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The Earth's Special Forces

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Goku | Vegita | Piccolo | Young Goku | Trunks | Frieza | Gero | Yajorobi | Great Saiyaman| Yamcha |

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Goku is a member of the Saiyan race of monkeys. As a baby, he was sent to Earth to annihilate the human race. However, he lost his memory in the crash and became ?de-programmed?. Goku becomes an incredibly powerful fighter and saves Earth on several occasions. Strategy: Goku is a great fighter all around. His stats are as great as a Ratio 2 can get. His abilities to fly and teleport allow him to be anyway at a moments notice.
Battle Plan: Due to his movement specials, he lacks a large variety of battle techniques, thus making him somewhat predictable.

  • Launcher, Spirit Bomb
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Instant Transmission Down, Kaioken Attack
    Similar To: Iron Man, Ken/Ryu Family

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 6 Defense: 6 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Kameha Wave*: Goku forces his will to become a fire beam(A)(F)
    Energy Bomb*: Fires a ball of energy into the air (F)
    Quick Attack*: Moves forward attacking faster then the eye can see.(A)
    Cyclo-Kick: Flies forward while spinning. Sorta like a hurricane kick (A)
    Basic Throw: Kicks the enemy straight up, teleports, slams them down.
    Bonus: Flying, Double Jump, Air Dash, Dodge (A)
    Instant Transmission: basic teleportation in 4 direction; up,down,left,right(A)
    Launcher: Basic standing uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Spirit Bomb*: Creates a large globe of energy overhead and smashes in into the Earth. 16 hits (F)

    Kaioken Attack: Raises Goku's speed by 2.Hit the enemy (C) to unleashes 13 attacks faster then light. Cancel speed after combo.(A)

    Super Saiyan: Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan (see pic 2) All stats up by 3 points. 15 secs

    Kame-Teleportation: Hold the buttons to charge a Kameha Blast. Use movement keys to teleport, release to fire. (A)

    Enter: As always, Goku shows up fashionable late
    Taunt: Flexs all his muscles and starts to glow
    Victory: His wife Chi-Chi comes out and smacks him over the head

  • Piccolo

    A Namek warrior who was sent to Earth when he was a child. The hatred and violence of the human race poisoned Piccolo. After plotting to take over the Earth, he was defeated by Goku. Eventually, Goku?s evil Saiyan brothers attack the Earth and Piccolo must put aside his hate and team up with Goku and his friends. After all, you can?t take over a planet that has been destroyed!

    Strategy: Piccolo is great at both distance and melee combat. His Multi-form attack can confuse opponents.
    Battle Plan: Although strong is battle, Piccolo is not very good at taking punishment. Also, due to his speed, he can be countered fairly easily.
  • Chain Combo, Masenkoha or Special Beam Cannon
  • Launcher, Namek Tornado
    Similar To: Chizuru, Storm

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 5 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Namek Blaster*: Grabs the enemy and puts a beam through their chest (B)
    Masenkoha*: Piccolo?s own beam attack. Can be used in Air (B)
    Multi-Form*: A second Piccolo jumps out of the first one with a jump kick attack.
    Tornado Form: A small twister surrounds Piccolo (B)
    Basic Throw: Picks up the enemy in one hand, blasts the enemy with a beam. (B)
    Bonus: Flying, Air Dash, Regeneration
    Launcher: Basic standing uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Special Beam Cannon*: Fires a beam surrounded with rings. 21 Hits (B)
    Double Team: Piccolo charges the enemy (C), splits into 2, and pummels 26 Hits
    Namek Tornado: A large tornado surrounds Piccolo, hits up to 14 times (B)

    Enter: Floats from above cross-legged
    Taunt: Flexs all muscles and starts to glow
    Victory: Throws off his cape and cap

  • Vegita

    Prince of the Saiyan homeworld, Planet Vegeta. First comes to Earth to either take Goku or kill him. After failing, Vegeta makes preparations to kill the slayer of his entire race, Frieza. When Vegeta arrives on Namek, he finds that Goku?s friends are fighting with Frieza?s henchmen. Like Piccolo, his practicality takes over and he joins Gohan and Krillian. Note, Vegeta still has his tail.

    Strategy: Another jack-of-all-trades fighter. However, Vegita is better at the projectile wars then melee. Use a combination of Gallant Guns and Aqua Balls to throw you opponent off balance.
    Battle Plan: Getting in close may be slightly hazardous, but is the best way. His only real special in close is the Explosion. Also, his moves reflect his arrogance, taking a while to recover due to the extra flair.
  • Chain Combo, Gallant Gun or Final Blast
  • When jumped at, Full Moon
    Similar To: Sonson, Magneto

    Stats: Power*: 6 Energy: 6 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Explosion*: Throws the enemy into the air and makes them explode (F)
    Gallant Gun*: A powerful beam attack. (A)(W)
    Big Bang: Air Only. Fires a beam attack downward at 45 degrees (W)
    Aqua Ball*: A slow moving ball of energy. Stronger than Gun (A)(W)
    Basic Throw: Climbs the enemy, flies straight up, and slams both head first into the ground
    Bonus: Flying, Air Dash, Double Jump, Wall Jump
    Launcher: Punches upward with his fist glowing energy

    Hyper Attacks:
    Final Blast*: The ultimate beam attack. Hits up to 25 times (A)(W)
    Full Moon: Vegeta becomes an ape and shoots beams out of his mouth. 14 hits. Like Sonson?s attack (W)
    Saiyan Exploder: A much stronger version of the Explosion special (F)

    Enter: Crash lands in a Saiyan Space Sphere
    Taunt: Turns around and wags his tail at the enemy
    Victory: Bulma runs out carrying Trunks, Vegeta?s son

  • Young Goku

    In Dragon Ball GT, Goku is transformed into a young child. Even as the child, Goku can still turn into an adult super saiyan. Goku works to find the Dark Star Dragon Balls with chibi Trunks and his granddaughter Pan.

    Strategy: Although he lacks the movement abilities of his adult form, Young Goku instead has more variety in his specials. Both the Staff Strike and the Skull Crash work well for defending against jumping opponents. The best way to defeat the little guy is to predict his moves and be prepared.
  • Chain Combo, Kameha Wave or Nimbus Attack or Breeze
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Super Head Butt
  • Sweep Combo, Staff Strike
    Similar To: Goku (adult), Sonson

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 6 Defense: 6 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Kameha Wave*: Throws a beam attack from his hands (A)
    Staff Strike*: Jumps upward and strikes down with his staff. (A)
    Nimbus Attack*: Goku jumps onto a yellow cloud and flies forward into the enemy. Can be done in the air (B)
    Skull Crash: Jumps forward, head first. (A)
    Quick Punch: Dashes forward punching quickly. (A)
    Basic Throw: Puts the enemy onto his pole, extends it upward, shrinks it, dropping the victim
    Bonus: Rolling Evade
    Launcher: A rising cut with his Power Pole

    Hyper Attacks:
    Super Head Butt*: Flies forward moving head first. 15 hits. Can be used mid-air
    Nimbus Breeze: 21 Nimbus clouds fly forward into the enemy. (B)
    Super Saiyan Power: Transforms himself into Adult SS Goku. This form is exactly the same as normal SS Goku.

    Enter: Rides a nimbus cloud on screen
    Taunt: Puts his arms behind his head and looks confused
    Victory: Puts his staff back on his shoulder.

  • Trunks

    The son of Vegita and Bulma. Trunks comes from the future to warn the DBZ warriors that incredibly strong androids are coming from the future. Thanks to his warning, the gang is able to power up, and Goku survives a fatal disease due to future medical knowledge. Trunks is very compassionate, but will stop at nothing to save the world he loves. Unlike most DBZ fighters, Trunks wields a sword.

    Strategy: Trunks is powerful, but he lacks quick specials and comboable moves. The key to using Trunks is timing. The reflect punch can hit back any non-hyper projectile. The Meteor Shower attack isn't very useful on the ground, but in the air its great.
  • Chain Combo, Brief Flame or Future Blade
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Meteor Shower
    Similar Fighters: Doctor Doom, Gambit

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 4 Defense: 6 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Brief Flame*: Shoots a sizzling beam of energy at the enemy. (A)
    Future Blade*: Trunks flies along the ground with a three hit sword combo
    Reflect Punch*: With a swat of his arm, Trunks sends projectiles back at their user.
    Aerial Grenade: Jumps up and throws a ball of energy downward. Explodes on contact (A)
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy away, then dashes through them with a sword slash
    Bonus: Flying, Air Dash, Dodge
    Launcher: A rising sweep of his sword

    Hyper Attacks:
    Meteor Shower: This move has two forms, much like Doctor Doom:
  • Ground*: Trunks fires small rays of energy in all directions. Up to 12 hits
  • Air: Fires rays of energy in a down/forward direction. Up to 24 hits
    Chronos Blade: Trunks flies forward (C) and does a 13 hit combo with his sword
    Super Saiyan: All of his stats go up by 3 points. Lasts 15 seconds.

    Enter: A small army of aliens is standing around. Trunks runs through and they all die
    Taunt: Does his frantic arm waving, projectile motion
    Victory: Climbs in his time capsule, and leaves

  • Frieza

    An alien dictator that systematically conquered most of the universe. His final stop was the home planet of Piccolo, where he was searching for the Namek Dragon Balls to wish himself immortality. He loses to Goku in the final battle, but takes the planet with him.

    Strategy: Frieza's is only in his top form when only 1/3 of his life is left. Let him get beat up, and then use characters with healing assist moves to restore him, since he doesn't lose the bonus power ups. Frieza isn't that great at either melee or projectiles.
  • Chain Combo, Tail Throw, Finish Disc
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Cooler Beam
    Similar Fighters: Dr Doom, Abyss

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 4 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Strength: W Weakness: F Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Cooler Beam*: Fires a cold beam attack from his hands. (A,W)
    Space Mine*: Creates a small globe over his head and throws it into the ground (A,W)
    Tail Throw*: Swings his tail at the enemy, and squeezes them
    Flying (A)
    Bonus: Frieza gains 2 power up bonuses
  • At 2/3 HP left: Gains +1 to all stats
  • At 1/3 HP: Gains an additional +1 to all stats!
    Basic Throw: Throws the enemy straight up. Thats it
    Bonus: Flying, Wall Jump
    Launcher: An upward sweep of his tail

    Hyper Attacks:
    Finishing Disc*: Throws two disks of energy. Fly through the enemy and boomerang back. Up to 12 hits (P)
    Chill Rising: Fires a thin Cooler Beam (C), mentally raises the enemy, and they explode. (P)
    Planet Exploder: Rises up into the air, fires a beam into the ground, and large chunks of rock fly upward. 40 hits (E)

    Enter: Flies onscreen in his little alien-wheel-chair
    Taunt: Laughs like a little girl
    Victory: Does a Chill Rising to the enemy

  • Dr. Gero

    A mad scientist who fought Goku when the Saiyan was just a boy. Gero's area of interest is cybernetics, making human beings into robots. After little Goku destroyed his Red Ribbon Army, he vows revenge and spends the next 20+ years building the ultimate androids. This includes the mighty Cell. He also rebuilds himself into an android and is the first of the second generation to fight Goku and friends. He's the one with the white hair.

    Strategy: Gero kind of sucks. His main strength is to power up his vigor by absorbing energy from his opponents. However, his weak attacks do not make good use of the vigor. Use him to quickly power up your stronger teammates. Instead of tagging out, use the Piggy Back move. It gives you more vigor and stops the enemy from gaining any.
  • Chain Combo, Cyborg Beam of Energy Ball
  • Sweep Combo, Energy Drain as opponent rises
    Similar Fighters: Rouge

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 5 Defense: 4 Speed: 3 Ratio: 1

    Special Moves:
    Energy Drain*: Flies forward (T) grabs the enemy and drains vigor from them. Gero gains whatever is lost
    Energy Ball*: Fires a ball of energy from his hand. Basic projectile
    Android Fist*: Winds up and punches straight ahead
    Absorb Projectile: Holds his hand out. Blocks any projectile and Gero gains life.
    Basic Throw: Climbs onto the enemy's back and punches them in the head
    Bonus Abilities: Flying
    Launcher: A corny, weak looking uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Cyborg Beam*: Fires a large beam out of his hands. 15 hits
    Android Attack: Charges forward (C) and Gero and 19 (the white guy) double team the enemy for 12 hits
    Piggy Back Ride: Flies forward (C) rides on the enemy's back while a teammate fighters.
  • Victim cannot tag out and any vigor they gain is given to Gero instead. Lasts 15 seconds
  • Cannot be used if Gero has no teammates left.

    Enter: Lowers gently to the ground
    Taunt: Does the classic DBZ fear twitch
    Victory: Clenches his fist and says "This world is mine."

  • Yajorobi

    Yajorobi is a samurai Goku met somewhere. The last (and probably only) useful thing that Yajorobi does is to cut off Vegita's tail from his large monkey form. An embarrassing coward, Yajorobi is short, fat, and a loser in any sense of the term.

    Strategy: Like most ratio 1, Yajorobi is nearly worthless in battle. His best ability is the Sensu Bean healing assist, plus his hyper covers most of the screen. Tactical Retreat is only useful if an assisting fighter from the enemy is behind you.
  • Chain Combo, Sword Slash
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 3 Defense*: 6 Speed: 3 Ratio: 1 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Sensu Beans*: Assist only. Heals the target slightly
    Sword Slash*: Attacks with his sword
    Tactical Retreat*: Hops up, spins around and runs away from the active enemy. Very Strong, if it hits
    Basic Throw: Cowers in terror and the enemy tips over his crouched form
    Launcher: An upward sweep of his sword

    Hyper Attacks:
    Cutting Tail*: Jumps straight up, off screen, and a giant monkey tail falls on the enemy. 5 hits

    Enter: Hang Glides on screen and falls off the glider
    Taunt: Crosses his arm and says "I'm the real hero here!"
    Victory: Crosses his arms and his scarf blows in the wind.

  • Gohan as the Saiyaman

    When Gohan turns 16 years old, he enters High School in the city. After becoming a super-hero, Gohan dons the outfit of the Great Saiyaman to keep his powers a secret from his classmates. As with many super-heroes, he would have been better off not worrying about a disguise. Please note that this character started as Gohan from the History of Trunks video, so some moves are taken from that.

    Strategy: One of the Saiyaman's greatest traits is his ability to use nearly all of his moves in the air. Combined with flying powers, Gohan never needs to be on the ground. Use the flying and stay out of attack reach.
  • Chain Combo, Kameha Wave or Level Beyond
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Kameha Wave or Energy Shield or Shell Buster
  • Sweep Combo, Minor Tremor, Level Beyond
    Similar Fighters: Gohan, Dr Doom

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy*: 6 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Energy Shield*: A circle moves out of his, blocking all projectiles and injuring the enemy (A)
    Kameha Wave*: The typical Dragon Ball beam projectile. 4 hit (A)
    Earth Shatter*: Jumps up and throws a ball of energy at the ground. Explodes on contact (A)
    Saiyan Break: Gathers his energy, a swirling field of yellow energy surrounds Gohan
    Minor Tremor: Stomps his foot, causing an earth quake. No damage, but knocks down the enemy
    Basic Throw: Grabs the enemy, jumping knee attack, followed by a throw into the wall
    Bonus Abilities: Flying, Double Jump, Evade, Shadow Slide
    Launcher: Crouchs down into a flying pose, which knocks the enemy into the air

    Hyper Attacks:
    Level Beyond*: Becomes a second level S. Saiyan. A huge Saiyan Break. 14 hits
  • Also, when used, Gohan gains Energy + 3 and Speed + 3 for 5 seconds.
    Shell Buster: Jumps into the air, and fires a single hit blast down and forward. Very large. (A,no jumping)
    Last Senzu: Used on Gohan or as an assist. Once per battle. Provides a powerful healing effect. Restores 75% HP.

    Enter: Presses a button on his watch, transforms from schoolboy to Great Saiyaman
    Taunt: Crouches down and pokes the side of his head with all his fingers, yelling "The Great Saiyaman!"
    Victory: Does several cheesy, completely over-dramatic poses.

  • Yamcha

    Originally a desert bandit, Goku meets Yamcha on his first search for the dragon balls. Yamcha is a fair warrior, but has a terrifying fear of women. Especially good looking women. Not long after the quest, Yamcha gets over his fear just in time to help Bulma find a boyfriend. Yamcha is cocky for no good reason.

    Strategy: Yamcha's hyper attacks are too slow to combo. Using his specials to good effect is his key to winning, but his stats are so low, don't count on victory.
  • Chain Combo, Yamcha Beam or Wolf Fang Fist
  • Sweep Combo, Tree Whacker
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Tree Whacker
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power*: 5 Energy: 3 Defense: 3 Speed: 3 Ratio: 1 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Yamcha Beam*: Fires a classic dragon ball beam attack. 2 hits
    Wolf Fang Fist*: Dashes forward with a spectral wolf head around him. Channels his energy into his fist
    Tree Whacker*: Jumps into the air with his legs doing full circles. 3 hits (A)
    Shatter Fist: A low hitting Wolf Fang Fist. Must be blocked low.
    Basic Throw: Basic over-the-shoulder throw
    Launcher: Rising uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Bomb Blast*: Creates a ball of energy on his hand, which shoots off and bounces all around the screen. Up to 20 hits
    Spirit Bomb: Creates a ball of energy over his head, and throws it at the enemy. 8 hits
    Cell Buster: 2 level double team with Tien. Grab the enemy (C) and both knee the victim in the gut

    Enter: Jumps out of a tree with a Pwar parachute
    Taunt: Wolf Fang fist pose
    Victory: Someone throws a baseball at him, and he hits a home run
