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Creations of Dr Wily and Dr Light

This picture is from the website RockmanX

Mega Man | Roll | Sparkman | Slash Beast | Zero | Servbot | Tron Bonne | Mega Man X |

Megaman was originally called Rock and was built by Dr Light. Rock and his sister Roll lived with the Doctor until the city was invaded by Dr Wily's evil robots. Rock voluteered to be rebuilt to stop Wily, becoming Rockman (Megaman in the US). Megaman has the ability to copy the attacks of defeated foes.

Strategy: Mega can be used effectively by moving all over the screen. Constantly change ranges, since he has attacks for them all. Just don't get pinned in the corner, because his normal attacks kind of suck
  • Sweep Combo, Tornado Hold
  • When Jumped at: Hyper Mega Man
  • Chain Combo, Rush Drill
    Similar Fighters: Megaman, Roll

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:

    Buster Cannon*: Fires a fireball-like projectile. Can be charged (A,S)
    Rock Punch*: A blazing uppercut (S)
    Change Special: Either a leaf shield(B), tornado attack(B), or soccer ball of death
    Use Special*: Fires 6 leaves at enemy, a tornado attack, or kick the bouncy ball
    Rush Charge: The mech dog Rush bounds forward to attack
    Basic Throw: Basic shoulder throw
    Launcher: Stands on his hands and kicks straight up

    Hyper Attacks:
    Hyper MegaMan*: Turns very large, fires a large beam(15 hits) and shoots Missles (10) (A,S)
    Rush Drill: Rush turns into a Drill Tank with Mega inside. Controllable
    Hyper Tornado: Fires a line of tornados (B)

    Enter: A blue line falls down and turns to Mega (Teleportation)
    Taunt: Puts his thumbs in his ears and sticks out his tongue
    Victory: Fliptop comes out with a Dr Light Halogram
    Special Death: When killing blow hits, Mega blows apart into blue spheres

  • Roll

    Mega Man's little sister. She has always felt left out whenever Mega went into battle, so she had Dr Light upgrade her too! At least she didn't change her name to Megawoman. Roll was a joke character in the Vs series. Her stats are low, but her small size makes up for it.

    Strategy: See Mega Man's.
  • When Jumped At: Hyper Roll
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Beat Plane
  • High Jump, Never Ending Flower Attacks
    Similar Fighters: Megaman, Roll

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy: 4 Defense: 3 Speed*: 6 Ratio: 1 Size: T

    Special Moves:

    Gal Buster*: Puts on a buster cannon and fires a ball (A,S)
    Flower Attack*: Throws a bonquet up into the air (A,B)
    Beat Rush*: Mega's pet bird, Beat swoops in to attack
    Change Weapon: Leaf Shield(B), Tornado Hold(B), or Soccer Ball
    Use Weapon: Just like megaman
    Basic Throw: Jumps up a little, throws the enemy down
    Launcher: Does a soccer style kick
    Hyper Attacks:
    Hyper Roll!*: A large Roll that fires a laser out of its head (14 hits) and missles (10) (A,S)
    Beat Plane: Beat becomes a plane and shoots fireballs(F) and drops missles(S). Button-based (A)
    Charged Cannon: Fires a full charged Cannon Blast (S)

    Enter: Beat carries her in feet first
    Taunt: Tightens her braid
    Victory: Turns into a normal school girl.

  • Spark Man

    A robot from MegaMan 3. His spike like arms can conduct enormous amounts of electricity.

    Strategy: Spark Man works best staying away from the enemy, using his projectile specials to keep the enemy away. If forced into melee, the best bet is to use the Spark Spike and move away
  • Sweep Combo, Ground Spark
  • Chain Combo, Super Shocker or Spark Ignite
    Similar Fighters: Storm, Iron Man

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 7 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Strength: S Weakness: E Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:

    Spark Ignite*: Fires a ball of energy. Fireball (S)
    Spark Spike: Uppercuts with his spike (A)
    Over Sparking*: Touchs his spikes. Like Iron Man's Repluser Blast (S)
    Ground Spark: Fires a spark that travels along the ground (S)
    Charging: Hold to increase Vigor bar.
    Basic Throw: Shocks the enemy for a time (S)
    Launcher: Stabs upwards with a lightning rod (S)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Super Shocker*: Bolts of electricity fire in all directions. 16 hits (S)
    Spike Cutter: Dash ahead (C)to unleash a 10 hit combo
    Energize: Increases power and energy each by 3 points. lasts 10 secs.
  • While using Energize, drain raises Energy

    Enter: Does the Over Sparking attack
    Taunt: His body crackles with energy
    Victory: Dr Wily flies in to repair

  • Slash Beast

    A Repliforce robot from MegaMan X4. Slash Beast is quick and powerful, but suffers from quite a bit of arrogence.

    Strategy: Slash Beast should be close to his enemy. His moves don't have a great deal of range, so he must stay close enough to slash the enemy with his claws
  • Chain Combo, Blade Flash or Blade Thrust
  • Sweep Combo, Flash Kick or Beast Crush
    Similar Fighters: Psylocke, Guile

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 4 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:

    Blade Slash*: Fly with an energy blade, like Psylocke (A,S)
    Flash Kick*: A flip attack indentical to Guile's (S)
    Slash Uppercut*: An uppercut attack using only claws (A)
    Slash Howl: Increases attack power by 1 for 10 secs
    Beast Crush: Jumps into the air and crushs downward
    Basic Throw: Holds the enemy by the head, beats them against the ground.
    Launcher: A rising claw slash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Berserk Slash: Dashs forward (C) and delivers 10 attacks
    Blade Thrust*: A dash attack similar to Psylocke's (S)
    Sonic Howl: Sonic beams emit from SB's mouth. Creates a sphere of energy (A,B)

    Enter: Falls in from the sky and roars
    Taunt: He roars
    Victory: Puts his arms in the air and ROARS!
    Special Death: Explodes in a burst of flame

  • Zero

    Zero is a Maverick Hunter built to stop evil robots from harming humans. Although he opposes Megaman at first, he eventually teams up with the blue bomber to defend the innocent.

    Strategy: Zero is ideal for hand-to-sword fighting. His beam saber and specials are geared towards staying close to the opponent. If he can be kept at a distance, Zero is very poor at distance fighting.
  • Chain Combo, Flash Cutting or Galaxy Shot
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Zero Torch
    Similar Fighters: Hayato

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 6 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:

    Aerial Torch*: Fires a ball of fire straight up (F)
    Flash Cutting*: Moves forward while delivering 3 sword attacks (S)
    Zero Blade*: A sword flash uppercut (A,S)
    Charge Blade: Energizes the sword and release for a single swipe. Hold for more power
    Crash Bomb: Launchs a bomb that sticks to whatever it hits
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy off-balance and does a jumping sword uppercut
    Launcher: A rising sword slash
    Hyper Attacks:
    Galaxy Shot*: Two vertical beams of electrical energy move left and right, up to 15 hits each(S)
    Zero Torch: Zero is engulfed in a cone of flame. 15 hits (F)
    Ultra Power: Raises attack by 5 points for 3 secs
  • Durin Ultra Power, drain attacks to Zero raise Power.

    Enter: Teleports in like Megaman
    Taunt: Raises one hand in air
    Victory: Galaxy Shocks the enemies corpse

  • Servbot

    Servbots (aka Lego Men) were built as servants of the Bonne family in Mega Man Legends. There are 40 of these little robots in existance. Their main job is to cook and clean for Tron and her brothers. The result is that many of Servbots normal moves are things like peeling potatoes and pulling up table clothes.

    Strategy: Servbot's main strength is his complete lack of height. This guy can run under most projectiles at full speed. His bane is fighters who can fire projectiles low. Just be careful because most of Servbot's moves kind of suck.
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Serve Flame
  • In Close: Dinner Time
  • Grabber, Any other Combo or Hyper
    Similar Fighters: Roll (if only in height)

    Stats: Power*: 4 Energy: 4 Defense: 3 Speed: 3 Ratio: 1 Size: T

    Special Moves:
    Serve Flame*: Eats a pepper and shoots out a tiny flame out of his mouth. No range what-so-ever (A,F)
    Serve Tank*: Jumps into a cylindrical tank-like object. It rolls forward and shoots machine guns
    Serve Grabber*: Another Servbot runs forward, grabs and holds the enemy for its brother
    Serve Chopper: Much like the Grabber, except it flies through the air instead
    Basic Throw: Jumps on top of the enemy, jumps off their head, pushing them down
    Launcher: Throws a table cloth into the air

    Hyper Attacks:
    Copy Servbots*: 20 Servbots shoot across the screen in miniature Beat Planes and Rush drills. 20 hits
    Dinner Time: Servbot holds out a pot, the other 39 run by, get food, and trample the enemy.
    Giant Servebot: The bots combine together into a large Servbot with a hammer. Invincible Infinity

    Enter: Falls out of the sky, hurts his butt
    Taunt: Another Servbot runs onscreen and talks to yours
    Victory: Holds out a pot and the clan gathers

  • Tron Bonne

    The only women in the Bonne family gang of thieves. Tron is an ambitious mechanic who delights in the terror her machines create. Tron's crowning achievement is her army of 40 serv-bots (aka the lego men) who serve her without question. Tron pilots a robotic suit into battle.

    Strategy: With fairly low stats, Tron needs to keep her enemies off-balance to win. Keep changing strategies. Use melee for a while, then fall back and fire constant projectiles.
    Battle-plan: Although her specials are powerful, she otherwise kind of sucks. Like Magneto, her normal moves are long and elaborate, making it hard to master her.
  • Chain Combo, Crusher Run or Super Crusher
  • Sweep Combo, Flaming Knees, Crusher Run or Super Crusher
  • Aiming Laser, Dinner Time

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Strength: E Weakness: S Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Crusher Run*: Dashes forward, crushing the enemy with a blunted drill. (A)
    Aiming Laser*: Fires a single shot (C) and 2 Serv-bots grab the enemy, holding them.
    Flaming Knees*: Fires a burst of flame from the robo's knee joint. Moves upward (F)
    Stone's Throw: Picks up a large rock and hurls it at the enemy (E)
    Serv-bot Copter: Shoots a serv-bot into the air, it drops down with a helicopter blade
    Basic Throw: Robot armor holds the enemy, Tron kicks the victim in the head, laughing
    Launcher: A large shovel does a rising sweep in front of Bonne

    Hyper Attacks:
    Serv-bot + Hammer*: The bots combine into a large one w/ a hammer. 12 hits
    Dinner Time: Fires an Aiming Laser (C)stuns while 40 serv-bots run into the enemy
    Super Crusher: Does a hyper version of the Crusher Run. hits 20 times (A)

    Enter: Rolls in on tank trends, then her suit grows legs
    Taunt: Climbs on top of the suit, points and laughs
    Victory: Same as Taunt
    Special Block: The suit holds up a giant pie tin
    Special Death: When defeated, Tron's armor suit shatters into pieces of metal

  • Mega Man X

    The Mega Man of the future. X was the second generation of super androids built up Dr. Light. Built not long before Dr. Wily's defeat, the robot was never activated. However, several hundred years later, Mavericks are running amok and X is brought online to save the future.

    Strategy: He plays much like regular Mega Man. He is fairly good all around. Use the best strategy to counter the enemy's strategy.
  • Chain Combo, Soul Body, Legend Blast
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Megaryuuken
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, After Burner or Charged X-Buster
    Similar Fighters: Mega Man, Roll

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 6 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Flame Fist*: Throws a flaming projectile up-forward (F) (A)
    Megaryuuken*: A flaming uppercut almost exactly like Ken's (F)
    Soul Body*: Projects an image of himself forward. Deals damage on contact (P)
    X-Buster: Like Mega Man, a chargable arm cannon that shoots a forward moving projectile
    Reserve Tank: An energy meter that fills via Street Fighter Groove. Once full, use for a vigor level.
    After Burner: Only during X Armor. The Air Dash move has X engulfed in fire, doing damage to his enemies (F)
    Basic Throw: Touches the enemy's face, gaining some of their power. No damage, but (Drain)
    Bonus Abilities: Wall Cling, Air Dash
    Launcher: A standing uppercut
    Hyper Attacks:
    Legend Blast*: Fires a huge beam from his X Buster. 25 hits
    Hydro Cycle: Rides a hoverbike. Works like Beat plane. Hit buttons to shoot (A)
    X Armor: Defense + 4. Also, Air Dash becomes the After Burner. Lasts 10 seconds

    Enter: Teleports into place
    Taunt: A scanner target appears on X
    Victory: Absorbs the powers from the victim
