My August Journal

August 1, 2001: (Today was an 8) nothing much happened today. I went shopping yet again! I bought sneakers and and buncha bedding for my college room. Yeah God soon I'll be going away to school. Scary shit dude! I have an appointment next week to get root canal... oh boy i can't freaking wait. lol. What I need today now is get drunk and get laid maybe??? Sounds good right? I thought so!

August 4, 2001: (Today was a 7) I've been busy packing up my room. I have so much crap in here its unreal. Tomorrow is my bday.. *woohoo* . Yeah I still have nothing to do for the day, perhapse I'll go get my tattoo. I'm really scared about it. i think its gonna hurt a lot but I really want it so I guess its all good. I wonder what the heck I'm doing tonight.. I think I'm going back to the "Roofathon" that WPDH is doing. I went last night and got to hang on the roof with all the dj's and morning ppl. But tonight I'm supposed to go with John tonight... heheh it'll be a lot more fun with him I'm sure :) . I've been listening to my old alanis morrisette cd. jagged little pill... i remeber when this came out and I knew all the songs... lol... god that was a whil ago I guess. My favorite song on the cd is still "Perfect" reminds me of my relationship with my parents. Yeah riiiiiight... my house is empty. There is literally a mattress in my mom and dads room... a tv a chair... a dinning room table w/ 2 chairs and then there is my messy room. This is crazy I hate moving around I need to get rid of half the shit I have because its just a burden... I have so much clothes its just unreal. My room has more clothes in it than all my friends rooms, combined. Its pretty bad I guess u could call me a shop-a-holic. its sad I know but what can I say i like clothes. i don't wear about 3/4 of this stuff... 1/2 of it is winter stuff and the other 1/4 is just junk that I have no use for and need to either give away or sell or something. yeah I'm just babbling on here. boring right? not like anyone actually reads thuis bull shit anyway. well kids I'm OTFD... see ya wish me a *happy* birthday!!!!!

August 5, 2001: (Today was an 3) As far as birthdays go this one has sucked ass. I didn't do anything fun and the only person who even got me anything was John. Not even my parents got me anything. I had a tattoo done on my lower back and it hurt like a bitch and I swear to god I will never ever get inked again!!!! This shit feels like I have sunburn really badly. At least it looks kewl. Oh well... yeah so I spent a few hours getting my tattoo done and walking around the mall with erin and geri and then after that I was on my own. After that I tried napping, didn't fall asleep and decided not to waste my entire day and took a ride back over to the mall. Walked around, by myself thank you, and after an hour of that decided to see a movie, alone. Then drove my pathetic ass home. Got a message that there is a party at a friends house, tell my mom I'm leaving to go to the party and she fucking tells me I'm not allowed to go. Its only 11pm and I am sitting home again, bored and lonely, depressed, and pissed off. Happy fucking birthday Bianca. And to all my friends who so graciously ditched me thank you. Who needs friends to ignore you and dis you when u can do it yourself. GOODNIGHT!

August 6, 2001: (Today was an 8) So I guess I was in a bad mood yesterday. lol. I'm a bit better today. The heat is getting to me I think. I have the AC blasting at the moment but it was sweltering out today. Last night I went to an interesting party. Sneaked outta my house, had a few beers and wine coolers, chatted with some totally stupid drunk kids. All in all it was fun. My tattoo is looking good. I'm glad I got it done but I still don't think that I'm gonna want another piece, but other people insist I will. I guess tattoos are addictive. Who knows? Yeah so i got a cell phone today. YEY!!! People can find me now! Yeah so ummmmmm i guess I'm gonna go dye my hair all black, slap some self tanner on my white ass and chill... see ya!

August 10, 2001: (Today was an 10) I had a good day today. Had a fun time at a friends party, plenty to drink, saw all my good friends, and spent the whole night with the guy I adore. How much better does it get?

August 11 & 12, 2001: (was a 4) God am I beat?! Listen to my schedule the past few days... Friday night I got about 5 hours of sleep.. from 3am till about 8am...went home at 10. Showered, dressed, packed, met my friend at the bus stop in town at 10:45. Bus left at 11 and didn't get to NYC till 1pm. We had lunch at a pizza place in the port authority, then took the A train at 1:30 to her appartment in Queens. Didn't get to her place till 3. Got ready for this concert we were going to at Jones Beach. Her sister picked us up at 4 and drove us to Mineola to catch the Long Island Railroad from there. We got to Mineola at 5. Walked around for 1/2 hour trying to figure out what to take. Decided to take a bus instead at 5:30, switched buses at 6 and got to Jones beach at 6:30. Concert started at 7, we endured 3LW, Dream, Eve, Nelly, and finally Destiny's Child and it was all over at 11pm. We waited on line for the bus till 11:30. Got to the LIR station in Freeport at 12:15, waited there till 1. Got the train, switched to the J train in Jamacia, Queens at 1:20. Took that to B'Way station in Queens and got on the A train at 1:40. Took that 1/2 way to her place, but then we had to get off and take a shuttle bus at 2:15. We got to the connecting train at 2:45. Finally at 3:30 we got to her appartment! Then her sister called and said she'd pick us up to go back upstate in the morning. So we went to sleep and her sister picked us up at 6 am! I ended up driving thru the city cause her sis was sloshed and I didn't get home to my bed until 8am. I just slept till 1:30 pm and now I'm just chillin. Long night and day... so I'm beat.

August 16/17, 2001: (today was a 4) Tonight was the ledgendary Dan Lackaye's last over night on WRRV. It was just as heartbreaking for myself as it was for the thousands of other Dan fans who gathered around their radios with their families close at side and heard the magestic Lackster sign off from his final 12-6 shift. It was a teary experience for myself and my comrade Erin, aka Skyler. Miss Skyler has been a fan and friend of his from the beginnig. Erin, i feel your pain. Oh well atleast we got to see Dan and the ever so sexy Tigman tonight/last night (however u wanna look at it time wise)... made it worth it. Well young Dan Lackaye fare thee well! peace out homeslices.

August 17, 2001: (today was a 7) Well in one week I'll be at school. I'm really excited(99.9%).. and tiny bit nervous(.1%). I'm looking forward to hanging out with my roommamtes Jen and Kylie. I think we're gonna have a great time. I'm really going to miss my friends and my family a whole lot. I'm gonna miss my dog Chloč and WPDH and WRRV because I'm pretty sure they don't come in down there. I'm really gonna miss John, but I'm sure I'll see and talk to him as much as I do now. I'll be about the same distance from him down there, if not closer. I hope everyone comes and visits me, its not like I'm moving across country but this is my first time living away from home. Barely any rules to follow, no mom nagging me, no curfew to break... it'll be crazy. I'm hoping crazy in a good way. But I guess I'll have to figure it out as I go. Riiight so anyway here's to the next 4 years! Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it. :)

August 28, 2001: (Today was an 8)Hi everyone. Long time no type!!! Life here at Purchase hasn't been half bad. The food is deccent, the people I've met are kewl, and the partys have been raging. Have yet to get drunk here... I'm a little nervous about that for some reason. I'm coming home this weekend !! I'll be home on Saturday the 1st sometime in the morning or afternoon or so. And I'm probably be staying until Monday afternoon. Friday night I'll be seeing WASP at the Chance so that should be exciting. I had to change my schedule here at school and now the class I transfered into had its time changed. It sucks. I was supposed to have this class tuedays and thursdays at 9 am until 10:30 am. But now its been switched to 4:30-6 pm!!! It sucks so now I have 3 classes in a row. Starting at 1:30-2:50 then 3-4:20 and 4:30-6. This is gonna be hell but I guess I'll just have to deal with it. I'm looking forward to coming home though. i need a little bit of a break from my living situation here. I'm gonna be staying at my grandmas house instead of my parents new place because I don't actually have a bedroom there. And my grandma will be away for the weekend but suggested I just stay at her place to be comfortable. I wanna go buy some clothes when I'm home. i really do actually need more stuff its strange. Well since I've been here I've lost 5lbs. I've just been running all over school like chicken without a head and sweating my butt off thanx to no air conditioning. But yeah I'm really missing everyone a ton! Seriously I can't wait to see my mom and dad and dog and my erinimal and danimal and all my other pals and my aunt and uncle and cousin bae-corine. And I'm even planning on seeing john friday night :) . Haven't seen him in what feels like a month. I really miss him and not being able to hear him on the radio sucks too. But anyway I'll stop complaining, see ya all this weekend. Call me ppl!!! please!!! 914 251 7243!!!!!

August 30, 2001: (Today was a 9) I went to Rye playland to go meet up with john for the dennis deyoung concert. In case you don't know dennis is in the band Styx. Well it was a pretty kewl show. I had a good time with Sara and Chris, 2 girls that live on my hall. And then on our way home we got lost. It sucked. The way there only took us like 7 minutes to get there. But the way home took like 30 minutes. LOL oh well we had fun anyway. Haven't had much time to write in here even though we got the ethernet hooked up in our room. I had to read the entire book of genesis from the bible for a class i have today. Doesn't that suck?! But anyway I'm gonna go off and do my thing. Bye Bye now

here are my old February journal enteries

here are my old January journal enteries

here are my old December journal enteries

here are my old November journal enteries

here are my old October journal enteries

here are my old September journal enteries

here are my old August journal enteries

here are my old July journal enteries

here are my old June journal enteries

here are my old May journal enteries

here are my old April journal enteries

All opinions expressed on this page are that of Bianca Brandt. No one should copy, print or reproduce anything writen here with out her concent. If you disagree with these opinions DON'T READ, and stop coming back for more!