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Capcom's Survival Horror Genre

This category of gaming was created when Capcom published Resident Evil back on the Playstation. This section includes Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, Onimusha, and Devil May Cry.

A bad picture, but during the hyper combo finish of Horror fighters, a large explosion rocks the background and tentacles come out of the ground and drag the victim under

Jill | Dante | Dylan | Nemesis |

A member of the elite police team, Stars. When her team is sent to investigate an abandoned mansion at the edge of Raccoon City, she was not prepared for what her team found. Now, she is one of the few survivors from the BRAIN EATING ZOMBIES!! Sorry?

Strategy: Low recover coupled with her above average speed give her the tools to be a great melee fighter. If things are going badly, fall back and use the army of the undead.
Battle-Plan: The best way to defeat a Jill player is to predict her next move.
  • Chain Combo, Fist Barrel or Fist of Flame
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Fist Barrel or Fist of Flame
  • Sweep Combo, Lord of Zombies

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 6 Defense: 4 Speed*: 7 Strength: H Weakness: D Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Warning Shot*: Fires a grenade upwards. Explodes in mid-air
    Fist Barrel*: Flies forward with a flaming punch. (A,F)
    Green Herb*: Assist Only. Heals the person she is assisting
    Counter Clip: Absorbs a melee attack (C) then proceeds to shoot the enemy 6 times
    Army of the Undead:
  • Zombie Dog: An undead jumps at the enemy.
  • Dark Raven: A black bird dive bombs at the enemy.
  • Brain eating Zombie: A zombie slowly stumbles forward. If tripped, will bite ankles.
  • Flaming Zombie: Like normal zombie, except its burning (F)
    Basic Throw: Runs up the enemy, slashes them with a dagger
    Bonus: Dodge
    Launcher: A basic uppercut, but very quick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Fist of Flame*: A hyper Fist Barrel. 16 hits (A,F)
    Stars Rocket: Fires 14 rockets from a huge launcher. Falls on ground at the end
    Lord of Zombies: Jill crouches (C) a giant zombie juggles the enemy w/ claws. 4 hits

    Enter: Loosens up her arm while saying "I'm a member of STARS"
    Taunt: Same as enter
    Victory: Poses with her pistol

  • Dante

    2,000 years ago, the legendary Dark Knight Sparda turned against the Underworld, and defeated their leader, Mundus. In our current time, his son Dante is informed that Mundus has been resurrected and is beginning his assault anew. Dante is surprising jovial for a half-demon, but he has little patience for the forces of darkness. From Devil May Cry.

    Notes: Dante has more moves than anybody in this fighting game. They are organized into three groups, Guns, Alastor and Ifrit weapons. Dante starts each battle using Alastor, but has a hyper to switch between the two. Guns may be used in either mode. Alastor is a sword, Ifrit is a pair of gauntlets. Also, all combos listed below work in the real game, just ignore the air combos.
    Assist Sets: (Alastor/Ifrit)
  • Stinger / Magma Drive
  • Round Trip / Meteor
  • Vortex / Rolling Blaze
    Strategy: With all this other info, its hard to state a single winning strategy. Just remember Alastor is faster and Ifrit is stronger. Pick the one that is the worst for the victim.
  • Chain Combo, High Time, Ivory&Ebony, (High Time finishes)
  • Sweep Combo, Hundred Hand Slash
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Air Hike, Air Combo, Air Raid (ouch)
  • Chain Combo, Magma Drive, Air Combo, Rolling Blaze
  • Kick 13, Magma Drive, Air Combo, Rolling Blaze
  • Chain Combo, Meteor (Level 2)
    Similar Fighters: Not gonna try to think of this...

    Stats: Ratio 2
    Alastor: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Strength: S Weakness: E
    Ifrit: Power*: 7 Energy: 4 Defense: 7 Speed: 3 Strength: F Weakness: W

    Special Moves:
  • Ivory & Ebony: Twin pistols. Fires 6 extremely quick, but very weak shots straight forward (A)
  • Shotgun: A weapon that fires a spray of bullets into the air. (A, downward)
  • Grenade Gun: Lobs a grenade into the air. Falls after a short time.
  • Nightmare Beta: Fires an energy blast that rebounds off walls, floor, and ceiling. Chargable power. Takes some vigor. (D)
    Basic Throw: Grabs the enemy by the shoulders and throws them at the ground
  • Stinger: Dashes forward for a stabbing attack (S)
  • Round Trip: Throws his sword like a boomerang. (S)
  • Vortex: A drill-spinning attack up and forward. (A,S)
  • High Time: A launcher attack immediately followed by a jumping slash. Combo with pistols
  • Bonus: Air Hike. Allows Dante to double jump. Only with Alastor
  • Bonus: All sword attacks do Lightning (S) damage
  • Launcher: Upward sword sweep Ifrit:
  • Magma Drive: Short run forward with a large flaming uppercut. Launcher attack (F)
  • Meteor: Fires a ball of flame from his fist. Basic fireball (F)
  • Rolling Blaze: Jumps into the air, tumbling, leaving a flaming trail. Like Guile Flash Kick (A,F)
  • Kick 13: A short range, extremely quick four hit combo. Ends with Launcher
  • Bonus: All punching attacks deal Fire (F) damage.
  • Bonus: All normal moves are chargable with Ifrit.
  • Launcher: A upward uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Any Time:
  • Devil Trigger: Transforms himself. Speed +3, Power +3, Super Armor 1. Lasts 10 seconds
  • Devil Arms: Used to change between Alastor and Ifrit
    Alastor Hypers:
  • Hundred Hand Slash*: Moves forward, stabbing repeatedly with his sword. 20 hits (S)
  • Air Raid: Air only. Fires 3 large bolts of lightning down to the ground. Up to 18 hits (S)
    Ifrit Hypers:
  • Meteor Level 2*: Throws a huge fireball. 10 hits (F)
  • Inferno: Jumps into the air, then slams into the ground, creates a huge pillar of flame. 12 hits (F)

    Enter: Says "This is the last place I expected to find anyone with guts."
    Taunt: The typical come here hand wave
    Victory: Stabs Alastor into the ground, kicks it up by the hilt, and it lands in its sheath

  • Dylan

    One of the playable characters in Dino Crisis 2. I don't know anything about his back story.

    Strategy: A purely ranged fighter. All of Dylan's weapon shots are long distanced attacks with long start time. Don't get near the enemy, at least if you want to use any moves. Use various mine abilities can be used to make it quite hard to get close.
  • Chain Combo, Dino Taser or Chain Taser
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Flame Thrower
  • Sweep Combo, Blaster Mines
    Similar Fighters: Cable, Magneto

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy*: 7 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Dino Taser*: Fires a bolt of electricity that damages and stuns. (S)
    Flame Thrower*: Sends a blast of flame of a gun. (F)(A)
    Burst Mines*: Throws a small object. If stepped on, it explodes in a pillar of flame. 3 hits (F)
    Grenade: Throws a grenade in an arc. (A)
    Basic Throw: Sticks the taser in the victim's rips and fires (S)
    Bonus Abilities: Rolling Evade
    Launcher: A upward sweep of a large gun

    Hyper Attacks:
    Blaster Mines*: Rolls out 10 mines that explode in a wave of pillars. 20 hits (F)
    Chain Taser: Fires a 10 hit Taser shot that always hits the enemy. 10 hits on all enemies. (S)
    Explosion Charge: Lays down a mine that causes extreme damage if stepped on.

    Enter: A raptor charges Dylan and he blasts it with the taser
    Taunt: Takes out a cigar and starts smoking
    Victory: A raptor jumps at his back, and he shoots the enemy without turning around

  • Nemesis

    A super zombie bred by the Umbrella Corp. Nemesis is nearly invincible, plus, it's smart too. Well, at least smart enough to fire a bazooka and break through walls as a short cut.

    Strategy: Although big and powerful, Nemesis is slow. However, with a defense of 10 and Super Armor 3, it is nearly impossible to hurt him! Plus, he is fast enough to swat nearly any character before they hit him for a fourth time. Projectiles are the best way to deal with this monster, but his bazooka can counter that strategy somewhat.
  • Chain Combo, Dead Bazooka or Charge Grab or Monstrous Shot
  • (In Corner) Sweep Combo, Undead Dog or Undead Legion
    Similar Fighters: Jill

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 4 Defense*: 10 Speed: 3 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 3 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Dead Bazooka*: Fires a single, powerful shot from a rocket launcher. Ouch
    Call Zombie*: Summons a zombie to attack his enemy. From front or back, burning (F) or not.
    Charge Grab*: Ducks down and charges forward (T) holds up the enemy in a choke hold
    Undead Animals: Summons either a zombie raven or a zombie dog to attack
    Super Armor 3
    Basic Throw: Places his victim on the ground and fires the bazooka at the victim, point-blank
    Launcher: Upward sweep of his bazooka

    Hyper Attacks:
    Monstrous Shot*: Fires his bazooka with a huge blast. 5 hits
    Undead Legion: Calls forth 8 dogs and 5 ravens to all attack at once.
    Realm of the Dead: Reaches out (T) throws the enemy through the floor into a pit of zombies. 20 hits.

    Enter: Blows his way through a wall
    Taunt: Reloads his weapon
    Victory: Simply laughs and begins to eat the corpse
