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The Digital World's Fighters

An anime that originated from a Tamagachi-like virtual pet. Digimon uses a strangly appealing system of "power-up"ing. Whenever the Digimon's human buddy is in danger, the Mon can "digivolve" into a stronger level. The order is Baby-Adolensent-Rookie-Champion-Ultimate-Mega. Then there also Armor and DNA digivolving. Armor seems to be somewhere between Champion and Ultimate. DNA is a fusion between two and is a level higher then the two. The latest versions are Matrix Digivolving, which is just a new name for Ultimate and Biomerging, where the kid and digimon combine into an extremely strong Mega.
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Season 1: WarGreymon | WereGarurumon | Myotismon | Andromon |
Season 2: Flamedramon | Digital Emperor |
Season 3: Rennamon | Guilmon | Rapidmon | Impmon | Beelzemon | Gallantmon | Megagargomon | Justimon |

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The Mega version of Agumon. Agumon is typically the strongest of the good Digimon. He always reaches the next level of power before any other the others. Agumon is the digimon of Tai, the holder of the crest of courage.

Strategy: Wargreymon is fairly average. This mon is good at both melee and missile combat. Wargreymon is versitile, but sort of lacking in the power and speed categories.
Battle Plan: This Digimon is tall. Since he does not have the Invincible ability, his head/chest area is hard for to protect by countering.
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Terra Force or Nova Core
  • Sweep Combo, War Drill downward-towards
    Similar To: Sentinel, Wolverine

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 5 Speed: 4 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Metal Claw*: Shoots out his claw forward or upward 45 degs.
    Giga Blaster*: Chest plate opens and fires a missile straight ahead (A)(F)
    Nova Core*: A ball of fire is formed over Greymon's head (F)
    War Drill: Flies while spinning with claws extended. Drill Claw from Wolverine (A)
    Basic Throw: Slams the enemy against the wall, gives a few punches.
    Bonus: Flight
    Launcher: A basic standing uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Terra Force*: Creates a huge globe of fire overhead and throws it at the enemy. 10 hits (F)
    Giga Cannon: Fires 16 missiles from his chest (F)
    War Claw: Shoots out the claw (C) pulls in the enemy to attack 10 times

    Enter: Warp-Digivolve: Agumon does a backflip and turns into Mega form.
    Taunt: Crosses arms and slides them apart. Like the Mega change motion
    Victory: Changes back to Agumon and Tai comes out.
    Special Death: Hits the ground and changes back into baby form

  • WereGarurumon

    The so-called Ultimate form of Gabumon. Gabumon's human partner is Matt. They use the Crest of Friendship to power-up. Except for Wargreymon, Gabumon is the only digimon that can reach the Mega level of evolution.

    Strategy: Weregarurumon is a ninja-werewolf. He relies almost solely on melee attacks. Although his stats are fairly average, he has good recovery time, leaving little time for the target to counter. Also, the Reflect paw can protect him from projectiles
    Battle Plan: For a melee fighter, his defense is rather low. Take advantage of this by countering his attacks, which isn't easy due to fast recovery. Even blocked hypers do fair amount of damage.
  • Chain Combo, Claw Charge or Iron Wolf Clash
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Rainbow Claw
    Similar To: Sabertooth, Wolverine, Cammy

    Stats: Power*:6 Energy: 5 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Strength: W Weakness: W Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Claw Charge*: Dashes through the enemy leaving claw marks. Sabertooth's attack
    Wolf Claw*: Jumps forward to grab and throw the enemy. Sabertooth again (A)
    Rainbow Rising*: Spinning Uppercut using claws that leaves a rainbow trail (A)(W)
    Reflect Paw: Punches forward and can hit non-beam projectiles back at the enemy
    Ice Drill Kick: Flies forward feet first. Cammy's Cannon Drill
    Basic Throw: Does a back flip, grabs the opponent with his legs, and throws them over his head.
    Bonus: Dodge, Wall Jump
    Launcher: Hops up slightly with a high kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Howling Pyre*: Garuru howls and a large ice-fire appears around him. 14 hits (W)
    Rainbow Claw: Air only. Dives down and forward claws first. Leave large rainbow trail. 10 hits (W)
    Iron Wolf Clash: Turns into Metal-Garurumon and launches 22 missiles.(A)

    Enter: A blue light appears and Gabumon Warp-Digivolves.
    Taunt: Rears back his head and howls
    Victory: Matt comes out to congratulate.
    Special Death: Lands on the ground and turns into a baby form.

  • Myotismon

    A dark vampiric Digimon attempting to take over the Digital World. Perhaps the strongest villain on the show. After nearly conquering the Digital World, he makes a portal to try to take over the Human world.

    Strategy: Myotis excels at distance fighting. Both is projectile and melee skills are solid. Use projectiles and the Vamp Fist if the enemy closes in.
    Battle Plan: Myotismon is good in close and at a distance, but kind of lacking on a middle distance fight. Stay just outside of his melee range and attack when he leaves himself open.
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Swarm of Evil or Crimson Lightning
  • Shadow Walk, Venom Clasp or Vampire Fang
    Similar To: Akuma, Cable, Rogue

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy*: 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Crimson Bolt*: Throws a ball of electricity. (A)(S)
    Vampire Fist*: Flies forward fist first. (A)
    Vampire Bats*: 2 bats fly out of his cape and bite the enemy. Drains HP (A)(D)
    Vampire Fang: Reaches out to bite the enemy. (Drain)
    Shadow Walk: Myotismon turns into a shadow and dashes forward (A)
    Basic Throw: Holds the enemy up, shocking them with red lightning (S).
    Bonus: Flying
    Launcher: Standing Uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Crimson Lightning*: Throws a huge bolt of red lightning. Like Cable?s Viper Beam. 30 hits (A)(S)
    Swarm of Evil: Opens his cape and 22 bats fly out at the enemy (A)(D)
    Venom Clasp: Grabs the enemy (C) and bites the enemy 4 times. (Drain)

    Enter: A swarm of bats combine into a shadow. Shadow turns into Myotis
    Taunt: Throws his head back and laughs evilly
    Victory: Bats roost on the corpse and Myotis laughs!
    Special Death: Bursts into a cloud of bats

  • Andromon

    Andromon is an android type Digimon that was controlled by Devimon near the beginning of the series. Andromon is an ultimate level Digimon. He is not evil, he views himself as a protector of the weak. Although he isn't a very powerful Digimon, he makes it up in the amount of effort he puts into his work. Also, Andromon's Champion form, Guardromon, is the partner of one of the children in the Digimon Tamers season.

    Strategy: Andromon is the slow, menacing looking android. Doing well with this ratio one wonder requires good anticipation skills. His moves have a fair amount of starting lag, so planning ahead is a must if you ever hope to hit the enemy.
  • Chain Combo, Guardian Cutter or Shock Wave or Android Blade
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 4 Defense*: 6 Speed: 2 Strength: S Weakness: W Ratio: 1 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Guardian Barrage*: Fires 2 small missiles with police whistles and batons. 2 hits (A)
    Guardian Cutter*: A jumping slice attack. Dragon Punch uppercut (S)
    Shock Wave*: A very short ranged projectile attack. Hits 3 times (S)
    Guardian Slash: Jumps forward and slices downward. Must be blocked high.
    Basic Throw: Pulses electricity though his own body. Hurts himself and the enemy (S)
    Launcher: A standing uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Android Blade*: Sweeps his arm up, leaving an electrical trail, then fires a thin bolt straight ahead. 8 hits (S)
    Lightning Shocker: Fires a missile into the air. Explodes into a ball of electricity on command. 12 hits (S)

    Enter: Falls out of the sky, landing on his head. Manages to stand
    Taunt: Yells "Monkey Butt!!" in an extremely over-dramatic voice.
    Victory: "I must defeat Orochimon" while clenching his fist.

  • Flamedramon

    The armor digivolved form of Veemon. Veemon is the first of the Second Season digimon to transform. Using the Digi-elemental of courage, Veemon can digivolve into Flamedramon. Also, with the elemental of friendship, Veemon can become Raidramon.

    Strategy: Flamedramon should be used aggressively. His moves has a fairly lengthy recovery, but the charge moves have him bounce off if the enemy blocks. This gives you the time to recover before being hit, except by beam attacks.
  • Chain Combo, Meteor Bomb or Flame Shot or Fire Bomb or Fire Rocket
  • In Close: Raigeki Thunder.
  • In Close: Burning Lance, Meteor Bomb or Fire Rocket
    Similar Fighters: Jon Talbain

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense*: 6 Speed: 4 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:

    Meteor Bomb*: Flies forward or diagonally engulfed in flame. (A)(F)
    Flame Shot*: Throws a ball of fire towards the enemy (A)(F)
    Burning Lance*: A blade-shaped pillar of flame comes out of Flamedramon (F)
    Pyro Charge: Hold a button to charge up. Fire surrounds Flamedramon until he uses a special. (A)(F)
    Basic Throw: Grapples the enemy, burns the victim with fire (F)
    Bonus: When in critical, Flamedramon's power goes up by 2, Dodge
    Launcher: Standing uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Fire Bomb*: Throws forward three large balls of flame. 18 hits (F)
    Fire Rocket: Hyper of Meteor Bomb. Hits 14 times (A)(F)
    Raigeki Thunder: Turns into Raidramon and throws a gigantic lightning bolt. 10 hits (S)

    Enter: Digivolves into Flamedramon
    Taunt: See Veemon picture
    Victory: Turns into Veemon and laughs wildly

  • Digital Emperor

    After losing his brother to the Digital World, Ken inherits his brother's digivice. Filled with rage and great sadness over the loss of his brother, Ken renames himself Emperor of the Digital World and begins using Black Spires to control the digimon. His only goal is to destroy the Digi-Destined and take over the Digi-World.

    Strategy: Both Dark Rings and Wormmon can hold the enemy in place for a serious ass-whooping. Try to hit the enemy with either of these moves before using hypers. Since all of his specials have medium to long range, try not to let the enemy in close. A few good slams and Ken is done.
  • Chain Combo, Kaiser Whip or Kimera Cannon
  • Sweep Combo, Soccer Ball or Dark Spire
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Dark Ring or Kimera Cannon
  • Dark Ring or Wormmon Web, Any Other Combo
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 7 Defense: 3 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Dark Ring*: Throws a black hoop at the enemy. Closes around the target, holds them in place. (A,D)
    Soccer Ball*: Drops a soccer ball and kicks it at the enemy
    Kaiser Whip*: Slashes with his whip. 3 Hits. If last one hits, the enemy is thrown
    Wormmon: Sends his partner digimon to attack. Either tackles or spews web that holds the enemy in place
    Basic Throw: Whips around the throat, chokes
    Bonus: Wall Cling
    Launcher: A soccer style kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Dark Spire*: A large black spear bursts out of the ground under the enemy. 10 hits (D)
    Tyrano Terror: Summons a fire dino digimon. Attacks independently. Free Movement. Lasts until dino killed (F)
    Kimera Cannon: Fires blasts of energy from his hands. 16 hits, 4 of each elemental. Like Sakura's upward fireballs (A)(F,W,S,D)

    Enter: Comes flying from the background, forms into Ken, then grows his Emperor outfit
    Taunt: Mockingly salutes his enemy
    Victory: Laughs insanely.

  • Rennamon

    The one not holding the card. Rennamon is the digimon partner of Rika (the girl). Rennamon is extremely powerful, despite being only a rookie level! Rennamon can often hold her own against even Ultimate levels. Like Rika, Rennamon is often introspective, preferring to think things through rather than speak to the other Digimon or their trainers.

    Strategy: Quick as a fox, with extreme comboing. Rennamon shouldn't be used as a melee fighter. Jump in, do a combo, then jump out. When the enemy catches her is when there are problems.
  • Chain Combo, Dragon Wheel, Diamond Storm just as Wheel hits
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Diamond Storm or Foxfire Inferno
  • Sweep Combo, Crystal Bit, Diamond Storm
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 5 Defense: 3 Speed*: 8 Strength: W Weakness: E Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Dragon Wheel*: Rolls into a watery ball and hurls herself at the enemy (A,W)
    Flash Breeze*: Throws a crescent shaped wave at the enemy. (B)
    Crystal Bit*: Hands glowing with water energy, Rennamon does a 3 hit combo attack (W)
    Absorbing Data: When Rennamon defeats an enemy, she gains a Drain effect until the end of the fight. +1 only.
    Unassuming: Rennamon becomes invisible until hit or canceled.
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy, vanishes, falls out of the sky with a kick to the head
    Bonus: Dodge, Rolling Evade, Double Jump
    Launcher: Turns and sweeps upward with her tail

    Hyper Attacks:
    Diamond Storm*: Creates shards of ice in front of her. Launches them at the enemy all at once. 30 hits (A,downward)(W)
    Foxfire Inferno: A spinning blaze surrounds Rennamon. Up to 12 hits (A,B)
    Digital Modify: One of the following happens at random. Lasts 10 seconds. Only 1 may be in effect at a time.
  • Digital Evolution: All stats +3. Turns into a fox-like creature. All moves can still be used.
  • Hyper Speed, Activate: Raises speed by 6! Lowers power by 1
  • Aqua Blaster: All hypers, specials, and normal moves deal Water (W) damage.
  • Dragon Bomb: Rennamon glows white. If she throws the enemy, the bomb goes off, doing massive damage.
  • Rejuvenation: Rennamon gains regeneration and Super Armor 1.

    Enter: Rika stands with crossed arms, whispers "Rennamon" and she appears
    Taunt: Turns her back and crosses her arms
    Victory: Spreads her arms and colorful balls fly into her. (Absorbing Data)

  • Guilmon

    Guilmon is a Digital Monster created by Takato. When he found a mysterious blue card in a pack, he swiped it though his card scanner, only to have the scanner transformed into a real Digivice. Then, the Digivice started scanning pictures he drew of his imaginary Digimon, and next thing he knew Guilmon was alive. Guilmon acts like a baby early in the series, mostly because it is one! The high point in Guilmon's life is eating bread that is shaped like himself.

    Strategy: Guilmon is easy to underestimate, mostly because of its small size and goofy mannerisms. Try to keep the Digi-Modify ability working at all times. All of the effects are extremely useful and can provide Guilmon with even more power. His attacks start very quickly, with the except of Pyro Breath. However, most have longer recover times than is average.
  • Chain Combo, Pyro Blaster, Pyro Sphere
  • Pyro Breath, Pyro Sphere
  • Chain Combo, Thunder Claw or Lightning Blade
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Hyper Wing Combo
    Similar Fighters: Dhalsim

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 7 Defense: 6 Speed: 4 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Pyro Blaster*: Throws a ball of flame from its mouth. (A,downward)(F)
    Thunder Claw: Waves his arm, sending a short ranged blast of lightning forward. 2 hits (if close) (S)
    Lightning Blade*: Hops forward with a downward cutting lightning attack. Block high. (S)
    Pyro Breath*: Breaths out a cloud of fire. Breaths either straight ahead or up at an angle. 3 hits (F)
    Pyro Charge: Pyro Blaster, Breath, and Sphere are all chargable for more damage.
    Basic Throw: Gets a piggyback ride, but crushes his foe instead
    Launcher: A rising claw swipe

    Hyper Attacks:
    Pyro Sphere*: Throws out a Pyro Blaster shot that expands on impact. 14 hits (F)
    Hyper Wing Combo: Grows wings and flies up (T) slams the foe into the ceiling and uses a Pyro Sphere on them. 8 hits (F)
    Digi-Modify: Does one of the following effects at random. Lasts 10 seconds. Only one effect at a time
  • Matrix Evolution: Grows a white mane. +3 to all stats. All moves accessible
  • Hyper Wing: Guilmon grows wings. All moves can be done in the air. Fly at will
  • Mega Pyro: Pyro Sphere, Pyro Breath, and Pyro Blaster do 50% more damage.
  • Incinerate: Air around Guilmon burns. Does fire damage to enemy slowly if near, no reaction (F)
  • Hyper Speed: This ability allows Guilmon to perform the Shadow Slide. Lasts 20 seconds.

    Enter: A small Digital Egg hatches and Guilmon appears.
    Taunt: Sits down and scratches his face with his hind leg, like a dog.
    Victory: Takato brings Guilmon some bread and Guilmon starts dancing. Takato looks embarrassed

  • Rapidmon

    The Ultimate form of Terriermon. Terriermon is Henry's Digimon partner. He is a annoying little smart-aleck. The little rabbit mon is always spouting off bad jokes and corny insults, no matter how dire the situation. He is also the only Digimon in the Tamers series that does not have a cool Rookie form, and even his Champion form only has 1 attack.

    Strategy: Rapidmon lives up to name, being extremely fast. His energy stat is also fairly high, meaning he is a fast moving projectile user. His low power and defense make him a poor choice for melee combat, though his fast speed allows him to survive in close against slow foes.
  • Chain Combo, Gargo Laser, Tri-Beam
  • Chain Combo, Launcher Air Combo, Tri-Beam or Rapid Fire
  • Chain Combo, Rapid Fire, Miracle Missiles
  • Sweep Combo, Terrier Tornado
    Similar Fighters: War Machine, Jin

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 6 Defense: 3 Speed*: 9 Strength: B Weakness: E Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Rapid Fire*: Fires 2 missiles that fly straight ahead (A,down-forward)
    Gargo Laser*: A jumping uppercut that has Rapidmon shooting bullets from his hand. 4 hits/3 bullets.
    Terrier Tornado*: Moves forward engulfed in a small, green tornado. 4 hits (B)
    Gun Fire: Fires 5 bulllets straight ahead
    Reloading: Rapidmon starts with 8 missiles and 20 bullets. Reload replenishes them.
    Basic Throw: Picks up the enemy, flies up, then drops the victim. Flying can save the victim.
    Bonus Abilities: Flying, Shadow Slide
    Launcher: Aims up at an angle and fires a missile that explodes immediately

    Hyper Attacks:
    Tri-Beam*: Puts his legs together and arms apart, forming a green triangle around him. 12 hits (B)(A)
    Miracle Missiles: Fires 10 missiles out of his back that fly forward. Empties his missile count.
    Digi-modify: Picks one effect at random. Lasts 10 seconds. Only a single effect at a time
  • Heat, Activate: Strong to Water Attacks, no stunning
  • Stone Armor: Raises defense to 40! However, Rapidmon is stunned the entire time.
  • Hyper Speed, Activate: Speed + 6, power – 1
  • Hyper Tornado: Glows white. Taunt to launch the following:
  • A giant tornado is centered on Rapidmon. 20 hits (B)

    Enter: Matrix Digital Evolution
    Victory: Cocks his arm, bullet casing fall, while saying "That sure was easy!"

  • Impmon

    A spiteful, mean little Digimon. Impmon sincerely believes that he is the strongest Digimon to ever exist, making him very arrogant and egotistical. However, since many of the Digimon who enter the real world are Champion level, he can't destroy them, being only a lowly Rookie. And being unable to destroy Digimon, he cannot absorb their data and become stronger. He often attacks the Tamers, who he believes are too scared to fight him, when in reality they just don't see him as a threat.

    Strategy: A weak and slow Digimon. Impmon is more of an annoyance than a threat. His moves are designed to show his arrogance, while at the same time, not being at all useful. If you pick him, you should pick Beelzemon too, for some sweet revenge action.
  • Chain Combo, Kaboom or Badaboom
  • Sweep Combo, Foxfire
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 6 Defense: 2 Speed: 5 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 1 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Kaboom*: Throws a single, bouncing fireball at the enemy. Burns out quickly. (D,F)
    FoxFire*: Throws out 4 Kabooms that burn out after an instant . 4 hits (D,F)
    Ghostly Specter*: Throws a slow Kaboom. Input the motion again to making it explode (D,F)
    Basic Throw: Climbs on the enemy and claws their face
    Bonus Abilities: Wall Jump
    Launcher: Lits a small fire at his feet (D,F)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Badaboom*: Throws forward 6 Kaboom projectiles that have full screen range.
    Mean Torture: Throws a small lick of flame (C) then taunts the enemy, who then bursts into flames. (D,F)

    Enter: Hops out of the bushes with scary faces
    Taunt: Crosses his arms and declares himself the most powerful
    Victory: Same as taunt, except something falls out of the sky, knocking him out.

  • Beelzemon

    After Impmon is defeated by the Devas, he is seduced by the Fire Sparrow Sovereign. In exchange for his soul, the rookie level Impmon transforms into the Mega Beezlemon. After some random killing, his new master tells him to hunt down the Digimon Tamers and destroy them. His weapons include a shotgun, a motorcycle, and a giant cannon. He also has the ability to assimilate the powers of his fallen foes.

    Strategy: Beelzemon is an extremely powerful Digimon. The best way to use him is to let other fighters weaken the opponent, then let Beelzemon finish the job, so that his stats rise sky high. Every time he defeats an enemy, he gains a Drain bonus that lasts until the battle ends. This can raise his stats very high or even give him Super Armor. Plus, Beelzemon can learn opponent's projectile attacks, giving the already varied mon even more moves.
  • Chain Combo, Claws of Hell or Fist of the Beast King or Garuda Blaster
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Shadow Current
  • (In Corner) Sweep Combo, Cycle of Damnantion, Garuda Blaster
    Similar Fighters: Rock (Sorta)

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 6 Defense: 5 Speed: 7 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 3 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Double Impact*: A two hit blast from his shotgun. Aimed forward or up-forward. 2 hits (D)
    Claws of Hell*: A medium ranged series of slashes. May be done 1, 3, or 5 hits
    Cycle of Damnation*: His motorcycle rides across the screen without a ride (D)
    Torture Bubble: Throws a small bubble. If hit, the enemy is trapped inside and their vigor is stolen.
    Fist of the Beast King: A simple punch that causes great damage. Short ranged projectile.
    Data Absorb: When he defeats a rival, he loads their data, getting Drain effect and can do their projectile attacks.
    Basic Throw: Sticks his hand right though the target
    Bonus Abilities: Shadow Slide
    Launcher: Ducks low, then rises with his arm out at full length straight up.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Garuda Blaster*: His arm transforms into a cannon with a pentagram. Fires a huge laser. 37 hits (D)
    Shadow Current: Touches the ground, and swirling blackness rises into the air. Rising Storm. 10 hits (D)
    Darkness Claw: Dashes through the enemy (C) then continues doing it in a rising, zig-zag pattern. 8 hits (D)
    Rapid Fading: Does a shadow slide forward, grab at end (T) a rising attack combo, ending with impalement. 10 hits (D)

    Enter: Impmon glows and grows into Beelzemon
    Taunt: Puts his hand on his head and laughs insanely
    Victory: Absorbs the data of the fallen, saying "Nothing can stand up to me!"

  • Gallantmon

    The Mega-Biomerged form of Guilmon. When Beelzemon was defeating the Tamers, Takato made a risky decision and made himself one with Guilmon! The resulting "Biomerge" is a Digimon of Mega level, one that is both human and Digimon. Gallantmon is the ultimate Virus Knight, an incredibly powerful fighter who uses both a lance and shield. He even gets his own "war-horse", a scientist created flying creature named Grani after Siegfried's horse.

    Strategy: Gallantmon is a slower Digimon, given the massive size of his weapons. However, he is well suited to playing the defensive game. Brave Joust and Lightning Javelin are both great anti-air moves. Also, strategic use of Signs of Danger and a backward hop can do massive damage. However, once he enters Crimson Mode, his speed is enough for mass offense. He becomes just about unbeatable once he merges with Grani.
  • Chain Combo, Brave Joust-Forward or Just Attack or Javelin Joust or Lightning Joust
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Brave Joust or Shield of the Just
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Lightning Javelin
  • Brave Joust, Lightning Joust
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power*: 8 Energy: 7 Defense: 7 Speed: 4 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 3 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Brave Joust*: His arm turns into a lance and stabs forward or up-forward, with electrical energy on it. 3 hits (S)(A)
    Just Attack*: Dashes forward for a ramming attack with his shield (H)
    Sign of Danger*: Places the nuclear warning mark (the one on his chest) on the ground. It works like a landmine.
    Javelin Joust: Jumps forward and stabs down with a lance. Block High. 2 hits (S)
    Cape Escape: His cape flies off, and Gallantmon disappears. Basic teleport
    Basic Throw: A shield smash, then he dashes forward for a 5 hit punching combo
    Bonus Abilities: Double Jump, Dodge
    Launcher: A short rising stab with his lance

    Hyper Attacks:
    Lightning Joust*: Stabs straight ahead, with a giant ball of lightning on the lance. 20 hits (S)
    Shield of the Just: His shield emits a huge beam of light. 27 hits (H)(A)
    Lightning Javelin: Holds his lance straight up, and a huge pillar of lightning rises with it. 12 hits (S)
    Crimson Mode: Gallantmon merges with Grani, giving him a +3 to all stats! Lasts 12 seconds. See right for pic.

    Enter: Grani flies by, and Gallantmon jumps off its back
    Taunt: Draws a line in the ground with his lance
    Victory: Glows bright yellow, and turns back into Guilmon and Takato

  • Megagargomon

    The Biomerged Mega form of Terriermon. When Terriermon was severely injured by a Deva, right before fighting a Sovereign level no less, he was nearly deleted. However, when he didn't bother to let anyone know, the Sovereign very nearly destroyed him. Only Henry's selfless act of throwing himself in front of a blast that would have blown Terriermon to bits, the pair Biomerged and become recharged.

    Strategy: Don't underestimate Megagargomon. Not only is it huge, but since Henry is an accomplished martial artist, it's normal attacks are relatively quick and with style. No hit a button, wait for 2 seconds to recover like Juggernaut. This guy can actually combo, making him dangerous in close. However, lacking super armor and with enough projectile attacks to dominate distance battle, in close is really the only option to use against him. Finally, he has many aerial based attacks, so don't expect him to be stuck to the ground.
  • Chain Combo, Gargo Uppercut or Power Pummel, Gargo Laser
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Gargo Missiles or Gargo Uppercut with Gargo Laser
  • Sweep Combo, Seismic Fracture
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Terrier Tornado
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy*: 9 Defense: 5 Speed: 6 Strength: B Weakness: E Ratio: 3 Size: H

    Special Moves:
    Homing Cannons*: Fires 3 missiles out of his back that home in on the enemy. (A)
    Seismic Fracture*: Stomps on the ground, sending a wave of energy along it. Ground Projectile (E)
    Gargo Uppercut*: Can you a guy the size of Juggernaut doing a Dragon Punch? Megagargo can. 2 hits (A)
    Power Pummel: Hops forward with a straight, powerful punch.
    Gargo Laser: Do during Power Pummel or Gargo Uppercut, causes his fist to shoot bullets for 5 more hits (A)
    Basic Throw: Pushes to the ground, and does a Power Pummel
    Bonus Abilities: Flying
    Launcher: A rising high kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Mega Barrage*: Shoots missiles and bullets from every inch of his body. Up to 47 hits
    Gargo Missiles: Fires the 2 frowning missiles. Homing. Each one smiles as it fires. Extreme power (A)
    Terrier Tornado: Spins around, causing a large tornado around himself. 10 hits (B)

    Enter: Henry Biomerges with Terriermon
    Taunt: Puts himself into a martial arts stance
    Victory: Mega Barrages fireworks into the air.

  • Justimon

    The Biomerged Mega form of Cyberdramon. Ryo, a champion Digi-Battle (card game) player, was the first to get a partner. However, Cyberdramon was feral and uncontrollable, so he brought the beast back to the Digital World. After meeting the other Tamers, Ryo returns to Earth with them. After Dobermon sacrifices himself so that the Tamers can Biomerge in the real world, Ryo also gains the ability, and transforms into Justimon, Warrior of Justice.

    Strategy: Justimon is a master of combos. Quick, yet with high defense, Ryo and Cyberdramon can duke it out with the best. Although his moves don't pack much of a punch, it is possible to combo in all of his hyper attacks, allowing him to deal more damage in a single, continuous series.
  • Chain Combo, Voltage Blade x 1,2 or 3, Justice Finale
  • Sweep Combo, Thunder Blast or Thunder Clap
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Justice Kick
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Voltage Heaven Sword or Justice Kick
  • Chain Combo, Voltage Blade x 4 or Thunder Clap
    Similar Fighters: Captain Commando

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 3 Defense*: 7 Speed: 6 Strength: S Weakness: D Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Justice Kick*: Jumps upward, then dives down with a kick. 2 hits (A)
    Voltage Blade*: His arm turns into a sword, and Ryo can slash up to 4 times in a row (S)
    Thunder Blast*: Touches the ground, sending a wave of electricity through the ground. (S)
    Voltage Stab: Punches upward, sending a beam of lightning along his fist's path. Good Anti-air(S)
    Justice Cutter: Air Only. Flies in one of the eight directions with a flying stab. (S)
    Basic Throw: Judo throw at his feet, touches the enemy for shocking. 5 hits (S)
    Bonus Abilities: Double Jump
    Launcher: Claps the ground, creating a blast of thunder (S)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Thunder Clap*: Touches the ground, and a giant wave of electricity rips forward. 15 hits (S)
    Voltage Heaven Sword: Extends an electric blade straight up, then swings it downward. 10 hits (S)
    Justice Finale: Dashes forward (C) with a combo, ending with a Justice Kick and a Voltage Stab. 12 hits (S)

    Enter: Flies out of the sky as a jetstream
    Taunt: Yells "I fight for Justice!"
    Victory: Stands, scarf blowing in the wind.
