My July Journal

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July 3, 2001: (Today was a 9) Well I've been neglecting this page a little bit lately. Saturday night at the carnival I sprained my ankle and haven't really been that mobile since. I'm on crutches, or at least supposed to be. But I've been hobbiling around with out them lately. Tody its feeling a whole lot better than it's been. I'd say its to about 75% better... so by the time its sunday (party day) i think I'll be feeling fine. Yesterday I had a lovely trip to the dentst to have my teeth cleaned. I had dntal x-rays doe because I thought I had 1 cavity and the dental hygenist agreed with me... next thing i find out i have 10(!!!!!!) cavities. Doesn't that suck?! So i had 4 filled and i have to go back for a few more visits. If only we had dental insurance. My trip yesterday costed my mom and dad $500. Oh well, whatcha gonna do? I feel so dirty... ick 10 cavities. My dentist said its because i didn't get all my loride treatments when i was a kid. I love floride treatments. I had one yesterday, raspberry flavor is my favorite. I'd dying my hair at the moment and have left the dye on for 10 minutes more than I'm supposed to so perhapse I should motivate myself and go to wash this shit out. I'll update some more soon. 5 days till my party!

July 5, 2001 : (Today was a 7) Last night I went to a party at Steve's house. We had some fun... a few drinks... some food.... fireworks.... rain. It was great. I have a billion mosquito bites all over me. It itches like a bitch. Maybe I'll get west nile. I'm supposed to be getting dressed right now.... but I'm to lazy to get going with my day. I can't wait till sunday. I wonder how many ppl will actually show up. how drunk i'll get, and if any ppl get in fights. But mostly I'm looking forward to seeing john. Haven't seen him in over a week. I think I'm gonna go insane. But he's a very busy guy. Can't wait till next year I can actually be a very busy person at school. Except for the weekends. My schedual kicks ass. My last clas of the week is over at like 3pm and my first class of the week is tuesday at 9am. So I have a long weekend every weekend. Lots of partying... I can still drive up to Warwick and Po-town and still manage to keep a normal life. It'll be great. College is also good for another thing besides learning... guys!!! There are always tons of them. I love guys... and I figure lots of guys + me = good combination. ya know what i mean??? probably not. sorry... lol well I can officially say I'm a law student now!!!!!! kickass isn't it? My moms all like telling her friends, "Well my daughters studying law" heheheh it makes me sound smart or something.... well anyhow I'm gonna go drop my mom off someplace very special (AA) just kiddding...... see ya peeps!!! 3 days till my grad PARTY!!!!

July 8, 2001 : (Today was a 10) ALL in all i had a pretty good day today. It was my party day. Not a heck of a lot of my "friends" showed up but a lot of my moms friends showed up. I got over $1,500 is cash plus gifts and jewelry. I made out like a bandit. I had fun, wojo DJed and I had a buncha jello shots so everything went well. And john came!!! which made me really happy. hahahah i love it when he comes.... that sounds so wrong :) . But anyway I could have sworn I updated this thing last night.... hrmmmmm very very weird. oh well my ankle is killing me and Im mad tired so I'm gonna hit the hay. Night night all. *kisses*

July 10, 2001 : (Today was a 7) Well so far I haven't done much today... paid that ticket... went grocery shopping... chopped off all my hair... hrmmm that's about it. Sorry to all the people who my friend and I called or pranked. It was funny at the time. Now I realize that it was really immature and makes me seem like i'm 14. So my deepest apologies go out to all. I went out to dinner last night... was pretty good. And tonight I believe I am going out to the movies. Yeah sounds fun huh?? And on friday I think I'm going to go see Dexter freebish. But anywho that's all i have to say about anything. see ya. sorry again... especially to john!

July 11, 2001: (Today was a 6) I dunno... i had a weird day today that I feel like sharing. I was told I was stupid today, among other rash insults I traded with someother person(who shall remain nameless) and then I thought about it. I know I'm not dumb or anything... but the fact that I never, until now, looked at my life and realized how lucky I am and how I should enjoy every minute of it. I am beyond lucky, I'm gifted, intellegent, attractive, have tons of great friends and family... and for igoring all that I have been stupid. I have been really blind and self absorbed.. and mean. And I want to stop that and enjoy my life... every single minute of it. Not spend it hung up on someone or something or some idea that doesn't care for me. Seriously life is too short and I am too good of a person to do that. So yeah I dunno what this all means but I do know that I will be having way more fun soon and will be way more laid back and relaxed. and besides it's the summer! and the living's easy!!!

July 12, 2001 : (Today was a 11) I think someones been slipping me happy pills or something. I've been in a super mood lately. Actually I think it's because I stopped taking the med's that I usually take everyday. Last time I stopped taking them I noticed a mood change also. Hrmmm... maybe I should consider staying off of them completely... they give me prema PMS. Wow aol im is soooooo annoying... these stupid ppl i used to talk to a year or 2 ago won't leave me alone. It's mad annoying! I have so much energy and have been dancing around my room all day listening to Boston and Def Leopard. Such happy music. Tomorrow night I'm going to see Dexter Freebish (if my mom is a dear and lets me drive). Should be exciting. What's with people and asking me what kind of job I have??? Or if I have one? And why do I feel like a bum for saying I don't have one... lol! i need to do something with my hair.... it looks so bporing and just plain black.... at least its all shinny. Gotta get a new outfit for friday!! so much stuff to do!!!! OMG, i wish my ankle wasn't still messed up I wanna go running. :) have a super lovely dandy happy happy happy day!!! joy joy joy!!!!

July 13 & 14, 2001:(was an 11+) OMG!!!! I just hung out with the band Dexter Freebish!!! Holy shit they are just the nicest people! So friendly with fans... Especially the drummer Rob. He and I traded neckalces last night! Its still around my neck and will be around my neck for a long time. I don't think I'll ever be taking this off. He hugged me a few times because he remembered me and erin from when we saw them at FYE in Middletown and he walked around with his arm around me. He's got these really intense eyes. Wow my brain just turned to mush heheh. I saw John tonight too, but he was kinda busy with his friends.. And I met Bill Dunn finally! he's pretty kewl. I had an excellent night. And now it's time to recooperate.... need sleeeeppppppp!!!! ZzzzZZZzzZzz

July 15, 2001:(was an 8) Didn't do all too much today. Went up to the monticello/white lake area today with erin w to go see her ex-bf... hes a lifeguard at a camp up there. Boy scout camp no less hehehhe... lots boys.. yeah. So then we drove home and hit major traffic on rt. 17e. We played car games with these army guys that were packed into a jeep and were blowing kisses at me. LOL it was funny. We exchanged numbers and it was all good. Like they'll ever call. I went to a party last night.. that was an experience. Won't get into it and probably shouldn't mention being there on here but I'll take my chances. fucked up shit went down. But anyway I'll keep my lips zipped and go poke some smot.... lol peace!!

July 16, 2001: (Today was a 9) Well today I went to the movies with a friend. Saw legally Blonde... it was funny.. yeah. I'm done and thats all keeping it short and sweet today!

July 21, 2001: (Today was a 4) I dunno what the problem is with me or if the problem lays in others, but once again things are fucked up. I guess I'm some sort of super bitch that no one can stand and I keep fucking my life up. Supposedly a friend of mine is mad at me for reason unknown and I caused it. Even though this person has done shit to make me mad or upset before and I don't flip my shit and blow up and call my friend and tell them that they can take an event they've been waiting to go to and were excited to go to and pretty much shove it up their ass... All I can say is we all have our bad days... i didn't think last night I was being a bitch I was just a little pissed... and if I was wrong for being pissed I'm sorry but I don't deserve to be treated like shit. Not ever! And thats all I have to say about that.

July 24, 2001: (Today was a 9) In less than a month I'll be packing my bags and shipping out to Purchase College. I got a letter today in the mail informing that soon I'll be receiving my living arrangements. I called up the housing department to enquire about further info and the released this information to me. I'll in the Farside building (juniors/seniors live there) living in a converted triple. In other words I would share my bedroom with 2 other chicas?!?!? No Way I don't think so. So my ass will be on the phone with the college asap (ie. tomorrow morning) to change this all. there is no way I could live like that. So in other news I went to the mall today with erin A. We met up with Tec (mike) and had some chinese food. i got my nails filled and painted with this cool green moodchange polish. looks cute. And I had my brows waxed. I love getting that done. it hurts but Its not nearly as bad as suffering thru hours of plucking. I still have no idea as to what I am wearing friday night to the Bon Jovi concert. I still have 3 days to decide. i plan on dying my hair tomorrow... probably putting in some red chunks... something like that. it'll look so cute. i hope... lol. Anyway I can't really think of anything else thats vital in my life at the moment. busy weekend coming up. Bon jovi firday night.. dr. dirty at the chance on saturday and on sunday the Orange county fair with john... all three of those days will be john packed. can I handle so much excitement??? who knows you'll have to check back and find out in the next installment of "Bianca's Journal" lol see ya!!! *hugs and kisses*

July 26, 2001: (Today was a 7) Well there is no change that can be made with my dorm at school right now. i'm stuck with 2 roommates for the time being. supposedly its a large bedroom so I'm hoping its not some bad. Who knows maybe I'll end up with 2 new kewl girl friends. Anyway i resumed my running again today. Its been nice and cool outside and drizzling and feels good to be out and excercising. My ankle feels fine and I managed to make it thru the whole process I usually do. So its all good. I dyed my hair yesterday. Bleach the tips of my hair and dyed ther pink. Looks kinda kooky but ppl think its cute. I'm getting used to it. yeah so tomorrow is the big Bon Jovi concert. looking forward to that. should be a ton of fun I hope. Yeah thats about it. Gonna go read some of this 700 page book my school wants me to read by august 23rd. LoL like that'll happen. See ya all!

July 28, 2001: (Today was an 8 1/2) What did i do today that was so absolutely wonderful, you might be asking yourself??? Well nothing much. i've been taking a buncha pain killers.. stupid teeth, damn dentist fucked me up! Yesterday john and I saw bon jovi!!! Its was awesome. We met Donald Trump too. Kicked ass . Yes sir.. I had a good nights sleep... nothing to complain of. Yeah I woke this morning with this hottie laying next to me.... it was amazing... but then I woke up and realized I was dreaming...j/k or not anyway only i knew who i woke up next to or if i was alone. see ya

July 31, 2001: (Today was a -1) Today I just want to die. I've been crying all day because I have the most intense tooth pain you could ever fucking imagine. I hate my dentist. He's a fucking asshole that fucked up my tooth... I can't eat and everything I do hurts it... no pain killers work... nothing i can do will make it go away until 5:45 when i have a lovely dentists appointment. I can't take this. What a shitty day.

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here are my old April journal enteries

All opinions expressed on this page are that of Bianca Brandt. No one should copy, print or reproduce anything writen here with out her concent. If you disagree with these opinions DON'T READ, and stop coming back for more!