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The story of the Gate of Hell. This gate leads to Hell (duh). There are four guardians placed on Earth to make sure that the Gate remains closed forever. These guardians are the avatars of four gods: Byakko the White Tiger, Genbu the Green Turtle, Seiryu the Blue Dragon, and the Red Phoenix. However, when Kagami, the avatar of the Red Phoenix becomes evil, his first objective is to open the Gate wide, flooding the world with evil energies and demonic creatures. Common Hyper Move: Furious Fandango Secret Slices
ALL Last Blade fighters can do this move. The fighter glows blue, then dashes forward. When the fighter reaches his enemy, the player must enter a "button-link combo". By pressing buttons in the right order, VERY quickly, a fighter can perform up to a 20 hit combo that can do up to 70% damage! These require a lot of practice to master.

Kaede | Moriya | Yuki | Setsuna | Kojiroh | Washizuka | /Shikyo/Mukuro | Recca Lee | Zantetsu | Amano | Akari | Juzoh | Kagami | Okina | Shigen | Musashi |
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Kaede is a young orphan when he is first taken in by an old sword master. He grows up with two other orphans, Yuki and Moriya. Then, suddenly, Moriya kills their master and flees. Kaede discovers the opening Hell's Gate is the cause of Moriya's actions and journeys to close it. He soon discovers a hidden power within himself, the power of Seiryu the Blue Dragon.
Note: Kaede is playable in two different forms. These forms are Kaede (or Normal Kaede) and Awakened Kaede. Both versions have the same moves, but Awakened Kaede is much stronger and faster. Normal Kaede is the blue haired one, an overly-nice person with reservations about fighting. Awakened Kaede has golden hair and quite the arrogant attitude.

Strategy: Due to his blade, Kaede's attacks are simply too slow to combo well. Although both versions of Kaede have the same moves, the Awakened form is much more powerful. He plays like any basic Ken/Ryu fighter.
  • Chain Combo, MS Squall or MS Wind Fang or MS Flash or LD Storm
  • Sweep Combo, MS Squall
    Similar Fighters: Ken/Ryu Family, Captain Commando

    Awakened:: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed*: 6 Strength: S Weakness: W Ratio: 2 Size: M
    Normal:: Power: 3 Energy: 1 Defense*: 5 Speed: 4 Ratio: 1 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Morning Star Squall*: Waves his sword, sending a wave of lightning along the ground (S)
    Morning Star Wind Fang*: A jumping sword slash that leaves a lightning trail. Basic uppercut. 3 hits (S)
    Morning Star Flash*: Charges for a second, then dashes forward, does a 3 hit combo when he reaches the enemy
    Morning Star Tail Wind: Air Only. Throws a bolt of lightning downward at an angle. (S)
    Ittou Raitei: Air Only. Grabs the enemy (T) and slams the victim to the ground with lightning (S)
    Basic Throw: Grabs the enemy and jumps sideways, driving his shoulder into the enemy upon landing
    Bonus Abilities: Rolling Evade
    Launcher: A rising sword slash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Lively Dragon Revert*: Holds his sword upward, it grows with energy and he sweeps it down. 6 hits. Chargable. (S)
    Lively Dragon Lance: Hops forward and stabs (C) does a Wind Fang with a large bolt. 8 hits (S)
    Lively Dragon Storm: Touches the ground, and four bolts of lightning rise from the ground. 12 hits (S)
    Awakening of Seiryu: Normal Kaede only. Permanently awakens. However, his life will start to drop.

    Enter: A lightning bolt strikes Kaede and he Awakens.
    Taunt: Taps his sword on his shoulder.
    Victory: Winds rises around him and he turns back to normal and sighs.
    Enter: Awkwardly challenges his opponents
    Taunt: Mumbles pacifistic things.
    Victory: Sighs
    Top Moriya

    Orphaned at a young age, Moriya is taken in my Gaisei, just like Yuki and Kaede. However, those two had pure souls. Moriya's soul had already been effected by the violence around him. When the Gate of Hell began to open, Moriya quickly became evil. First, he kills his master in cold blood, then begins to track down the Four Guardians under Kagami's orders.

    Strategy: Like many Last Blade fighters, his attacks are slow to compensate for his extra reach. However, once he gets started, his specials can cause quite a bit of damage very quickly. His Glancing Haze and L&D Moonlight Flash have more ranged than most players expect.
  • Chain Combo, Glancing Haze or Glancing New Moon or L&D Moonlight Flash
  • Glancing Moonlight (1 to 3 times), Glancing New Moon
  • Sweep Combo, Glancing New Moon
    Similar Fighters: Yamazaki

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense*: 7 Speed: 3 Ratio: M Size: 2

    Special Moves:
    Glancing Haze*: Turns his back and sheaths his blade. Release button for a quick slash, low, high, or middle. 2 hits
    Glancing New Moon*: Sweeps his blade, leaving behind a field shaped like a crescent moon. 3 hits
    Glancing Moonlight*: Dashes forward a little with a slash. May be done up to 4 times
    Basic Throw: Waves his hands over his head, and the enemy simply flies. (Geese's Evac Toss)
    Bonus Abilities: Moonwalk (Shadow Slide)
    Launcher: A rising sword slash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Life and Death Moonlight Flash: Rapidly does 16 Glancing Haze attacks at all heights.
    Wild Seasons: Dashes forward (C) doing Moonlight, then several Hazes, finishing with New Moon. 11 hits

    Enter: Draws his sword and whispers "Kill"
    Taunt: Points his blade at his enemies
    Victory: Sheaths his blade and crosses is arms, clothes blowing in the wind

    Top Yuki

    The third of the orphans raised by Gaisei. She is quite gentle, disliking the ways of war and violence. However, when Gaisei is killed by Moriya, she quickly learns to fight with a Naganita, a long spear-like weapon. Yuki joins Kaede on his quest so that she can return to her peaceful life.

    Strategy: While not quick, Yuki has both high defense and a lot of reach. The trick is to anticipate your opponent's moves well. Missing even basic Naganita thrusts will leave you open for quite a while. Also, many of her specials have poor starting time, making it easy to miss with them. To sum it up, slow start time, long recovery time, but moves with quite a bit of area.
  • Chain Combo, Ice Blade or Blizzard Bash or Glacier Sequoia
  • Sweep Combo, Frosty Flasher or Mirror Ice or Frozen Whirlwind
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Frozen Whirlwind
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Strength: W Weakness: F Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Ice Blade*: Throws forth a blade of pure ice. Single hit, nothing special (W)
    Frosty Flasher*: An upward sweep for her Naganita sends a slanted pillar of ice upward. 3 hits (W)
    Blizzard Bash*: Yuki runs forward with a downward slash. Charge for delay. 3 hits
    Mirror Ice: Forms a shield of ice. Reflect projectiles and can hurt enemies that are too close (W)
    Basic Throw: Picks up the enemy with her Naganita and slams the victim downward
    Launcher: A shortened, chopping motion with her Naganita

    Hyper Attacks:
    Glacier Sequoia*: Stabs forward with her spear surrounded by a cone of snow and ice. 4 hits (W)
    Frozen Whirlwind: Surrounds herself with a tornado of ice. Slowly pulls in the enemy. 10 hits (W)

    Enter: Delivers a formal challenge to her opponent
    Taunt: Tosses her hair back and says things in Japanese
    Victory: Wraps her arms around her body and starts talking as if in regret

    Top Setsuna

    He who slices life. Setsuna is actually a demonic spirit that escaped from the Gate of Hell. Upon arrival on Earth, he resurrected the body of a six month old baby and took it as his own. Less than 6 months later, Setsuna is fully grown and begins traveling the world to find mortals to slaughter. He wields a blade glowing with dark power.

    Strategy: Setsuna combines long reach with the power of Super Armor. Try to keep it active at all times. Despite his swords long range, he can move it fairly quickly, allowing him to Chain Combo from quite a ways back. Don't let the enemy in too close, there is no need.
  • Chain Combo, Anon 1 or 2 or 3 or Severing Anon
  • Sweep Combo, Anon 3 or Severing Anon
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Ultimate Anonymity
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 3 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Anonymity 1*: Brings his blade over his head and cuts down, leaving a dark trail. (D)
    Anonymity 2*: Steps forward, taps with sword, then does a jumping uppercut slash. 2 hits (D)
    Anonymity 3*: Crouches and jumps forward with a 3 hit rising slash (D)
    Anonymity 4: Reaches out (T) picks up the victim and dark energy rushes through the body (D)
    Anonymity 5: Charges himself with energy, and gains Super Armor for a single hit.
    Basic Throw: Picks up the enemy by the throat, laughs, and slams the victim's face into the dirt
    Launcher: Stabs down low, then raises his blade in a sweep. 2 hits

    Hyper Attacks:
    Severing Anonymity*: A hyper of Anon 1. Brings his sword up and cuts downward for 8 hits. Chargable. (D)
    Ultimate Anonymity: A pillar of darkness rises around Setsuna, does damage and Super Armor Max for 6 seconds. 4 hits (D)
    Ultimate Continuation: Combo after U. Anon. Punches (C) and the victim is crushed behind a pane of glass.
    This combo cancels U. A's Super Armor effect.

    Enter: A dark owl flies down carrying his sword. He takes it and gives the bird the sheath
    Taunt: Laughs and runs his hand through his hair
    Victory: Owl flies down again. He snatches the sheath and puts his sword in it.

    Top Kojiroh

    A soldier in a mercenary group. She is actually a woman by the name of Kaori. When her brother, Kojiroh, is killed under mysterious circumstances, she takes his name and his position to find his killers.

    Strategy: Like many Last Blade fighters, her long ranged attacks are too slow to combo well. In particular, her hyper attacks have slow start times (except Wolf Fang) and are nearly impossible to combo.
  • Chain Combo, Flashing Flight or Black Hold Blade or Blast of Plague
  • Sweep Combo, Blast of Plague Demise
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Soul Banishing
    Similar Fighters: Washizuka

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed*: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Flashing Flight*: Dashes forward, cutting through her opponent.
    Black Hole Blade: Stabs straight ahead 3 times with her katana
    Empty Death*: Stabs up and forward, sending a beam of force from her blade.
    Blast of Plague: Swings her sword, sending a wave shaped projectile flying forward.
    Blast of Plague Demise*: One swing puts a wave in mid-air, a second sends the double wave forward. 2 hits
    Basic Throw: Grabs the opponent's arm with one hand and throws the victim over her shoulder
    Launcher: Rising sword slash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Black Hole Eagle*: Dashes forward, performs 7 lightning quick slashes (C) and finishes with Empty Death. 9 hits
    Empty Wolf Fang: Basically, an unblockable form of the Flashing Flight. Damage isn't changed much.
    Soul Banishing: Performs an Empty Death attack that is much wider. 8 hits

    Enter: Draws her blade and gives the other guy a challenge
    Taunt: Dusts of her robes
    Victory: Spins her sword in one hand, then sheaths it

    Top Washizuka

    A high ranking officer in the same mercenary band as Kojiroh. He knows about her true identity and has been a mentor and friend to her. Although he is usually compassionate to others, he follows his orders flawlessly.

    Strategy: The only real difference between Kojiroh and Washizuka is pacing. Even though they have the same moves, Washizuka's are done with charge back-forward type motions, making him seem far slower. Also, he seems to be more naturally aggressive, better able to charge in and cut down his enemies. Unfortunately, his comboing ability is rather low.
  • Chain Combo, Fatal or Double Flurry or Glorious Death
    Similar Fighters: Kojiroh

    Stats: Power*: 6 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Fatal Flurry*: Swings her blade, sending a wave-shaped projectile across the screen.
    Foolish Fury*: Stabs up and forward, sending a beam along his swords path.
    Glorious Death*: Press buttons fast to repeated stab straight ahead. Up to 10 hits.
    Wolf Fang: Runs straight ahead, and slices through his enemy
    Double Flurry: Swings his blade twice, sending out two Fatal Flurry waves. 2 hits.
    Basic Throw: Pushes his enemy and kicks him to the ground
    Launcher: A rising sword slash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Final Wolf Fang*: Dashes straight ahead with a single slash (C). Hitting causes a large Kanji to appear.
    True Wolf Fang: Dashes forward (C) runs the enemy into the wall, does Glorious Death and then a Foolish Fury. 12 hits
    Revised Flurry: Swings up with his blade, leaving a wave in the air. A second swing sends it flying. 8 hits

    Enter: Draws his blade with his back turned to the enemy
    Taunt: Takes out a rag and starts polishing his sword
    Victory: See Taunt

    Top Shikyo/Mukuro

    Shikyo joined the mercenary troop of Washizuka. However, this madman never intended to do honest work, he simply desired to kill. After killing hundreds of mercenaries in their sleep, Washizuka executes the insane man. However, he is then resurrected by the dark energy of the Gate of Hell. He becomes a zombie-like creature with the same mission as it had in life. The only real difference between the two is that only Mukuro has the elemental strength to darkness and the weakness to holy. Shikyo does not. Mukuro means corpse in Japanese.

    Strategy: For as fast and powerful this guy is, he just can't combo. Most of his moves have limited range, meaning it is hard to keep the enemy close enough to hit with special attacks. The Evisceration and Drubber attacks are great anti-air attacks, as is the high Bald Eagle Swoop.
  • Chain Combo, Bald Eagle or Evisceration or Delirium Drubber
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 4 Defense: 3 Speed*: 7 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Bald Eagle Swoop*: Throws his weapons as a boomerang. Flies straight out or up.
    Rotation Evisceration*: Holds up his weapons as one, spinning and hitting up to 14 times!
    Delightful Gasp*: Runs forward (C) grabs the enemy and slits his victim's throat.
    Scissor Slice: Air Only. Dives downward with a multi-slash attack. 4 hits.
    Basic Throw: Pulls a Mike Tyson and bites the other guy in the face! 5 hits.
    Bonus Abilities: Rolling
    Launcher: Leans back, bringing both of his blades back as well

    Hyper Attacks:
    Delirium Drubber*: Does a large than normal Evisceration. 22 hits
    Wild Hunger Wallop: Dashes forward (C) and cuts the enemy from all sides, to write his name on their body. 6 hits
    Predator Eagle: Throws 5 double-bladed weapons at once. 15 hits

    Enter: Licks his blades and purrs lovingly
    Taunt: Points at his enemy and laughs insanely
    Victory: Starts doing taunt, then falls on his face, laughing even more crazily.

    Top Recca Lee

    A Chinese monk sent to Japan to ensure that the Gate of Hell remains closed. Recca Lee is serious to a fault and would never give up his mission until his own death. Lee fights almost exclusively with his kicks, but does have an iron fan as well.

    Strategy: Recca Lee is by far the most conventional fighter in Last Blade. His attacks are nearly all basic punches and kicks, except for the occasional fanning. His attacks are quick, but they are common in other fighters. Many people have seen his style before.
  • Chain Combo, Fan of Flames or Oscillating x 3 or Dragon's Breath or O. Dragon Blast
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Hidden Serpent or Fan of Flames
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Oscillating x 2 or Shadowless Kick
  • Sweep Combo, Fan of Flames or Dragon's Breath or Hidden Serpent
    Similar Fighters: Kim Khapwan, Fei Long

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 5 Defense: 3 Speed*: 8 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Fan of Flames*: Lee does a jumping backflip, leaving a trail of flames. 2 hits (F)
    Oscillating Flame*: Hops forward with a 3 hit flaming kick. May be done 3 times in a row. (A x 2)(F)
    Dragon's Breath*: Hops forward and swings his fan, leaving a wake of fire. 3 hits (F)
    Shadowless Kick: Air Only. Dives down, kicking frantically. 8 hits
    Basic Throw: Pushes the victim to his knees and punches once in the gut.
    Bonus Abilities: Dodge
    Launcher: A basic high kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Hidden Serpent*: Throws his flaming fan upward(1), while he dashes forward(2). 1:5 hits 2: 4 hits (F)
    Concealed Judgment Javelin: Dashes forward (C) with multiple hits, ending with Shadowless kicks and Fan of Flames. 20 hits (F)
    Oscillating Dragon Blast: Automatically does 4 Oscillating Flames while flying up and forward. 12 hits (F)

    Enter: Removes his monk robes for his less restrictive combat gear
    Taunt: Stops the ground while looking really angry.
    Victory: Takes out his fan and starts fanning himself.

    Top Zantetsu

    Zantetsu is a ninja of the old arts. He is the last of his kind. He has grown quite old, being in his late 50s. He journeys the world looking for his last challenge before taking his own life, and sending his twin daggers, Flow and Shadow, to his grandson to carry on the family legacy.

    Strategy: Zantetsu excels in close combat. His knifes give him a slight range boost while not causing an increase in lag time. Also, many of his moves can be done in the air, giving him natural superiority over the more land-locked Last Blade style.
  • Chain Combo, Spirit Knife or Spirit Drill or Steel Crusher
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Long Forgotten or Gift of the Art or Flowing Shadows
  • Sweep Combo, Long Forgotten or Gift of the Art
  • Chain Combo, Spirit Knife, Jump, Death from Above x 2, Long Forgotten
    Similar Fighters: Ibuki

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense: 3 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Spirit Knife*: A standing uppercut with his knife. Leaves a blue trail. Launcher + Reflect
    Spirit Drill*: A long, thin beam comes from his outstretched hand. 4 hits
    Long Forgotten*: Does a rising backflip attack. Works as an uppercut. Short range. 3 hits (A)
    Cloaked in Shadow: Turns himself invisible for a short length of time.
    Gift of the Art: Jumps up and throws 3 daggers at the ground (A)
    Death from Above: Dives down with a kick. May be done 3 times
    Devil Drop: Swings his cape (C) both Zantetsu and victim disappear and slams the victim from the sky.
    Basic Throw: Slams his victim face first in the dirt with one hand.
    Bonus Abilities: Shadow Slide (Necromancer Shadow)
    Launcher: A rising dagger attack

    Hyper Attacks:
    Steel Crusher*: Sweeps a blade up, leaving a trail. Then, swipes down and sends that trail forward. 5 hits
    Dark Hunter: Hops up and forward, sweeping his cloak (T) the screen goes back, and 7 flashes slice up the victim
    Flowing Shadows: Air Only. Throws 18 daggers downward at lightning speeds.

    Enter: Tips up his hat and mumbles something
    Taunt: Straighten his hat
    Victory: Taps his hat, sweeps his cape and vanishes.

    Top Amano

    Amano Hyo fancies himself as a lady's man, as well as the supreme warrior. He tends to be over dramatic. Amano visits Hibiki's home to have his broken blade reforged, but he finds Takane, the master weaponsmith dead and his daughter gone to avenge the family. He decides to follow her to give Hibiki any help he can. He wields a bamboo sword that gives off Sakura Cherry Blossoms with each strike. Chess references are all related to a similar game in Japan.

    Strategy: Stay away from the fierce attacks. Missing one leaves him open for a full second, far too long for most players liking. Also, his hypers have a HUGE wind up time, making it impossible to combo. Destiny can be very useful to dodge an attack and counter. Chess Cheater can be both good and bad. If Amano is your last fighter, it is invaluable. However, if hit by a multiple hit attack, each separate hit drains 1 level of vigor. This can drain your stock very fast.
  • Chain Combo, Piercing Sparrow or Badger Bash or Keima's Rage
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy: 4 Defense*: 8 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Piercing Sparrow*: Dashes forward, stabbing the enemy with his bamboo blade. The victim slowly collapses
    Destiny*: Steps back, waves sword, then steps forward with a slash. Chargable.
  • Charge for more power, plus, when fully charged, it is unblockable and stuns the enemy
    Badger Bash*: Rapidly strike with his sword for 8 slashes (B)
    Domino Toppler: Grabs the enemy (T) for a triple headbutt.
    Keima's Rage: Steps forward with an upward sweep of his bamboo sword (B)
    Loudmouth: A counter attack. Takes a blow (C) moves around the victim and smacks in the back. Weak
    Sakura Bamboo: His normal punch attacks use his sword and do Wind Damage (B).
    Off Balance: If Amano ever uses a fierce attack and completely misses (blocked attacks are ok),
  • he hops around off balance, wide open to any attack.
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy back and kicks
    Launcher: Takes his arm out of his Kimono and swings a wine jug

    Hyper Attacks:
    Checkmate w/ Queen*: Throws a chess tile at the ground, it rises up as a pillar of flame. 10 hits (F)
    Checkmate w/ Rook: Throws a tile up and forward (C) it flies up with the victim and both slam down hard.
    Chess Cheater: Costs one level. If a hit would kill Amano, he points away, causing the hit not to land. Automatic.

    Enter: Taps his bamboo sword on his shoulder
    Taunt: Bends forward at the waist and says mean things
    Victory: Whistles and a white dog (or maybe a piglet?) runs over and licks his hand.

    Top Akari

    The daughter of a Shinto priest. Akari is very happy-go-lucky; she journeys simply to see the world. However, she is also searching for a cure to her sister's aliment. Accompanied by Juzoh and a host of demons she converted to goodness, Akari is hard to defeat. She fights with a Shinto blessing rod (a stick with little paper talisman things hanging on the end).

    Strategy: Akari depends more on trickery that toe to toe fighting. Despite being the "Cute little girl" type, she isn't fast. Good use of her special moves is key to victory, since her normal attacks aren't very powerful and have relatively short range for a weapon user.
  • Chain Combo, Aztro-Revolve
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Star Orbit, Maiden's Kiss or Supreme Bless
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, 555 Phantoms
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 7 Defense: 3 Speed: 4 Strength: H Weakness: D Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Aztro-Revolve*: Throws a Shinto bless marker that turns into a white flaming demon's head (H)
    Zig Zag Flash*: Falls into a white hole, then a demon spits her out from either side and she bounces. 4 hits
  • Akari can cancel the move mid-spit or stomp on the ground for another hit
    Star Orbit*: Jumps while spinning, waves of energy around her. 4 hits (H)
  • Maiden's Kiss: Combo After a Star Orbit. Akari grabs and blows a kiss, causing electrocution (S)
  • Supreme Bless: Combo after Star Orbit. Spins her rod over her head for 3 more hits (H)
    Changing Troll: Leans on her staff, sleeping. If hit, she disappears and falls from above for a hit.
    Ready the Fort: Places a bless marker on the ground. If stepped on, electrocutes the offender. (S)
    Koumyou Gojuugo: Slaps a talisman on her opponents head. Causes the controller directions to reverse!
    Basic Throw: Places a marker on her victim's head, puts her fingers in her ears and the guy gets shocked (S)
    Launcher: Spins her rod over her head

    Hyper Attacks:
    555 Phantoms*: Twirls her staff straight up. Each hit knocks the enemy up more. 12 hits (H)
    Sextet Synthesis: Hops forward (C) a giant snake rises up, swallowing the enemy, then spits it out
    100 Demon Blitz: Punches forward (C) knocking over the enemy, and many demons trample him. 30 hits (H)
    Transforming Troll: Throws a talisman. If it hits, she becomes her enemy for 10 seconds! Stats change as well.

    Enter: Sleeping on her staff, wakes up, gets angry at being woken
    Taunt: Throws candy into the air and catchs it in her mouth
    Victory: Says "Just a moment" and a demon appears carrying tea on its tongue. She drinks

    Top Juzoh

    Juzoh was orphaned at a young age. He has lived in the Ichijo home since before Akari was even born. Thus, Juzoh is very much like Akari's older brother and he is often taken along on her misadventures. When Akari runs off to see the Gate of Hell, Juzoh follows her, both to protect her and also to cure Hikari, Akari's older sister who is Juzoh's age. While he feels brotherly love for Akari, he burns with passion for Hikari.

    Strategy: Juzoh is already tall with long arms, but having a club on top of that gives him an insane amount of range. Although powerful, many of his moves don't do much damage, such as Rock Crusher and Six Feet Under (by itself at least). A solid fighter, but his extra height may hurt him more than hurt him.
  • Chain Combo, Bopper or Rock Crusher
  • Sweep Combo, Big Bluster
  • Hammer Whoop, Six Feet Under
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Piledriver Burial or Just Dandy Invincible
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power*: 8 Energy: 2 Defense: 7 Speed: 3 Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Bopper*: Hops forward with a downward swing with his iron club. (F)
    Rock Crusher*: Juzoh gives off a powerful sneeze. Unblocking enemies go flying backward (B). May be done 3 times
    Piledriver Burial*: Stabs his club up and forward (T) and throws the victim to the ground. Anti-air
    Hammer Whoop: Reaches out for the enemy (T) throws the victim into the air and homerun swings on the way down
    Big Bluster: Hops up and smashes the ground with his hammer, causing all enemies to fall over. (E)
    Basic Throw: Shoves his opponent face first into the dirt
    Bonus Abilities: Super Armor 2, but only during hypers and dashing
    Launcher: An upward sweep of his club

    Hyper Attacks:
    Just Dandy Invincible*: Flies straight up off screen, then falls on the enemy with a giant explosion. 4 hits (F)
    Violent Eruption: Swings his club (C) and performs 6 hits ending with a giant Bopper. (F)
  • If the first swing misses, Juzoh does two headbutts before stopping.
    Six Feet Under: After Hammer Whoop only. Throws a massive fireball at the enemy. Not too strong (F)

    Enter: Eats a large plate of meat buns
    Taunt: Leans back on his club and yawns
    Victory: Swings the club, then slams the large end into the ground and smiles

    Top Kagami

    The avatar of the Red Phoenix Suzaku. Kagami is ancient, far older than any person should be alive. His task was to assure that the Gate of Hell never opened. However, he grew bored of his task and eventually the evil of the gate itself crept into his heart, causing him to choose destruction over his mission. He is the first to try to open the Gate and release demons into the world.

    Strategy: Kagami just seems stiff. Both his posture and his movements have a stiff quality to them, which makes him look weird while in motion. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, depending on who misinterprets Kagami's moves.
  • Chain Combo, Char Blast or Flaming Talon
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Red Lotus Thrust or Phoenix Rising Hack
  • Sweep Combo, Sparrow Stab
    Similar Fighters: Iori

    Stats: Power*: 6 Energy: 6 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Swallow Wings*: Throws an arrow of flame straight ahead. (F)
    Char-boiled Blast*: A jumping, flaming slash that works as an uppercut. 2 hits (F)
    Blazing Bellow*: Runs forward (C) holds the enemy up and he sets fire it the victim. (F)
    Flaming Talon: An upward sweep of his arm brings a wave of fire behind it. 2 hits. Can be done twice
    Stab of the Sparrow: Stabs an enemy who is lying on the ground.
    Flame of the Sparrow: Draws power from his god, charging up his vigor meter.
    Basic Throw: Throws the enemy away engulfed in flames (F)
    Launcher: Punches upward and releases a burst of flame (F)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Red Lotus Thrust*: Jumps up and forward in the shape of a flaming bird. 8 hits (A,dive then rise)(F)
    Phoenix Rising Hack: Air Only. Dives downward (C) then rises into the air as a flaming phoenix. 10 hits (F)
    Heavenly Phoenix: Sends a slow moving wave of fire along the ground. Unblockable. (F)

    Enter: Draws his sword, then stands, looking evil.
    Taunt: Snickers
    Victory: Holds his hand out with flaming rising, then clenches his fist, snuffing out the flame

    Top Okina

    Genbu Okina is the avatar of Genbu the Dragon-Turtle. Okina is the oldest of all the avatars, being several hundred years old. After Moriya kills Gaisei, Okina helps to complete both Kaede and Yuki's training. This old man loves fishing and is friend to many turtles.

    Strategy: A short old guy. Okina is small, but his moves are really weird. Okina is slow and weak, but he can take damage with the best of them. However, as bizarre as some of his moves are, he really isn't anything special.
  • Chain Combo, Turtle Thrust or Turtle Tremor
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Genbu Glast or High Turtle Thrust or Air Combo
  • Sweep Combo, Fisherman Feint or Low Turtle Thrust
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 4 Defense*: 9 Speed: 3 Strength: W Weakness: E Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Turtle Thrust*: Releases a turtle from his basket. Either walks out or flies out in an arc (W)
    Turtle Tremor*: Okina holds his basket out and spins around. 5 hits
    Fisherman Feint*: Casts out his lure. If the enemy steps on it, he trips the victim. 3 different ranges.
    Pacifist Pouce: Drops into the ground and falls out of the sky.
    Happy Pink Turtle: Throws a pink turtle in the air. Whoever touches it heals slightly.
    Tortoise Tromp: Does a flying tumble forward. Can counter jumping. 3 hits
    Basic Throw: Grabs the victim's legs and throws him to the air
    Launcher: Turns around and attacks with his basket

    Hyper Attacks:
    Genbu Glast*: Spins around, creating a tornado of water round him. 18 hits (W)
    Rage of Genbu: Releases a giant turtle, Genbu himself. Flies up, lands, then walks forward.
  • The first hit during landing can only be blocked while jumping.

    Enter: Fades in from darkness
    Taunt: Sneezes and wipes his nose
    Victory: Takes out food, drops it, and catches it on his fishing hook. He sighs.

    Top Shigen

    Shigen is the avatar of the white tiger, Byakko. Once trapped inside stone, Shigen was freed by Kagami, who used dark magics to control Shigen. Now freed of Kagami's control, Shigen begins to live a normal life, even adopting a daughter. However, with the re-emergence of the Gate of Hell, he is called into service again and unwilling to leave his daughter, Kotetsu, alone, he brings her with. Kotestu is the kid in the red clothing.

    Strategy: Only the best player as Shigen. Despite the fact he has no weapons, he is ungodly slow. He is lucky to combo anything! Shigen must play defensive, there is no way he can be aggressive with the level of speed. Both Diamond Smash and Kingfisher Crunch are throws, but Diamond Smash is stronger. Burning Fists works well as an anti-air attack.
  • Chain Combo, White Tiger Talon or Raging Tidal Tiger
    Similar Fighters: Zangief, Juggernaut, Potemkin (Guilty Gear)

    Stats: Power: 8 Energy: 3 Defense*: 9 Speed: 1 Strength: E Weakness: B Ratio: 2 Size: L Drain: Super Armor 1

    Special Moves:
    White Tiger Talon*: Swipes his hand forward, leaving a trail similar to tiger claws. 3 hits
    White Tiger Pounce*: Hops forward with a 2 hit overhead slap. Must be blocked high
    Kingfisher Crunch*: Steps forward (T) hits the enemy with a standing uppercut then a downward sweep. 3 hits
    Diamond Smash: Reaches out (T) diamond spears appear in the ground, Shigen slams victim onto them. (E)
    Burning Fists: Punches forward-down or forward-up (C) grabs the enemy for an 8 hit burning combo (F)
    Basic Throw: Picks up the enemy in both hands, chokes, then slams into the ground
    Bonus Abilities: Super Armor 2, but only during Hypers and throw moves.
    Launcher: Punches upward with his palm open

    Hyper Attacks:
    Raging Tidal Tiger*: Dashes forward with a shoulder ram. Does more damage in the corner. 5 hits
  • Note: Exactly like Juggernaut Crush.
    Jagged Point Poke: Reaches forward (T) choke hold, flying pildriver, then roars and enemy is slashed. 8 hits (E)
    Diamond Horde: A spear of diamond rises in front of Shigen. 10 hits (E)
    Destiny Retribution: Level 3 counter move. If hit (C) Shigen slams the victim into the ground for 75% damage or so! (E)

    Enter: Kotetsu climbs off Shigen's shoulder and tells him to "Get 'em", then she runs off
    Taunt: Punchs the palm of his hand
    Victory: Roars, Kotetsu runs up and climbs onto his shoulder.

    Top Musashi

    Musashi is THE Musashi, the incredible Japanese swordsman of long ago. Unfortunately, he died long ago, too. Kagami has resurrected the legendary swordsman for his own vile purposes.

    Strategy: Like many Last Blade fighters, Musashi is not good at comboing. His speed is low, but his attack and defensive power are all very high. His hyper attacks do a lot of damage, but connecting with them may be a problem.
  • Chain Combo, Wind's Current (no charge) or Beam of the Gods
    Similar Fighters: Terry Bogart, Haohmaru

    Stats: Power*: 9 Energy: 6 Defense: 8 Speed: 3 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 3 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Power Geyser*: Ripping off Terry's hyper, he stabs the ground, and a pillar of flame shoots up. 3 hits (F)
    Wind's Current*: Brings both of his swords overhead then cuts down in an X shape. Charge for damage.
    Slash of Revenge*: Dashes forward (C) and hits the enemy with 4 flaming slashes (F)
    Gasp of the Dying: Stabs forward (C) picks the enemy up with the swords, and pulls them apart
    Beyond the Grave: Musashi has the ability to charge up his own vigor by using this move.
    Basic Throw: Impales his enemy then kicks the carcass off his sword
    Launcher: An upward slash with a single sword

    Hyper Attacks:
    Beam of the Gods*: Dashes forward, performing 6 slashes, the last one being a Wind's Current
  • If the dash does not connect, blocking or no, the slashes do not start
    Multiple God Remix: Performs 4 slashes (C) and does a 3 hit Gasp of the Dying
    Overkill Geyser: Musashi does 3 Power Geyser attacks that move away from him. 12 hits(F)

    Enter: Holds his swords out to the side and starts shaking.
    Taunt: He doesn't have one in the game!
    Victory: Crosses his swords over his head and starts screaming, the earth shakes
