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Creatures of the Dark Realm

The series that quite possibly started the versus series in the first place, being the first game that made use of hyper attacks. Dark Stalkers is a fighting game that features "common" legendary creatures.

Dimitri | Morrigan | Lilith | Anakaris | Victor | Sasquatch | Queen Bee | Rikuo | BB Hood | Felicia | Hulitzul | Pyron | Jon Talbain |

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The resident vampire of the Dark World. Dimitri wishes to overthrow Pyron to take control of the powers of darkness. He has an unhealthy obsession with Morrigan.

Strategy: Dimitri is kind of hard to use. His dark cradle attack only has forward motion if used during a dash. His moves are kinda odd, often confusing people who have never seen them before
Battle Plan: If you have seen his moves in action, they lose a lot of their power. Dimitri's specials rely on surprise as much as damage. Almost all of his moves leave him wide open for a counter if blocked.
  • Chain Combo, Bat Flare or Gatline Rage or Winged Aflame
  • Sweep Combo, Vanish Drill
    Similar To: Ken/Ryu Family

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 7 Defense: 6 Speed: 4 Strength: F Weakness: H Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Bat Flare*: Dimitri sets a bat aflame and sends in at the enemy. (A)(F)
    Dark Cradle*: A jumping uppercut attack. (A)
    Vanish Drill*: Teleports upward and flies toward like a drill (A)
    Vampire Fang: Grabs the enemy and bites them. (Drain)
    Bonus: When in danger, Dimitri gains +2 energy.
    Basic Throw: Gives the enemy a hot foot (F)
    Bonus: Shadow Slide
    Launcher: Basic standing uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Gatline Rage*: Dimitri throws a huge fireball that hits 16 times (F)
    Winged Aflame: Dimitri turns into a swarm of bats that charge the enemy. 15 hits (A)(F)
    Nighttime Visit: Slides forward (C), turns the enemy into a girl (if not already) and bites behind a curtain (Drain)

    Enter: A coffin opens and Dimitri climbs out
    Taunt: Bows to the enemy
    Victory: Puts head back to laugh and a flaming aura surrounds Dimitri.
    Special Block: Draws his cape around his body to block

  • Morrigan

    The one and only horny succubus! Morrigan hates Demitri, and tries to avoid him as much as possible. Her problem with Pyron stems from the fact he has been trying to stop her orgy.

    Strategy: Morrigan's best tactic is to stay way from her enemy. Her low power and defense make it better to stay back, throwing non-stop Soul fists. If the enemy jumps in close, use a well-timed shadow blade to keep them away.
    Battle Plan: Most fighters need to stay close to Morrigan. Other projectile users need to outgun or out-smart her.
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Shadow Blade or Darkness Illusion
  • Chain Combo, Silhouette Blade
    Similar To: Ken/Ryu Family, Ken most of all.

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 7 Defense: 4 Speed*: 8 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Soul Fist*: Morrigan launches a large ball of energy from her fist. When used in air, travels downward (D)
    Shadow Blade*: Turning one wing into a blade, Morrigan does an uppercut attack (A)
    Succubus Flip*: A forward moving kick flip. Hits up to 5 times
    Jet Wing Slam: Grabs the enemy, turns her wings into a rocket pack, and slams the enemy
    Air Dash: Dash forward in the air. Either straight and slightly down or down, then forward and up.
    Basic Throw: Pokes the enemy, finger extends into the wall
    Launcher: Her wing transforms into a blade that shoots out of the ground directly ahead of her

    Hyper Attacks:
    Soul Eraser*: Turns wings into 3 cannons and fires large beams. Up to 32 hits (D)
    Silhouette Blade: 3 shadows of Morrigan rise out of the ground using the Shadow Blade attack
    Darkness Illusion: Flies forward (C), splits into 2, and performs a 37 hit combo. Air
    Twilight Rendevous: Blows a heart at enemy (C)a pink curtain masks the two having "fun". Unblockable

    Enter: Two shadows of Morrigan combine into a single succubus.
    Taunt: Lilith Appears and Morrigan pats her on the head
    Victory: Transforms into a business women
    Special Block: Morrigan's wings transform into a shield

  • Lilith

    Morrigan's "little sister". When Morrigan was born, the dark gods decreed that she had too much power. So they split her spirit into two and sent part of it into the future. That is Lilith. Just remember, the idea of a 14-year old succubus is rather frightening. The temptation attack listed below is actually a real attack from Darkstalkers 3.

    Strategy and BattlePlan: Lilith is weak version of Morrigan, so look at her battle plans.
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Temptation
  • Chain Combo, Bright Wing or Skirt Cutter
    Similar To: Morrigan, Ken/Ryu family; Sakura in particular

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 3 Defense: 3 Speed*: 7 Strength: H Weakness: D Ratio: 1

    Special Moves:
    Sodesune*: Lilith fires a heart-shaped projectile out of her mouth. Short range(A) (H)
    Shining Blade*: Changes her wing into a blade and does an uppercut attack (A)
    Skirt Cutter*: Turns wings into blades around her waist, dashes forward and up. (A)
    Arrow Launcher: Grabs the enemy (C), turns her wings into a bow, and fires the enemy.
    Basic Throw: See Morrigan
    Launcher: See Morrigan

    Hyper Attacks:
    Starlight Assault*: Floats gently, fires 18 Sodesune projectiles. Normal Range(A) (H)
    Bright Wing: 4 Liliths come out of the ground, doing the shining blade attack. 12 hits.
    Temptation: Jumping into the air naked, with green things swirling around her. 8 hits (A)(H)

    Enter: Floats in the air in a fetal position, naked again, and turns into clothed Lilith
    Taunt: Grabs her stomach and a thought bubble shows pictures of food!
    Victory: A ring of bats appear, and she lays on her stomach on top of them and floats
    Special Block: Her wings transform in a shield

  • Anakaris

    An Egyptian God. Anakaris put himself into slumber after eons of prosperity. However, he recently awakened to find this empire in ruins. Anakaris is now preparing to resurrect his kingdom.

    Strategy: Anakaris's main strength is his unpredictability. The foot teleport in particular can be quite useful when an enemy tries to attack a flying Anakaris. Also, he has moves that cover nearly every range category, allowing him to attack his opponent nearly anywhere on the screen.
    Battle Plan: Although he can cover any range group, most of his moves leave him wide open for as much as 2-3 seconds on a miss. This mummy is easily defeated if you can predict his attacks.
  • Chain Combo, Nile Tentacle or Hidden Arms
  • Sweep Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Hidden Arms in air
    Similar To: Dhalsim, Necro

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 8 Defense: 5 Speed: 3 Strength: D Weakness: F Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Nile Tentacle*: Anakaris' arms form a single large tentacle (A)
    Space Change*: Grabs at the enemy from a distance. Only effects a single point (A)
    Sarcophagus*: A coffin drops out of the sky, and bounces off what ever it hits (A)(D)
    Ancient Spirit: Air only. Anakaris breaths a ghostly wail. Changes enemy into runt (D)
    Foot Teleport: Air only. Anakaris' kicks come out from the ground.
    Basic Throw: Shakes the enemy with his long arms.
    Launcher: Sinks into the ground and four posts rise up at his corners.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Hidden Arms*: Opens a coffin, and Nile Tentacles come out of it. 25 hits (A)(D)
    Mummification: 12 Sarcophagus drop out of the sky. (D)
    Pharaoh Destiny: A roaming Space Change attack. Slams around 6 times. (A)
    Play thing of Gods: A giant Anakaris smacks at the enemy. # based on hitting buttons.

    Enter: A sarcophagus opens and Anakaris climbs out
    Taunt: Faces the players and puts his arms out to the side
    Victory: Same as taunt
    Special Block: Turns into a sarcophagus

  • Victor

    A monster build by a mad scientist. To give life to Victor, the scientist sacrificed his daughter. Now, Victor is on a quest to give the life back the the little girl.

    Strategy: Victor should fight defensively. He is too big and slow to control the tempo of the fight. Stay back and let them come to you, unless the person is a projectile user.

  • Chain Combo, Head Butt or Hammer Fists
  • Sweep Combo, Ground Shock or Shockwave
    Similiar To: Hulk, Juggernaut

    Stats: Power*: 8 Energy: 4 Defense: 6 Speed: 3 Strength: S Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Ground Shock*: Punches the ground and electricity rises from it. (S)
    Monster Slam*: Grabs the enemy for a spinning backbreaker
    Forearm: A spinning attack similar to Zangief's (A)
    Giga Fist: Air only. His fists grow huge and punch downwards
    Head Butt*: A forward dash attack, head first
    Basic Throw: Gives the enemy a powerful piledriver.
    Launcher: Basic Uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Shockwave*: Several pillars of electricity form in series. 10 hits (S)
    Supreme Throw: Grabs the enemy (C) spins around, and chucks the enemy
    Hammer Fists: Moves forward while swinging madly with those massive fists

    Enter: Lying on a table, he comes to life
    Taunt: Picks his nose
    Victory: The girl's spirit sits on his shoulder

  • Sasquatch

    The leader of a tribe of wild animals living in the frigid north. Sasquatch is fighting to protect his people from the humans encroaching on their lands.

    Strategy: Sasquatch's specials are specifically designed to work well on defense. He is kinda slow, so use this to your advantage. Let the enemy come to you, and if they won't use Ice Shot and Ice Beam to fire at them.

  • Sweep Combo, Thin Ice
  • Chain Combo, Twisted Ankle or Ice Beam
    Similar To: Subzero

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Strength: W Weakness: F Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Ice Pillar*: Freezes himself in a pillar of ice (W)
    Ice Shot*: Shoots 2 small chucks of ice out of his mouth (A)(W)
    Twisted Ankle*: Wraps his leg up, and puts it out spinning (A,downward)
    Freeze Breath: Sasquatch breaths out a cloud that freezes the enemy momentarily (W)
    Wind Up Punch: Winds up his fist, and punches out. Wind up and punch are separate actions.
    Basic Throw: Puts the enemy in his mouth, chews spits out
    Launcher: Basic Uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Ice Beam*: Opens his mouth wide, and fires a beam of ice. 20 hits (A)(W)
    Thin Ice: Creates a small ice puddle, if stepped on (C) a whale's tail smacks the enemy away (W)
    Disposable Penguins: A flock of Penguins surround Sasquatch, fly out when he attacks, exploding on contact

    Enter: A puddle appears, and he bursts through it
    Taunt: Waves to the other guy
    Victory: Builds a snowman while penguins dance around him

  • Queen Bee

    The leader of a colony of mutant, evil bees. Her goal is to exterminate all life in the Dark Realm and establish it has a giant hive. The giant bee idea is a better idea then actual fighter.

    Strategy: Although fairly quick, Q Bee suffers from a lack of variety as well as a lack of power. Her moves are actually pretty good, but her Ratio 1 status takes the "sting" out of the moves. I'm sorry.
  • Chain Combo, Beeshot
  • Launcher, The Hive
    Similar To: Marrow

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 3 Defense: 3 Speed*: 7 Weakness: B Ratio: 1

    Special Moves:
    Beeshot*: Forms her hands into a bee hive, and shot 6 bees out of it. Short range (A)
    Sting*: Flies forward (C) impales the enemy and flips them (A)
    Yellow Jacket*: Jumps up to the wall, and does a sting dive bomb
    Basic Throw: Grabs the enemy, flies into the air and slams them
    Bonus: Rolling Evade
    Launcher: Goes butt-up and her stinger launches

    Hyper Attacks:
    The Hive*: A huge bee hive appears on the top of screen, and 17 bees swarm at the victim
    Next Generation: Flies forward (C) stings the enemy, dies!, then a new Q Bee comes out of the victim. Ouch!

    Enter: Climbs out a giant bee hive
    Taunt: Wiggles her butt and stinger at the enemy
    Victory: A giant flower grows, and Qbee drinks

  • Rikuo

    A fishman trying to destroy the human race to save his people.

    Strategy: Rikuo as some odd abilities. His poison abilities are worth using, and the Sonic Beam attack has quite a wide range for a Ratio 1 character.
  • Chain Combo, Sonic Beam or Oceanic Wave
  • Sweep Combo, Toxic Cloud on non-water enemies
    Similar To: Jin, Shuma Gorath

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 4 Defense*: 6 Speed: 3 Strength: W Weakness: S Ratio: 1

    Special Moves:
    Sonic Beam*: Circular blasts of psychic energy shoot forward (A)(P)
    Poison Gill*: Shoots poison gas out of his gills(armpits). Causes HP to slowly drop (B)
    Razor Fin*: Jumps upward and flies forward slightly.(A)
    Razor Wheel: An upward jumping, uppercut like attack. Spins like a saw blade (A)
    Basic Throw: Grabs the enemy's head with his flippers.
    Launcher: A basic high kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Oceanic Wave*: A tidal wave moves forward. Rikuo rides on it. 14 hits (W)
    Toxic Cloud: Sprays a cloud that causes anyone not strong to water to act as if poisoned.
    Bonus: Wall Cling

    Enter: Rides a wave onscreen
    Taunt: Stands straight and his gills flap wildly
    Victory: Same as taunt

  • BB Hood

    A deranged little girl who dresses like Little Red Riding Hood. When her family was killed by wolves, BB Hood dons her red cloak and goes on a wolf (and werewolf) killing spree.

    Strategy: BB Hood is hard to use, but that can be an advantage if the other player isn't used to her weird moves and timing. Just use her combos, but try to wait for the enemy to make a mistake.
  • Chain Combo, Uzi Blast, Happy Missile
  • Sweep Combo, Memory of Grandma
    Similar To: War Machine, Dhalsim (Fire Attacks)

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 6 Defense: 4 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Happy Missile*: Fires a missile out of her basket
    Haze of Fire*: Fires a lick of flame out of a bottle. Good anti-air (F)
    Uzi Blast*: Moves forward slightly, and fires 8 shots from a machine gun. Short Range
    Jumping Happy Missile: Jumps up, and fires a missile diagonally down (A)
    Skirt Missile: BB hops, and a missile drops from under her dress and flies forward
    Basic Throw: Climbs on the enemy's back and slits their throat.
    Launcher: A little hop kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    The Hunters*: A pair of hunters shoot missiles overhead while BB fires her Uzi at ground level. 52 hits!
    Rainbow Haze: A Haze of Fire where the flame can be aimed. Like Tsunami Flare from Dhalism. 14 hits (F)
    Memory of Grandma: Does a diving dagger attack (C), BB does a 10 hit combo, then throws the enemy in a puddle (W)
    Picnic Lunch: Falls forward (C) and 20 bombs get thrown from basket. If misses only 3 (F)

    Enter: Skips onscreen while singing "lalalala"
    Taunt: Plays with her little puppy that follows her around
    Victory: A microphone drops, and she starts singing. Very Frightening

  • Felicia

    A cat girl. Felicia seems to be some sort of rock star or singer in the Dark World. In the Darkstalkers 3, she leaves her fame behind to try to defeat the evils of the Dark World. Damn, cat girls rule.

    Strategy: This cat girl is quick and should be used aggressively. Her defense may be a little weak, but her highly comboable moves and speed allow her to charge right in and beat the crap out of enemies.
  • Chain Combo, Cat Roll, Neko Punch or Arirei just as the roll hits
  • Chain Combo, Scratching Post
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Dive Kick
  • Sweep Combo, Kitty Litter Surprise
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 6 Defense: 3 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Sand Kick*: Turns her back, kicks a wave of sand towards the enemy (E)
    Dive Kick*: Jumps upwards, then flies down at a 45 degree angle. (A)
    Cat Rolling*: Curls into a ball and rolls forward. Bounces into the air on contact.
    Neko Punch: Used during a roll. Stops a Cat Roll and does a straight punch.
    Arirei!: Used during a roll. Stops the roll with a jumping, uppercut attack.
    Balloon Pounce: A balloon flies out of Felicia, and she jumps forward and pops it. Pretty useless.
    Basic Throw: Hangs on the enemy's waist and claws them in the face.
    Launcher: She kicks high

    Hyper Attacks:
    Kitty Litter Surprise*: A hyper Sand Kick. Creates a single giant wave. Hits 10 times (E)
    Scratching Post: Does a Cat Roll (C) scratches the enemy, finishes with Arirei! 12 hits total
    Onegai: A kitten-girl flies at the enemy (C) 3 more young cat girls beat up the enemy in a cloud of smoke. 30 hits

    Enter: A small white kitten is transformed into Felicia
    Taunt: Bends down and sniffs the ground
    Victory: Sits down and starts scratching her ear with her legs.

  • Hulitzul

    An ancient Incan war mech. Hulitzul is revived by Pyron to defend him from the Darkstalkers. While it does not like fighting, Hulitzul will defend himself and his master by any means available. The little boy is the last survivor of the ancient civilization that built Hulitzul. He reacts to the fight, cheering when Hulitzul hits and looks afraid when he is hit. When a hyper is done, a shield forms around the boy.

    Strategy: This bot is loaded with fire arms. Use them. Although Hulitzul has high defense, he really isn't that good at melee combat.
  • Chain Combo, Incan Cannon or Incan Buster
  • Sweep Combo, Air Charge
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Incan Cannon or (Super) Shock Mines
    Similar Fighters: Iron Man

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 6 Defense: 8 Speed: 2 Strength: S Weakness: P Ratio: 2
    Drain: Super Armor 2 + minor damage!(S)

    Special Moves:
    Incan Cannon*: Fires a laser beam straight forward. (A,S)
    Anti-Air Cannon*: Very much like Incan Cannon, but fired upward at a 45 degree angle (S)
    Air Charge*: Turns himself into a large saw blade and flies at the enemy (A)
    Shock Mines: Air Only. Lobs a mine-like object. If the enemy touches it, they are shocked (S)
    Super Armor 2
    Basic Throw: Holds the enemy, spins really fast and throws
    Bonus: Air Dash
    Launcher: Standing uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Incan Buster*: Hulitzul unfolds into a giant cannon. Much like Proton Cannon. 27 hits (S)
    Raid Defender: A hyper version of Anti-Air Cannon. Hits 15 times (S)
    Super Shock Mine: Air Only. Throw 4 mines down. Each radiates a field of energy. 16 hits total (S)
    The True Power: Gains Super Armor Max and

    Enter: Drops a little boy off of his shoulder.
    Taunt #1: Aims a huge cannon at the enemy, a rock falls out!
    Taunt #2: Pulls his head off and cleans it
    Victory: The little boy runs to Hulitzul and jumps into his arms

  • Pyron

    The would-be ruler of the Dark World. Pyron is constantly trying to take over the Dark World, but the other Darkstalkers have always stopped him from doing so. Recently, a being named Jedah appeared and crushed his empire. Pyron is out for revenge and to regain his power.

    Strategy: Pyron should be used aggressively. His moves are weird looking, but move quickly, allowing a player to catch the enemy off guard.
  • Chain Combo, Fire Wheel, Spitting Flare
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Air Lance
  • Sweep Combo, Rug Burn, Flame Pillar or Spitting Flare
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 8 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Fire Wheel*: Turns himself into a large flame wheel. Rolls forward. Fast (F)
    Flame Pillar*: Turns into a large pillar of flame (F)
    Flame Buster*: Fires a fireball shaped like a short cone (F)
    Air Lance: Air Only. Turns into a solar system shaped object and whirls towards the enemy (F)
    Rug Burn: A basic slide kick (F)
    Basic Throw: Swirls around the enemy in a blaze of fire (F)
    Bonus: Teleport
    Launcher: Flame rises off of Pyron (F)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Spitting Flare*: Turns into a flame pillar with a mouth and a stream of flame comes out. Up to 35 hits (F)
    Star Burst: Waves his hands and 4 explosions go off near the enemy. 5 hits per explosion (F)
    Dual Personality: Splits Pyron into two. The player controls them both, but one has a slight control lag to allow different moves.

    Enter: A ball of flame hits the ground, explodes into a pillar and Pyron steps out
    Taunt: Looks like he slips and is fighting to keep his balance
    Victory: Turns into a pillar and laughs at the victim

  • Jon Talbain

    A martial arts master who has become a werewolf. Jon desires nothing more than to be left in peace so he can combat his werewolf desires. However, the rulers of the Dark World can see is power and will not let him sit out. Also, BB Hood is hunting him, falsely believing him to be her parent's murderer.

    Strategy: Jon is very quick and very powerful. However, he cannot take much damage. His great attack power and his speed should keep him out of trouble, but if he can trapped in the corner, he is in big trouble.
  • Chain Combo, Flash Charge or Breaker Hop or Flash of Were
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Flash Kick or Flash Charge
  • Chain Combo, Blazing Wolf, Wolf Stream
  • Nunchunks, Slashing Planks (in the middle of Nunchunk hits)
    Similar Fighters: Guile, Ruby Heart

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy: 4 Defense: 3 Speed*: 7 Strength: D Ratio: 2 Size: M
    Weakness: Any attack with Silver in its name deals double damage.
    Special Moves:
    Flash Kick*: Does a backflip with one leg sticking out. Leaves a trail of light (A)
    Flash Charge*: Jon can dash twice in any of the eight directions. Very quick (A,one)
    Blazing Wolf*: Throws a blazing wolf-shaped projectile (H)
    Nunchunks: Whips a pair of nunchunks around him with lightning speed. 4 hits
    Breaker Hop: Hops backward, then launches himself forward with a jump kick
    Basic Throw: Grabs the enemy with his legs and throws the victim behind him
    Bonus Abilities: Wall Cling, Wall Jump
    Launcher: He kicks high

    Hyper Attacks:
    Wolf Stream*: Jon fires a powerful stream of wolf heads. 12 hits (H)
    Flash of Were: A hyper of Flash Charge. May fly in 8 directions 8 times
    Slashing Planks: A hyper nunchunks. Hits the enemy from farther away for 12 hits

    Enter: Turns from a nondescript guy to werewolf form
    Taunt: Scratch his chin with one finger
    Victory: Drops into a crouch and howls to the moon
