again. I'm not exactly sure of what I think about the new terms of this "relationship" I think i'll have to stick it out and see how I feel about it and if its going anywhere. It kind of sucks because I thought to myself, wow you finally met a nice guy whose not a selfish and fake person who genuinely cares about you also. But now I'm not exactly sure if thats true. Maybe there are really no guys out there that are ment for me. I mean I gave up on guys for a year there and I though I'd gain all this insight and what have I learned? Not very much. Anyway I'm off to the gym.

March 6, 2002: (Today was a 8 & the song of the day was: Depeche Mode "Freelove") Thank god that the math midterm i took tonight was easy. And if you know me well enough youd know math is my weakest subject and it was sooooo freaking easy I dont know if i was just over cocky or really smart but it seriously took me 20 minutes to complete. hot right? yeah so my spring break starts this friday!!! I can't wait to have a week off of school that'll be nice. Hopefully when i get home my 'rents will throw me some cash, im in bad need. been thinking about selling some eggs. yeah i know it sounds funny but guiys sell sperm all the time and i could get 5000$ plus a full medical exam for free and someone who cant have babies gets to have a child. thats pretty kewl right? well i dunno i have to think about it some more or become more broke than i already am before i can truely consider it. I also found out about this awesome internship program in dc that i'm gonna do junior year. Its awesome i get to work for a fucking senator or a judge. How awesome is that shit? Eventually i think I'd like to be a judge. Thatd be a good job yeah anyway i have nothing else to say right now. *im here to bring you free love...* bye bye ya'll

March 18, 2002: (Today was a 8 & the song of the day was: Gorillaz "19 2000") Well I got back really late last night from my spring break. I was in Poughkeepsie seeing Saigon Kick at the chance. John really hooked me up with tix... thanks John!! I actually got to hang out with him which was nice because i hadn't seen him in a long while. I had a really good time at home and got to hung out with another old friend which was a lot of fun hehh. And I saw the regulars at the shack and hung with my erinimal and danimal :). OMG Tom Green is coming back to mtv!!! i cant wait. I just love him. Very much the opposite of my feelings currently for someother ppl but whatever... And the Osborns are on tonight, thats like my new favorite show, that family is hilarious. Ok well i'm off to go persue other indevores at the moment. Duce!

May 2, 2002: (Today was a 9 & the song of the day was: Blue Oyster Cult "Don't Fear The Reaper") WELL LONG TIME NO POST... i bet you're wondering to yourself 'self.. where has bianca been and why isnt she updating often?'. Well good news is all is alright with me for the moment, health is good, love life is well and friends are all in order. Bad news is same as usual there is really nothing going on that is super exciting in my life. Love life isnt something i want to elaborate on until I have it all figured out. School is coming along just fine... I'm stressing a bit over finals and crap but ill be fine. Soon I'll be home for the summer and im sure thatll be the cats meow... mostly everything is as usual. Yup all i got to say for this second... i'll update again when i have some real news. And hey if you're mr dj guy from po-town call me jerk!! lol j/k i never hear from you and you know who u are~ bye now

here are my old February journal enteries

here are my old January journal enteries

here are my old December journal enteries

here are my old November journal enteries

here are my old October journal enteries

here are my old September journal enteries

here are my old August journal enteries

here are my old July journal enteries

here are my old June journal enteries

here are my old May journal enteries

here are my old April journal enteries

All opinions expressed on this page are that of Bianca Brandt. No one should copy, print or reproduce anything writen here with out her concent. If you disagree with these opinions DON'T READ, and stop coming back for more!