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Here are a few of my cat Jasmine (AKA kiki!)

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Thats me and my roommates... (from left to right) me, kylie, jen.

This is Andy playing drums and Jephs house during their band practice.

This is Jeph playing his really awesome, rare, expensive Les Paul guitar and Erin singing... I was sing too a little, but didn't get any pictures of it.

this is an accident i saw in front of johns house

thats my new car. lol riiiiiight

thats my buddy sara chilling on the hamocks outside of the humanities building

and this is morgan hes a crazy kid

this is my hall mate Chris..

This is Lindsey she lives across the hall!

Sara lives in the same room as Lindsey!

And this is zack, he's Jonathans roommate!

Here is Erin and myself on steves couch doing what we do best (drinking) on the 4th of july 2001.

Different picture same sort of idea...

Got to love any holliday that promote drinking and the 4th just happens to be one of them...

The more I drink the stupider I get and this pose is a prime example of that.

This pic is just tasteless and crude..... i love it.... don't ask me what i was thinking.

Thats me and my Erinimal

That's me back in the day with my braces.... and thats Sam's hand giving me the ears.

thats me and my buddy mike being smooshed by my lil sara in august 2000

This picture is circa New Years eve 2000/2001..... that hot dark haired girl is my bbf Erin aka skyler and me on the right

I want to say thank you to steve for his digi cam without him 1/2 of these drunkin pics wouldn't have been made possible...