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Characters from Anime

Gally | Ido | Gewishka | Speedy | Polly Ester | Shijima | Tessi | Jubei | Tetsuo | Kaneda | Sakura | Star Sakura | Yue | Aika | Rokuna | Mondo | Miyu | Reiha |

Gally / Alita

When digging through a junkyard, Dr Ido finds a cyborg human head that was still alive. He rebuilds the head back into a young girl named Gally (Alita in US). She has no memory of her former life. Eventually, Gally joins the Hunter Warriors, a group of bounty hunters that hunt cyborg criminals.

Strategy: Gally is quick with decent level of power. Stay close to the enemy using her specials whenever there is an opening. Don't overuse them or Gally will be open to counters.
  • Launcher, Battle Angel or Air Kick
  • Chain Combo, Flame Punch or Electric Force
    Similar Fighters: Cammy, Terry Bogart

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed*: 7 Strength: S Weakness: P Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Flame Punch*: Gally's fist glows with flame and she strikes ahead. Burst Knuckle (F)
    Air Kick*: Does a flying kick upwards. Cammy's Cannon Spike
    Electric Grasp*: Grabs the enemy and electrocutes them (S)
    Shock Call: A bolt of lightning hits right infront of Gally (S)
    Speed Up: speed goes up by 1 point for 10 secs
    Basic Throw: Runs up the enemy and does a backflip kick to the face
    Bonus Ability: Air Dash
    Launcher: Turns upside down with a rising kick
    Hyper Attacks:
    Electric Force*: Cups her hands together to release a huge electric bolt. 25 Hits (S)
    Finger Dig: Charges forward (C) and spins around the enemy with her finger in their side. 8 hits
    Battle Angel: Flys almost straight up in an aura of power. 15 hits (S)

    Enter: The floor above the battle breaks and Gally spills in
    Taunt: Anime cute girl pose. Arms behind back and shrugs
    Victory: Finishs off the enemy with a knife

  • Ido

    Ido is a cybernic doctor. Unlike the majority of docters, he doesn't ask for money from his patients. He covers his expenses by hunting down criminals as a Hunter Warrior. Ido uses a rocket powered "blunt scythe" to defeat the enemy robots.

    Strategy: Ido fights with a massive, but still quick, hammer. Use the extra reach to your advantage by staying just within range of the hammer, but not close enough to be hit back
  • Build Bot, Chain Combo, Rocket Scythe or Cycloscythe or Scythe Wind
  • Sweep Combo, Ripped Earth
    Similar Fighters: Ken/Ryu Family, Juggernaut(!)

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 3 Defense: 6 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Rocket Scythe*: Ignites the rocket and performs an uppercut attack
    Ripped Earth*: A half-circle scythe swing attack. Covers a huge area
    Scythe Boomerang*: Throws his scythe ahead and it returns to him (B)
    Build Bot: Quickly builds a small robot tank to attack enemy
    Trash Drop: A large pile of junk falls from above
    Basic Throw: Puts the head between the enemy's legs and it rockets upward. OUCH!
    Launcher: An upward swing of his blunt scythe.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Scythe Wind: Swings the scythe and fires off 18 energy blades (B)
    Hunter's Code: Dashs forward (C) to delivers 11 attacks
    Cycloscythe*: Spins 3 circles with scythe. Like Ken's Dragon Punch Hyper

    Enter: Uses his scythe like helicopter
    Taunt: Rubs his head and laughs
    Victory: "repairs" the victim by making them into a robot

  • Gewishka

    Gally's first victim, before she even becomes a Hunter Warrior. After the battle, Gewishka is rebuilt by Ido's enemy, Chiren, into an Omega Red wantabe. His tentacles are razor sharp and can cut through just about anything

    Strategy: Much like Ido, stay just in range of Gewishka's tentacles. Fight defensively, using Gewishka's longer range to counter any movement.
  • Chain Combo, Tentacle Grab or Tentacle Crush
  • Sweep Combo, Ground Lash or Cyper Rip
    Similar Fighters: Omega Red

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 4 Defense: 6 Speed*: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Tentacle Grab*: Lashs out his tentacle to throw the enemy (A)
    Ground Lash*: A tentacle comes out of the ground under the enemy
    Rising Tentacle*: Uses his whips to fly leg first forward or upward angle
    Overdrive: Raises power by 2 for 10 secs, causes a small amount of damage
    Robo Buddy: Gewishka's friend rushs out with a knife
    Basic Throw: Wraps a tentacle around the victim's body, rips it off
    Launcher: A rising tentacle punch
    Hyper Attacks:
    Tentacle Crush*: Flails both tentacles forward. hits 20 times (S)
    Whip Ring: Air Only. Dashs forward (C) and attacks 10 times
    Cyber Rip: Ground Tentacle that flails wildly

    Enter: Mutilates Gally's pet dog
    Taunt: Laughs insanely for a while
    Victory: Gewishka's whole body sparks

  • Speedy

    The leader of the Samuria Pizza Cats. Speedy wields the mighty Ginsu swords in his battle with the rodent-like Big Cheese and his army of crows.

    Strategy: Speedy should be used with a variety of different tactics. If Speedy becomes stuck in any one strategy, he tends not to do too well.
  • Launcher, Spiral Ginsu or Ginsu Beam
  • Sweep Combo, Ground Spark or Sparkling Fist

    Similar Fighters: Joe Higashi, Storm
    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense: 4 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Spiral Ginsu*: Swings his sword quickly directly in front of his face
    Ground Spark*: A wave of holy energy travels along the ground (H)
    Wing Rush*: Flies forward using the Catatonic Wing Armor
    Ninja Illusion: Speedy splits into 3 shadow versions of himself. Each attack hits one shadow,killing it
    Bonus: When in danger, Speedy gains a +2 to attack.
    Basic Throw: Beats the enemy upside the head with his sheath
    Bonus Ability: Air Dash
    Launcher: A rising Ginzu slash
    Hyper Attacks:
    Ginsu Beam*: Speedy fires a giant wave of energy through the air. 10 hits (H)
    Sparkling Fist: Bolts of energy spew from Speedy?s fist. 12 hits (H)
    Cat Split Fist: Dashes ahead in 5 forms, all using punching attacks. 15 hits

    Enter: Armors up
    Taunt: Stands stoically and spouts his opening lines
    Victory: Pulls out the second Ginsu from the bottom of the sheath

  • Polly Ester

    The raging female of the Samuria Pizza Cats. Polly is the most serious member of the team. Her weapon is a flute with a short blade hidden in it. Although not pictured, she also wears the Catatonic armor.

    Strategy: See Speedy, she's basically the same
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Wing Rush or Rush of Love
  • Chain Combo, Heart Cannon
    Similar Fighters: Gambit, Storm

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense: 4 Speed*: 8 Elemental: P Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Blown Kiss*: Blows a pink heart at the enemy (P)
    Energize*: Plays her flute to charge the teams vigor
    Wing Rush*: Like Speedy, Polly performs an air dash attack
    Wall Attack: Jumps to the wall and dives at the enemy
    Bouncing Blade: Polly does a forward moving triple sword attack
    Basic Throw: Kisses the enemy, then the lipstick mark explodes
    Bonus Ability: Wall Jump, Double Jump
    Launcher: Blows a kiss, making a heart appear. Short range (P)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Heart Cannon*: Uses her sword and flute together to fire a heart shaped beam. 23 hits. (P)
    Solar Flute: Her flute fires bolts of energy in all directions 12 hits. Can be used in air (P)
    Rush of Love: Jumps forward holding out a heart of spinning death. 10 hits (P)

    Enter: Armors up
    Taunt: That weird one legged pose of hers
    Victory: Plays her flute

  • Shijima

    A member of the devils of Kimon. He has the power to move in and control shadows. He uses a pair of claws and a length of chain as his weapons. Shijima was in Ninja Scroll.

    Strategy: A really tricky fighter. He's fairly small, and can move just about anywhere, anytime. Remember to taunt to avoid projectiles. Play aggressively, just don't stay in close for too long, especially against grapplers.
  • Chain Combo, Shadow Chain or Cutting Drill
  • Sweep Combo, Shadow Charge or Shadow Claws
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Shadow Drill
    Similar Fighters: Wolverine, Omega Red, Choi

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 4 Defense: 3 Speed*: 8 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Shadow Chain*: Whips his chain at the enemy. On contact, he tugs on it and throws the enemy
    Cutting Drill*: Fires his claws off of his hand. (A,downward)
    Shadow Charge*: Turns into a shadow, and runs through the enemy, leaving slash marks. (D)
    Shadow Drill: Fires in one of 8 directions. Exactly like Wolverine's drill claw (A,D)
    Shadow Spring: Dives into the floor, and jumps out behind or in front of the enemy with a kick
    Shimmer Effect: While Taunting, Shijima shimmers and special projectiles cannot hit him.
    Basic Throw: Climbs on the enemies back, stabs in the head
    Bonus: Wall Cling (into shadows), Rolling Evade
    Launcher: An upward punch
    Hyper Attacks:
    Shadow Claws*: Moves forward, frantically attacking with his claws. Like Berserker Barrage 20 hits (D)
    Chain Room: Dives into the floor, and chains burst from every surface. Single hit. If not blocking cannot avoid!
    Mind Control: Stabs forward with his claws. If he hits, he gains control of the fighter for 5 seconds.

    Enter: A shadow lengthens along the ground and Shijima jumps out
    Taunt: Shimmers in place. Projectiles will not hit him in this phase. Hypers are not effected
    Victory: Hits the ground and chains fly out of everywhere to hang up the enemy's body

  • Tessei

    Another of the Devils of Kimon. Tessi has the power to transform his skin into rock, much like Colossus. He also wields a large swallow, a double edged spear like weapon

    Strategy: Big, but slow, Tessi players need patience. He is too slow to rush into melee. Slowly work your way closer, using Stone a Rangs and Kimon Charges to distract the enemy and get closer
  • Chain Combo, Stone a Rang, Head Crush
  • Nail in Coffin, Rock Slide; catch on bounce (Cheap Combo!)
  • Sweep Combo, Giant Swallow
    Similar Fighters: Hulk, Juggernaut

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 2 Defense: 9 Speed: 3 Strength: E Weakness: B Ratio: 2 Drain: Super Armor 2

    Special Moves:
    Stone a Rang*: Throws his swallow like a boomerang. Returns by itself (E)
    Avalanche*: Pounds the ground and stones fall out of the sky (E)
    Kimon Charge*: Does a shoulder ram attack. More effective if the enemy is in the corner (E)
    Nail in Coffin: Picks up the enemy with one hand (T) and then pounds them with the swallow. They bounce
    Super Armor 2.
    Basic Throw: Picks up the enemy, smashes them into the ground into the ground
    Launcher: An upward swing with one end of his swallow
    Hyper Attacks:
    Giant Swallow*: Throws the swallow end over end. Covers a large area. 15 hits (E)
    Head Crush: A hyper Kimon Charge. Much like Juggernaut's attack. 5 hits
    Rock Slide: Grabs the enemy (T) and piledrives them into a pile of rocks (E)

    Enter: Turns from human to rockman.
    Taunt: Looks at the enemy and says "I'm busy, go away."
    Victory: Picks up the body and throws it

  • Jubei

    A traveling samurai. When he stumbles across a female ninja being held captive, he attempts to rescue her, realizing too late that he is allying himself against the Devils of Kimon. When the ninja poisons him, he is forced to defeat the Devils or die trying.

    Strategy: Jubei's key ability is the Far Slice. It's range is long, the move is quick, plus it can be done at three different angles. If the enemy gets too close, his normal sword attacks are fairly quick for a weapon user or Running Slash works as well.
  • Chain Combo, Shuriken or Flying Metal or Running Slash
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Far Slice Up-forward, FS Cancel
  • Sweep Combo, Far Slice Down-Forward
    Similar Fighters: Yamazaki, Silver Samurai

    Stats: Power*: 8 Energy: 1 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Shuriken*: Throws 3 small ninja stars at the enemy. 3 hits (A)
    Far Slice*: His sword is attached to him by a rope, he can slice at long range forward, up-forward, or down-forward (A)
    Running Slash*: Dashes forward, through the enemy, leaving a slash mark.
    Far Slice Cancel: During a Far Slice, stop doing the move and immediately do a short ranged slash.(A)
    Basic Throw: Puts his sword between the victims legs and does a jumping slash. Ouch!
    Bonus Abilities: Rolling Evade, Double Jump, Wall Cling
    Launcher: An upward sword slash during a short hop
    Hyper Attacks:
    Flying Metal*: Throws 30 shurikens rapid fire. 30 hits
    Impaler Line: Air Only. Does a down-forward Far Slice (C) drags the enemy into the air and does a 8 hit combo

    Enter: Does a Running Slash through a tree
    Taunt: Eats a rice cake
    Victory: Sheaths his blade and puts on his big hat

  • Tetsuo

    A regular biker gang member. Tetsuo was always the "small one", and was always teased by his fellow gang members. Then Tetsuo was in a bad accident and taken by scientists, who performed experiments on him. The result was an unstable mind with incredible psychic powers.

    Strategy: Tetsuo's greatest strength is his combo-ability. Nearly any special and hyper can be comboed together via combos. Also, his ability to nullify nearly any projectile is important too. Note that Defensive Block does effect hypers as long as the blast doesn't usually go through things (Cyclops' optic beams for example).
  • Chain Combo, Psycho Wave, Akira Arc
  • Sweep Combo, Eruption, Blob Arm
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Psycho Storm or Psycho Wave or Akira Arc
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 9 Defense: 3 Speed: 5 Strength: P Weakness: Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Psycho Wave*: Creates a curved field of psychic energy. Goes quite high into the air. Did this to Kei in the movie (A,P)
    Reflector*: Screams, causing any projectile non-hyper to change direction.
    Blob Arm: Turns his arm into liquid and launches it forward to grab the enemy. Drain Attack (A)
    Eruption*: The ground ruptures in front of Tetsuo, moves forward, leaving a vapor trial (E)
    Defensive Block: A block of the ground rises out of the ground. Hurts on the way and blocks projectiles (E)
    Basic Throw: A Blob arm flies upward, slamming the victim into the ceiling
    Bonus: Double Jump, Wall Jump
    Launcher: Aims both his palms at the ground, and psychic distortions appear. (P)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Psycho Storm*: Blasts bolts of psychic energy in all directions. Hits more if close. Up to 28 hits (A,P)
    Akira Arc: A hyper version of Psycho Wave. Hits up to 15 times (A,P)
    Stadium Drill: Air Only. Dives into the ground, spinning like a drill. Rocks fly upward from impact point. 10 hits (E)

    Enter: Flies on screen
    Taunt: Insane laughing with drool
    Victory: Turns into a massive blob

  • Kaneda

    The leader of a bike gang in Neo-Tokyo. Keneda is a goof off, no talent punk. After Tetsuo goes on his rampage, Keneda picks up a laser off a corpse, and goes to stop his friend.

    Strategy: Keneda works best as a middle ranged fighter. His attacks hit far away, but the grenades can hit up close too.
  • Chain Combo, Military Laser
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Military Laser
  • Chain Combo, Charging Batteries, Psychedelic Bomb
    Similar Fighters: Cable

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Strength: B Weakness: P Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Military Laser*: Fires a thin beam of energy from his blast. Forward or upward at an angle (A,downward)(B)
    Military Grenade*: Throws an explosive into the air, explodes on contact (A,F)
    Ankle Holder*: Assist only. Runs forward, slides, and grabs the enemy by the ankles. Holds so active player can hit
    Cycle Crush: When near cycle, mounts the bike and rides it forward
    Charging Batteries: (Basic Throw) Only works on robotic enemies. Hooks his gun up and drains vigor from the bot
    Bonus: Rolling Evade, Motorcycle lays on the ground
    Basic Throw: Hooks up his gun and shocks the enemy (S)
    Launcher: Swings his gun up in an arc
    Hyper Attacks:
    Cycle Gang*: The entire bike gang flies by on their cycles. 9 hits. Legion like.
    Burst Shock: Jumps into the air, laser sweep at the ground, pillars of energy rise. 15 hits (B)
    Psychedelic Bomb: Throws a regular grenade, that explodes into a globe of mental energy. 10 hits (P)

    Enter: Charges his laser on his motorcycle. Sometimes bursts into flames and he needs to put it out
    Taunt: Swings his blaster around his waist by the strap
    Victory: Catches a falling particle of light.

  • Sakura

    A typical schoolgirl who accidentally freed magical cards called Clow Cards. Also freed from the Clow Book is Keroberos, guardian beast of the Clow (See picture below). Now she must use the magical power that allowed her to free the cards to recapture them. Kero gives her the Key of the Clow, which channels the Clow Magic she has inherited from her ancestors. Sakura is fairly athletic and modest, but has her friend tape all of her captures for prosperity.

    Strategy: Sakura is fast and her specials are fairly powerful, but her staff attacks are slow to recover. She is weak in melee combat, so stay back, using her specials to injure the enemy
  • Chain Combo, Thunder Card or Power Confined
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy*: 8 Defense: 3 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Power Card*: Raises the attack power of the target by 2 points. Lasts 10 seconds
    Thunder Card*: Releases short ranged bolts of lightning at the enemy (S)
    Windy Card*: A burst of wind come from underneath the enemy (B)
    Key of Clow: An overhead strike with her Key Staff. Enemy suffers slightly more recovery time.
    Little Card: Fires a small projectile at the enemy. Shrinks enemy into helpless thing until hit or 5 seconds pass
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy with the Fire Card on them, hits hit staff and burst into flames (F)
    Launcher: Punches straight ahead, holding the Jump card and makes the enemy jump up.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Power Confined*: Swings the staff and a globe of energy appears wherever it hits. 12 hits. Drain effect (P)
    Maze Card: Fires a small blast (C) traps the enemy in a tiny maze. 10 hits
    Icicle Disaster: Strikes the ground and an icicle bursts from under the enemy. 6 hits (W)

    Enter: Releases her power of the Key of the Clow, which grows from key size to staff size
    Taunt: Scratches the back of her head and looks embarrassed
    Victory: Swings her staff and transforms her enemy into a card.

  • Star Sakura

    Sakura from the second season of Cardcaptor Sakura. When the Clow Cards start to lose their powers, Sakura must use her own vital energy to transform the cards into new Star Cards. Instead of releasing the Clow spirit, the Star Cards give their power directly to Sakura, giving her the power to transform into the Clow Spirits.

    Strategy: Doing specials at the right time can help or hurt Sakura a lot. During any elemental move, Sakura becomes the element, gaining strengths and weaknesses. Also, during the lengthy recover times of these moves, Sakura retains the elemental effects.
  • Chain Combo, Fiery or Watery or Windy
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Fiery or Watery or Windy
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Thunder
    Similar Fighters: Sakura

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 9 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    The Fiery*: Engulfing herself in flame, Sakura shoots in 1 of 8 directions (A,F)
  • Sakura is strong to fire and weak against water while performing the Fiery
    The Little: Sakura glows for 5 seconds. A hit shrinks the enemy into a small, helpless creature until they are hit again
    The Watery*: Turning into a spirit of water, and shoots a beam of aqua energy. 4 hits (A,W)
  • Sakura is strong to water and weak against lightning during the Watery.
    The Thunder*: Becoming electricity, aims a bolt up and forward. Good anti-air move. 3 hits (S)
  • Strong to Lightning, weak to Earth
    The Sand: Turning into sand, Sakura can teleport around the screen
    Basic Throw: Sakura's Shadow comes to life behind the enemy and whacks the victim (D)
    Bonus Abilities: Flying (with the Fly Card), Double Jump (with the Jump Card)
    Launcher: Punches forward with the Jump Card.
    Hyper Attacks:
    The Windy*: Becomes a gust of wind. Dashes forward, hurting the enemy. 10 hits (B)
  • Strong to Wind, weak to Earth
    The Earth: Becomes a large rock snake and does a dive attack. Like Venom Fang. 8 hits (E)
  • Strong to Earth, Weak to Wind
    The Twin: Creates a copy of Sakura that is computer controlled. Both can hurt the enemy, but hitting either hurts Sakura.

    Enter: Releases the power of the Staff of Star
    Taunt: Really big tear drop
    Victory: Her friend with the camera runs up to her and the pair jumps up and down

  • Yue

    The guardian angel of the Clow. Yue's spirit lives in the body of Sakura's brother's friend. While Keroberos controls the sun set of the cards, Yue controls the lunar set. Set in place by the Clow master himself to test future Cardcaptors, Yue is more of a force of nature than fighter.

    Strategy: Yue is a distance fighter. He should stay back, firing ice shards at the enemy. Moon Force can hit the enemy if they come too close and Blizzard Star is guaranteed to contact the enemy.
  • Chain Combo, Ice Shatter or Moon Force
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Blizzard Star
    Similar Fighters: Marrow

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 9 Defense: 3 Speed: 6 Strength: H,W Weakness: D,F Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Ice Shatter*: Throws 3 shards of ice straight ahead. (W)(A,down-forward)
    Moon Force*: Glides backwards, while holding a forcefield out in front of him
    Lunar Shell*: Similar to Moon Force, but the shield is only effective for reflecting projectiles
    Lunar Shatter: Jumps up very fast and shoots a spear of ice down and forward (W)
    Basic Throw: Places a wing over the enemy and removes it, sending the enemy flying
    Bonus Abilities: Flying, Double Jump, Wall Jump
    Launcher: Swings an arm upwards. Freezes the launched enemy (W)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Blizzard Star*: Sends shards of ice flying in all directions. Up to 10 hits if close. (A,W)
    Wood Trap: Tree roots comes out of the ground by the enemy (C) crushing the enemy in a cage of wood.
  • Note: This move is not effective against Sakura (CC) or Star Sakura.
    Lunar Shine: All attacks deal Holy damage for both fighters. Also, enemies weak to holy receive penalties to their stats.

    Enter: The gay friend goes stiff and sprouts wings.
    Taunt: Crosses his arms, see pictures
    Victory: Wraps his wings around his body, turns back into gay boy. He asks, "Where am I?"

  • Aika

    Aika is a secret agent with the powers of Ultranate. This substance becomes a living bikini and fights her enemies. The anime is Agent Aika: The Naked Missions, but Blockbuster left the naked part out of the title and had no official box for it. This is anime porn, but at least I can make fun of it. The picture is Aika in her non-super power form.

    Strategy: Very similar to Omega Red, except weaker and faster. Her whips forming from her magical bikini give longer than average reach. However, since she isn't wearing any clothes, her defense is pretty low.
  • Chain Combo, Twister
  • Sweep Combo, Whip Line
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Tentacle Twister
    Similar Fighters: Omega Red, Venom

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 4 Defense: 2 Speed*: 9 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Whip Line*: Sends a line out from her bikini that moves along the ground. Stabs up as a spike under the enemy
    Whip Grab*: Whips a line at the enemy and throws the enemy
    Twister*: Sends 2 tendrils whipping forward in a double helix like formation. For a beam-like attack.
    Basic Throw: Flips over the enemy, driving a tendril spike into the victim's head
    Bonus Abilities: Long Reach
    Launcher: A whip snaps up from the ground directly in front of Aika
    Hyper Attacks:
    Tentacle Twister*: A tornado of slashing tendrils rises from Aika. 10 hits
    Ultranate Web: Jumps up and sends tentacles in all directions(C) followed by a 12 hit combo. Venom Web

    Enter: Transforms from the pic to a blue haired girl in a white bikini
    Taunt: A tendril comes out of the swimsuit and forms a hand, waving at the enemy
    Victory: Untransforms, leaving her naked. She covers herself up though.

  • Rokuna

    She is one half of the force called the Mon Colle Knights. It is pronounced Rock-na (the U is silent). Rokuna is the daughter of Professor Hiragi. When the professor becomes obsessed with Mon-World, he has his daughter learn all about the realms and even learn some basic magic. Rokuna is very serious, at least most of the time. When her partner, Mondo, flirts with the girls they meet in Mon-World, she can barbecue him with a mere glance.
    PS: Mon Colle means monster collector. This show is a spoof of shows like Digimon, Pokemon, Yugi Oh!, etc.

    Strategy: By far her best move, the unblockable Mon Joining is a must. If you pick her, Monde should be an automatic party member. Although she has long range due to her ribbon, she isn't strong enough to capitalize on it. Pick her (and Mondo) to perform the Joining.
  • Chain Combo, Ready to Rumble
  • Sweep Combo, Ribbon Catapult
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Ready to Rumble
    Similar Fighters: Omega Red, Venom

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 4 Defense: 3 Speed*: 5 Ratio: 1 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Rokuna Ribbon*: Sends a ribbon snaking along the ground. If it touches the enemy, wraps around them.
    Mystic Card*: Flips a card into the air, it explodes in the Mon-World pattern (the one behind her)
    Ribbon Whip*: Whips her ribbon straight or up-forward. If hit, uses it to throw the victim
    Ready to Rumble: Swings on a trapeze to kick the enemy (A)
    Basic Throw: Smacks the enemy straight down into the ground
    Bonus Abilities: Air Dash
    Launcher: Tosses her ribbon along the ground, then pulls up
    Hyper Attacks:
    Ribbon Catapult*: Her ribbon snakes along the ground with waves. Each wave hits. 8 hits
    Jealous Anger: Looks really pissed, and a bolt of fire shoots from the sky. (F)
    Mon Joining: Double Team w/ Mondo. Both kids enter the enemy's body, controlling the victim! No Tags.
  • Note: The victim, Mondo, and Rokuna all take an equal share of the damage using victims defense.

    Enter and Victory dances have Mondo in them regardless if you are using him or not
    Enter: Both flip into place, Mondo: "We protect monsters from all evil" Rokuna: "and keep the peace in MonWorld"
    Taunt: Her eyes start burning and she looks just plain pissed
    Victory: Mondo comes out and both jump in the air, fist first "Another victory for the MonColle Knights!"

  • Mondo

    The other half of the Mon Colle Knights. Mondo is a close friend of Rokuna's, perhaps TOO close for being young kids. He, like most comedic anime males, has an uncontrollable obsession with beautiful women or girls. This often gets him beatings from Rokuna. He is more easy going than Rokuna. Also, Mondo knows more about the monsters because he collects the playing cards of the monsters in the real world.

    Strategy: Although he has better stats than Rokuna, he still isn't very powerful. His attacks have much less range than Rokuna, making Mondo a melee figther. Also, playing him without Rokuna may be suicide, since if the enemy has a girl, he might be able to tag out when we gets weak. Play him with Rokuna to remove this weakness.
  • Chain Combo, Mondo Kick or Athletics
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Mondo Slash or Mondo Kick
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Stuck Up or Pole Vault
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power*: 5 Energy: 2 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Mondo Kick*: Hops forward with a kick that leaves a slicing blue trail. (A)
    Hammer Punch*: Stabs forward with his "Fist on a stick" weapon.
    Pole Vaulting*: Using the stick, he performs a pole vault kick
    Mondo Slash: Air Only. Kicks downward, leaving a fairly wide swipe through the air. Weak
    Woman Obsession: Against any non-ugly woman, Mondo will not tag out unless in critical
  • If Rokuna is in your party, she will yank him out with her ribbon at any time.
    Basic Throw: Sticks the victim in the nose with his weapon, 2 fingers poking out
    Launcher: An upward punch with his hand on a stick weapon
    Hyper Attacks:
    Athletics*: Moves forward, performing his Mondo Kick move 8 times
    Stuck Up: Stabs up with his pole. Causes the enemy to become pig faced
    Mon Joining: Double Team w/ Rokuna. Both kids enter the enemy's body, controlling the victim! No Tags.
  • Note: The victim, Mondo, and Rokuna all take an equal share of the damage using victims defense.

    Rokuna is in his dances too. This is regardless of if she is in your group or not.
    Enter (Normal): Both flip into place, Mondo: "We protect monsters from all evil" Rokuna: "and keep the peace in MonWorld"
    Enter (Girls): Mondo runs forward drooling, and Rokuna pounds him right into the ground
    Taunt: Spins his weapon around in his hand.
    Victory (Normal): Rokuna comes out and both jump in the air, fist first "Another victory for the MonColle Knights!"
    Victory (Girls): Same as Enter Girls.

  • Miyu

    Miyu is the guardian of the Dark. Long ago, half-demon, half-god creatures called Shinma were banished to the Dark for all eternity. However, the sealing was not perfect, so with enough effort, it is possible to break free into the real world. The sealers appointed a guardian, a Shinma Vampire named Miyu to find and reseal renegade Shinma. To help her, Miyu recruits a European Shimna named Larva and a small rabbit Shinma called Shiina. Miyu is very confident, but is very quiet and collected. Also, her guardianship removes vampire restrictions, like sunlight, garlic, crosses, and she has a reflection. She is not counted as a vampire for moves that work against vampires. Her weapon is the sacred flame.

    Strategy: Miyu rarely fights in melee battle, that is what Larva is for. Instead, she waits to finish off her enemies with her sacred flame. The character is designed the same way. Her special moves are slow, but powerful, and her hypers can be very powerful if used correctly.
  • Chain Combo, Blood Fire or Guardian Blaze
  • Sweep Combo, Blood Fire or Guardian Blaze
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Self-Immolation or Come My Flame
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Ghostly Breath (short)
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Strength: F Weakness: None Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Blood Fire*: Miyu sends a wave of flame along the ground. (F)
    Ghostly Breath*: Looks to blow a kiss. Then press a button to make the invisibly traveling projectile explode (F)(A)
    Larva's Scythe*: Points and calls "Larva". The grim reaper shinma dashes forward to attack (D)
    Shiina's Eye: Shiina uncovers her giant, bloodshot eye, which destroys all enhancements.
    Self-Immolation: Claps her hands together and a pillar of flame rises around Miyu. 4 hits (F)
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy back, and Larva swoops in for a scything (D)
    Bonus Abilities: Double Jump
    Launcher: A small burst of fire rises at Miyu's feet (F)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Guardian Blaze*: Fires a quick Blood Fire. Moves through enemies, causing a pillar. 5 hits per pillar. (F)
  • This hyper can hit multiple enemies, each having their own pillar.
    Come My Flame: A large pillar of flame rises off of Miyu. 12 hits (F)
    Shiina's Blink: Screen flashes (C) and Miyu and Larva double team the victim with scythe and flame. (D,F)

    Enter: A flute sound is heard, then Miyu fades into view
    Taunt: Opens her hand and flames start dancing from her hand
    Victory: "I send you back to the Dark" and burns the victim's body.

  • Reiha

    Reiha is an ice demon in the world of Vampire Miyu. Although she is not a Shinma, Reiha and her doll Matasuke are not at all friendly. Reiha is polite and formal, but her doll is quickly angered and often very rude. Nobody, perhaps not even Reiha herself, knows whether Matasuke is actually alive or if it is just Reiha releasing her anger though an inanimate object. Her goal in life is to become the Guardian of the Dark to live well. She is cold in manner and has little use for humans, often striking Shinma as to "accidentally" kill nearby humans.

    Strategy: Reiha does even less melee combat than Miyu. She just freezes anything in sight. Her projectile freezing abilities only really work against newbie players, but can be useful if the enemy tags out as well.
  • Sweep Combo, Frost Henge or Delayed Wash or Ice Blast
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Snow Flurry
    Frozen Treat, Any Combo or Ice Shattering
    Similar Fighters: Sub-zero (MK)

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy*: 9 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Strength: W Weakness: F Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Freeze Blast*: Breaths out a cloud of ice. Projectiles are frozen temporarily and can hurt either player when they move again.
    Spittle Spear*: Spits out a thin, long piece of ice. If it hits, the enemy becomes stunned (W)
    Frost Henge*: An icicle stabs out of the ground directly in front of Reiha (W)
    Delayed Ice Wash: A ground projectile. 3 different settings, instant, 1 second delay, and 3 second. (W)
    Basic Throw: Reiha vanishes and falls from above with an ice projectile (W)
    Bonus Abilities: Floating
    Launcher: Matasuke is placed on the ground and levitated upward

    Hyper Attacks:
    Ice Blast*: Small chunks of ice whirl around Reiha, causing damage to nearby foes. 27 hits (W)
    Snow Flurry: Air Only. Breaths out blue vapors that cause damage. 14 hits (W)
    Frozen Treat: Reaches out (T) and freezes the enemy. Lasts 6 seconds or until a hyper is done by Reiha
    Ice Shattering: Frozen only. Swings a long, blue, shimmering field of energy. (C) Victim shatters. Massive Damage (W)

    Enter: A swirling cloud of ice appears and Reiha forms in the middle of it
    Taunt: Lifts a tea glass to Matasuke's mouth
    Victory: Softly says "Oh my" while Matasuke laughs wickedly.
