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The King of Fighters and Other SNK

Iori | Kyo | Benimaru | Vice | Yamazaki | Rugel | Nakoruru | Hanzo | Krizalid | Kyo Clone | Complete Kyo |

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A warrior who uses the power of the dark side of the moon. Iori was the enemy of the series. Kyo is Iori's principle rival. Iori uses Dark fire for most of his attacks.

Strategy: Iori is the classic middle range fighter. His Dark Thrust and Shadow Blast skills can keep his foes back, and the Deadly Flower and Dark Crescent techniques are great if they get past the projectiles.
Battle Plan: Iori is a balanced fighter and difficult to fight. His ground projectile is easily jumped, leaving him open for a counter.
  • Chain Combo, Deadly Flower X 3, Dark Thrust
  • Chain Combo, One-for-the-Road Blast, while stunned use Maiden Masher

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 6 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Dark Thrust*: A dark fire ground projectile. (D)
    Fireball*: An uppercut attack with Iori surrounded in dark flames (D)
    Shadow Blast*: Rolls a dark flame along the ground, then explodes in a pillar (D)
    Deadly Flower: A forward moving punch combo. Can be used 3 times in a row
    Dark Crescent: Grabs the enemy, and pushes them along the ground.
    Scum Gale: Runs forward (C) pushes the enemy to the ground, and shoots dark fire into their head. (D)
    Basic Throw: A basic over the shoulder throw
    Bonus: Rolling Evade
    Launcher: From a crouching position, strikes up with his hand

    Hyper Attacks:
    One-for-the-Road*: Iori fires a series of 5 Shadow Blasts. 15 hits. Stuns enemy (D)
    Maiden Masher: Charges forward (C), puts the enemy on the ground, and smashes them 5 times
    Slash Talon Comb: Jumps forward with a downward arm sweep (C) spins around and throws. Block High (D)

    Enter: Presents the enemy with a dark flame
    Taunt: Puts his hand on his fore-head and laughs insanely
    Victory: Turns his back and spits on the corpse

  • Kyo

    The hero trying to save the world from Iori's dark power. Like his nemesis, Kyo draws his powers from the Heavens and the lights of the sun.

    Strategy: Unlike Iori, Kyo is a melee fighter. The Wicked Chew is probably Kyo's best attack. Get the enemy used to the three hit, then only do two and follow with a sweep kick.
    Battleplan: Kyo's main weakness is his specials. Although they are powerful, most have a limited coverage area and have quite a bit of warm up time. Use quick attacks to counter his specials before they even start.
  • Chain Combo, Wicked Chew or Final Showdown or Rusting Eight or Spinning Kick
  • Launcher, R.E.D Kick

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense*: 6 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Fireball*: A twirling uppercut attack, with spiraling flames (F)
    Wicked Chew*: A flaming punch attack. May be done 3 times in a row (F)
    R.E.D. Kick*: An over-the-head jumping kick attack. His leg goes through an arc
    Flaming Crescent Slash: Runs forward (C) picks up the victim and makes him explode (F)
    Spinning Kick: Jumps up, kicking 3 times while flying up.
    Rusting Eight: A straight punch, an elbow that must be blocked high, enemy falls, and Kyo lights on fire (F)
    Basic Throw: Basic over the shoulder throw.
    Bonus: Dodge
    Launcher: A hopping kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Final Showdown*: A pillar of flame sets Kyo on fire. Does the Wicked Chew for 12 hits (F)
    Serpent Wave: With a wave of his arm, releases a large curtain of flame Chargable(F)
    Solar Shock: A large ball of holy fire surrounds Kyo. 15 hits (H)

    Enter: Presents the enemy with a small flame
    Taunt: Does a "no-no" gesture (shaking his finger) while it is on fire
    Victory: Raises an arm in victory

  • Benimaru

    A weird guy with big hair. Benimaru seems to team up with anyone who will have him.

    Strategy: Benimaru's greatest asset is his weird looking, floating jump. Since his jumping attacks can come down at vastly different angles, it is difficult to predict where he will eventually land. Use this tactics to confuse your enemies.
    Battle Plan: Try to dominate the air battle. If Benimaru is kept on the ground, his main strength has been nullified.
  • Chain Combo, Bolt Fist, Power Spark or Blast Flash
  • Jump, Sky Drill, Chain Combo Fragment, Shinku Katategoma

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 6 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Bolt Fist*: Punches forward with a globe of electricity on his fist. Briefly Stuns (S)
    Iaido Kick*: Benimaru flips forward, ending with a kick attack. Kicks moves in an arc
    Power Spark*: Flies forward surrounded by electrical power (S)
    Shinku Katategoma: Balancing on one hand, Beni spins in circles w/ his legs out
    Sky Drill: Air only. Beni does a downward drill kick
    Basic Throw: Grabs and throws over his shoulder. Gets good air.
    Launcher: He kicks high

    Hyper Attacks:
    Blast Flash*: A hyper version of Bolt Fist. Creates a large globe. 10 hits (S)
    Discharge Spark: Charges through the enemy, leaving them electrocuted. Unblockable, but slow (S)

    Enter: Smoothes his afro
    Taunt: Smoothes his afro again
    Victory: Does a weird feminine looking pose

  • Vice

    Vice is one of the women who serves Iori. In what fashion, we can only guess. Vice's fighting style is based on grappling maneuvers.

    Strategy: Although not looking like it, Vice is a grappler. However, most of her moves have a fair amount of range. Plus, except for Outrage, all her specials are unblockable. If the enemy tries projectiles, use a Da Cide attack.
    Battle Plan: Unfortunately for Vice, her attacks have horrible recovery time. If she misses, there is at least a 2 second gap after the attack. If that weren't enough, she as low power for a grappler.
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Tranquillity
  • Da Cide into a corner, Incensed or Withering Embrace
  • Chain Combo, Nail Bomb or Gore Fest

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Nail Bomb*: Grabs the enemy, and power bombs them. A pillar of dark appears on contact (D)
    Da Cide*: Performs a sweep attack with a long sleeve (C) then throws the victim.
    Outrage*: Vice hops forward slightly and does a lightning kick attack
    Gore Fest: Grabs the enemy and power bombs again. Gore Fest is non-elemental
    Tranquillity: Jumps into the air, catches the opponent and throws them straight downward.
    Basic Throw: Basic suplex
    Launcher: A short ranged shoulder ram

    Hyper Attacks:
    Incensed*: Vice charges forward while doing an Outrage attack. 18 hits
    Withering Embrace: Vice hops forward slightly (C), hits 8 times, then power bomb
    Negative Gain: Vice does a back-flip (C) and continues flipping, 8 hits (D)

    Enter: Crawls around making a mooing sound (I think it is supposed to be alluring)
    Taunt: Does the "SNK extremely overused come-here" gesture
    Victory: Lays down on top of the enemy and licks their face

  • Yamazaki

    Yamazaki was a boss character in one of SNK's games, I don't even know which one. His style demands that he keep his blade in his pocket unless it is in use.

    Strategy: A character that is very hard to use effectively. His attacks are short to medium ranged, allowing him to keep the enemy back nicely. However, don't count on his close melee skills
    Battle Plan: Being as hard as he is to use, the average newbie is toast. However, an experienced Yamazaki user can counter nearly any move. His recover speed, however, is a little on the slow side, leaving him open for a counter.
  • Chain Combo, Hydra Judgement, Serpent Slash or Serpent Whip
  • Double Return, Guillotine or Drill

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 7 Defense: 5 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Hydra Judgment*: Swings his knife in an upward arc. Leaves a water energy trial (W)
    Serpent Slash*: A quick knife slash. Hits at long distances
    Double Return*: A double knife slash
    Counter Taunt: A fake taunt that does a counter attack
    Super Press: A large punch attack
    Basic Throw: Holds the enemy, draws his knife and stabs
    Launcher: An upward dagger sweep

    Hyper Attacks:
    Serpent Whip*: A series of Serpent Slashes at various heights. 12 hits (W)
    Drill: A large pneumatic drill appears and punches out at the enemy. 15 hits
    Guillotine: Jumps forward(C) and drags his victim along the ground and kicks the grounded victim. 9 hits

    Enter: Flips his knife into the air and catches it
    Taunt: Wiggles his tongue at the enemy
    Victory: Takes out his knife and licks the blade

  • Rugel

    Rugel is an early boss of the KOF series. His moves are a combination of Geese and Krauser, the two bosses of the Fatal Fury series.

    Strategy: Rugel is a middle distance fighter. He has numerous projectiles, as well as the Destroy Cut, which is ideal for anti-air. Aggressive players can be stopped in their tracks by a Super Press attack.
    Battle Plan: Rugel's weakness is his speed. He takes a while to recover from his projectile attacks, especially the Dark Barrier.
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Destroy Cut or Total Annihilation
  • Wind Slice from across the screen, do Omega Shock if they jump over.

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense*: 6 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Kaiser Wave*: Rugel throws a large projectile. Hold button to charge power. (S)
    Super Press*: Runs forward(C) grabs the enemy, and slams them into the wall
    Destroy Cut*: A forward jump with his leg moving in a circle. His foot acts as a blade
    Wind Slice: A ground projectile (B)
    Dark Barrier: Rugel surrounds himself with a protective shield. Then shoots a ball (D)
    Basic Throw: Holds the enemy, drawing the life force out of the victim. (Drain)
    Launcher: He performs a high kick
    Hyper Attacks:
    Total Annihilation*: Rugel performs a series of 10 Destroy Cuts.
    Gigantic Pressure: Rugel grabs the enemy (C), runs back and forward slamming them into walls
    Omega Shock: Teleport slides through the enemy (C). They get hit 6 times.

    Enter: Waves his panther away
    Taunt: Formally bows to the enemy
    Victory: growls and calls his panther to his side

  • Nakoruru

    A samurai spirit that fights with a large hawk. She wields a short sword as well.

    Strategy: A speedy warrior with longer then average reach due to her sword. Unlike most weapon users, her recover speed doesn't suffer at all. Fight aggressively, not letting up on the constant stream of normal and special attacks. Her moves start with incredible speed, but if she misses a special, Nakoruru is left wide open

  • Sweep Combo, Slide Gash, Air Combo, Annu Mutsube or Hawk Dive
  • Chain Combo, Annu Mutsube or Hawk Dive

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 6 Defense: 3 Speed*: 8 Strength: B Weakness: E Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Mamahaha Wing: Grabs onto the Hawk. Can now fly around and do one of 3 attacks
  • Blade Dive*: Dive off, blade first
  • Blade Slash: A simple sword attack while hanging from the hawk
  • Mamahaha Flare: Throws the hawk at the enemy like a projectile
    Annu Mutsube*: Slides forward leading with her blade
    Schichikan Etu Brute*: Orders the hawk to dive bomb
    Lei ai Mutsube: Similar to Annu Mutsube, except it flies upward as well
    Slide Gash: A slide kick trip followed by a sword uppercut. Works as a Launcher
    Basic Throw: Rolls in place and then slashes the enemy
    Bonus: Double Jump, Wall Jump
    Launcher: A spinning upward slash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Kamai Irushi*: Summons a flock of hawks. Legion like. Hits 15 times
    Hawk Dive: Does a Annu Mutsube in 8 directions. 6 hits per direction. 2 directions per hyper.
    Shirikira Kamui Nomi: Begs the gods above to heal her and the rest of the group.

    Enter: Rides onscreen hangs from the hawks talons
    Victory: The hawk lands on her arm, like the picture

  • Hanzo

    A ninja warrior; Hanzo wields a short, yet thick blade.

    Strategy: Like real ninjas, Hanzo needs to use secrecy and trickery to win his battles. Make use of his teleportation techniques to be unpredictable. Hanzo is not great in a standup, toe-to-toe fight.

  • Sweep Combo, Rolling Sword or Secret Way
  • Chain Combo, Hanzo Star or Secret Way

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed*: 6 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Rolling Sword*: Does a roll in the air, and slashes downward
    Hanzo Star*: Throws a giant shuriken at the enemy
    Spirit Strike*: Counter attack. Teleports behind the enemy and falls down slashing them in the back.
    Basic Throw: Rolls in place then slashes the enemy
    Bonus: Teleportation, Rolling Evade, Dodge
    Launcher: Rising sword slash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Secret Way*: A series of 12 forward moving sword slashes
    Ninja Vanish: Teleports with a shockwave (C) and does a 10 hit strike on the way down

    Enter: A smoke bomb explodes and Hanzo is standing there
    Taunt: Stands straight with dignity, like the picture
    Victory: Throws a smoke bomb and vanishes

  • Krizalid

    A member of an organization behind the latest King of Fighters tournaments. Krizalid is a high powered clone constructed to defeat the tournament winners. This will unlock the killer instinct in a small army of Kyo clones.

    Strategy: A powerful warrior that is just plain cheap in strict, 2D fighting. However, this game ain't strict. A constant stream of Tornadoes can easily beat the enemy if they aren't smart enough to Super Jump. Lethal Impact has a very good range of effect, so it makes good anti-air defense.
  • Chain Combo, Tornado or Dark Moon or Hell's Angel
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Hell's Angel or Tornado
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 6 Defense: 5 Speed: 3 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Tornado*: A kick that sends waves of wind forward or a stationary spiral that reflects projectiles (A,B)
    Lethal Impact*: A very high kick that works as a counter. Plus, if no counters, the kick is an overhead
    Dark Moon*: A jumping punch attack. Connects 3 times for big damage
    Desperate Moment: Dashes forward (T) and pushes the enemy the other direction. No damage
    Desperate Smash: Only during a D. Moment. Krizalid smashes the enemy with his palm
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy away and performs a Dark Moon
    Launcher: A slashing upward attack with his palm

    Hyper Attacks:
    Hell Fire Press*: Leans back, sending a pillar of flame upward, followed by a large flaming X in front. 6 hits (F)
    Desperate Oppression: Dashes forward (C), slams the enemy into the wall, then pummels the victim with stretching arms. 27 hits
    Hell's Angel: Grows wings of flame and dashes forward engulfed in a fire ball. 10 hits (A,F)

    Enter: Burns off his overcoat with a thought
    Taunt: Bleeds a bit, and he wipes it off of his mouth.
    Victory: Glowing light travels along the black parts of his suit

  • Kyo Clone

    One of the clones of Kyo. Created in a plot by Krizalid, these clones were spread all over the world. Without any clue to their origin, the clones lived fairly normal lives. Then, Krizalid began the killing factor, and the clones became wild and began attacking innocent people. Note: the picture is actually Kyo in KOF:Evolution, but it seems strange to give the clone Kyo's old look and give Kyo a new one.

    Strategy: Kyo's clones play almost exactly like Kyo. Big surprise. Also, even though some of his moves have different names, many are exactly the same as Kyo's.
  • Chain Combo, Poison Gnawfest or Demon Flayer or Final Freestyle
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, New Wave Special or Wild New Wave
  • Sweep Combo, Exorcise Evil or Blue Demon
    Similar Fighters: Kyo, Iori

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense: *6 Speed: 5 Strength: F Weakness: D Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Exorcise Evil*: A basic KOF ground projectile. (F)
    Poison Gnawfest*: A forward stepping punch, a sweep of fire and a jumping shoulder tackle (F)
    New Wave Special*: Hops forward and up with a launcher kick. Hit K again for 2 hits
    Demon Flayer: Two straight punches followed by an elbow that must be blocked high. (F)
    Wild Bite: A jumping, spiraling attack with Kyo surrounded by fire. 3 hits (F)
    Blue Demon: Throws a Exorcise Evil attack that does not move, but stays in place for a few seconds. (F)
    Basic Throw: Basic over the shoulder throw
    Bonus Abilities: Dodge
    Launcher: Hops a little with a kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Final Freestyle*: A pillar of flame surrounds Kyo and he punches 10 times, ending with Wild Bite.
    Serpent Shear: Starts himself on fire and releases a short ranged wave of fire. 5 hits
    Wild New Wave: Jumps up and forward kicking frantically. Up to 16 hits

    Enter: Puts out his hand with a flame rising from it, then falls back in pain
    Taunt: Shakes his finger back and forth in a "no-no gesture"
    Victory: Raises his arm in victory

  • Complete Kyo

    This is the basic Kyo fighter, but instead of having his moves split into Kyo and his Clone with some others just plain left out in certain games, this is the full Kyo, with ALL of his moves available in Capcom vs SNK 2, KOF99, and KOF Evolution. This makes him incredibly versatile, with several different moves that are kind of alike, but with subtle differences. He is ratio 3 mostly due to this variety.

    Strategy: See Kyo and Kyo Clone above
    Combos: See Kyo and Kyo Clone above
    Similar Fighters: Kyo, Kyo Clone, Iori

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 7 Defense: 6 Speed: 5 Ratio: 3 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Evil Exorcism*: A basic KOF ground projectile. (F)
    Punching Combos*: Will do one of the following punch moves at random for assist
  • Wicked Chew: Two straight punches followed by an elbow that must be blocked high. (F)
  • Poison Gnawfist: A forward stepping punch, a sweep of fire and a jumping shoulder tackle (F)
  • Demon Flayer: A single punch like the start of most combos, but cannot be comboed. Stronger (F)
  • Rusting Eight: A straight punch, an elbow that must be blocked high, enemy falls, and Kyo lights on fire (F) Kicking Combos*: Will do one of the following kicking moves at random for an assist
  • Spinning Kick: Jumps up, kicking 3 times while flying up.
  • R.E.D. Kick: An over-the-head jumping kick attack. His leg goes through an arc. Block high
  • New Wave Special: Hops forward and up with a launcher kick. Hit K again for 2 hits
    427 Upper: Hops forward (C) punches the enemy into the air and punches with a flaming fist (F)
    Fireball: A jumping, spiraling attack with Kyo surrounded by fire. 3 hits (F)
    Flaming Crescent Slash: Runs forward (C) picks up the victim and makes him explode (F)
    Blue Demon: Throws an Evil Exorcism attack that does not move, but stays in place for a few seconds. (F)
    Basic Throw: Basic over the shoulder throw
    Bonus Abilities: Dodge, Rolling Evade
    Launcher: Hops a little with a kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Final Showdown*: A pillar of flame surrounds Kyo and he punches 10 times, ending with Fireball. (F)
    Serpent Wave: With a wave of his arm, releases a large curtain of flame Chargeable for more damage (F).
    Serpent Shear: Exactly the same as Serpent Wave, but not chargable and Kyo has fire coming off his body. 5 hits (F)
    Ceremony Slash: Ducks down, then does a single hit uppercut that does a lot of damage. Chargeable for delay.(F)

    Enter: Presents the enemy with his flame on his palm
    Taunt: Shakes his finger in a "no-no" gesture
    Victory: Raises his arm in victory.
