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The Legend of the Mystic Moon

Van Fanal | Dilandau | Escaflowne | Merle |


Van Fanal

A young prince from a second moon of Earth called Gaia. To become the King, Van is transported to Earth to slay a dragon, proving his right to rule. When a high school girl named Hitomi is taken back to Gaia with him accidentally, Van vows to return her to her home. Before he can fulfill his promise, his homeland is razed to the ground by the "evil" Zaibach empire.

Strategy: Van works well when used aggressively. Stay just in range of his sword and hack away at the enemy. His moves have a fair amount of lag time before and after them. Limit use of them to combo finishers.
  • Chain Combo, Fanal Sword or Dragon Valor
  • Sweep Combo, Backlash
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Mental Dowsing or Drag-energist
    Similar Fighters: Hayato

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 6 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Fanal Sword*: Runs forward, and jumps upward when contacting the enemy. Hits 3 times with his sword (A)
    Draconian*: Jumps into the air, then dive bombs at the enemy sword first
    Drag-energist*: Raises a red gem. Radiates energy around Van's hand. Like Iron Man's Repulser Blast (H)
    Backlash: A knee level sweep with his sword. Then he hops back a little to get out of the way
    Angel Wings: Van sprouts wings, and can fly for a short time
    Basic Throw: Throws up his sword. Pushes away the enemy. Sword lands on their head, Van pulls out sword
    Bonus: Rolling Evade, Dodge
    Launcher: A rising forearm smash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Dragon Valor*: Does a Fanal Sword, and a blast of energy rises with him. 10 hits (H)
    Mental Dowsing: A large pendent swings like a pendulum. Up to 18 hits. 2 whole swings.
    Escaflowne: Calls his large Guymelf robotic suit. Fights in the suit for 10 seconds. Basic moves only.

    Enter: A beam of light comes from the sky and Van lowers out of the sky
    Taunt: Slowly unsheathes his sword
    Victory: Sprouts his wings and basks in the sunlight

  • Dilandau

    A lead soldier in the Zaibach Military. Dilandau is the field general of Zaibach assaults. With his extremely feminine soldiers, he was the commander of the Fanalia attack. Dilandau's troops pilot advanced Guymelfs with liquid metal weaponry and cloaking abilities. He fights in his prized Guymelf here.

    Strategy: Dilandau is perfect for a middle distance fighting strategy. Nearly all his attacks have range, making it easy to hit an enemy without endangering himself.
  • Chain Combo, Metal Spike or Pyromaniac or Metal Gauntlet or Liquid Blade
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Village Torch

  • Similar Fighters: Dhalsim

    Stats: Power: Energy: Defense: Speed: Strength: S Weakness: P Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Metal Spike*: Fires a metallic spear out of Guymelf's hand.
    Pyromaniac*: A short range flamethrower attack. Like Dhalsim's Yoga Flame(F)
    Liquid Blade*: A triple weapon attack. Moves forward while swinging
    Stealth Cloaks: Turns invisible until hit.
    Long Ranged attacks: The liquid metal weaponry give Dilandau long ranged normal attacks.
    Basic Throw: A claw comes out of the enemy's back. Ouch
    Bonus: Flying
    Launcher: Forms claws out of his hand and does an upward sweep

    Hyper Attacks:
    Metal Gauntlet*: Shoots a very thick Metal Spike. 8 hits
    Village Torch: A large blast of fire appears in a vertical flame. 10 hits (F)
    Crushing Blow: A web of liquid metal entraps the victim(C) is held up, and crushed in the web

    Enter: A distortion appears, and a Guymelf uncloaks
    Taunt: Dilandau's insane laughter
    Victory: Burns everything.

  • Escaflowne

    The dragon of Dornkark's fears. Escaflowne is an Ispano Guymelf that was given to the King of Fanalia many centuries ago. Only by offering a Dragenergist with the King's blood smeared on it will empower the suit. When Van powers up the suit to fight Zaibach, he finds that the suit of armor holds more secrets than he bargained for.

    Strategy: Escaflowne is has really long recovery times, like most weapon users. The benefit of his insanely long range is that the enemy can almost never get close enough to use his slowness to their advantage. However, his specials are limited, giving him less variety in his attacks.
  • Chain Combo, Sword Crush or Crush Fury
    Similar Fighters: Hoahmaru

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 3 Defense*: 8 Speed: 3 Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Sword Crush*: An overhand swing of the Melf's sword covering an extreme amount of area
    Impaler Throw*: Impales the enemy with the sword and throws them over the suit's head
    Fanalia Revenge*: Counter Attack. Escaflowne blocks an attack and hits the enemy with his sword.
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy back and kicks them
    Bonus Abilities: Flying (turns into Dragon)
    Launcher: A rising slash with his sword

    Hyper Attacks:
    Dragon's Breath*: Escaflowne turns into a dragon and breaths fire. Medium Range. 14 hits (F)
    Crush Fury: A sword crush, followed by an upward sweep and another crush. 12 hits
    Blood of Kings: Empowers the suit. Energy + 2 and Speed + 2. Gains Flying Ability. Lasts 10 seconds.

    Enter: Van jumps into the suit, which is sitting on a throne and stands up. Throne shatters.
    Taunt: The helmet opens and Van starts yelling at the enemy
    Victory: Transforms into a dragon and flys away.

  • Merle

    A cat girl rescued by Van when she was more of a kitten girl. Merle is from a race of beings that has been almost lost to the world of Gaia. She is very much in love with Van and jealously guards him from any other female. Whenever she is given half a chance, she'll jump into Van's arms.

    Strategy: Although Merle is quick, her other abilities are weak. She cannot take solid hits or give some of her own. Move in for a quick combo and move out before the enemy can retaliate.
  • Chain Combo, Blown Kiss or Cat Prowler
  • Sweep Combo, Tail Tangle, Cat Prowler
    Similar Fighters: Spiderman,

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 2 Defense: 3 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 1 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Wall Dive*: Jumps to the wall and dives at the enemy with her claws (A)
    Tail Tangle*: Spins around, whipping her tail at the enemy's ankles. Trips the enemy
    Blown Kiss*: Blows a kiss at the enemy. Short ranged projectile
    Claw Face: Runs forward on all fours, jumps up to the enemy's face with a claw attack. Quick on short people.
    Basic Throw: Climbs on the enemy and repeated claws in the face
    Bonus Abilities: Wall Cling, Rolling Evade
    Launcher: Hops a little with a rising paw slash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Cat Prowler*: Moves forward, swiping 8 times with her claws
    Cat Scratch Fever: Runs forward on all fours (C) does a hyper version of her throw. Hits 12 times
    Kitten Kiss: Does a Blown Kiss move with longer range(C) runs up and jumps with her claws in the enemy. Slices vertically

    Enter: Runs up on all fours
    Taunt: Points and laughs at the enemy
    Victory: Crouches down and licks her paw
