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Half Dragon, Half Human, All Trouble

Mink |
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Mink is the daughter of a red Dragon and a dragon-slayer. She is in love with song idol Dick Saucer. When she finds out that Dick is a part-time slayer, she decides to find the Pido potion, an elixir that turns the drinker into a human. She leaves on her quest, with her friends Lufa and Pia by her side.

Strategy: Quick and powerful, Mink is perfect for melee combat, or would be except for low defense. Use Mink's specials a lot, since they have little recover time. Try to outsmart the enemy. Jumping back, using the fly ability and breathing fire might throw them off guard. Against Mink, use powerful characters that can do heavy chipping damage.
  • Chain Combo, Dragon Breath or Dragon Flare or (Raging) Dragon Punch
  • Sweep Combo, Lufa (may be dangerous)
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Vestigial Wings, Dragon Breath or Flare
    Similar To: Dhalsim(Fire Attacks), Terry Bogart

    Stats: Power*: 8 Energy: 3 Defense: 3 Speed: 6 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Dragon Punch*: Dashes forward and pounds on the enemy
    Dragon Breath*: Shoots a cloud of fire from her mouth. (F)
    Clothes Pin*: Jumps towards the enemy, smashing down with a giant clothes pin
    Vestigial Wings let her fly. May do the fire breath moves in the air while flying
    Bonus: Rolling Evade, Wall Cling
  • Lufa: Holds a wand up, and lightning zaps someone at random. (S)
  • Pia: Throws her pet mouse Mappy, who then grows to tremendous size
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy away, then punches them in the face, deforms their head
    Launcher: Punches up at an angle without otherwise moving

    Hyper Attacks:
    Dragon's Flare*: A hyper version of the Dragon Breath. 27 hits (F)
    Raging Dragon Punch: A hyper Dragon Punch. Hits 10 times, ending with a Clothes Pin attack
    Cookout!: Grabs the enemy (C) turns them into a roast. Mink, Lufa, Pia, and Mappy eat them for 20 hits

    Enter: A chibi Mink yells "Dragon Half!!!" and then turns into normal Mink
    Taunt: Same as enter
    Victory: Does the ending credits dance (see above and right)
