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Early Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy 7: Cloud Strife | Tifa | Sephiroth | Cait Sith | Vincent | Aeris | Hojo | Yuffie | Barret | Proud Clod |
Final Fantasy 6: Sabin | Cyan | Umaro | Ultros |
Final Fantasy 4: Cecil | Palom/Porom | Yang | Rydia | Edge | Rosa |
Final Fantasy Tactics: Delita | Velius |

Cloud Strife

A member of the elite Soldier group. Cloud was a Soldier first Class. Then, his unit torched his home town, Nibelheim. Cloud lost track of several years and eventually awoke to find his childhood friend Tifa survived the slaughter. Cloud begins working as a mercenary for the rebel group Avalanche.

Strategy: Cloud is a powerful warrior that specializes in close combat. All his moves work at medium range, mostly due to his huge sword.
Battle Plan: His sword is fricken huge, but it takes an eternity to recover from attacks with that monster. This goes double for his specials and hypers.
  • Chain Combo, Cross Slash or Blade Beam
  • Launcher, Finishing Touch
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Meteorain
    Similar Fighters: Hayato, Akuma

    Stats: Power*: 6 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Blade Beam*: Slashes his sword and a wave of energy flies out. Medium Range (F)
    Climhazzard*: Jumps into the air with his sword extended. Uppercut
    CrossSlash*: Cloud charges through the enemy and a kanji appears(see right). (F)
    Braver: 2 powerful sword slashes
    Fire Materia: Lobs a stone into the air. Bursts into flame on contact (F)
    Basic Throw: Swings his sword up, the enemy is put off guard, hammers the sword down
    Bonus: Dodge
    Launcher: Basic rising sword sweep

    Hyper Attacks:
    Finishing Touch*: A green tornado sweeps out of Cloud?s Sword. Storms helper in MvC. 16 hits(B)
    Meteorain: Air only. Cloud shoots 16 small meteors downward (F)
    Omnislash: Charges (C) and attacks 21 times, finishing with a jump slash

    Enter: Jumps off a moving train
    Taunt: Limit Break light surrounds Cloud
    Victory: Holds his sword above his head and does a vertical copter spin

  • Tifa Lockhart

    Tifa owns a bar called the Seventh Heaven in Midgar. However, her bar is just a cover operation for Avalanche. One day, she finds her old friend Cloud passed out in the train station. She trained under a great warrior in her childhood. Tifa fights with her fists and various powerhouse type attacks.

    Strategy: Despite her Water Kick and Ice Materia attacks, Tifa is a close-quarters fighter, a grappler even. She is by far the fastest character with grapple-style throw attacks.
    Battle Plan: She is fast, but her defense is horrible. Stronger hypers may take as much as half her life! Overpower her with strong fighters.
  • Chain Combo, Beat Fist or Final Heaven or Dolphin Wave
  • Ice Materia, Rushing Suplex or Meteodrive
    Similar Fighters: Rouge, Zangief

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 6 Defense: 3 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Beat Fist*: Moves forward while swinging her fists repeatedly
    Dolphin Rise*: An uppercut that has a dolphin jumping in front of Tifa (W)
    Water Kick*: Tifa does a horizontal kick that shoots a wave of water energy (W)
    Rushing Suplex: Walks forward to grab and suplex the enemy. Like Zangief
    Ice Materia: Lobs a stone into the air. Freezes on contact (W)
    Basic Throw: Jumps with the enemy, slams down with her knee into the enemy's head
    Bonus: Rolling Evade
    Launcher: A rising uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Final Heaven*: A hyper version of the Beat Fist. 16 hits. Can be used in air
    Dolphin Wave: Uppercuts and a series of 12 dolphins jump into the air. Like Venom's Death Fang (W)
    Meteo-Drive: Grabs the opponent and jumps in the air while spins them by their foot and slams them down

    Enter: Cracks her arm
    Taunt: Hunchs down and glows. Tifa?s limit break pose
    Victory: Her victory pose, like in the picture

  • Sephiroth

    Once the highest ranking members of Soldier, Sephiroth finds out certain truths about his identity that sends him into a psychotic rage. He destroys Nibelheim with his magic and then turns back to take down the Shinra corporation that so wronged him.

    Strategy: Being a Ratio 3, Sep is very powerful. He has virtually no weaknesses. His specials can also varied. He can hit an enemy almost anywhere on the screen.
    Battle Plan: His moves are incredible, but at the same time they are pretty odd, but not in a good way. Watch for that elusive opening.
  • Sweep Combo, Laser Sight
  • Launcher, Pandora's Box
    Similar Fighters: Cloud

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy*: 8 Defense: 7 Speed: 6 Strength: D Weakness: P Ratio: 3

    Special Moves:
    Pandora?s Box*: Uppercut with a giant question mark. Like the enemy skill (D)
    Big Guard*: Assist only. Raises the defense of the target by 2.
    Red Light*: A glowing ball of fire is thrown at the enemy (F)
    Laser Sight: A beam fires out of Sephiroth?s eyes downward (S)
    Inferno: A pillar of flame rises out of the ground (F)
    Basic Throw: Picks up the enemy with his Masamune and throws them over his head
    Launcher: Upward Masamune sweep

    Hyper Attacks:
    Mantra Magic*: 14 homing beams of energy fire out of Sephiroth?s back (S)
    Shadow Flare: A globe of shadow covers Sephiroth. Chun-Li?s hyper globe. 14 hits (D)
    Masamune: Charges forward (C), the enemy is launched upwards and Sep jumps up and hits 10 times

    Enter: Sep rises out of the ground
    Taunt: Flames dance behind him and he smirks
    Victory: Sheaths his giant blade

  • Cait Sith

    A living stuffed animal ridden by a cat. Cait Sith is actually the cat-like creature, ordering his Mog around with his megaphone. CS is a fortune teller, albeit a bad one. His strong point is his charisma, not his fighting skills.

    Strategy: Unlike real stuffed animals, this one can take punishment quite well. Unfortunately, his low power and speed hinder his efforts for being a good melee fighter. It is hard to fight as Cait Sith, but he is above average for a Ratio 1 fighter.
  • Chain Combo, Dive Axel or Dice Shot or Lucky Roll
  • Sweep Combo, Dice Shot or Lucky Roll
    Similar Fighters: ?

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy: 5 Defense*: 7 Speed: 3 Weakness: F Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Dice Shot*: Throws 3 dice forward. Each will bounce one. Up to 6 hits total
    Mega Scream*: Screams through the Megaphone, causing a shockwave (B)
    Dive Axel*: Jumps forward and smacks down with both fists together. Overhead attack
    Basic Throw: Mog holds the victim and Cait Sith screams in their ear with his megaphone
    Launcher: Puts both hands together for a rising forearm

    Hyper Attacks:
    Lucky Roll*: Throws out 6 dice. Up to 12 hits
    Toy Soldiers: Drops 5 toy soldiers that fire guns at the enemy. 15 hits
    Giant Sith: Turns into a giant form of himself. 10 seconds. Def to 10, Power to 5, Super Armor 2. No tagging.
  • Drain attacks while using Giant Sith gives Super Armor 2

    Enter: Cait Sith jumps on top of his Mog
    Taunt: Jumps up and down, clapping his hands over his head
    Victory: The Lucky Girl; A girl in a bathing suit appears overhead and blows CS a kiss

  • Vincent

    A former member of the Turks organization. When Vincent quit, the others hunted him down and subjected him to hellish experimentation. Now Vincent is a vampiric creature with the ability to transform into various creatures of darkness. His only wish is to avenge the woman he loved for the heinous crimes done to her.

    Notes: Whenever Vincent does a move, he transforms into a different creature. This transformation gives him different stats (as well as different drains), and different elemental strengths. These transformations last for 10 seconds, or until a new special is done. Thus, the Frankenstein can use the Beast Flare, but Vincent now becomes the Red Beast.
    Strategy: Vincent main strength is the huge variety of stats at his disposal. He can transform into a form that allows him to fight nearly any enemy on his own terms. Use the transformations for a tactical advantage. Also, remember that the new form is assumed almost instantly.
  • (As slasher) Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Penalty Pistol x 3
  • Giga Dunk, Live Wire
  • Chain Combo, Chaos Slasher, Live Wire
  • Sweep Combo, Chaos Breath
  • Nightmare, Any hyper or combo
    Similar Fighters: Victor (Franken), Shang Tsung

    Stats: Ratio 2 (any form)
  • Vincent: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Strength: D Weakness: H Drain: No effect
  • Frankenstein: Power: 7 Energy: 3 Defense*: 8 Speed: 3 Strength: S Weakness: H
  • Red Beast: Power*: 9 Energy: 3 Defense: 3 Speed: 5 Strength: F Weakness: H
  • Slasher: Power: 4 Energy: 4 Defense: 2 Speed*: 10 Strength: P Weakness: H
  • Chaos: Power: 5 Energy*: 9 Defense: 3 Speed: 4 Strength: D Weakness: H
    Special Moves:
    Giga Dunk*: Turns into a Frankstein. Does a forward jump with a downward slam.
    Beast Flare*: Turns into a red beast. Fires a ball that explodes into a column. (F)
    Nightmare*: Turns into a hockey mask slasher. A ghost flies forward, stunning the enemy.
    Chaos Slasher: Turns into Chaos, a demon creature. Runs forward and slashes with his claw.
    Penalty Pistol: Reverts to Vincent. Fires Up to 3 shots from his shotgun. More shots = longer recovery time
    Basic Throw: Turns into Vincent, picks enemy up on the end of shotgun, pull the trigger(A)
    Bonus: Dodge(Chaos Only), Rolling Evade (Slasher Only), Double Jump (Vincent Only)
    Launcher: Varies

    Hyper Attacks:
    Chaos Breath*: A skull appears below the enemy, rises, and shoots evil skulls out of the mouth. 12 hits (D)
    Live Wire: Frankenstein. The monster shoots electricity in all directions. 20 hits (S)
    Splatter Combo: Slasher. Moves forward, slashing with his chain saw. 8 hits
    Beast Horn: Red Beast headbutts (C) launches the enemy, Beast claws up the enemy on the way down. 10 hits

    Enter: A coffin opens and Vincent levitates out
    Taunt: Twirls his gun
    Victory: Same as taunt, except he puts his gun in a holster

  • Aeris

    A beautiful flower girl Cloud meets after his first job with Avalanche. Later now, she hires Cloud to be her bodyguard and protect her from the Turks. Aeris is being hunted due to her heritage, one she does not herself understand. Aeris is hesitant to cause pain to others, so she usually assists her allies with healing and protective magic.

    Strategy: Aeris is not a fighter. She should stay out of battle, using her Healing or Seal Evil skills. She won't last long in melee battle. Aeris is an assist fighter, not a warrior.
  • Chain Combo, Princess Guard or Tidal Wave
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 8 Defense: 3 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Healing Wind*: Calls a heavenly breeze that restores life to its target
    Seal Evil*: Several purple shots come at the enemy from all directions. If they all hit, the enemy is left stunned
    Princess Guard*: Jumps forward and smacks the enemy with her staff
    Breath of the Earth: Aeris can use this to cure herself and her entire party of negative status effects
    Basic Throw: Ducks and covers her head and a barrel falls on top of the enemy
    Launcher: A rising staff chop

    Hyper Attacks:
    Tidal Wave*: Aeris summons Leviathan, who sends a Tsunami at the enemy. 8 hits (W)
    Great Gospel: Using this powerful spell, Aeris restores a large amount of HP to all party members
    Planet Protector: Gives herself or another Super Armor Max for 10 seconds
    Fury Brand: Aeris sacrifices her own hyper energy to charge up her allies. Costs a full level.
  • Useable only in Grooves in which each fighter has their own vigor collection.

    Enter: Arms behind her back, rubbing the back of her leg with the other (Shy pose)
    Taunt: Offers the enemy a flower
    Victory: Touches her chest and breaths a sigh of relief

  • Hojo

    A scientist in the Shinra organization. Hojo is the head researcher in the Promised Land project. His job is to find the secrets of the Cetra and find the Promised Land, a place full of spiritual energy, perfect for Shinra's Mako sucking power plants. Hojo has strong ties with Sephiroth, but few known what their relationship entails.

    Strategy: Hojo is weird. He lacks much variety, but his moves are rather cheap. Have him use the Slow Clock to keep the enemy from their full potential.
  • Chain Combo, Quick Punches or Sample Stream
  • Sweep Combo, Sample Sweep
    Similar Fighters: Amingo

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Quick Punches*: A quick series of 5 punches done in place.
    Slow Clock*: Assist only. A clock appears on the enemy and slows down. Lowers speed by 1 Unblockable.
    Capsule Companions*: Creates a flying squid or a crawling squid. Player chooses, but assist is random

    Basic Throw: Touches the enemy with a glowing hand. No damage, but poisons.
    Bonus Abilities: Flying, Dodge
    Launcher: Causes a burst of energy to rise from his feet

    Hyper Attacks:
    Sample Stream*: Releases 12 Capsule Companions, 6 of each
    Helletic Star: Drops a large, yellow star on the enemy's head. Leaves stunned for 5 seconds if not blocked
    Helletic Hojo: Causes Hojo to turn into a large creature. Player can control the beast. Power + 3.

    Enter: Throws off his lab coat with a crazed look on his face
    Taunt: Hojo's head rocks back and forth with laughter
    Victory: Starts glowing with a green light

  • Yuffie

    A young ninja girl. Yuffie is traveling the world, looking for the power she needs to fight against Shinra. To accomplish this goal, Yuffie is stealing all of the materia she can get her greedy little hands on. Yuffie has to be tricked to join the party, but her speed and ranged weapons are a welcome addition.

    Strategy: Yuffie is a quick blur. Her attacks are mostly medium ranged, meaning she needs to get close to the enemy. However, her attack power and defense are low. Hop in, attack, then retreat.
  • Chain Combo, Greased Lightning or Landscaper
  • Sweep Combo, Gauntlet or Landscaper
  • Chain Combo, Launcher (or Mugging), Air Combo, All Creation
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 5 Defense: 3 Speed*: 8 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Greased Lightning*: Charges forward with a sweep of her weapon. Leaves a trail.
    Clear Tranquil*: Creates a blue orb around an ally. Gives minor regeneration until it is popped by a hit.
    Gauntlet*: Punches the ground and a blue pillar of energy comes out of the ground. 3 hits
    Bloodfest: Runs forward (C) and hits the enemy with a 4 hit combo
    Mugging: Hits the enemy with a launcher attack that steals any enhancements the enemy has.
    Basic Throw: Touches the enemy with a lightning materia (S)
    Bonus Abilities: Dodge, Air Dash
    Launcher: An upward swing of her giant shuriken

    Hyper Attacks:
    All Creation*: Sends a bluish meteor that leaves a trail of light. 18 hits (H,W) (A)
    Landscaper: Stabs the ground and a large wave of earth moves towards the enemy. 10 hits (E)
    Doom of The Living: Rushes forward (C) and deals the enemy a 10 hit combo. If killed, the combo finishes on the next enemy.

    Enter: Hides in the background and hops into the foreground
    Taunt: Holds a stolen materia and throws it into the air and catches it
    Victory: Spins around and jumps. Her victory dance

  • Barret

    The leader of the rebel group AVALANCHE. Barret believes that the Mako reactors are destroying the planet, so his goal is to destroy the reactors before the damage becomes permanent. Barret lost his arm in a Shinra attack back in his home village. A large machine gun is now grafted onto his arm in its place.

    Strategy: Barret is a big lug who can take and cause massive damage. Keep him away from the enemy, though. His start up times are a little long, leaving him vulnerable to fast melee fighters.
  • Chain Combo, Big Shot or Hammerblow or Ungarmax
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Catastrophe or Big Shot
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy: 3 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Big Shot*: A large orange ball forms on Barret's gun and fires at the enemy (A)
    Grenade Bomb*: Throws a small grenade that explodes into a sphere of fire on contact. 3 hits (F)
    Hammerblow*: Punches upward with a glowing fist. 5% chance to force the victim out of combat.
    Mind Blow: A blue version of Big Shot that reduces the enemy's vigor instead of damaging.
    Basic Throw: Slams the victim into the ground and starts firing his gun. 10 hits
    Launcher: A rising uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Satellite Beam*: Barret calls down 10 laser blasts from space. Hit random spots
    Ungarmax: Barret rapidly fires 27 bullets from his gunarm straight ahead
    Catastrophe: Air Only. Fires a thick beam of energy down-forward. 12 hits

    Enter: A thin, stupid looking guy is standing in Barret's place. B shoots down the pretender
    Taunt: Reloads his gun-arm
    Victory: Crouches down low and punches upward. His victory dance in FF7

  • Proud Clod

    Proud Clod is a giant robot developed by Shinra. This oversized guard bot protects the Shinra building from intruders. The Clod is used as a stand in for all of the non-Turk Shinra Forces.

    Strategy: A big lug. Its size makes it easy to hit the Clod. His super armor helps protect the Clod from medium speed fighters, but quick ones can still hit him enough to stun him momentarily.
  • Chain Combo, Proud Pummel
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Proud Pummel or Wrist Lasers
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Clod Cannon
    Similar Fighters: Sentinel

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy: 3 Defense*: 10 Speed: 3 Ratio: 2 Size: H

    Special Moves:
    Knee Fires: A medium ranged flame attack that fires out of the Clod's knee (F)
    Wrist Lasers*: Fires a laser beam attack from one of its wrists. The beam is thin, 3 hits(S) (A,1 hit)
    Proud Pummel*: Does a rocket punch attack with one of its fists. Forward, up-forward, or down-forward (A)
    Rainbow Ray*: A medium ranged projectile that deals no damage, but reflects all non-hyper enemy projectiles.
    Proud Core: Penalty. When Proud Clod's life is reduced to 50%, its armored core breaks, reducing defense by 3.
    Super Armor 1
    Basic Throw: Uses all four arms to crush the opponent
    Launcher: Drops a small bomb out of his legs which explodes

    Hyper Attacks:
    Proud Laser*: Ducks down and fires a gigantic laser from its back. 20 hits (S)
    Clod Cannon: Fires the Proud Laser attack straight up. 20 hits (S)
    Sister Ray: The Junon Cannon fires a vertical blast from above the enemy. 12 hits (S)

    Enter: Lumbers onto the screen like the big lug he is
    Taunt: Stream comes out of its armpits
    Victory: A group of Shinra executives come out of the robo and celebrate

  • Sabin Figaro

    One of two brother princes of the Figaro kingdom. When their father died, Edgar and Sabin decided who would rule with a coin toss. Sabin lost, so he went into the mountains to train in the martial arts. Several years later, the brothers are reunited during a battle. Sabin uses strong punch attacks to defeat his enemy.

    Strategy: Sabin works best in melee. While the Aura Ball and Fire Dance have range, but shouldn't be used too often.
    BattlePlan: Both his speed and defense are average. Take advantage of either flaw or keep him away with projectiles
  • Chain Combo, Aurabolt or Pummel Rush or Pummel
  • Trip, Suplex
    Similar Fighters: Ryu, Zangief, Rouge

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 5 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Strength: P Ratio: 2 Drain: Healing

    Special Moves:
    Pummel*: Dashes forward and performs a hundred hand-like attack
    Fire Dance*: A flame shadow of Sabin does an attack forward. (F)
    Suplex*: Moves forward to grab the enemy and suplex them. Unblockable.
    Mantra: Heals Sabin
    Aura Ball: A projectile attack (H)
    Basic Throw: Grabs the enemy and repeatedly headbutts them.
    Bonus: Dodge, Wall Cling, Wall Jump
    Launcher: Basic Uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    AuraBolt*: A large beam of energy. Similar to Ryu?s shinku hadoken. 20 hits (H)
    Bumrush: Charges at the enemy (C) and performs a 10 hit combo attack
    Pummel Rush: Move forward punching quickly. 21 hits. Like Rouge's punching hyper.

    Enter: Does a fancy jump thing then slides on his knees
    Taunt: Turns into 16 bit graphics and laughs
    Victory: His master Duncan comes out and they fight

  • Cyan

    The head captain of the Doma knights. After the city falls due to the Empire poisoning their water supply, Cyan meets Sabin and Shadow. Cyan is an honorable warrior who doesn?t understand technology. He uses samuria skills and a sword.

    Strategy: Cyan is a melee fighter. He needs to stay close to his enemies.
    Battleplan: If he wants to be close, don't let him.
    Combos: Chain Combo, Launcher, Crystal Blade
  • Near Screen Edge: Sweep Combo, Phantom Train
  • Chain Combo, Dispatch or Quadra Slam
    Similar Fighters: Hayato, Sonson (Crystal Blade)

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 4 Defense: 6 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Dispatch*: Charges at the enemy and performs a jumping cut
    Quadra Slam*: Cyan does 4 sword attacks
    Sword Counter*: Cyan will counter any non-distance attack
    Samuria Soul: Use to gain Super Armor 1 for 10 secs
  • Note: Drain while using Samuria Soul gives Super Armor 1
    Cyan's sword attacks deal holy damage (H)
    Basic Throw: Fast and impressive sword slashing, then bangs the enemy on the head with the flat of the blade
    Bonus: Air Dash
    Launcher: Rising sword slash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Crystal Blade*: A large spectral sword cuts downward from overhead. 10 hits (H)
    Phantom Train: A large train drives through the enemies. 12 hits (D)
    Cleaver: Cyan does a large sword swipe (C), then does a 10 hit combo

    Enter: An airship flies by with Cyan hanging from rope
    Taunt: Turns into his SNES 16-bit graphic and laughs.
    Victory: Stands straight with dignity

  • Umaro

    A wild yeti that challenges the party because they took his "shiny stone". Mog bullies him into joining the party. Umaro is ungodly strong but unfortunately, he often uses his fellow party members as projectiles.

    Strategy: Umaro is big and slow, but his attacks will liquify his enemies bones. A defensive strategy is best, but if the enemy won't come to you, don't be afraid to go to them.
    Battle-plan: His speed is his weakness. Because he moves so slowly, his attack recovery is horrid. Let him attack, then counter before he can do anything about it
  • Launcher, Bone Revenge
  • Chain Combo, Belly Slam or Chill Slam
    Similar Fighters: Marrow, Sasquatch

    Stats: Power*: 10 Energy: 4 Defense: 5 Speed: 3 Strength: W Weakness: F Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Bone-arang*: Throws a bone like a boomerang (E)
    Whirl Fist*: Punches the ground and a watery swirl surrounds Umaro (W)
    Belly Slam*: Jumps at the enemy belly first
    Chill Breath: A small burst of icy breath stuns the enemy (W)
    Yeti Rage: When Umaro calls an assist, he throws the assister. High Defense means high damage
    Basic Throw: Throws the enemy into his mouth, chews, spits out
    Launcher: Slams the ground (E)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Blizzard*: Uses the Winter Orb to create a globe of cold. Like Chun-li's globe attack. 21 hits (W)
    Chill Slam: Does a belly slam (C) and then hits with icy fists for 10 hit combo (W)
    Bone Revenge: 12 bony spikes fall from above (E)

    Enter: Umaro breaks out of a block of ice
    Taunt: Does the pose in the picture
    Victory: Eats a green cherry, turns red and starts shaking

  • Ultros

    An octopus from Final Fantasy 6 (3 US). This squidy is encountered early in the game, and keeps coming back for more, usually with stronger and stronger friends. Ultros is usually more of an annoyance than a threat, but persistent to say the least.

    Strategy: Ultros is a bag full of tricks. The Ink Blast stuns fighters. The Chupon Sneeze and Coliseum can be used to force a particular fighter to fight against Ultros. This is especially useful against fighters weak to water.
  • Chain Combo, Squid Slasher or Water Geyser
  • Sweep Combo, Tentacle or Figaro Falls or Water Geyser
  • Ink Blast, Any Combo
    Similar Fighters: Shuma Gorath

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy: 3 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Strength: W Weakness: S Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Ink Blast*: Squirts a short ranged blast of ink. If hit, the enemy is stunned (W)
    Tentacle*: Sends a tentacle sliding forward. Works as a ground projectile
    Squid Slasher*: Jumps forward as a spinning ball of destruction. 5 hits
    Water Geyser: Calls forth a pillar of water that bursts from the ground. 3 hits (W)
    Heavy Weight: A 100 ton weight drops from the ceiling. Cannot be blocked while ducking.
    Basic Throw: Whacks the enemy repeatedly with a tentacle.
    Launcher: Throws out his tentacles in an upward spike

    Hyper Attacks:
    Figaro Falls*: Sends a wave of Water Geyser attacks forward. Hits 15 times (W)
    Chupon Sneeze: A globe of wind flies from off screen. No damage, but an unblockable force out.
    Coliseum: Disables tagging and assist attacks for 10 seconds.

    Enter: Floats onscreen riding a wooden raft
    Taunt: A huge weight falls on Ultros's head. Can hurt enemies directly above Ultros
    Victory: Wiggles his tentacles and laughs in a watery way.

  • Cecil

    Cecil is the leader of the Airship Combat Unit known as the Red Wings. Despite his better judgment, he followed his king's wishes and learned the art of the Dark Knight. After being given a special assignment and a special weapon, Cecil journeys to a small village of summoners, where the weapon ignites the town in flame! Betrayed, Cecil decides to defeat the evils controlling his king and attempting to condemn the land to ashes. To accomplish his goals, Cecil must overcome the dark side of his soul and gain the powers of the paladin. Note*: Cecil begins each battle as a Dark Knight.

    Strategy: Cecil is a fairly diverse fighter. Although most of his special moves are nothing special, his ability to change his elementals at will is a bigger advantage than it might sound.
  • Chain Combo, Spin Cut or Dark/Holy Slash
  • Sweep Combo, Off
  • Launcher, Red Wings
    Similar Fighters: Strider, Hayato

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 3 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Spin Cut*: Jumps up and forward with a downward slash attack. Overhead (D or H)
    Shadow (Light) Blade*: Swings his blade with a long distance slash (D or H)
    Off*: A slash to the shins followed by a launcher attack (D or H)
    Cover: Paladin only. 10% chance to block attacks on an ally. Cecil takes only 1/2 damage.
    (Anti)-Purity Attack: Normal attacks deal either Dark or Holy damage.
    Basic Throw: Pushes back the enemy and uses the Off attack.
    Bonus Abilities (Dark Knight Only): Dodge, Wall Jump
    Launcher: Rising sword slash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Dark/Holy Slash*: Holds his blade up and fires 8 waves of energy. Dark Slash takes 5% health from Cecil (D or H)
    Red Wings: Calls on his airship that drops bombs. 12 hits
    Revelation: Transforms Cecil into a Paladin. From Dark Knight form only. Strong to Holy, Weak to Dark.
    Reverting Blackness: Transforms back from a Paladin to Dark Knight
  • Note: Both changes are permanent until changed. Paladins do holy damage and Dark Knight deal dark damage.

    Enter: Black clouds form into a black sword
    Taunt: Sheaths his blade
    Victory: Sheaths his blade and removes his helmet

  • Palom/Porom

    A pair of twins who are studying to be magic users. Palom is working on being a black mage while his sister Porom is studying the healing arts of white magic. The pair fights together, but also as one. Porom is by far the nicer of the two, while Palom has a cynical wit.

    Strategy: The magic twins should stay just within range of their collective magics. Low defense and slow normal attacks condemn the twins from working well on melee.
  • Chain Combo, Pyro Twin
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 7 Defense: 2 Speed: 6 Strength: H Weakness: E Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    White Pair*: Assist only. Porom does white magic, healing first, shell if ally is at full health.
  • White Healing: Assist only. Porom heals an ally.
  • Mana Shell: Assist only
    Black Set*: Palom casts a random black magic spell
  • Ice Burst: Palom shoots 3 shards of ice a short distance forward (W)
  • Fire Burst: Palom shoots a blast of flame straight ahead. Fairly short distance (F)
  • Bolt Burst: Palom creates a small cloud that shoots a lightning bolt form it. 2 hits (S)
    Basic Throw: Palom swings his sister around by her arms to kick the enemy
    Launcher: Parom creates a small flame at his feet (F)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Pyro Twin*: Combining powers, the pair shoots a inferno of fire at the enemy 14 hits (F)
    Comet Twin: Combining powers, the pair summons comets from the sky. 16 rocks (E)
    Twin Magic: Lasts 10 seconds. Whenever a Burst special is used, Porom automatically uses white magic on the pair

    Enter: Play leap from into position
    Taunt: One twin turns the other into stone, then softs the victim, they laugh
    Victory: Both jump up and down like happy children

  • Yang

    A warrior monk from Fabul. Yang is very polite, but a real bear in battle. Yang uses claws that can generate elemental effects. Secure in his inner serenity, Yang joins Cecil in his quest to defeat the forces of Baron.

    Strategy: Yang's best ability is his versatile selection of elemental attacks. With 6 different choices, it is possible match the elemental weakness of nearly any enemy. Yang needs to fight in close because all but one of his moves rely on melee range to hit.
  • Chain Combo, Tiger Fang or Flame Kick
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Flame Kick
  • Sweep Combo, Tiger Fang
    Similar Fighters: Liu Kang

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 3 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Power Charge*: Charges his chi and punches ahead with incredible speed once released. Chargable
    Tiger Fang*: A three hit slash combo with his claws
    Force of Chi*: Gathers energy for a short ranged projectile attack (H)
    Bear Effect: When used, Yang takes only half-normal chipping damage. Lasts 20 seconds
    Elemental Claw Swap: All specials and normal attacks do F,W,S,H,D, or Non elemental damage.
  • Starts on Non-elemental. Permanent until changed.
    Basic Throw: Holds the enemy with one hand, charges and hits with Power Charge
    Bonus Abilities: Wall Jump, Dodge
    Launcher: A rising uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Flame Kick*: Does a flying forward kick while engulfed in flame. 10 hits (A,F)
    Pan Handle: Does a launcher (C) does a 8 hit combo when the enemy lands, ending with a frying pan hit

    Enter: Bounces up and down on one foot
    Taunt: Same as Enter
    Victory: Clicks his fingers on both hands, holding his hands out in front of him.

  • Rydia

    A young girl who lived in the village of Mist, a town of summoners. This village is destroyed during Cecil's last mission for Baron by a item given to him by the king. The only survivor is Rydia. Althought young, she already has the power to summon powerful beasts from the Planet's Core. She also masters the arts of black magic.

    Strategy: A typical FF magic user. She really sucks up close, but with some distance, can devastate the enemy with her magic.
  • Chain Combo, Fire Magic or Ice Magic or Gaia Fury
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy*: 9 Defense: 3 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Fire Magic*: A blast of fire comes out of her hands. (F)
    Ice Magic*: 3 shards of ice are shot out of her hands. 3 different angles. Fairly short range (W)
    Bolt Magic*: Summons a bolt of lightning from the sky. May select the strike point (S)
    Bio Magic: A greenish cloud forms in front of Rydia. Enemies moving into it are poisoned for 4 seconds
    Chocobo: Summons an ostrich like creature that charges forward (B)
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy into a portal, which drops the out of the sky
    Launcher: Swings her staff

    Hyper Attacks:
    Mist Dragon*: A dragon of mist forms in front of Rydia and breaths mist. 14 hits (W,B)
    Gaia Fury: A titan causes an earthquake. Rocks come up in a wave. 12 hits (E)
    Queen Ashura: The Queen of Monsters appears and blesses Rydia's party with Regeneration for 10 seconds.
    Odin's Blade: Rydia gives the enemy a hotfoot (C,F) which sends the enemy flying up and Odin flies by on his horse and slashes through the enemy
  • Notes: If Odin kills the victim, the enemy is cut in half and cannot be resurrected.

    Enter: Starting as a little girl, grows up to a young teen
    Taunt: Summons a Chocobo so she can pet it
    Victory: Leviathan, snake king of monsters, appears and Rydia bows to him.

  • Edge

    The ninja Prince of Elban. Edge is brash and over confident, but he has a sarcastic wit and generally comedic temperament. Edge is a master of the Elban Ninja Arts, which include elemental magic abilities as well as hand-to-hand fighting arts.

    Strategy: Edge is good at middle ranged fighting. His defense and attack are too low for melee combat, but his ninja magic and throwing skills let him attack from a distance. Use Pin Slash and Stealing if the enemy manages to get close.
  • Chain Combo, Blitz or Pin Slash or Empty Inventory
  • Sweep Combo, Flame Magic or Blitz or Flood Mana
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Throw Shuriken
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense: 3 Speed*: 8 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Throw Shuriken*: Throws a large ninja star at the enemy (A)
    Flame Magic*: Calls up a pillar of flame from the ground. 3 hits (F)
    Blitz*: Calls down a lightning bolt that hits in front of Edge. 2 hits (S)
    Pin Slash: A two hit sword combo.
    Stealing: Edge runs through the enemy, stealing any enhancements from the victim
    Basic Throw: Drops a smoke bomb and both fighters vanish. The enemy suddenly flies out of no where.
    Launcher: A rising slash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Flood Mana*: Calls a tidal wave that washes forward. 10 hits (W)
    Empty Inventory: Throws a variety of swords, axes, stars, and bombs at the enemy. Up to 16 hits (Bombs-F)
    Distorted Images: 5 shadows follow Edge's movements. 1 hit destroys one shadow, giving him 5 hits of complete invulnerability.

    Enter: A smoke bomb drops from the ceiling, explodes. When the smoke clears, Edge is standing there.
    Taunt: Drops a smoke bomb, but doesn't move in the slightest
    Victory: Raises his arm in victory

  • Rosa

    Rosa grew up with Cecil and Kain in Baron. After failing to convince Cecil from joining the ranks of the Dark Knight, Rosa studied White Magic so she could aid that man she loved in his battles. With a will as stubborn and strong as steel, Rosa refuses to let Cecil leave her behind on his adventures.

    Strategy: Although not quite as weak as some assist characters, putting Rosa is battle for any length of time is basically suicide. All but 2 of her moves work when she is out of battle, so have her sit on the sidelines hurling healing spells at the more important fighters.
  • Chain Combo, Aiming or Holy Magic
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 10 Defense: 3 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Assist All: Rosa uses all of her special moves as a single assist group. They are listed in order of priority
  • Esuna: Cures her allies of any negative statuses
  • Heal: Restores a small amount of life to her allies
  • Reflect: Places a barrier on her allies that can reflect a single projectile
  • Aiming: Fires an arrow from her bow. Only used during assist if all 3 of the others are not needed.
    Praying: When out of battle, will occasionally heal the active fighter by a very small amount automatically.
    Basic Throw: Slaps the enemy a half dozen times.
    Launcher: Slaps upward with her bow

    Hyper Attacks:
    Holy Magic*: Rosa surrounds herself in a aura of holy energy. 12 hits (H)
    White Meteo: Calls out and 12 meteors of burning holy energy fall out of the sky. (W,E)
    Wall Spell: May be used as an assist. The target will reflect all projectiles for 10 seconds.

    Enter: Dons a white priest's robe.
    Taunt: Appears to cast a healing spell on the enemy, then laughs gently
    Victory: The classic 16-bit Final Fantasy victory dance. Raising her arms, then putting them down and repeat.

  • Delita

    Trained as a Hokuten knight, Delita changes sides in the middle of a war when he perceives that his leaders are uncaring and corrupt. After losing faith in the world, Delita decides to follow his own agenda to try to make the world as he sees fit. Delita considers most of the world his enemy.

    Strategy: Delita works best as a middle range fighter. He isn't fast enough for a in-your-face strategy. Use his specials to keep the enemy away from you
    Battle-plan: Delita is weak against a projectile fight, but his specials and hypers can hit opponents some distance away. Stay on your toes and move to counter if he misses
  • Chain Combo, Blade Charge or Holy Explosion
  • Chocobo, Stasis Sword, Divine Knight
    Similar Fighters: Hayato, Hsienko (Lots of random things popping up)
    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 6 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Elemental: H Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Shellbust Stab*: A curving blade emerges from the ground in front of Delita (H)
    Stasis Sword*: Swings his sword to make an ice lance in front of him. Stuns (W)
    Blade Charge*: Dashes forward and does an uppercut attack when he reaches the enemy
    Chocobo: A ostrich-like bird flies forward to attack the enemy (B)
    Bomb Exploder: Delita bowls a red creature toward the enemy. Explodes on contact (F)
    Basic Throw: A large sword stabs out of the ground
    Launcher: Basic upward sword slash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Holy Explosion*: A series of 10 beams strike out of the sky. Like Venom's Death Bite (H)
    Divine Knight: A dashing sword attack (C) followed by a 10 hit combo
    M-barrier: Delita gains regeneration and raises defense by 4, lasts 10 secs.

    Enter: Dismounts from a Chocobo
    Taunt: a simple shrug
    Victory: Sticks his sword in the ground and walks off-screen

  • Velius

    Velius is one of the Lucavi demons that is locked within the Holy Stones. When handling the Holy Stones, those with evil hearts will awaken the violence and terror of the Lucavi. Velius is a goat like creature with a massive, muscular body. Besides the physical power, he also commands powerful minions as well has hellish magic. He also has 4 arms.

    Strategy: Velius is a slow, landlocked monster. His attacks are very powerful, but he takes damage quite easily. When he is charging his moves, he takes even more damage, so be very careful before charging a move. His attacks are powerful with a lot of area, but are slow to recover.
  • Chain Combo, Lightning Stab or Ultima
  • Sweep Combo, Lightning Stab or Earthslash or Ultima
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy*: 8 Defense: 3 Speed: 3 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Lifebreak*: Throws forth a small streak of black light. Does no damage, but drains away all red life bar
    Lightning Stab*: A bolt of lightning strikes down in front of Velius (S)
    Earthslash*: Sends a wave of energy along the ground (E).
    Demonic Minion: Creates a small demon that moves forward to attack (D)
    Hold and Pummel: Picks up the enemy (T) and pounds the victim with his spare arms.
    Chargable: Lightning Stab, Earthslash and Normal attacks can all be charged by holding the button. Defense –1 during charge.
    Basic Throw: Punches the enemy, causing the victim to turn to stone. Stun
    Bonus Abilities: Flying (Limited)
    Launcher: A double uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Ultima*: A globe of energy forms around Velius. 20 hits (D)
    Dark Holy: Waves his hand and screaming pillars of darkness erupt from the ground. 12 hits(D,H)
    Cyclops: A blast of energy comes from above. Wide range and unblockable. Very little damage, however (D)
    Shadow Stitch: Level 3. A simple punch that has a 10% chance for an instant kill. Medium damage.

    Enter: A soldier raises the holy stone and screaming souls fly into the knight, turning him into Velius
    Taunt: Glows his unholy energy
    Victory: Picks up the enemy and devours it
