My September Journal

September 7, 2001: (Today was a 9) Well lets see for an entire week john hasn't called me. I'm a little annoyed, enough said... So thats done with and I met a new guy I really like. Enough said about that too... LOL. I have a bottle of Malibu rum and a bottle of premixed muddslide... so I'm gonna go get a little loopy with Sara and Erin and Johnathan and Morgan and some other dudes... See ya.

September 8, 2001: (Today was a 7) I feel like crap today. Too much alcohol and not enough sleep. Went to the mall today with sara and jonathan and with morgan. Morgan and Jonathan both live in the same dorm down the hall... very kewl guys.

September 9, 2001: (Today was an 8) Today I am studying alllllllll dayyyy... I got some new shampoo... it smells so good. Its ginger scented heheh..

September 19, 2001: (Today was a 6) I woke up way to early today... couldn't sleep. Haven't been think pleasant thoughts lately... for some reason I have all this anxiety built up and I'm not sure if I want to be at the college... or in ANY college at all. But unfortunately inorder for me to become a lawyer I need to go to college. Any lots of it... 7 whole years... SIGH. I hope this gets easier. I just really want a home.. my own place with my own things and my OWN bedroom.....that would rock!! But yeah I miss stuff... like mIRC , to be exact which for some reason won't let me sign on. it sucks... no talking to my friends at all. I havent been wriiting in here much lately. So I'm trying to make it a point to write more regularly. I miss my mommy... and my doggie and my old house... and the neon... and the bar and the chance and the radio station and lotsa late night visits and calls.... I really Really REALLY miss john... like a whole lot. John rocks my world... lol thats was kinda gay, no? heheh so I guess maybe I'm gonna see if I'm lucky enough to be able to fall asleep.. maybe the guy of my dreams will call?? or maybe i'm stay up all night again... nite nite ppl! :)

September 20, 2001: (Today was a 7) Pretty much my whole home page got erased some how yesterday while I was editing it. I have its basic functions up and running again and I'll be fixing it up and making it bigger and better than ever before, when I get some more time. I have to work today unfortunately. I've had a hard time recently bring myself to go to classes. I don't know whats wrong with me I just feel so stressed out over nothing. And lazy at the same time. I dunno maybe next year I'll go to a different school or something. All I know is I have to get thru at least 4 years of school. In other news I was told recently that I look sad in my pictures I post onmy webpage.. so I guess to fix that I'll smile more... I'm smiling now :D hehehh okie dokie well i have other crap to fix on this page and stuff and food to eat and work to do so I'll go now.

September 23, 2001: (Today was a 5) Well... lets see. I got drunk last night. Way way WAY(!!!!) too much tequilla. heheh but it was fun. Before i got drunk I got my nose pierced. Its a cute little stud. I got a pic of it on my main page. yeah well i'm bored and i miss home and my regular life. bored as hell... right so i'm gonna go clean now.. room is a wreck.

here are my old February journal enteries

here are my old January journal enteries

here are my old December journal enteries

here are my old November journal enteries

here are my old October journal enteries

here are my old September journal enteries

here are my old August journal enteries

here are my old July journal enteries

here are my old June journal enteries

here are my old May journal enteries

here are my old April journal enteries

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