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Fighters from the Big Screen

Obi-wan Kenobi| Raptor(the dino)| Ian | Neo | The Mask | T-1000 | The Predator | Jar Jar Binks |

The Jedi Knight in training. Obi-wan is a powerful user of the force as well as being skilled in the art of the light saber. Note, that if a battle is between Obi-wan and Obi-wan, they can pick up each others sabers for some double sword action.

Strategy: Obi-wan has a weird bunch of moves. Throwing your lightsaber at an enemy, then calling it back may actually be a great strategy. Don't try this against another Obi-wan, however.
Battle Plan: Obi-wan lacks many truly offensive specials. If he does throw his saber, try to get close and attack him relentlessly.
  • Force Push into Corner, Melt Charge or Beam of Light
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Naboo Fighter
    Similar Fighters: Hayato, Magneto

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 6 Defense: 3 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Force Push*: Uses the force to push back the enemy. Causes damage (P)
    Melt Charge*: Aims his saber forward and charges. (A,P)
    Reflect Shot*: Uses the force to change a projectile's direction
    Saber Spike: Throws his light saber, blade first, at the enemy
    Call Saber: Causes a thrown or dropped saber to come to Obi-wan.
    Dual Lightsaber: Pick up a second one from another Obiwan or Star Fox. Lag after normal attacks are less.
    Basic Throw: Uses the force to get the enemy to punch themselves in the face.
    Bonus: Double Jump, Air Dash
    Launcher: A rising sweep of his light saber
    Hyper Attacks:
    Beam of Light*: Rushes forward with a 12 hit light saber combo (P) Naboo Fighter: A Naboo fighter flies by shooting laser blasts downward. 15 hits
    Force Exerted: Using the force, defense and power up 4 each.
  • During Force Exerted, Drain attacks give Power Up

    Enter: Drops the hood of his cloak
    Taunt: Lets go of his saber and it floats
    Victory: "May the force be with you"

  • Raptor

    A dinosaur created from genetic experiments. Raptors are extremely intelligent and very fierce in combat. Raptors are meat eaters.

    Strategy: The Raptor is very quick. Use his speed to his advantage by moving around the screen frantically, using his specials at the right moment.
    Battle Plan: The raptor's greatest weakness is his low defense. If he can be trapped in the corner, or hit constantly from other speed character, then he can be defeated just by chipping damage.
  • Chain Combo, Fury Claws
  • Acid Pool (waiting to step in), Fury Claws or Stampede
    Similar Fighters: Lui Kang, Strider

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 4 Defense: 4 Speed*: 8 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Fury Claws*: Jumps forward raking with its claws. Kinda like Liu Kang's bicycle kick (A)
    Poison Spitter*: Stealing from a different dino, the raptor spits a glob of acid
    Tail Whip*: Swings its tail upwards. Uppercut attack
    Acid Pool: Spits a puddle of acid on the ground. Can be stepped in
    Jaw Snap: Grabs the enemy with its jaws(C) and throws them across the screen.
    Basic Throw: Hangs onto the enemy and scratches in the face
    Launcher: Snaps its neck upwards with a bite
    Hyper Attacks:
    Stampede*: A group of 12 raptors run past. Like Legion
    Jurassic Fury: Jumps forward (C) attacks the enemy 11 times, then Jaw snap throw
    Raging T-Rex: A t-rex attempts to bite the enemy (C), then chews on it. 8 hits

    Enter: Crouches low and hisses at the enemy
    Taunt: Same as enter
    Victory: A helicopter lands and the raptor jumps in, people run out of it

  • Ian

    A person from the Jurassic Park movies. If you don't like Ian, substitute any other character from the series. Ian is an expert in chaos theory. Moves are based on the Jurassic Park shooting game.

    Strategy: Ian is an odd character. He has a counter, a combustible barrel, and an electro-net. He doesn't have any general theme as many others do. Using his special moves effectively is the key to victory.
    Battle Plan: Unfortunately, using the moves effectively is difficult.
  • Shocking Web, Oil Drum, Shotgun Blast
  • Near edge: Trip, Triceritops
  • Chain Combo, Electroshock
    Similar Fighters: Jill, Cyrax

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Shocking Web*: Fires a net at the enemy. Electrocutes and stuns (S)
    Oil Drum*: An explosive drum falls out of the sky. Explodes when hit. (F)
    Shotgun Counter*: When hit, Ian responds by shooting 5 times.
    Health Bar: Finds a health restoring chocolate bar. 3 causes healing for the entire party
    Shotgun Blast: Fires a shot from his shotgun. Done with one button.
    Basic Throw: Holds the enemy and explains chaos theory, causing damage.
    Launcher: Fires a taser shot with the gun raised. (S)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Triceritops*: A group of 5 dinos plow through the enemy. 15 hits.
    Electroshock: Shoots a tile at the enemy. A large electric bolt rises. 20 hits (S)
    Hyper Crush: A counter hyper. Ian shoots the enemy 20 times. (S)

    Enter: A Jeep drives up and drops off Ian
    Taunt: Starts babbling about chaos theory
    Victory: A helicopter lands to pick up Ian

  • Neo

    The guy from the Matrix. Neo was a small time computer hacker, until he meets Morpheus, and is taken from his world, which he always believed was real, but was actually a computer virtual reality. After teaching Neo how to abuse his knowledge of the system, he returns to the Matrix with super hero-esque powers.

    Strategy: Neo must be used with caution. His moves are flashy and cover quite a bit of area, but most leave him wide open for a counter if they miss. Use the moves mostly during combos to minimize the chance of counters.
  • Chain Combo, Air Strike or Ammo Dive or The Matrix
  • Faster then Light, Chain Combos x (3 or 4)
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Air Strike
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 5 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Denial*: Puts his hand out and says "No". Destroys all non-hyper projectiles.
    Air Strike*: Does a forward jump kick. May be done 3 times in a row. Think the stylish jump kick in the movie (A)
    Ammo Dive*: Dives forward, shooting with his pistols. Can hit 6 times.
    Wall-Run: Neo runs into and then up the back wall. Will then run on the ceiling.
    Rapid Punch: Punches very quickly.
    Basic Throw: Holds the victim, rapidly kicks twice to the head. (Roof Top scene)
    Bonus: Flying, Air Dash, Dodge
    Launcher: Jumps a little with a rising kick
    Hyper Attacks:
    The Matrix*: Forms of globe of computer code around himself. 10 hits (A,P)
    Internal Explosion: Neo dashes forward (C) dives into the enemy, then explodes out of them. Ouch!
    Faster then Light: Lasts 10 seconds. The enemy moves very slowly with delayed reactions. Neo moves at normal speed.

    Enter: Puts on his shades and says "There is no Spoon"
    Taunt: Opens his goat to reveal lots of guns
    Victory: Exits the Matrix. His body turn into a wire frame and fades out.

  • The Mask

    A boring businessman finds his life changed by an ancient wooden mask. When he puts the mask on, he becomes a wild party animal with supernatural powers.

    Strategy: A ranged fighter with plenty of speed, but a little lacking on the offense and defense. Play him like Dhalsim, stay back and punch and kick from across the screen. If the enemy does get close, any hyper or the Typhoon attack work well.
  • Chain Combo, Typhoon or Dental Scream or Spit Dynamite
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Dental Scream or Lotsa Guns
  • Sweep Combo, Dance of Death (while enemy is getting up) or Spit Dynamite
    Similar Fighters: Dhalsim, Jin

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense: 4 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Typhoon*: Spins forward in a tornado. 5 hits (B)
    Dental Scream*: Jumps in the air, with his teeth flying out of his mouth. 3 hits (A)
    Milo Call*: Sends his faithful dog who runs forward for a bite
    Eat Projectiles: Sucks air in and absorbs any projectiles in the air.
    Long Range with Expanding Limbs (A)
    Basic Throw: Spins in place with the enemy inside the tornado (B)
    Bonus Abilities: Long Reach
    Launcher: Licks with a giant tongue
    Hyper Attacks:
    Lotsa Guns*: Pulls out dozens of guns and missiles to shoot in all directions. 52 hits if close. (A,26H)
    Spit Dynamite: Spits a stick of dynamite out which explodes on contact. Hurts Mask if too close (F)
    Dance of Death: Reaches out with a long arm (T) and does the Tango of Death.

    Enter: Puts on the Mask and goes tornado
    Taunt: Licks out with a giant tongue
    Victory: Eats a stick of dynamite and his belly expands

  • T-1000

    Terminator's Liquid Metal killing machine. Sent from the future to kill John Conner, the leader of the human resistance, while he is still just a teenager. With the ability to transform itself into anything, or anyone, at will, the T-1000 is the perfect killing machine.

    Strategy: Although his moves are fairly powerful, the T-1000's greatest asset is the ability to change its stats and size. Changing his stats to combat any opponent can be very effective if used wisely. Also, his height can be altered to give him an advantage. Just remember that more height means more range, but you are easier to hit (and less height has the opposite effect).
    Stat Changing: Each button is assigned to one stat. To change the T-1000's stats, the Alter Skills move is performed with the button to increase the stat of your choice. Now the player can continue hitting the same button to increase the change. Next, press the button of the stat you want to decrease. The two are then swapped. For example, to get + 3 Power from Energy, do the Alter Skills move with the power button, then hit that same button twice more (3 button presses total), then hit the energy button.
  • Chain Combo, Liquid Blade or Liquid Blast or Metal Splash
  • Sweep Combo, Ground Spike or Molten Wave
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Metal Splash or Metallic Bubble
    Similar Fighters: Marrow, Venom

    Stats(init): Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Weakness: F Ratio: 2 Size: Varies Drain: Varies

    Special Moves:
    Liquid Blade*: Turns his arm into a long spear that stabs straight out. 2 hits
    Ground Spike*: A metallic spike comes out of the ground and spins like a drill. 4 hits
    Metal Splash*: Does a basic Venom Fang attack. 3 hits (A)
    Rip Claw: A 3 hit slashing combo
    Alter Size: Starts as M, but can change size one size bigger or one size smaller
    Alter Skills: May raise one stat by a point to lower another by 1. Drain is whatever is highest.
    Metal Puddles: Turns into a puddle of metal and can move without being hurt.
    Limbs that morph into varies sharp things.
    Basic Throw: Grabs you with two crow bar like arms
    Launcher: Stabs upward with his arm shaped into a blade
    Hyper Attacks:
    Liquid Blast*: 4 large jets of liquid metal stab straight ahead. 16 hits
    Molten Wave: A splash of liquid metal comes from below. 8 hits
    Metallic Bubble: Rises in a shell of metal. 8 hits (A)

    Enter: Lightning bolts strike together and a kneeling T-1000 appears.
    Taunt: Splits his upper body in two and flails
    Victory: Picks up the victim and crushes their head. Says "Mission complete."

  • Predator

    An alien creature that crash landed on Earth. It brought with it many hi-tech devices, such as a cloaking device and its self-destruct device. In the original movie, it was hunting and being hunted by Arnold Schwarzenneggar. It has also appears in cross over stories in "Alien vs Predator" games and comics. The character is mostly based on the Alien vs Predator SNES game.

    Strategy: Using the cloak ability is a key to victory, but can quickly kill you if the enemy can find you. While you can block while cloaked, it still cancels the cloaking ability even if the attack is blocked. If you can get away from the spot you were at, enemies can become quite confused. Even without the cloak, the Predator is still a decent, fairly well rounded fighter.
  • Chain Combo, Special Laser or Razor Disk or Razor Edge
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Wrist Blades or Self-destruction
  • Sweep Combo, Low G Slide or Special Laser
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 4 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Shoulder Cannon*: Fires a thin beam from his shoulders. Fires forward or up-forward. 3 hits
    Wrist Blades*: Performs a jumping slash attack. Basic Uppercut (A)
    Razor Disks*: The Predator throws out a large spinning disk. Cuts for 2 hits
    Low G Slide: Does a long ranged and extremely quick slide kick. Covers the entire length of the screen
    Cloaking Device: The Predator turns invisible. Lasts 10 seconds or until hit. Takes 50% more damage while cloaked.
    Basic Throw: Picks the enemy up with his claws.
    Launcher: A rising claw slash
    Hyper Attacks:
    Special Laser*: Calls a laser blast from his ship. 3 giant pillars of energy slam down in sequence. 9 hits (S)
    Razor's Edge: Throws 5 Razor Disks for a total of 10 hits
    Unseen Terror: While cloaked only. 3 red dots form a triangle. Player aims this target on the enemy (C).
  • A laser blast hits the victim and the Predator jumps up, impales the enemy on his claws
  • and slams the victim into the ground. 4 hits
    Self-destruction: Level 3. Dashes forward and explodes, killing himself and anyone else nearby. Unblockable. (A)
  • Note: It is possible to kill your own team members if you are using an assist.

    Enter: Uncloaks and puts out his claws
    Taunt: Wails!
    Victory: Throws his head back and roars in agony.

  • Jar Jar Binks

    Without a doubt, the most hated Star Wars character of all time (although Episode II's Count Dooku (or Doki) may soon win this one). Jar Jar is a Gungan, a race of people who live under the oceans of Naboo. His was living in exile from his people due to his extreme clumsiness. Binks is stupid, annoying, and completely useless.

    Strategy: The best if not only reason to pick Jar Jar is his extreme annoyance. His random stupid comments the occur throughout the match, possibly causing your human opponent to go into a berserker frenzy. During this wild phase, your opponent will make mistakes, and hopefully you can capitalize on them.
  • Chain Combo, Meesa Stupid
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Meesa Stupid
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Meesa Give Up
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy: 3 Defense*: 5 Speed: 4 Ratio: 1 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Bomba Bomb*: Spins around a glowing sphere, then falls over and it rolls forward. Up to 3 hits (S)
    Meesa Stupid*: Does a forward dive and lands flat on his face. (A)
    Meesa Give Up*: Holds both arms in the air to surrender. Catches jumping enemys for a throw (T)
    Basic Throw: Trips over the enemy's foot, hurting them both
    Bonus Abilities: Power to Annoy
    Launcher: Drops a Bomba ball that explodes at his feet (S)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Bomba Avalanche*: Ducks and 8 large bouncing bombs bounce over him. 8 hits (S)
    Annoy to Death: Saunters forward (C) then starts to buddy up to the enemy, causing extreme pain

    Enter: Rides by on a Gungan riding beast and falls off
    Taunt: Introduces himself "Meesa Jar Jar Binks"
    Victory: Dances around like a fool
