Some personal poetry of mine

Here are just a few of my poems:


"I love you all as you love to love me,
hold me life as i hold on to the night,
come to my bedside, a million angels lend me their wings and fly me so high into midnights onyx sky, watch me as I decend upon heaven"


I've got half the time to make it twice as far
You're further now, but nearer than I've ever been
I love you more than I've ever hated myself
You're better than I'll ever be
To far in the light, If only you knew what I'd do for you
Call me, call me because you don't know I exist
Hold my hand because I've let go of reality
Help me out, because I've fallen and I know I'll never do any better than you

Not to sure what my inspiration was on this one..

I'm a loser

I've grown cold,
I'm a star now.
I'm burning in the sun.
I'm a loner baby, ignore me, hate me.

I'm a burn out,
I've been so scared alone.
Im a sinning virgin.
I'm giving my body, burn me hurt me.

I'm damning myself,
God damn I'm doing it again.
I'm dying here going down the hill backwards.
I haven't even reached the peak, bottom me out, you're down on me.

This song is kind of symbolic of where I am right now in my life...

Stand Alone, Together

I could stay here forever, these walls they hold me in. But, they hold me up.
Keep me standing.
After this is done, I'm gonna spill out all over. Spread myself out.
Stretch across the world.
Now its just a dream, breed by these walls. I long for the outside.
But it's rainning, it's rainning really hard.
And I don't want to be alone, I'm alone now in the company of 300 other souls.
We stand together as one, but one by one we fall apart all alone.

This is my final new piece... hope you enjoyed

Too Much

Where were you last night? Is everything alright? Sometimes I worry about you and me Don't know you at all You don't seem to undertand me. Can't argue with you at all, can't ask about you Never been alone with you. There aren't others you say, Well ok. But I'll worry anyway, I guess I just worry too much. Care too much Never see you enough Miss you a bunch like you a lot.

here is some older stuff of mine


What definition shall I pay thee? Neither my love nor my enemy.
Can I afford you the both?
Can I spare you one of these?
Neither my love nor my enemy
What else can I say?
Nothing left to repay, no debt do I owe to you. Yet I revel in gratitude. No service have you provided, Only harm have you caused. never before have i experienced such a loss.
You came along good intentions in hand.
You left behind a girl with out her man.
Abandoned, but not forgotten. How else shall I run my life?
In fear?
In hate?
In nothing that you did not create?
What else shall I pay thee? Neither my love nor my enemy


I used to long to
always want to be with you
You make me
always want to be with you
When you push me far away
it only makes me want to stay
Being with you is like heaven to me
Holding you so close I can't even speak
I feel your heart beat
When you put your arms around me
I want to shelter you, craddle you, protect you, connect to you.

Nine Questions

When you're off with him, do I come to mind?
When you hang out with her, am I all you can speak?
When do you wonder about me? Where I've gone or been or who I see?
When did you decide you weren't worth anything?
When did you realise you didnt want to care for me?
When do you reasure me that I am the only one?
When do you think of me as they play that song?
When will you decide to say good-bye my love?

Love Had to Say Good-bye

Love said good-bye today
At the moment my naiveté passed away
I missed all the signs and exits
I didn't listen to the feather and fire on my shoulders
What could we have done with each other
In a month or two, did you want to come with me?
Should I take my life with those pills?
Can I get passed this again?
Or should I lay down, take a breathe and never cry again?
Tonight, Love had to say good-bye.

These 4 were inspired by my ex boyfriend who has a serious drug problem...

"You Screwed it Up"

Though I may cause you confusion,
She will only cause you pain
You've known her for a long time now
She controls your brain
She gets her claws inside you
Because of her your eyes strain
You love her more than you could ever love yourself,
You love yourself more than you could ever love me.
You swallow her everyday, your creativity unleashes,
Wild thoughts dance threw your mind
Now you remember about that other girl,
the time you screwed it up
That other girl, She is ME.
Then again you dance with her, to forget about the pain you cause me.

"Your Child"

Maybe instead of time spent
lusting over how life should be
You could be building a solid
sterdy life with me.
I don't come in a pill or
a bottle or vial
I can't be stuck threw
your pale, tender white skin.
I can't be swallowed or poked in
But i'm the medician thet you need.
I can sure your fears and
breath you new life
I can carry your child,
make our home,
be your wife.
Be your love, your only,
one and only tender kiss.
My lavishness, tenderness
its in your hands
Take me in, or pass me on.

"Your Biggest Mistake"

Everynight you bring me to my knees,
I beg for your mercy,
let me leave.
I lived my life to love you,
Born into this bullshit,
only for you.
You are making the biggest mistake when you,
lay me down, love me,
and leave.
You are only ment for me, yet you see all the world,
possibilities they live,
in your mind.

"The day..."

I know that's not you,
you, speaking out its the devil,
devil, you are his prophecy,
prophecy, manifest yourself in life,
lifes, strange destiny.
Drive your car around this town,
town, life is killing you again,
again, the fuel is empty,
empty, inside your head.
Live the dead and gone,
gone, with the wind when morning comes,
morning comes, you leave,
leave, me the one and only piece,
peace, to add to your sanity.
You're going to carry me,
me, in your pocket with the living,
living, son breathes in you,
you, know I'm not a religious women,
women, and men live different,
different, stages you set me down,
down, to sleep away the day,
the day, I know thats not you.

****All of these songs/poems are the property of Bianca Brandt and may not be used, copy, distributed, borrowed or published in any way shape or form with out her writen consent.****
