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Our Made Up Fighters

This is where our own personal characters are. These are fighters based on characters we created or on some common aliases my friends and I use.

Evil Mumbu |

Evil Mumbu

Our mascot at the old arcade. Evil Mumbu was a broom handle with a racket ball for a head, a slinky for a neck, and fuzzy dice for arms. This construct was inhabited by an evil spirit and bossed us around. Please excuse the craptastic jpeg, Mumbu was stolen from us before I could take a picture. If anyone has seen our evil deity, please email me.

Strategy: He's evil. He's Mumbu. Go crazy and kick ass. His real advantage is how thin he his. His moves general are spins, changing the angle, meaning that different moves may or may not hit him depending on the frame of animation.
  • None
    Similar Fighters: Ha!

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 10 Defense: 6 Speed: 3 Strength: D Weakness: F Ratio: 3 Drain: All stats + 1

    Special Moves:
    Mumbu Laser*: Fires a beam from the mouth. Rocks back and forth so the beam rises and dips. 5 hits (D)
    Flying Sticks: 6 Mini Mumbu surround the big one and fly forward. Shoot 1 or all.
    Head on a Spring*: Leans forward and his head flies out and up.
    Fuzzy Dice Snare*: Throws his fuzzy dice, which wrap around the victim on hold them in place.
    Basic Throw: Turns liquid, goes in the enemy's mouth, and breaks out
    Bonus Abilities: Regeneration, Double Jump
    Launcher: Flips upside down and stabs upwards. Slow
    Hyper Attacks:
    Evil Laser*: Fires a huge beam the shape of the Mumbu Laser, but filled in. 20 hits (D)
    Impaler: Flies forward like a spear (C) sticks into the enemy, summons 10 MM to impale too.
    Giant Form: Transforms Mumbu into a random "Large Form" fighter.
  • Examples: Sonson's Monkey King; Servbot's Giant Servbot; Van's Escaflowne(My Game)

    Enter: The various parts combine to form the whole, Evil spirit enters construct
    Taunt: Spirit Rises out and laughs evilly. Mumbu body collapses. Cannot be hurt except by sweeps.
    Victory: The wooden thing bursts apart, and Mumbu takes the enemy corpse!
