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Great Ones of the Literary World

Drizzt Do'Urden | Errtu | Zaknafein | Artemis Entreri | Greensparrow | Bok | Jilseponie | Demon Dactyl | Juraviel | Pikel | Danica | Cadderly | Ghost | Belgarion |


Drizzt Do'Urden

A rogue dark elf who lives on the surface of the Forgotten Realms. Drizzt grew up as a noble in a high ranking house. After years of torment in his matriarchal society, he flees into the wilds and ends up on the surface, where he trains to be a ranger, a protector of the natural order.

Strategy: Drizzt is very well balanced. Use the scimitar tornado or Enchanted Blades attacks for close combat and Guen Charge and Dark globe for distance fighting
Battle Plan: The drow's scimitars are lightning quick, but they have a fairly short range. The best way to fight him is to stay just out of range and use medium range specials.
  • Fairy Fire, Ignition
  • Chain Combo, Scimitar Tornado or Blade Cyclone
    Similar To: Strider, Chun-Li

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 3 Defense: 6 Speed*: 8 Strenght: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Dark Globe*: Throws a small ball of darkness at the enemy. Erupts into a large globe on contact (A)(D)
    Scimitar Tornado*: Uses his scimitar to create a orb of death
    Guen Charge: Guenhywvar, Drizzt's magical panther, runs at the enemy. (P)
    Fairy Fire*: Throws a small ball of flame. A hit outlines the enemy, lowering def by 1. (A,downward)(F)
    Enchanted Blades: Does a forward moving series of sword attacks. Up to 5 hits
    Basic Throw: Jumps up a little, kicks the enemy in the gut
    Bonus: Rolling Evade, Wall Cling
    Launcher: A double, upward sweep of both scimitars

    Hyper Attacks:
    Blade Cyclone*: Drizzt makes a very large Scimitar Tornado. Hits 21 times
    Flame Ignition: Enemy must be outlined in fairy fire. The fire erupts into a pillar of flame. 15 hits (F)
    Astral Bullet: Guen charges ahead to attack the enemy. 16 hits. Free movement after 2 seconds (P)

    Enter: A globe of darkness appears, Drizzt is standing there when it vanishes
    Taunt: Engulfs himself in fairy fire for a few seconds
    Victory: Twirls his scimitars around and sheaths them in midspin

  • Errtu

    A balor from the Abyss. Errtu came to Icewind Dale in search of a powerful relic called the Crystal Shard. What he finds instead is the wrong end of Drizzt Do'Urden's scimitar. Years later, Errtu returns from the Abyss, finds the shard and threatens to destroy Drizzt's entire world.

    Strategy: Errtu is a ton of muscle as well as magic. He works at his best when using all is powers, which have quite a variety, to keep his opponent off balance.
    Battle Plan: Errtu is quite large for a non-Invincible character. Use this height to hit him from up high before he can retaliate.
  • Chain Combo, Lower Lasher or Balor Breath
  • Sweep Combo, Crenshinibon
  • Glabalzu, Launcher, Planar Gate
    Similar To: Strider, Black Heart

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 6 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Lower Lasher*: A demon forged whip with 3 tendrils. Each Tendril is a living snake. A gift from Lloth. (A)
    Hell's Flame: Errtu engulfs himself in a pillar of flame. (F)
    Ta'nari Attack: Summons one of two creatures.
    Mane: A small creature that runs forward and explodes on contact (F)
  • Glabalzu*: A insect-like creature that flies through the air.
    Balor Breath*: Errtu sets the ground on fire. The fire travels towards the enemy (F)
    Basic Throw: Wraps his whip around the enemy and rolls them out
    Bonus: Teleport, Flying

    Launcher: Stabs the ground with his lightning sword, the jolt launching the enemy Hyper Attacks:
    Ruby Blast*: Errtu releases a huge beam attack from the Crystal Shard. 18 hits (P)
    Crenshinibon: The elven name for the shard. A large tower extends upward from Errtu. 15 hits (P)
    Planar Gate: A large gate opens in front of Errtu and 8 Manes and 8 Glabalzu attack (D)

    Enter: A swirling blue portal opens and Errtu steps out
    Taunt: Glows with inner fire
    Victory: Raises a crystal tower and laughs evilly

  • Zaknafein

    The father of Drizzt Do'Urden. The Weapon Master of House Do'Urden, Zak has been trapped in the dark world of his Dark Elven kin. Masking his unusual morals from his family, Zak lives a tortured existence.

    Strategy: Zaknafein is a blur of metal. He is a melee fighter with projectile-like specials to aid him. Fight in close for the best effect.
    Battleplan: Zak doesn't have many weaknesses. Your best bet is to out-think the player and anticipate his movements. Otherwise, try to overpower him.
  • Chain Combo, Cross Blades
  • Fairy Fire first, then Chain Combo, Ignition.
    Similar To: Drizzt, Kyo, Iori

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 4 Defense*: 6 Speed: 6 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Dark Globe*: Throws a ball of darkness that explodes on contact. (A)(D)
    Cross Blades*: A forward dashing sword attack. Can be done up to 4 times.
    Light Pellet*: Throws a small stone on the ground, bursts into a bright light. Stuns (H)
    Fairy Fire: Throws a ball of fire, outlines target when hit. Lowers Defense by 1. (A,downward)
    Levitation: Hold up to fly upwards. Cannot move horizontally.
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy back a step and stabs them 5 times
  • Bonus: Wall Jump
    Launcher: A short ranged upward swing of his whip

    Hyper Attacks:
    Celestial Thrash*: Throws 4 light pellets, then uses his whip repeatedly. Hits 12 times. (H)
    Double Thrust Low: Dashes forward (C), deals out 8 hits, then steps back, double stabs low
    Ignition: Opponent must be in fairy fire. The enemy bursts into real flames. 15 hits (F)

    Enter: Dropped onscreen by an air elemental
    Taunt: Puts fairy fire over himself. Does not lower his defense.
    Victory: Closes his piwafi cloak, and turns invisible.

  • Artemis Entreri

    A highly trained assassin. When Entreri is sent to Icewind Dale to hunt down a thief, he finds himself battling the ranger, Drizzt Do'Urden. The two are equals in the ways of the sword, but Entreri has killed all of his emotions. We wields a Dagger of Draining, the relic sword Charon's Claw and has a psionic shield that gathers energy.

    Strategy: The deadly assassin works best when just within reach of his weapons. Entreri's power and defense don't measure up in a hand-to-hand brawl. Use a variety of moves to keep the opponent guessing. If your enemy can anticipate your moves, Entreri is in trouble.
  • Chain Combo, Soul Dagger or Corkscrew Attack or Blood Gash or Charon's Claw
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Psionic Release
    Similar To: Bishop (X-Men), Choi, Drizzt

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense: 4 Speed*: 8 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Gauntlet Reflect*: Punches out, and the fist reflects projectiles
    Charon's Claw*: Swings his sword, and a black line of ash flies forward (A)(D)
    Soul Dagger*: Runs forward (C) grabs the enemy, stabs them with the dagger, drains life.
    Psionic Release: Returns the damage absorbed by Psionic Shield as a beam attack. (A)(P)
    Psionic Shield: When blocking attacks, energy is stored to use for the Psionic Release.
    Basic Throw: Turns enemy around and stabs them in the back
    Bonus: Dodge
    Launcher: A double attack, first slashing down, then whipping his blade up.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Corkscrew Attack: Moves forward, weaving his blades like the edges of a screw. Hits 20 times
    Blood Gash*: A hyper Charon's Claw. 6 lines of ash fly out. 18 hits (D) Shadow Dance: Slips into the shadows and does a dash attack from either side of the enemy. Single Hit.

    Enter: Slips onscreen from the shadows
    Taunt: Juggles his dagger and sword. Cannot do damage
    Victory: Licks the Charon's Claw clean

  • Greensparrow

    The villain of R.A. Salvatore's Crimson Shadow series. In an age when wizards all put themselves in magical stasis, Greensparrow stays awake, and increases his powers through demonic alliances, and by absorbing into himself the last of the great dragons. After conquering the kingdom of Avon, he sets his sight on the rest of the world. The fighter here is actually a half-man, half-dragon.

    Strategy: Even though he is a Half-Dragon, Greensparrow is still more of a magic user than a fighter. Use the variety of projectile attacks to keep the enemy at bay and use the Neck Snap if they manage to get close.
  • Chain Combo, Napalm Breath or Wizard's Bolt
  • Of Two Minds, Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Wizard's Bolt
    Similar Fighters: Blackheart, Cable

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 7 Defense*: 8 Speed: 3 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Scorching Bolt*: A bolt of lighting strikes out the sky. Strikes down vertically. 4 hits (A)(S)
    Dragon Charge*: Gets down on all fours and rushes forward
    Napalm Breath*: Breaths dragon fire. Hits the ground and explodes into a hemi-sphere (F)
    Force of Magic: Throws a black ball of energy. Explodes in a small sphere on contact (D)
    Neck Snap: Grabs the enemy around the neck, and waves them around by it. Ouch!
    Basic Throw: See Neck Snap
    Bonus: Flying
    Launcher: Swings his dragon tail in an upward sweep

    Hyper Attacks:
    Wizard's Bolt*: Electrical energy flies out of Greensparrow in vertical sheets. 20 hits (A)(S)
    Wurm's Torment: GS turns completely into a dragon. Breaths out a huge blast of fire. 30 hits (F)
    Of Two Minds: A shadowy human(GS) flies forward (C) holds the enemy and shocks them. The Dragon-Human can attack by itself. 12 hits (S)

    Enter: Turns from a human wizard (robes,etc) into a Half-Dragon
    Taunt: The dragon stands tall, and the human's shadow can be seen within
    Victory: Becomes a full dragon and roars!

  • Bok

    A Golem created by the wizard Dendybar. Besides protecting the wizard, the Golem's mission is to bring Drizzt Do'Urden back so the wizard can question him about the Crystal shard. I know that picture is ClayFace from Batman, but it looks like how Bok is described.

    Strategy: Very Big, very slow. Either play defensively and counter the enemies moves, or fight extremely offensively and rely on Bok's invincibility to let you get hits in before the enemy gets you. Bok's bane is extremely fast fighters.
  • Chain Combo, Mighty Fist or Flailing Fists
    Similar Fighters: Juggernaut, Hulk

    Stats: Power: 8 Energy: 2 Defense: 10 Speed: 1 Strength: P Weakness: W Ratio: 2 Drain: Super Armor 2 Size: H

    Special Moves:
    Mighty Fist*: Puts his hands together and slams down with both fists. Big range, big damage
    Power Up*: Radiates muscle energy. Raises the power of target by 2. Lasts a single hit
    Stone Throw*: A huge rock drops out of the sky, and Bok catches and throws it (E)
    Phantom: A ghostly-man thing floats forward out of Bok (P)
    Super Armor 3
    Basic Throw: Bear Hugs the enemy, squeezing with the force to crush bone
    Launcher: A basic standing uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Silvery Walls*: A stone wall drops in front of Bok, he punches it and it shatters, pieces fly at enemy. 16 hits (E)
    Land Slide: Punches the background and large chunks of stone fall out of sky. 20 hits (E)
    Flailing Fists: Moves forward with 6 moderately quick punches. Last one is a Mighty Fist

    Enter: Reaches to the ground and picks up his head, puts it back on
    Taunt: Roars mightily
    Victory: The wizard materializes in front of Bok

  • Jilseponie

    As a child, her village was overrun by goblins. After growing to adult hood without memory of who she was, she meets with her best friend from the village, Elbryan, who was trained by to be a ranger. She also meets Avelyn, a monk with magical powers. Jill, or Pony, learns the skills of both of them, making her the most powerful human in the world. Jilseponie is from the Demon Wars series written by R.A. Salvatore.

    Strategy: Jilseponie is a ranged attacker. Her sword attacks give her longer than average range reach, and all of her specials and hypers are ranged. Unlike the majority of weapon wielders, her attacks generally are stabs and thrusts instead of sweeps, resulting in faster attack speed.
  • Chain Combo, Graphite Bolt or Ruby Torch or Amethyst
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Graphite Bolt, Amethyst (ouch)
    Similar Fighters: (?)

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 7 Defense: 3 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Graphite Bolt*: Throws forth a ball of electrical energy. Limited Range (A)(S)
    Ruby Torch*: Releases a lick of flame from a ruby (F)
    Hematite Healing*: Assist only. Jill heals her partner
    Tiger's Paw: Turns her arms into the limbs of a tiger, and performs a running slash attack.
    Forward Thrust: Charges forward with her blade extended.
    Serpentine Shield: Gives herself Strength to Fire for 5 seconds after taunting.
    Leviation: Can fly into the air, but can only move vertically.
    Basic Throw: Uses the malachite to leviate and then drop the enemy
    Launcher: An upward stab that sends the enemy flying up and back

    Hyper Attacks:
    Amethyst*: Rings of red light roll out of Jill. The light rebounds off of walls. 24 hits. Better in close(A)(H)
    Bi'nelle Dasada: Jill does a Forward Thrust(C) followed by an additional 15 sword hits
    Soul Fright: A ghostly specter flies forward, slowly (C) if hit, the enemy is stunned for 5 seconds. Get em!
    Blood Covenant: May use once per battle. Jill kisses a petrified arm and is immune to negative status for the rest of the battle.

    Enter: A band of goblins is blown away by Jill's fireballs. She walks onscreen, glowing green
    Taunt: Praying-like stance. Glows green. Strong to Fire for 5 seconds after and during taunt.
    Victory: Sets up a mirror, in which she views lost friends and family

  • Demon Dactyl

    A demonic being that feeds on the negative emotions of humanity. The Dactyl is resurrected whenever the evils of humanity outweighs the goodness. When he is awake, those of evil character obey his every command. The presence of the Demon enables the Goblinoid races to cooperate, to the detriment of humanity.

    Strategy: Demons are cheap. Burning Spike starts slowly, but creates quite a large splash of fire. However, his best move by far is the Tainting of Humanity. Perform the hyper, then do the Goblinoid Tribes moves as fast as possible. This can pin the enemy in the corner and do some great chipping damage if nothing else.
  • Chain Combo, Demon Shocker or Volcano Eruptor
  • Sweep Combo, Burning Spike, (Bounces), Demon Spike
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Demon Spike
    Similar Fighters: Blackheart, Abyss

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 4 Defense*: 8 Speed: 5 Strength: D,F Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Burning Spike*: Creates a javelin of fire and throws it into the ground a short distance ahead of the Dactyl (F)
    Demon Shocker*: Fires a bolt of lightning from his finger tip. (D,S)
    Hell Fire Armor*: Assist only. Raises the defense of the target by 1. Also, makes strong to fire. Lasts 10 seconds.
    Stone Column: Brings life to a stone pillar. It walks towards the enemy. Not as tall as it sounds (E)
    Goblinoid Tribes: Only one onscreen at a time:
  • Goblins: A small group of little green goblins runs forward, holds the enemy if they touch. Single Hit
  • Powrie: A dwarf-like creature runs forward to attack with an axe. Takes 3 hits to stop.
  • Fomorian: A giant! Attacks with a club. Extremely slow! 4 hits to stop.
    Basic Throw: Touches the enemy, and a dark stain spreads over their body, stuns.
    Bonus: Flying, Wall Jump
    Launcher: A blast of lava rises in front of him (F)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Volcano Eruptor*: Throws a burning spike that creates a giant pillar of flame. 10 hits(F)
    Demon Spike: Four spikes shoot out of each wing. Extends to cover to the edge of the screen. Up to 4 hits. (A)
    Tainting of Humanity: Goblinoid Tribe attacks deal more damage and take an extra hit to stop. No limit. Lasts 10 seconds.

    Enter: A mound of obsidian is onscreen. The Dactyl bursts out of it
    Taunt: Throws his head back and unleashes an unearthly wail
    Victory: See Taunt

  • Juraviel

    An elf from the Demon Wars series. Unlike most elves, the Touel'Alfar are 3-4 feet tall and have wings. Juraviel is one of the few of his people who openly likes humans. Most of his xenophobic people see humans as a nuisance. Juraviel is a friend of Nightbird and Pony, but would not hesitate to discipline them or even abandon them if the other elves decreed it.

    Strategy: Juraviel's small size and quickness allows him to avoid most attacks. Since his defense is low, try to avoid getting hit, especially by the big guys. If Juraviel can get cornered, he is almost helpless.
  • Chain Combo, Flutter Strike or Silverel Strike
  • Sweep Combo, Lady's Emerald
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense: 3 Speed*: 9 Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Flutter Strike*: Flies up slightly and dives down with his small sword
    Bow Shot*: Plucks an arrow at the enemy. May be done 3 times in a row
    Emerald Vine*: A small vine whips out of the ground and holds the enemy (E)
    Silverel Strike: Moves forward, slashing with his sword. May be done 3 times in a row
    Basic Throw: Jumps up and kicks the enemy away
    Bonus Abilities: Teleport, Use Wings to Break a Fall.
    Launcher: An upward sweep of his sword

    Hyper Attacks:
    Lady's Emerald*: A vine rises from the ground and jumps forward like a snake. 10 hits (E)
    Touel'Alfer: A group of elves fly forward with sword attacks. 9 hits
    Miracle Arrow: Fires a glowing arrow that does 8 hits. Free movement (H)

    Enter: Drops from the trees with a wing flutter
    Taunt: Does the sword dance
    Victory: Juraviel sings the elven starsong and more elves join in

  • Pikel

    An absolutely horrible pic, but Pikel is the guy with the green beard from the Cleric Quintet series. Pikel Bouldershoulder is an outcast dwarf. This guy is one goofy dwarf, as he talks in unintelligible "baby-talk". He and his brother Ivan live at the Edificant Library of Deneir as cooks. When a band of druids appear, Pikel announces that he wanted to be a "doodad" too. No one knows how, but he somehow manages to gain some druidic power. His weapon of choice is part of a log that was struck by lightning.

    Strategy: Pikel is sorta short, but carrying around a 5 foot long section of tree trunk gives him some interesting moves. Also, his snake comes out to attack on stronger punch attacks. Don't underestimate the range of this fighter.
  • Chain Combo, Tree Trunk or Ancient Forest
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Shillelagh
  • Sweep Combo, Wall of Brambles (Short) or Snake's Fury
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 4 Defense: 6 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Tree Trunk*: Swings his medium sized tree at the enemy (H,E)
    Sticks to Snakes*: Pikel drops 1 large or 2 small sticks that transform into snakes and slither at the enemy. Cause poison only
    Wall of Brambles*: Calls up a thin wall of thorns out of the ground. Player picks point (E)
    Holy Water: Squeezes a waterskin. A fine spray of water come out. Only harms enemies weak to holy or water
    Basic Throw:
    Bonus Abilities: Long Reach (He has a snake living in his sleeve.)
    Launcher: His bread sweeps up, launching the enemy

    Hyper Attacks:
    Ancient Forest*: Full grown trees pop out of the ground in a series. Like Venom's Hyper. 10 hits (E)
    Shillelagh: Throws his tree straight up and a larger tree stabs downward. Like Sonson. 6 hits (E)
    Snake's Fury: The snake leaps part way out of Pikel's sleeve and bites multiply times. 8 hits + Poison

    Enter: Places his tree on the ground and does a dance around it enchant it
    Taunt: A low chuckle of "He he he" while pointing at the enemy
    Victory: Does a goofy dance near the enemy and a tree begins to grow out of the body

  • Danica

    A warrior monk who is training at Edificant Library. She studies the scrolls of an ancient monk to learn the secrets of the human body. With her knowledge, she can break stone with her head, paralyze a limb with a touch, or even suspend her own life. Danica has taken quite a liking to Cadderly, and the two are good friends who are destined to become much more. A character from the Cleric Quintet.

    Strategy: Danica has a bad hair style, but her martial arts are beyond perfect. Her abilities are so well honed, she can even call upon them when surprised (see Concentration). A melee fighter in the extreme, Danica should be right in the enemy's face at all times.
  • Chain Combo, Crystal Daggers or Spin Kick or Pen D'agn
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Dart Breaker
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy: 5 Defense: 3 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Crystal Daggers*: Throws one of her crystalline throwing daggers. One is Water, the other is Holy. Must be picked up
    Iron Skull*: Dashes forward with a headbutt. Reduces Super Armor (if any) by one level for 10 seconds.
    Spin Kick*: A three hit move which has Danica spinning with her leg sticking out
    Dart Breaker: Air Only. Dives down (T) slams the enemy to the ground, and uses her feet to break the enemy's neck
    Concentration: Passive Ability. If Danica is hit by an elemental move and she is not doing an attack, she only takes 2/3 damage.
    Basic Throw: Kicks the enemy over her shoulder followed by a jab to the gut that Stuns the enemy
  • Danica cannot throw stunned enemies.
    Bonus Abilities: Dodge, Rolling Evade
    Launcher: A sweeping rising kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Pen D'agn*: The art of the Monk. Danica continuously moves forward while attacking with punches and kicks. 12 hits
    Withering Touch: Pokes the enemy. If hit, the victim loses one of his attack buttons for 15 seconds. Random button. Very Short range(U)
    Dragon's Roar: Throws a dagger (C) followed by a 8 hit combo. Automatic dagger retrieval if hit.

    Enter: In a cross-legged position, her mental energy swirls around her body. She is concentration her power
    Taunt: Same as enter, but standing
    Victory: Wipes the blood on her dagger off on the enemy

  • Cadderly

    A young priest in training to the ways of Deneir. An orphan, Cadderly grew up in the Edificant Library. He is looked upon as a trouble maker for his passion towards small machinery. Cadderly's largest failing is his inquisitive nature, as he often uses his friends as guinea pigs for his research. When called upon to battle Castle Trinity, Cadderly discovers within himself the Song of Deneir, a melody that lets him cast ANY magical spell without memorization, praying, or sometimes even thought by altering the notes. He is the leader of the Cleric Quintet. His array of weapons include a enchanted staff, Drow sleeping darts, exploding darts, and a yo-yo weapon called a spindle disk.

    Strategy: Cadderly works well as a healer, but his fighting skills are a little below par. His magic powers can be very useful, but most are defensive based. Try to use Cadderly in combat as a last resort and let him heal your other fighters.
  • Chain Combo, Spindle Disks or Mas Illu
    Similar Fighters: Chin (KOF)

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 10 Defense: 5 Speed: 3 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Fete*: Calls upon the powers of a magical ring to shoot a blast of fire. Straight ahead or up at an angle (F)
    Spindle Disks*: His yo-yo like weapon. Flicks out the adamantine disks at the enemy.
    Blessing of Deneir*: Heals the target. Also, it has a 50% chance of raising Defense by a point.
    Blow Gun Staff: Puts a dart in his staff and shoots it. Either a sleep dart that stuns or an explosive one
    Holy Symbol: During his taunt, Cadderly's prayer stuns enemies that are weak to holy.
    Basic Throw: Trips up the enemy with his staff.
    Bonus Abilities: Regeneration
    Launcher: A rising sweep of his staff

    Hyper Attacks:
    Mas Illu*: Creates a sphere of blinding light at the enemy's position. 12 hits (H)
    Blade Barrier: Creates a wall of spinning blades directly in front of him. Up to 18 hits + blocks all projectiles (H)
    Resurrection: Using his holy magic, Cadderly can recall the souls of his dead companions.
    Flame Strike: Calls a pillar of flame from the sky to smite his enemies. 12 hits (F)

    Enter: The Song of Deneir fills the air around Cadderly.
    Taunt: Takes off his hat and holy symbol and says a prayer
    Victory: Uses his power to watch the souls of the enemy be dragged to the Underworld. Looks sad

  • Ghost

    The leader of a band of assassins. Ghost is a puny, wimpy man that uses a combination of magical artifacts. The first is a ring of regeneration. The second is the Ghearufu. This gloves and mirror combo allows Ghost to switch bodies with his victims, kill the other guy in his own weak body, then use the ring to heal the body for his return. Having lived through several generations, he is cold and calculating.

    Strategy: Slow and weak, Ghost needs to make use of his artifact to take new bodies whenever it is convenient. The reason that Ghost's body is so weak is so that he can trade bodies with his target and kill the new weakling easily. Since Ghost cannot trade bodies unless his real body is involved, his corpse will stay on the ground, regenerating itself regardless of what is done to kill it.
  • Sweep Combo, Sludge Wave or Wave of Despair
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Last Step
  • Chain Combo, Sludge Wave or Wave of Despair
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 1 Energy*: 8 Defense: 3 Speed: 4 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Ghostly Hands*: Spectral hands appear and strangle the enemy. (Drain)(D)
    Sludge Wave*: Summons a wave of despair that oozes forward as a puddle of ooze. 2 hits (D)
    Last Step*: A gigantic foot steps on the enemy. (D)
    Ring of Regenerating: Ghost heals, even after death. He must regain the entire red bar to come back to life. Only the real Ghost regenerates.
    Basic Throw: Slices the enemy's throat

    Bonus Abilities: Regeneration
    Launcher: Punches upward with the Ghearufu glove

    Hyper Attacks:
    Wave of Despair*: Sends waves of dark ooze along the ground. 12 hits (D)
    Huddled Shadows: Dark hands reach up (C) and drags the enemy underground. Single Hit (D)
    Ghearufu Reflection: Uses his powers to switch bodies with his enemy. Ghost keeps the mirror.
    Mental Tug of War: Unblockable. Both players hit buttons. The player who loses takes damage.

    Enter: A spirit enters a burnt looking, used up body
    Taunt: The spirit comes out of the body and waves his hand at the enemy
    Victory: Ghost takes the body of his enemy and does their victory pose

  • Belgarion

    An ordinary farm boy. Garion grew up knowing nothing of his past. One day, he is collected by an old man who seems to be much more than just a vagrant. Next thing Garion knows, he is unlocking the mysteries of sorcery in his mind and heading for a destiny that terrifies him. Garion also discovers his true name, Belgarion the God-slayer. From the Belgariad and Mallorean Series. Garion also wields the Sword of Riva. If I'm ruining the story, you obviously haven't read the books, cause they do not hide secrets well.

    Strategy: Garion is basically a middle distance fighter. His abilities work well at any range, but his normal attacks are slow to start, leaving him vulnerable to even moderate speed melee fighters.
  • Chain Combo, Godslayer or Child of Life or Burn!
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Storm of Mimbre
    Similar Fighters: Hayato

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy*: 10 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Fire of Aldur*: Fires a burst of blue fire from his hands. (F,H)
    Burn!*: Jumps forward and tries to slap the enemy across the face. Success causes the enemy's face to explode in fire (F)
    Storm of Mimbre*: Belgarion summons a storm cloud that shoots lightning bolts towards the ground (S)
    Godslayer: A basic sword slash move. May be done three times, each slice moving Garion forward
    Basic Throw: Yells "PUSH!" and the enemy flies away by the mental force. (P)
    Bonus Abilities: Shadow Slide
    Launcher: An upward sweep of his powerful sword

    Hyper Attacks:
    Orb of Aldur*: A globe of blue fire surrounds and protects Belgarion. 14 hits (F,H)
    Child of Life: A basic rushing sword slash. 8 hits total.
    Live: Uses his sorcery to restore life to one ally.

    Enter: Raises his hand and the sword of Riva flies to him
    Taunt: Holds the sword up pommel first and it flashes blue
    Victory: Holds up the sword in victory and a ray of light centers on Belgarion
