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Neon Genesis Evangelion

Arguably the best anime series of all time. Evangelion is the story of humanity versus divine wrath. After the world is nearly destroyed by a meteor, the humans that survived started to rebuild it. However, then the Angels arrived, massive and destructive. Being made of crystallized light, the Angels are far above human understanding. Even so, a small UN agency called NERV creates the Evangelions, giant bio-mechs that can fight the Angels on their own terms. Truly spectacular in every way.

Evas: Shinji/ Eva Unit 01 |
Angels: Sachiel | Shamshel |
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The third of the Angels to come to Earth, but the first to be met with an Evangelion. Shinji is the pilot to make first contact, but it is the first time he's ever been in an Eva! Not knowing how to pilot it, Shinji is very lucky to defeat this angel. Sachiel has many abilities, such as increasing his muscles to rip his foes apart, fire energy blasts shaped like crosses from his hands, and to extend the length of his arms at will.

Strategy: A very powerful creature. With the ability to both strike from a distance and incredible muscle power as well, this angel is the perfect attacker. However, it's defense is rather low, despite its AT Field. Somewhat contrary to it's long reach, Sachiel is mostly a grappler. It's short ranged throws are much more powerful than long ranged ones.
  • Chain Combo, Strike Cross or Angel's Holy Cross or Brain Case Crack
  • Sweep Combo, Angel's Holy Cross

  • Similar Fighters: Dhalsim, Necro

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 6 Defense: 3 Speed: 4 Strength: H Weakness: D Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Cranium Shock*: Reaches forward (Long)(T) picks up the enemy by the head, and shoots a laser from its hand (H)
    Strike Cross*: Fires a short beam from its hand. When it reaches the end of its flight, it spreads to resemble a cross. 4 hits (H)
    Hand of God*: Punchs up and forward diagonally. A simple move for anti-air.
    Muscle Crusher: Reaches out (Short)(T) grabs the enemy's arm, one in each hand, and pulls them straight apart.
    Absolute Terror: Using an AT Field, this Angel takes no chipping damage from projectiles.
    Angel Core: If the glowing red sphere in its chest is hit directly, it takes 50% more damage.
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy to the ground, then runs forward, dragging the victim
    Bonus Abilities: Stretching Limbs
    Launcher: Punches upward with an expanding limb

    Hyper Attacks:
    Angel's Holy Cross*: Shoots the ground, and a giant white burning cross rises into the sky. 12 hits (H)
    Brain Case Crack: Reaches forward (Long)(C) and does 4 Cranium shocks
  • in succession, then a beam flies the victim across the screen. 8 hits (H)
    War of Heaven: In critical only. Reaches out (Short) (T) Angel turns into a bubble and self-destructs!
  • Kills Sachiel instantly and does massive damage to his victim (H)
    Karma of Repiel: Fires a thin laser blast directly though the enemy. Only causes damage if the enemy is attacking when hit. (H)

    Enter: Glowing in pinkish/white light, lands gently
    Taunt: Grows a third head to laugh at the enemy
    Victory: Picks up the loser for a finishing Brain Case Crack

  • Shinji / Eva 01

    The son of the Commander of NERV known as the Third Child. Shinji is the third Eva pilot who is recruited to pilot the biomechanical Evas. The first day he arrives at NERV HQ, he must battle an Angel named Sachiel. Without even knowing how to pilot the Eva, he must battle the Angel to save Tokyo 3. Shinji is very quiet, quite willing to let others decide his course. He and his father do not get along at all, since his father abandoned him when Shinji was only 4 years old. They both hate each other with an undying passion.

    Strategy: A versatile fighter with a variety of moves. The AT Pulse is a great move that not only protects the Eva or an ally, but also allows you to remove enemy enhancements. Most of the Eva's specials are medium to long range, so it doesn't fight very well in extremely close melee. Also, watch out for the positron cannon, it takes every watt of Japan's electrical power just to fire the thing!
  • Chain Combo, Progression Knife (Slasher) or Pellet Gun
  • Sweep Combo, Rising Progression Knife (it starts low)
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Pellet Gun or Synchro Bust
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Synchro Bust or Falling Progression Knife (starts high)
    Similar Fighters: Strider, Yamazaki

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 3 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Progression Knife*: Slices with his Eva knife. A long ranged slice straight ahead, rising angle, or falling angle.
    Pellet Gun*: Eva 01 fires a spray of bullets from its machine gun. 8 hits, but weak (A,downward)
    AT Pulse*: Forms a small shield in front of the target. Defends against one projectile
  • Also, if the shield touchs the enemy, all defensive enhancers are destroyed with the shield.
    Synchro Bust: Jumps straight up, then does a diving kick (A,no jump)
    Basic Throw: Jumps on top of the enemy. 4 normal punches, and 1 with both fists together.
    Launcher: A straight up kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Progression Slasher*: Rapidly slashes using P. Knife's variety. Up to 20 hits
    Positron Rifle: A giant cannon appears and Shinji fires it. 27 hit beam.
    Berserker Signal: Jumps forward (C) does a version of his basic throw, 4 normal punches, and 5 doubles
  • Then, the Eva takes a bite out of the enemy! 10 hits. (Drain)
    Perfect Synchronization: All stats increase by +2 for 10 seconds.

    Enter: A door in the floor opens and the Eva shoots up
    Taunt: Shinji says in "Target the Center and the Switch", his litany during training
    Victory: The Eva starts to smile and Shinji starts screaming

  • Shamshel

    The second Angel to invade Tokyo 3. By the time this Angel arrives, Shinji has mastered the control of the Eva. The Angel fights using two tentacle like fields of energy that can cut through nearly anything. Although Shamshel is really nothing special in the Eva series, it and Sachiel are two of the few humanoid Angels and most of the later ones have powers similar to these two.

    Strategy: Shamshel is the master of long range throws. Both his Monothin Blade and Upright Throw are long range moves that are unstoppable once the first hit lands. His melee attack power is weak, so most players are best off staying back and using his whips.
  • Chain Combo, Vertical Whip or Luminous Lasher
  • Monothin Blade or Basic Throw, Effortless Shear
  • Sweep Combo, Vertical Whip or Luminous Lasher
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Flying Cutter or Upright Throw
    Similar Fighters: Omega Red

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 7 Defense: 3 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Monothin Blade*: Shoots a tentacle straight out, impaling the enemy and pulling the victim forward (A)
    Upright Throw*: Throws a tentacle grab in one of 6 forward moving directions (C)(A)
    Vertical Whip*: Sticks a tentacle in the ground, which comes up at a selected distance. 3 hits
    Flying Cutter: Air Only. Surrounding himself with his tentacles, spins through the air in one of 8 directions. 2 hits
    Basic Throw: Impales his opponent with both tentacles
    Bonus Abilities: Crawling, Long Range
    Launcher: An upward whip with his tentacle

    Hyper Attacks:
    Luminous Lasher*: A series of rapid tentacle strikes at relatively close range. 40 hits
    Effortless Shear: During Monothin or Basic Throw only. Rips his tentacles apart inside his victim. Fairly weak, but unstoppable.
    Photon Whips: Swings one tentacle to each side. 12 hits per side are possible.

    Enter: "Swims" through the air
    Taunt: Tentacles uncoil and glow
    Victory: Glows and explodes with giant angel wings.
