My October Journal

October 1, 2001: (Today was a 9) I had fun today.. goffed off all day and did absolutely nothing of value..... heheh my kinda day. I've been listening to a lot of U2 reccently. They make me really happy. Its strange actually if you listen to the lyrics of where the streets have no name... it reminds me of the whole world trade center thing. Yeah... so my back is killing me.. and I have no one here to give me a massage :( . It sucks. I have work from 12-1 then, 2 classes tomorrow and work from 5-7. It sucks lemme tell ya. I gotta make sure I wake up around 10ish so I can take a shower. I'm kinda stinky right now... lol . Actually not really I'm wearing my friend morgans sweater... its over sized and comfortable... I love guys clothes... well preowned guys clothes they always have guy smells. And guy smells are awesome. I bought coloring books today, so I've been coloring lately... nothing better to do. I think I'm gonna fail outta school. That would fucking suck then I'd have to be a bum or something.. I dunno I couldn't deal with just being average... I wanna do something big with my life... make something of myself.. I dunno sometimes I wonder if I'm too ambitious. Oh well... I guess thats enough pondering about life for today.... see ya all....

October 3, 2001: (Today was a 6) Yeah today I worked from 12 noon until 5:30. It sucked ass.... nothing but boring shit. Except for this guy that was talking to me named Mihkel. He's this hottie that goes by the name Kel. Yeah well he wants to hang out with me this weekend... heheh yum. Anyway the guy scene here isn't bad at all. hehehehehe yeah I won't say more... but its fucking great. Yeah but anyhow I miss john... haven't talked to him in a few days... sigh... he doesn't like me anymore... ;( *cries*...

October 6, 2001: (Today was a 4) Today has been so crazy, so far. I've got this dance-a-thon thing tonight to take care of. My boss isn't gonna be there so she kinda left things all up to me at the dance. Scary! So i guess it should be fun. And I heard a lot of ppl are planning on coming to check it out so I think we'll be raising a lot of money. We also got 3 really good djs from what I know. We are also selling food and we have a popcorn maker ... lol anyway. I am dead tired gonna take a nap and then drink a bit and head over to the dance.

October 7, 2001: (Today was an 8) The dance went over well.. A buncha ppl came and donated money. I think we raised over 1,000$ pretty good coming from poor college students lol. God I was so tired last night when I came home I just crashed and at freaking 3 am this guy Kel called me and I didnt wanna be rude so i talked to him for a while but I was like 1/2 awake while on the phone with him. This guiy calls me everyday now. Its kind of odd seeing as I haven't even really hung out with him yet. But whatever at least he calls and cares.

October 15, 2001: (Today was a 7) Hi guys. I haven't written in here in a while ... I'm starting to lag behind again in updating. Well lets see this weekend I went home. Friday night I went to the chance with erin and met up with John and Dave and we hit 2 bars and then we went home. That was exciting lol. Saturday I helped out my aunt in setting up for Bae-Corines bday party. And Sunday I went to her party for a while and then Erin and I went to Poughkeepsie. We went bowling with the band Lucky Boys Confusion. Then we went to their concert and saw the bands Envy, River City High, The Riddlin Kids, Bad Ronald and ofcourse Lucky Boys Confusion. They all fucking kicked ass!! Especially the riddlin kids and lucky boys confusion. OMG the lead singer of the riddlin kids is just absolutely gorgeous and hes the nicest dude. His name is Clint... what a yummy hunny. I posted some pics of me and erin bowling with the band!! They were very nice too especially Joey and the lead singer. :) yeah that rocked... sooooooo yeah thats about it i'm a little under the weather today and i'm just chilling.... and thats it. Oh well i'm gonna go now and hope I get a call from lover boy. byebye

October 18, 2001: (Today was a 9) Hi kids!!! I'm addicted to ebay!!! Someone needs to get me away for this computer right now because I'm a bidding machine. I'm watching 4 different auctions. 3 of them are for bass guitars and 1 is for a mini amp!! And so far I'm the highest bidder on all of them. I'm about to win an Ibinez bass thats a really dark purplish blue heheheh I'm so excited!! I really want to win this other fender p bass but I don't think its gonna stay the price it is. But anywho I'll keep ya all posted on the auctions that I win. Or you can watch for yourself her are the auction numbers I've bid on (1475790606, 1474676666, 1474070910) wish me luck!!

October 20, 2001: (Today was an 8) Yey! I bought a bass from ebay! Its cute... transparent, green stained wood with a glossy finish. I'm so excited... give me 2 years and I'll rock at the bass! So yea I slept so much today. I fell asleep in Zachs bed last night and woke up around 9:30. Came back to my place, took a shower, played Snood for a while and then had breakfast. Fell asleep again around 12 and slept till 3 so I feel great now :) . Mr. You-know-who finally called but I couldnt understand a fucking word he was saying... bad reception. Hope he calls back. Yeah so now I'm just hanging out playing on my comp, gonna go to dinner soon. I hope they have something some what edible for dinner cause that would be a nice change. Tonight there is some dance going on called the prom and I'm kinda curious as to what a prom is at this school so i guess I'll go and check it out for a while and then check out this techno thing I said I'd go to... maybe hit up a party in the apartments or just chill in my room with my 6-pack of zima :) lol who knows. oh well off to listen to some LBC and RK and Sublime..... see ya!!!! ;P

October 23, 2001: (Today was a 10) Today, so far has just been great... I woke up with a clear head and everything seems so straight forward and uncomplicated for the moment. I know what I want and what I don't want, what I deserve and don't deserve and I'm not taking shit from people anymore. I won't be treated poorly because I sure as hell don't deserve it. I'm a good person and a nice girl that spends too much of her time caring about others and nurturing them and telling them how wonderful they are and getting absolutely nothing in return but lies, neglect and unreturn phone calls and thats bull shit. I just won't have it. So fuck that I can do better, I don't need to deal with an "adult" who has the maturity level of a 12 year old. Anyway that's my piece of mind for the day... don't like it??? Then go fuck yourself. Thanx, and to all the people who innoccently strolled on here not know who or what this is about, just excuse it. bye bye now.

October 25, 2001: (Today was a 7) Hola everyone! How's it hanging? Good? Great! I myself am very well. Been going to the gym a lot and writing a lot of good poetry :) and listening to good music so I am in much healthier spirits, both mentally and physically, lately. I'm getting everything back on track at the moment, derailed for a little bit there. But I'm doing a bunch better. I have a love interest here too! I'm very excited about this one because hes the absolute perfect guy for me and he has no idea. Should be exciting for a while. Well I'm gonna go throw on some clothes for belly dancing class. Bye ya'll

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