My Decenber Journal

December 1, 2001: (Today was an 6 & the song of the day was: The Beatles "In My Life") hello... todays been kinda blah. It has all the makings of an awesome day but its been a bit dry. Its beautiful outside. Probably about 60 degrees, and its the 1st of december. Amazing huh? Probably the warmest december on record. Well i'm a bit sad about George Harrison dying. Its not like I'm a huge Beatles fan but I really appreciate how great of a band they were. And the impact they have had on modern music. Well bless him and his family. I spent most of today just hanging around, as usual. Listened to music, played snood, hung out with my boys down the hall, applied for a job, took a shower... yeah you heard me right. I'm gonna get a JOB! LOL well i applied at a few summer camps to be a sleepaway camp counselor. That'd be a kewl job. I like kids and I could use the money. This is how my summer is looking so far... get done with classes around the middle of may... leave at the end of may for ibiza spain stay there for 10 days... come home, get packed for camp go to camp and then come home and pack up for school again. Sounds good, especially cause the job pays 1,600$ for 8 weeks. And my buddy Erin W. called me today and told me she has tix for the Britney Spears concert on wednesday night!!! heheh I'm not a huge Britney fan but I like her enough to go to the show. Shes pretty hot and music isn't so bad, plus O-Town is opening for her. Sounds like it'll be a fun night heheh. Well yeah thats my life for now. Gonna go and see what I can find to eat, I haven't ate a thing yet and I'm starving. Ciao!

December 3, 2001: (Today was an 9 & the song of the day was: David Gray "Sail Away") Today has been nice so far... I updated al around my webpage and school is almost over for the semester and I have no classes today becuase its monday. How kewl is that? yeah bellieve me its pretty kewl. I'm super hyper and I've been sitting here editing this thing for like 2 hours now, so I'm a bit sick of it so I'm gonna go a do other stuff now. But yeah its only 2 days until Britney and O-town , oh baby! ADIOS!!

December 6, 2001: (Today was an 6 & the song of the day was: Britney Spears "Slave for You") Well Last night I went to the Britney Spears concert. It was pretty darn kewl. O-town and Britney are hot in person... yup yup. I think Brit lipsings and o-town cant sing for shit. But once again their looks made up for it hehh. Our seats were in the nose bleed section... and i'm affraid of heights so that part sucked. Yeah man I have a fucking bad headache. need to sleep... bye bye

December 7/8, 2001: (Today was a 10 & the song of the day was: Back yard Club "Party in the Ghetto") Friday and saturday fucking rocked! I went with my buddy erin w to this bar Viva Tequilla in midtown manhattan. This bar fucking rocks my balls off... if i had any. I got soooo plastered and found my new favorite drink, amaretto sour. Yummmmy its so good and has so much alcohol in it. Anyway I had a shot of tequilla, rum and coke, white russian, shot of vodka, another shot of tequilla, amaretto sour, another rum and coke and then i just lots track... heheh it was pretty freaking fun. So yeah I was dancing a lot with random guys and then one of the guys we were hanging out with started dancing with me and next thing ya know we're making out... and then we stumbled home and one thing lead to another and we totally fucked on erins bathroom floor... hehe how ghetto is that??? heheh it was so much fun. What a release!

December 12, 2001: (Today was an 8 & the song of the day was: Radiohead "Paranoid Android") I've been doing a lot of thinking lately... I know, I know its a little scary when Bianca starts to think but I had to get those gears in my brain moving. Well I've been thinking that I'm going to stop being so good all the time. I live 1/2 my life trying to impress people. Weither its my parents or family or friends or complete strangers or assholes I went to high school with. But I don't want to be like that anymore. I just want to enjoy the life god gave me and make the best of it. Right now I really don't think Purchase College is really the school for me. At least academically speaking. Unfortunately I find the classes pretty hard. So I think I'm going to be transfering to either Queens College, Hunter College or going to community college for the next year. I'm just going to tell my mom not ask her. And thats what I'll do. Hopefull she'll support it, if not I have to go at this all by myself. And also I'm going to have more fun with more guys. Its fun and its not like its harming me really. I'm safe and having fun. Whats the big deal. Right? Right!!

here are my old February journal enteries

here are my old January journal enteries

here are my old December journal enteries

here are my old November journal enteries

here are my old October journal enteries

here are my old September journal enteries

here are my old August journal enteries

here are my old July journal enteries

here are my old June journal enteries

here are my old May journal enteries

here are my old April journal enteries

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