Pictures of The beautiful, cunning, sophisticated, intellegent, completely superior (need I go on) MISS

Hello everybody this is my picture page.

NEWWWWWWWWWW!!!! And just for YOU!

Finally some new pics, taken in May 2003


Me again...


And once again...

Older Photos

Just another dumb pic!

I look like such a little girl!?

These pictures were taken with my webcam!

This was taken After I went to the fall ball here at puurchase college... was very very fun!.

As was this one.

This picture is new to this page but it is from December 2000.

thats me.. that an august 2000 event at Steves house... i'm holding a cup of beer between my boobs! I was the ultimate party accessory... cute blond w/ big boobs and built in cup holders heheheh

anyway here is a picture of myself before my junior prom... this picture is from april of 2000

here is a top choice picture of myself at my friend jeph's b-day party in july 2000, i was drunk if you couldn't tell.. heheh

this is me being a camera hog as usual... DUMB...1/01

Same day, next pic..... even DUMBER

Pictures of me and friends together!