My June Journal

June 1, 2001: (Today was a 5) Today has been an okay day. I haven't done a whole lot. JUst chilling in my communications class. Last night i played phone tag with John and didn't actually get to talk with him. And apparently erin got to talk with him for a while. She said for like 2 hours, I don't think I've ever talked to him for 2 hours. And whenever we talk we never make conversation. Its kind of like whats up? Nothing here. Me neither. Fun Fun Fun. I realised I actually know barely anything about him. Which is really sad on my part for not making an effort. I'll have to play 20 questions with him and ask a buncha shit. Can't believe its freaking June already. June 13th is my last day of school! And graduation is on the 23rd. I really want John to come to my graduation..but he has work and stuff, I don't want to ask him to miss a day of work for me. I didn't get the senior speaker thing for graduation. But oh well. Next saturday is Cliff Posts wedding! I can't believe one of my friends is getting hitched. How weird is that?

June 3, 2001: (Today was a 7) Yeah I didn't do a whole lot tonight. I called Bill from the station this morning and he said he was going to the battle of the bands at the hurley mountain inn. We went. It sucked. And that was that. And john hasn't rang me up today yet. SIGH. I hope he's not all mad at me because i went off on him and was all bitchy yesterday on the phone with him. SO if he's reading this JOHN I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!! Well i'm with erin and dan and i might end up at the station a little later tonight if he ever calls me.

June 4, 2001: (Today was a 8) Apparently people do infact read this thing. Wonderful. Super. Maybe I should edit myself now? People have been making a fuss over nothing. Sorry that this is my life... I shouldn't bother writing about it anymore... Gonna go get a job today... I need to be more efficient with my time because i need money and shit. I just gotta find a job where i can have friday and saturday nights off. Good luck to me... I'm picking up my yearbook today after school.

June 6, 2001: (Today was a 9) I was sure I was having a good day today but then... COMMUNITCATIONS class came around. These kids are just retarted. And my teacher! She's making me crazy. But anyway. Over all today has been going fine. All my classes went well. And over all people managed to keep their assholeness to themselves. I called John really early this morning at approx. 3:30am I'd say. John's alive, which is good and all. And I'm alive which is also good. Wedding on saturday, concert thingy on friday night and perhapse a party afterwards. Well I guess I have a packed weekend. Isn't that special? I didn't think so. On friday I have to tape something for my mini documentary. And this weekend I gotta tape my movie trailer. Very exciting. I can't wait to graduate and get the hell outta this town. That'll be the day. Apparently there is talk of me getting a car for graduation? Sounds snazzy to me. But anyway my dad is going away this weekend (thank god). He and I haven't been getting along at all. We got in a huge fight and he expects me to apologize. I never appoligize. ESPECIALLY if I'm not wrong. I'm rarely wrong.... like 2% of the time. LOL anyway I'm gonna get outta here. Got some living to do so I can get some shit to write about in here!

June 7, 2001: (Today was a 7) Thank god it's almost friday!!! I didn't really do anything interesting today. Looking forward to going home. I got lotsa sleep last night. John called me in the afternoon which was nice. Wasn't expecting it. He said he'd try to call at night from work but he didn't. Its all good though, I got sleep. i fell asleep listening to both wrrv and wpdh on 2 radios. LOL I have no idea how I managed threw all the noise. Well I'll write more tomorrow, perhapse something more intriguing will have happened by then.

June 11, 2001: (Today was an 8) Well so far today has been swell. Talked to John for a while on the phone last nihgt. It was nice.... I gotta figure out with my mom what's going on for friday when I go with John up to the concert. I'm so looking forward to it. I went to the beach yesterday with erin and dan for dan's bday. It was so much fun. I have sun burn though. We made a video at the beach and I didn't actually look like a total heffer. Hahahah.... yeah bathing suits on the beach baby! gag. I was wearing my cute bathing suit with fuschia hawaiian print flowers. I'm gonna go now and put some new pictures up on this piece.

June 12, 2001: (Today was a 7) So far so good. Gotta love school. Only one day left and that's tomorrow. Can't believe its already that time of year again. Been thru the last day of school so many times that I'm not even that excited anymore. When I get my diploma I'll be excited. And then the all night party will kick ass. I'll be with my jesska bach! Maybe I'll get wasted before I go, but they'd probably notice and get all pissy with me. How about that, friday concert with John. That'll be fun... better than going to prom. This class room is going to drive me crazy it's so boring. I think i've spent 1/2 of high school in here. I gotta do my interview tomorrow. That'll be exciting as heck. hah... maybe i'll actually dress nicely tomorrow.... a skirt perhapse lol. Maybe even make-up!!!!! Wow that'll be a first I usually go in tee shirts and jeans to school with no make-up and my hair in a bun. Bastards here don't deserve to see me looking nice. WELL its about that time again. Moving along... I'm not sure when the next I'll get a chance to write in here will be. My monitor at home is broke and I have zero funding... I need a job!!! I'm getting this babysitting thing, which maybe a bad idea since I HATE CHILDREN. Maybe when I have my own I'll like em.... but other ppls kids suck except for my god daughter shes such a little mush! I've gotta get some pics of her on here....

June 13, 2001: (Today was a 10) Today is the last fucking day of school! It's finally over! I got an award today for most outstanding speaker in my grade for that lovely speech I gave 2 weeks ago. So to celebrate me and a few girls I know took the little scooters off of the bottom of the garbage cans and rode them down every ramp in school after being asked not to do it again we decided to take a swim. So we went to the school pool, "borrowed" the keys to the swimming room doors, and doove on in, fully dressed. Now I am soping wet in a dress and I'm cold, you can see my underwear thru my dress.. my hair looks like shit and my make-up is running down my face. Probably going to go home early. Thank god. After we came out of the pool all these freshmen grils came inand followed our lead, now 1/2 the school looks like they get soaked. I've been having so much fun today which never happens for me in school. Can't wait till friday. I'll have to update this puppy after then... I get to see mr. gorgeous himself, John!!! Gonna see if I can go do some more damage and find little boys to rape. Hahahah just kiddin. See ya.. peace out and shit!! LOL i'm a geek!!

June 15, 2001: (Today was a 10) It's mad hot out today. Soon I will be on my way up to Johns house to go to this Poison concert with him. Should be very very interesting. I'm looking pretty slutty but my mommy said I looked cute, and ofcourse i'm wearing really uncomfortable shoes, because I'm smart like that. All I'm waiting on now is my grandma to get here so I can have her car and make haste up to john's place. I was watching tv earlier and I saw a promo for this concert called spiritstock.... Its like this mock woodstock weekend festival in bethel, NY. I think I'm gonna go to it. Gotta find out the line up first but its sounds like a good time. Well me and my sweaty, slutty self is gonna hit the road soon. I'll give the full report on the concert and the whole nights "festivities" tomorrow. Assuming I make it home in one piece. LOL byyyyyyyeees!!

June 16, 2001: (Today was a 8) Aside from being sleep deprived I am super happy!. Saw Poison last ngiht they rocked!!!!! OMG and Warrant played Heaven... sigh... I love that song... one day if i ever get married it'll be my wedding song. And freaking Dee Snyder sang we're not gonna take it with Poison for the last song. It was very very kewl, that was my favorite part of the whole show. Well the whole being there with John thing made it even kewler. I made us late because I was speeding on the way to John's and got pulled over and talked my way outta a ticket. But we got there, got tickets, and got beer. Beer is good.... BUD is my best friend. But anyhow I had an excellent time... and so did the drunk pregnant dancing on the seat girl. LOL I guess only John is gonna know what I'm talking about. Speaking of yumminess(even though I wasn't)John is yummy. :) I gotta finish the pics on this cam and get it developed, then i'll have pictures of john and me.. heheh ok that sounded a bit strange. Well I'm going to the movies with dan in a few minutes. So I'd better get going... BEWARE JOHN I HAVE PICTURES OF U SLEEPING hehehh that really sounds psychotic! bye bye now

June 17, 2001: (Today was a 6) Today has been vey boring so far... All I've managed to do was sleep and have some cereal and an ice pop, sleep some more, take a hot bath, watch tv and sleep again... BORING. I wrote in my actual journal earlier.. that is the much less tame version of this whole concept... about how dull I am. I managed to scratch out a few poems, or what have you and then I prodeced that by sleeping yet again. All this boringness has left me time to think... about what you may ask? I haven't a clue. I'm looking forward to having some money from family members for graduating. And my graduation party is coming along soon too which should be kewl. Mostly I'm thinking about getting a car and how its about time that I get a deccent one of my own. My good friend Jeff happens to be selling his 1994 silver mustang. It has had a few problems with it, but as far as I know he's currently having it repaired. My uncle and grandfather were talking to me reccently about getting a new car for me for around 10k. But I'd much rather have a kewl used car thn a shitty new car for 2x as much. I checked on and I found out that the retail on jeffs car is about 6k. That is, if it is in perfect condition, being sold by a dealer, and with like a guarentee of some sort. Well from what I know me buying it from him with out it being 100% perfect and all he should be willing to let it go for around 4,000 or 4,500. So i'm gonna talk to him and my family and see if I can get some money together, perhapse a loan of sorts? and purchase the car. All I need to do now is learn to drive a manual.

June 18, 2001: (Today was a 7) I just came home from the doctors office. I had a physical done for college. And I got 2 shots. One for hepatitis, and the other for Tuburculosis. It was just great. The TB one was nasty, it makes a little bubble under your skin its icky. Unfortunately yesterday I got sick for some odd reason. Started getting the chills and shit. It was very odd. I still feel a little ill but not nearly as bad as it was before. My doctor said its probably just a 24 hour bug or something. I have to return to my doctors office on wednesday to drop off these extra forms and to make an appointment with the gynocologist. Just the word makes my skin crawl. Its just lovely having someone poking around in there... Anyway next sbject. I went with jess to get her tattoo. Its really pretty, a swirly tribalish design with a butterfly in the center, she got it done on her upper arm. Its one of those arm band designs. It looks really good. I was looking around the shop and found this tattoo that I really really want but it is gonna be atleast 300$. Its a big tribal piece for the lower back and the tattoo women told me that i would take atleast 3 sittings to complete it. I don't knowif I'd have the patients for that. god thats gonna hurt like a bitch. But I want it so I'll probably get it when i've got the money for it. I talked to John last night on the phone for a bit. It was lovely, I' glad he called. When he doesn't I lose my sanity. LOL. Well I'm gonna go update other parts of this beast of a webpage. See ya.

June 19, 2001 : (Today was an 8) So far nothing much has been going on. I'm pretty much over my cold that hit me on sunday, which is a really good thing. I feel well rested because I'll I've been doing lately is sleeping. I'm quite bored though... sitting by my phone waiting for it to ring hoping someone, anyone will call and ask if I want to do something! This friday morning I have a graduation practice and friday night zebra is playing at the chance. From what john tells me they are good, so maybe I'll get my ass out to po-town. Ouchhh.... I need some midol or something. God I hate being a girl. But anyway life is nice and slow and boring right now. I'd give anything to get out of this town for a few days. I just want to get the hell away from my mother and father. I hate being a teenager sometimes. All I can say is I can't wait till I'm in college. Well when something exciting happens I'll be sure to jot it down in here. Until then goodbye.

June 20, 2001: (Today was a 11) ALL I'M GOING TO SAY IS THAT TODAY WAS AN EXCELLENT DAY... I WON'T EXPAND ON IT, I'LL LEAVE YOU GUESSING. RIGHT...the caps were getting annoying. Hi John!!!

June 21, 2001: (Today was a 8) I'm at erins chilling... we're listening to old music and being happy... I bought kewl clothes yesterday and I got kewl hair today to match lol!!! *singing* I WANT TO ROCK'N ROLL ALL NIGHT AND PARTY EVERYDAY.... sorry heheh... erin's got knee pads on lol. I want to go to the chance friday night but no one wants to drive me or come with me or give me their car. *sigh* well I don't have much to write about. tomorrow morning is graduation practice and i get my cap and gown fun fun fun... i want to go on vacation.... i want to get drunk..I want John... i wanna rock!!! lol ;-) see ya

June 22, 2001 : (Today was a 2) Ever just have one of those horrible days where everything goes wrong? Yeah well that has been my day. First I over sleep and have 15 minutes to get myself ready for graduation rehersal... I manage to get there on time and I look pretty good. And the mornings going good... except its hot and I'm in the suna and what not. Then we go inside I go to get my cap and gown and magically I owe the school $16.39 because of 2 unreturned library books. I check my wallet thinking no big deal I'll pay ths bitchy librarian women so that I can have my cap and gown. But low and behold I have a whole $12 in my wallet. Super! I plead, bargain, beg, whine, ect.. with this women to give me my cap and gown. But the stubborn old nag won't budge. So I go call my mom she bitchs but pulls thru with the rest of the money and after runing around the school for an extra hour like a chicken with out a head I get mycap and gown. I go home and get in a fight with my mom over plans I have for tonight. I once again plead, bargain, whine, beg, scream, cry, ect.. and she gives in. So I finally get in contact with the erson I'm supposed to hang out with and they're sick. Super. My mom is very pissed at me, I'm out of plans for the evening, I'm in a super bad mood, and I've been crying all afternoon. Soetimes you gotta get let down when you except too much from yourself and other people. I have a habit of doing that... I think I need some sleep... only got about 2 hours last night. Tried staying up expecting a call from someone. Once again expectations ruining things again. But anyway Sorry to burden whomever is reading this. I'm gonna go try and make myself feel better... John, if u read this, I hope you feel better soon. *hugs*

June 24, 2001 : (Today was a 7) Ever notice how some people are just very photogenic? And others just aren't?? Well John happens to be one of those very photogenic people. I got pics from that poison concert developed today at the mall and he looks great in all of them. Me, I'm one of those other people that cameras don't like. But anywho I spent a chunk of money getting those developed. I also bought a new photo album because my old one is full. I got a picure frame... a cute pillow for my bed.... and blaket.... 4 frilly, girlly pairs of undies.... 3 pairs of sunglasses( i LOVE sun glasses) and this cute hat... I'm sure I spent money on other stuff too but thats all I seem to recall buying. I regained my sanity today. I drove myself craz thinking a certan someone didn't want to talk to me recenty and had been ignoring me.... but I was being irrational , as usual, because I'm an insecure little girl. LOL now that I have my head back on track and new stuff for my room, cute frilly butt floss underwear, and kick ass new shades I'm set for the summer, right?! Over all a good day. No sleep yet because of that all night party yesterday/this morning. But i'm relatively young yet, sleep can wait. Thats what my 30s are made for. peace out kiddies

June 26, 2001: (Today was an 8) Today Geri Erin and myself ventured into Manhattan with me behind the wheel. Well it took us forever to get across town to the east village. I had one lonely purpose for being there... get pierced. We finally get to St. Marks Place... Its a street 3 blocks long but the buzzing metropolis for punks, freaks, and pin cushions of all ages... its my favorite neighborhood in NYC. We searched around for a parking spot for a while and I got sick of driving so I just parked my ride on the side of a street.... I saw nothing that I was doing as illegal.... but apparently it was.... at least so in the eyes of the nypd. So we walk 2 blocks to the street of choice... and find the piercing place I usually go to and I get my nipples pierced. It hurt like a bitch and I moaned about it for hours... but I got it done... both for $60 pretty cheap. So we're walking aroud the street and Geri sees Andromida. It's a very famous piercing and tattoo parlor. Geri decided to get her already pierced nipples done again. These gorgeous guys worked at the shop.... the one with the hat was especially hot... but anywho she got it done... we walked around a little bit more... got some pizza and decided to hit the road. Once back at my car I found a lovely ticket on my wind sheild.... $55/ parking in a restricted parking zone.... even though there was no sign.. a buncha bs i tell ya... ANYONE WANNA PAY MY TICKET??? GRADUUATION PRESENT? LOL just kidding.

June 29, 2001: (Today was a 10) I woke up this morning in an absolutely excellent mood... I spent 1/2 the night sleepless waiting for the phone to ring. But it never did. And in my sleeplessness I came to a conclusion about people and my life in general. I need to take advantage of every opertunity that comes along and live every moment to the fullest. Instead of sit by my phone and hope that a very "busy" person will call me. I am worth making an affort to see... and although I am not perfect I am far from being unattractive, un-intellegent or not deserving of some sort of attention from the person I care about. So I wll no longer be placing any late night phone calls in the direction of the guy I like... he can come to me. Now lets se if he'll actually make the effort.. if not I have like mounds of other guys barking up my tree.... not like I can't find anyone else. bye bye now.

June 30, 2001: (Today was an 8) well now i was just reading over my last message i posted in here.... hehehh i guess i was a little pissed at a certain someone. LOL well now that things are better i'm planning on getting very messed up tonight... and seeing the fireworks in town at the carnival. should be fun.. i have to go wash my boobs.. forgot to do that this morning. all i think about lately is how i'd like to have sex.. isn't that pathetic.. its once again on my mind. so i'm gonna go occupy myself with something.. and hpefully i can forfill my desires sometimes soon lol. byyyyyyyyeeee ppl!!!

here are my old February journal enteries

here are my old January journal enteries

here are my old December journal enteries

here are my old November journal enteries

here are my old October journal enteries

here are my old September journal enteries

here are my old August journal enteries

here are my old July journal enteries

here are my old June journal enteries

here are my old May journal enteries

here are my old April journal enteries

All opinions expressed on this page are that of Bianca Brandt. No one should copy, print or reproduce anything writen here with out her concent. If you disagree with these opinions DON'T READ, and stop coming back for more!

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