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Comic Book Characters


When Bruce Wayne's parents were gunned done right in front of him, he vowed revenge. When he grew up, he became Batman, the Detective. Fighting with a group of high tech gadgets, he refuses to let others be hurt like his parents and himself. He is obsessed with stopping crime, and will go to any length to ensure justice is done. The character is partially based on the movies, animated series, and various videogames, with a little of the old live action show for laughs.

Strategy: A good mix of distance and melee, though his melee is a little better. His bombs and batarangs are fairly slow, so don't use either expecting massive damage. Staying in close to projectile characters can result in massive damage if Bats can use the Cape Slice, hitting the enemy and reflecting a projectile at the same time!
  • Chain Combo, Cape Slice or Bat Grappler or Sonic Cape
  • Sweep Combo, Sonic Cape
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Attacking Flight or Bat Grappler
    Similar Fighters: Guile, Charlie

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 2 Defense*: 8 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Attacking Flight*: Glides forward with a ramming attack. Super Armor to projectiles during flight. (A)
    Batarang*: Throws his bat shaped boomerang at the enemy
    Plastic Explosives*: Lops a hunk of clay that explodes after a few seconds
    Cape Slice: Whips around, causing his cape to cut anyone close. Reflects non-beam projectiles
    Bat Grappler: Shoots a grappling hook up and swings in for a kick (A)
    Basic Throw: Basic over-the-shoulder throw
    Bonus Abilities: Wall Cling
    Launcher: Basic uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Sonic Cape*: Does a Cape Slice that sends vibration waves upward. 8 hits (B)
    Grapple Assault: Shoots a grapple at the enemy (C) pulls them in for a beating. 8 hits
    The Boy Wonder: Summons Robin, who simply shadows Batman's moves as best as he can. Doubles hits.
    Old School: Level 3. Runs forward (C) the screen flashes with biffs and zowies! Extreme damage. 10 hits.

    Enter: Glides in on his wings
    Taunt: Uses a weapon at random that proves to be defective
    Victory: Starts doing the Bat-tusi dance

  • Superman

    As a child, the baby that would be known as Clark was launched off his dying planet, Krypton. Due to the differences between Earth and his home planet, he became incredibly strong, could fly, and was nearly invincible. Because he was raised as a good old farm boy, he now fights crime with little or no motive. He works at the Daily Planet newspaper to make a living. Superman is a god, which makes him one of the most boring super heroes of all time.

    Strategy: Arg. I tried to make Superman as powerful as I could to get his godish powers right. Anyone who would lose while using him sucks. He can combo just about anything together. Plus, nearly all of his moves are useable in mid-air. Coupled with his medium size and his powerful super armor, Superman is nearly unbeatable, unless you can find some Kryptonite.
  • Chain Combo, Heat Vision or Flying Punch or Immense Strength or Speeding Bullet
  • Chain Combo, Flying Punch, Speeding Bullet
  • Sweep Combo, Immense Strength, Massive Power
  • Sweep Combo, Immense Strength or Massive Power
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Strike Punch or Tallest Building
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Heat Vision or Flying Punch or Strike Punch or Speeding Bullet
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Flying Punch, Speeding Bullet
    Similar Fighters: Cyclops, Rouge, Hulk

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 7 Defense: 7 Speed: 7 Weakness: Kryptonite Ratio: 3 Size: M Drain: Super Armor 2

    Special Moves:
    Heat Vision*: Fires a laser beam from his eyes, either straight ahead or up-forward. 3 hits (F)(A,down or forward)
    Freezing Breath: Breaths out a cloud of ice, that causes some damage and stuns the enemy. (W)
    Flying Punch*: Dashes forward at incredible speeds with a single punch (A)
    Strike Punch: Jumps upward, then dives downward with a punch (A,no jump)
    Immense Strength*: Rips up part of the ground, sending a wave of rock forward. 4 hits (E)
    X-Ray Vision: Superman can see invisible and teleporting enemies.
    Super Armor 3
    Basic Throw: Picks up the enemy, flies up, then throws the victim downward
    Bonus Abilities: Flying, Double Jump, Rolling Evade
    Launcher: Puffs out a wind blast that sends the enemy airborne (B)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Speeding Bullet*: Does a Flying Punch that moves even faster. 8 hits (A)
    Massive Power: Rips a huge pillar of earth out of the ground and flips it. 16 hits (E)
    Tallest Building: Jumps up and vanishes. Does 5 Strike Punches so fast it looks like 5 Supermen. 15 hits

    Enter: Clark Kent walks into a phone booth and comes out as Superman
    Taunt: Quickly checks his briefcase for something
    Victory: Stands in place, cape billowing in the wind

  • Batman (Beyond)

    Bruce Wayne, the multibillionaire, recruits a normal high school student named Terry McGuiness. Using his incredible wealth, Bruce creates a special suit. Terry becomes the new Batman. Unlike his predecessor, Terry's suit is full of useful gadgets. Terry is very independent and doesn't like taking orders from Wayne. However, he slowly learns that the old guy knows what he's talking about.

    Strategy: A quick, fairly small guy with high defense. His attacks may be a little weak, but don't be afraid to jump into melee combat with most other characters. His specials and hypers are a little weak, so don't rely on them too heavily.
    Battle Plan: Watch for his special and hyper attacks. Most of them do not have a large coverage area, so they can be dodged by all but the slowest of enemies.
  • Chain Combo, Bat Claw Combo
  • With Back to screen edge, Sweep Combo, Bat Mobile
    Similar To: Guile, Charlie, Leona

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense*: 7 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Batarang*: A bat-shaped boomerang fires out of Terry's wrist (A)(S)
    Bat Claw Combo*: A series of kicks and claw attacks. See the opening credits
    Bat Throw*: performs a judo kick throw (T)
    Remote Bomb: Throws an explosive, which can be detonated at will (A)(F)
    Limited Flight: Terry can fly for a short time, divebombing into the enemy (A)
    Basic Throw: Grabs the enemy by the waist, uses his rockets to slam the victim into the wall
    Bonus: Wall Cling, Dodge
    Launcher: Does a stationary backflip

    Hyper Attacks:
    Bat Mobile*: The flying car smashs forward. Similar to Blodia Punch. 10 hits (S)
    Beyond the Wing: Flies forward (C) and performs an extended Claw combo. 9 Hits
    Bang-a-rang: Throws 12 bat-a-rangs (S)

    Enter: Turns from Terry to Batman with the digital suit.
    Taunt: Does the crappy cloaking effect. He is still plainly visible
    Victory: The bat mobile picks up.

  • Green Lantern

    The Green Lantern was picked by a magical ring to be a defender of Earth's region of space. His ring has the power to create just about anything. Since there have been several different versions of the Green Lantern, the character is generic.

    Strategy: Green Lantern has many powerful, wide area specials. The downside is that they have a lengthy recovery time.
    Battle Plan: Stick to the Lantern like glue. His basic punch and kick attacks are pretty much worthless. If you can keep from using his specials and hypers, he is in big trouble.
  • Chain Combo, Ring Punch or Emerald Jail or Green Monster
    Similar To:Ice Man, Magneto

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy*: 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Strength: P Weakness: S Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Ring Punch*: A large fist is shot out of the ring (A)(P)
    Emerald Beam*: Shoots a beam of energy upward at a 45 degree angle (A,downward)(P)
    Emerald Crash*: A ball falls out of the sky (A)(P)
    Ring Shield: A shield appears and reflects projectiles
    Emerald Spike: A spike bursts out of the ground (P)
    Grabs the enemy in his ring-energy and crushes them
    Bonus: Flying
    Launcher: An uppercut with a green fist from his ring

    Hyper Attacks:
    Emerald Jail: Screens of power radiate out of Lantern. 16 hits (P)
    Green Monster*: Fires a large beam of energy. 18 hits (P)
    Night Lantern: Shoots a green ball (C) turns into a large green lantern and explodes.(P)

    Enter: Ring Flashes
    Taunt: Ring Flashes
    Victory: Really Big ring flash
    Special Block: Creates a greenish shield to block.

  • Shadow Man

    Series: "Shadow Man" volume 2,3, Acclaim Comics, "Shadow Man" game Michael LeRoi, college dropout, found himself into a lot of money left behind during a mob hit. Seeking protection, a New Orleans Bokor offered help, but Michael's family died, leaving him for dead. Unable to pay for the "protection", he was turned into a zombie slave until rescued by Nettie to become the new Shadow Man. This writeup was sent in by Domientius, the very first person to send me anything.

    Strategy: Michael moves slowly, but has excellent agility and is resistant to most physical attacks, making him useful against tougher opponents. His Shadow Gun fires fast projectiles, useful for keeping opponents at bay. Get in close, but avoid the baton and marteau. Hammer away.
  • Chain Combo, Teleport, Baton
  • Chain Combo, Marteau, Baton
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 6 Speed: 4 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Shadow Gun*: fires a fast moving soul projectile (D)
    Teleport- rapidly teleports to the opposite side of the screen
    Marteau- an ancient jawbone, used as a club at close range. On contact, 4 sparks fly, which may hit the opponent for additional damage (S)
    Baton- an ancient voodoo spear, stabs forward, shooting fire. If close, the opponent will receive damage from both the stab and fire (F)
    Basic Throw: Holds the victim and his claws come out the enemy's back
    Launcher: Basic Uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Deadside- teleports himself and opponent to Deadside, where his attacks do double damage, and the shadow gun can be charged for masisve damage.
    Magnum Desert Eagle: Dashes forward with an elbow, jumps up and forward with an elbow and fires the Shadow Gun mid-air. 10 hits (D)
    Calabash Violator*: Swings his Marteau club 4 times, releasing 16 sparks (S)

    Enter: Mike loses his shirt, the mask of shadows appearing in his chest.
    Taunt: points and shouts "all I see is a wimpy little girl!"
    Victory: eyes glow, shouts, "I am the Lord of Deadside!"
