My May 2001 Journal

May 1, 2001: (Today was a 7) I went to school ofcourse and on my way I checked the mail and I got 3 letters 2 from Hunter and 1 from The Fashion Institute of Technology. I wauited till i was in 1st period to open the letters and it turns out I got rejected from FIT :( . It really sucks big ass. And now the letter from Hunter say I need to go down there and do all this shit and bring these papers and crap which really pisses me off. But whatever. Other than that I went to the Coffee house and hung out with Erin and steve and jeff and Joe C. heheh it was fun. Erin thinks i have a crush on him.... lol I'm not sure though. he has a girlfriend anyway. Then Erin sleptover we got drunk on "After Shock" and then called Dan Lackey and The tigman and John Norris at the radio stations. It was fun. Turns out We are hanging out with John on friday night and he was saying we should have a party or something which would be mad kewl. I want to get with him. He's pretty hot and stuff a little old for me but what's in an age lol. Riiiight anyway I'm outta here.

May 2, 2001: (Today was an 8) Erin and I got to school and decided to leave again we bought breakfast and the hung out for a while at Wawayanda Lake and then drove to the A&P in West Milford and I bought oil for my car because I figured I was down oil. And then we tried to put it in and couldn't get the cap to twist of the oil thingy in the car. So I went to get gas and the gas guy did it for me and put in the oil. Turns out my mom isn't coming home today like she was supposed to. She's probably be home by Monday night they think. But who the hell knows. I don't even care anymore. More weekend to have no parents lol. Even better for the prospective party on friday night no one to answer too....... yeah well I'm gonna go and chill and what not.

May 16, 2001: (Today was a 6) Haven't written in here in a while I guess so I figured I would. Since last my mom and dad came home from Florida. I think I've decided on going to SUNY Purchase for Political Science. Mary Kate from the coffee house is going there next year. ANd as far as I know of no other Warwick kids are going so that ought to be refreshing. Lately I've been talking a lot with this guy named John from Poughkeepsie. He works at the radio station WPDH or 101.5 the classic rock station. Well friday night we are going to the Chance to see a judas priest tribute band. I thought it was gonna be the real Judas Priest but apparently not. Well any how its something to do plus all the old drunk guys in Po-town make it worth it. Lots of beer and I'll be happy. I still have no clue how we're gonna get up there cause jess doesn't wanna drive and i doubt geri will wanna. maybe i'll drive jessicas car who the hell knows. I feel like such an asshole now I was telling people I'm seeing Judas Priest and now i'm not. *sigh* so anyway this john guy is 24 and stuff which is kinda too old for me or what not but who the heck cares, He's really nice and good looking. I'lll have to get sme pictures of me and him and plaster them all over here. Not like anyone really reads this shit anyway. They should though, i swear my life is like a soap opera. well till next time children.

May 29, 2001: (Today was a 5) Well I once again have been neglecting my journal. Lately everything has been so crazy. I'm at school right now. My computer is broken at home. Monitor went haywire. Oh well. Life has definitely been nice lately. I've been spending a lot of time with John (aka the tigman). He's just so yummy. If only he didn't live so far away. Anywho I gotta jet the day is up and all. I'll update tomorrow with details!!!

May 30, 2001: (Today was a 7) Ok I promised I catch up on what's been going on. Presently I'm "seeing" John (aka the tigman) or something like that. We've been hanging out a lot lately. Recently we've been hanging out on our own. Monday we hung out and he took me to the movies. Had a nice time. Had an even NICER time afterwards, but we won't get into that LOL. He's such a hottie but anyway. Seth came up to NY from AZ last week and I totally blew him off. I feel kind of bad about it, but I didn't invite him up here and his intentions were to visit NYC not me I guess... I'm not sure how that's all going to play out. Its a shame that he was here and we didn't get to meet. But I'm involved else where, ya know. I don't really know who the hell reads this, but if there is anyone out there actually giving a shit about what I'm typing here I applaude you for taking the time to read this boring crap. I miss my computer at home. I think I'm going to get a new one sometime soon I hope. A new car would be even better. Or a place to live other than my parents house. I want to move out for the summer until school starts but I don't see that happening either. Unless I some how got a free car, had my parents paying my insurance. NOT gonna happen. I was just being harassed by these retarded kids in my class. It was fun. Ok. I'm outta here again.

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here are my old January journal enteries

here are my old December journal enteries

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here are my old October journal enteries

here are my old September journal enteries

here are my old August journal enteries

here are my old July journal enteries

here are my old June journal enteries

here are my old May journal enteries

here are my old April journal enteries

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