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Capcom Characters!

Strider Hiryu | | Jin | Tron Bonne | Amingo | Abyss (Gel Form)| Shadow Lady | Alpha Sakura | Metal Zangief | Ruby Heart | Arthur | Sonson | Abyss (Solid)| Cyber Jin | Shadow |


Strider Hiryu

Strider is a ninja-like warrior who battles... someone. He had a few games in the mid-eighties, but then faded from gaming. Then Marvel vs Capcom featured him as a character. Then Capcom made him a new game. Reviving the classics are always good.

Strategy: Strider is the defination of the middle range fighter. All of his moves have medium to long range, and his speed can be used to incredible results. Go in hard on all characters except grapplers.
Battle-Plan: The Amenomurakumo is probably Strider's biggest weakness. Although it is a great combo finisher, if blocked, it leaves him open for counters for quite a while.
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Aerial Cutter
  • Sweep Combo, Ourburos
  • Chain Combo, Amenomurakumo
  • Ourburos, Chain Combo X 4

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed*: 8 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Amenomurakumo*: Moves forward slightly with a very large sword attack.
    Gram*: A quick slash that reachs to the edge of the screen (A)
  • Panther*: A robotic panther leaps at the enemy
  • Hawk: Flies through the air, slightly above Strider's Head
  • Hawk Bomb: A hawk flys far overhead and drops a bomb on the enemy. Unblockable
    Aerial Cutter: Air Only. Flies through the air to hurt the enemy. 4 different angles.
    Orb: First use to call an orb, then again to fire it.
    Basic Throw: Jumps straight up with the enemy, slams the victim head first
    Bonus Ability: Wall Jump, Wall Cling
    Launcher: A rising sweep of his sword
    Hyper Attacks:
    Legion*: A swarm of 10 panthers and 4 hawks attack
    Ourburos: Strider is surrounded by spinning orbs. Attacks launch small disks. Free Movement.
    Ragnarok: Strider moves a short distance forward, graps the enemy, jumps into the air, and then 4 strider's slice through the enemy 4 times. 18 hits total

    Enter: Flys in on a glider
    Taunt: Stands straight and dignified
    Victory: Jumps up and hangs off the ceiling

  • Captain Commando

    A warrior who starred in his own Final Fight-type game. Commando fights hordes of enemies for some goal that really wasn’t stated in the game. He fights along side of Slash, Ginzu, and Baby-Head. The hyper moves have all 4 combining their powers to attack the enemy.

    Strategy: Go easy on the specials. As powerful as they are, they have a fairly length recover time. If you do nothing but specials, you will lose against skilled players.
    Battleplan: Watch for those specials to leave him defenseless, then open a can of whoop ass on him.
  • Sweep Combo, Captain Corridor
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Captain Sword
  • Chain Combo, Captain Kick or Captain KO

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 5 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Captain KO*: A blast of flame releases from Cap’s gauntlet. (A,F)
    Captain Kick*: A double hit flying kick. 2 different ranges (F)
    Captain Corridor*: Punches the ground and creates a pillar of lightning (S)
    Ally Call:
  • Slash: Flies through the air, cutting into anyone up there
  • Ginzu: Jumps down and slashes with his sword
  • Baby-Head: A robot piloted by a baby fires a missile.
    Shock Throw: Grabs the enemy and electrocutes them (S)
    Basic Throw: Electrocutes with his gauntlet (S)
    Bonus Ability: Dodge
    Launcher: Hops forward a little for a snap kick
    Hyper Attacks:
    Captain Sword*: A large pillar of lightning is swung downward like a sword. 8 hits (S)
    Captain Storm: Cap does a dash punch (C) and the team flies attacks in mid air, and cap finishes with Corridor. (S)
    Captain Plasma: A 14 hit hyper version of the Captain KO attack (F)

    Enter: Cowboy to Captain
    Taunt: Stand like in the picture
    Victory: The whole team poses together

  • Jin

    Jin is some sort of soldier. I’m not sure about his origins, but I know that in his game, you pilot his giant robot, Blodia.

    Strategy: Unlike most character, Jin is best off using a lot of special moves. Even his regular attacks have big wind-ups and leave him open to counter. At least his specials lack the wind-up.
    Battle-plan: Almost all of Jin's moves have a long recover time. Use this to your advantage.
  • Downward Drill, Sweep Combo, Dynamito
  • Chain Combo, Flame Typhoon or Blodia Punch
  • Sweep Combo near screen edge, Blodia Punch

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 7 Defense: 5 Speed: 4 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Flame Typhoon*: Jin spins forward as a flaming tornado (F)
    Dynamito*: Jins clothes explode into a ring of flame that surrounds him. Real move! (F)
    360 Destroy*: Jin short dashes and moves around the edge of the screen with the victim
    Downward Drill: Air only. Jin does a downward angled drill kick (F)
    Basic Throw: Runs to the wall with the enemy, the Blodia fist meets him half way.
    Bonus Ability: When in danger, Jin gains Super Armor 2. Drain gives Super Armor 2
    Launcher: A flaming uppercut (F)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Blodia Punch*: A massive red fist punches out from the edge. 8 hits (F)
    Blodia Vulcan: Jin teleports into Blodia and fires the guns (C). Up to 27 hits
    Max Cyclone: A hyper version of the Flame Typhoon (C) and Launches the victim into the air (F)

    Enter: Blodia’s Hand carries Jin into battle
    Taunt: Turns into guy in loincloth and wipes his backside with scarf
    Victory: Draws a sword and jumps at the enemy

  • Amingo

    Amingo is a living cactus. He was invented specifically for Marvel vs. Capcom 2. He really has no background or story, though.

    Strategy: Whenever possible, try to keep two Helpers out at a time (the maximum number). Even though they are easy to kill, if they stay alive, they can force the enemy into retreat and hit them from behind.
    Battle Plan: Although Amingo's melee, single button attacks are fairly effective, his specials and hypers are slow to activate. Also, due to his rotundity, he is very easy to attack from a jump. His helpers can make a projectile battle plan difficult.
  • Chain Combo, Spine Rush or West Rush
  • Sweep Combo, Vine of Death

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense*: 8 Speed: 3 Strength: W Weakness: F) Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Spine Rush*: Amingo forms himself into a ball, then rushes at the enemy. (A)
    Aerial Rushing*: Cactus-boy does a bouncing version of the Spine Rush
    Cactus Milk*: Assist Only. Amingo heals a fighting companion
    Pollen Blast: Amingo sprays out a cloud of pollen. Causes poison effects. (E)
    Cactus Helpers: Amingo pulls a small cactus out of his hat, and it jumps towards the enemy.
    Plant Growth Distance Attacks
    Launcher: An uppercut with a spiny hand
    Hyper Attacks:
    Wild West Rush*: A hyper Spine Rush attack. 18 hits (A)
    Vine of Death: A large vine spouts upward from Amingo. 38 hits (E)
    Bell Flower: Amingo slides a flower at the enemy (C) Flower chews for 12 hits

    Enter: Takes off his hat and scratches his head
    Taunt: Blooms into a flower
    Victory: Plants 2 Cactus Helpers, and they grow into Amingos

  • Abyss

    A boss character from Marvel vs Capcom 2. This version of Abyss is made completely out of green liquid. There is no story behind the game, so there isn't really more to say…

    Strategy: Abyss is a speedy hunk of slime. Use his quickness to stay away from the other guy so you can make full use of his many projectile attacks.
    Battleplan: Although not bad in melee combat, Abyss is better off at a distance. Get close and don't let him use his specials or hypers.

  • Chain Combo followed by Flamethrower or Gel Laser.
  • Trip, then Abyss Clone

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 6 Defense: 4 Speed*: 7 Strength: E Weakness: F Ratio:

    Special Moves:
    Flamethrower*: Turns his arm into a cannon and shoots fire out of it (F)
    Gel Laser*: Arm cannon, and fires a thin laser beam across the screen.
    Abyss Clone*: Liquid rushes along the floor, and a copy of abyss pops out and attacks.
    Direct Shot: Spins a quick circle, and 5 tiny beams fly in all directions. (E)
    Gel Bubble: Creates a bubble that traps the enemy inside on contact
    Teleportation: Uses a puddle to teleport.
    Launcher: None
    Hyper Attacks:
    Acid Rising*: Blasts of gel burst out of ground below the enemy. Hits up to 12 times (E)
    Giant Splash: Abyss turns into a giant animal and dives at the enemy.
    Whirl Shards: A hyper Direct shot. Shoots 35 projectiles in all directions (E)
    Airless Bubbles: Releases 3 Gel Bubbles that hold the enemy and slowly drain away life.

    Enter: Turns from a puddle into his humanoid form.
    Taunt: Laughs while waving around.
    Victory: Same as taunt
    Special Death: Flies through the air, hits the ground, and melts.
  • Shadow Lady

    A Chun-li look alike. Shadow Lady is pure black, with the yellow lines on Chun-li's costume changing from bright yellow to black. Shadow Lady is some kind of cyborg that is fighting against M. Bison. She appears in Marvel vs Capcom 1.

    Strategy: Play her similarly to Chun-li, just remember that her most useful special is the Drill Crush. Be careful using her missile attacks, because they are very slow to start.
    Battle Plan: Although a lot like Chun-li, Shadow Lady's moves just don’t work as well. Most of her moves have limited range, or just are too slow, like the missile attacks.
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Lightning Kick
  • Chain Combo, Drill Crush
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Single Hit, Shichisei Sankuukyaku.

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 6 Defense: 4 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Drill Crush*: Her hands transform into a drill and she does a short dashing attack.
    Homing Missiles*: She bows, and 3 homing missiles fire out of her back
    Energy Counter*: Stands in a blocking pose and psychic energy arcs around her (P)
    Lightning Kicks: Moves her legs impossible fast for a few seconds. Multiple kicks (A,P)
    Hazen Kyaku: An aerial kicking uppercut attack
    Launcher: A stabbing kick that hits up high.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Galaxy Storm*: Fires a huge beam of psychic energy. 32 hits (P)
    Missile Storm: Bows, and fires 15 missiles out of her back
    Shichisei Sankuukyaku: Air only. Does a darting forward kick through the enemy. Flashing kanji

    Enter: Bows to the enemy
    Taunt: One hand behind back, lean forward a bit, and says "Ja-ne", Japanese for bye
    Victory: Does the 2 finger up victory pose

  • Alpha Sakura

    This version of Sakura is from the Alpha Series and Marvel vs SNK. The MvC2 Sakura was beefed up for the fight, while this one is weaker.

    Strategy: Sakura's strength is her agility. She is slow compared to most other speedy characters, but is faster then most. Keep her moving.

    Battleplan: Either use a faster character or try to keep her pinned in the corner.
  • Chain Combo, (Shinku) Hadouken or Kououken
  • Sweep Combo, Haruissen

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 4 Defense: 2 Speed*: 6 Ratio: 1

    Special Moves:
    Hadouken*: Sakura throws a fireball with short range.
    Kououken*: Runs forward and does a 3 hit uppercut if she runs into the other guy.
    Shenpu Renkyaku*: An imitation of the Hurricane Kick. Barely gets off the ground. (A)
    Shouryuuken: A jumping uppercut attack. Lands on her butt at the end.
    Sakura Otoshi: Jumps into the air, and can pound down with her fists. May juggle 3 times
    Launcher: She kicks straight up
    Hyper Attacks:
    Shinku Hadouken*: Throws a normal Hadouken (at least for the others). Hits 5 times (P)
    Haruissen: A spin kick attack that moves forward along the ground. 15 hits.
    Shin Kououken: Moves forward, doing 2 short Kououkens followed by a full one. Up to 12 hits.

    Enter: Runs on screen and skids to a stop.
    Taunt: Points at the enemy and giggles
    Victory: Does a practice kick, her shoes flies off and lands on her head.

  • Metal Zangief

    In the versus series, Zangief has the power to transform into an evil, undead-like form. This form of the Russian wrestler is all black, with red burning eyes. He is weak against water attacks (He's metal, he rusts).

    Strategy: Even though his speed is low, you must play aggressively. Being unable to block means that you can't wait for the other guy to come to you. Also, don't use the Defensive Groove with this guy.
    Battle Plan: Keep him back with projectiles and medium range attacks. If he gets close and does a Suplex or Atomic Smasher, run like hell! Don't try to stop him with attacks, it won't work.
  • Chain Combo, Shadow Blast, Rushing Suplex or Atomic Smasher
  • Launcher, Single Attack in Air, Spin Lariat, Jump again, Elbow Drop

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 2 Defense*: 8 Speed: 3 Strength: D Weakness: W Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Demonic Breath*: Zangief shoots a lick of dark fire out of his mouth. (D)
    Spinning Lariat*: Spins like a top while extending both arms out wide (A)
    Rushing Suplex*: Moves towards the opponent, does a flying suplex if connecting.
    Shadow Blast: A backhand punch with a dark encased fist. (D)
    Infinite Super Armor: Zangief NEVER reacts to attacks. However, he cannot block.
    Elbow Drop: Air Only. Drop straight downward, elbow first.
    Launcher: Zangief falls back, kicking the enemy twice on the way down
    Hyper Attacks:
    Fury of Hell*: Black flames burst out from under the enemy. 15 hits (D)
    Atomic Smasher: Grabs the enemy (C) does 2 suplexs, then piledrives the enemy.
    Aerial Lariat: Does a spinning Lariat attack straight up. 5 hits

    Enter: Zangief takes off his cape.
    Taunt: Raises his arms in victory
    Victory: Bends down, flexes his muscles and shakes

  • Ruby Heart

    A female pirate sailing the seas for the power of Abyss. Ruby Heart was an original character made just for Marvel vs Capcom 2. There is very little story about her.

    Strategy: Ruby Heart is best used to confuse the enemy. Her moves are strange, but effective. Try to keep the enemy hit with the ghosts, since it gives Ruby Heart a slight speed advantage.
  • Sweep Combo, Ruby Blaze or Ruby Galleon
  • Launcher, Cannon Ball or Ruby Force

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Strength: W Weakness: S Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Treasure Chest*: A chest drops down, she kicks it, and a ghost comes out. Slows the enemy(P)
    Defense Enhancer*: Assist only. Raises allies defense by 2 points. Only lasts 3 hits or 10 seconds.
    Ruby Blaze*: Opens a book and a jet of flame erupts under the enemy (F)
    Cannon Ball: Turns into a ball of energy and flies in one of 8 directions. Can pick 2 (A,W)
    Heart Chain: Fires a hook from the cannon. (C) brings the enemy in and shoots with cannon.
    Launcher: An upward swing of an anchor.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Forgetton Wealth*: A hyper of Treasure Chest. Hits 15 times (P)
    Ruby Galleon: Her ship slides forward (C) pops them up and shoots them with cannons. 27 hits
    Ruby Force: A hyper of Cannon Ball. Pick 8 directions. 3 hits per direction (A,W)
    Bung-Hole: A large barrel drops out of the sky (C) and knifes fly into the barrel.

    Enter: Slides down from a rope
    Taunt: Reads out of her book
    Victory: Preaches to pirates from her book

  • Arthur

    The character from the Ghost and Goblins series. Arthur is a knight with a really big lance. He also has the help of random assist characters from the first Marvel vs Capcom.

    Strategy: Even with his high defense, Arthur is a projectile user more than anything else. He is competent in melee combat, but all of his moves are ranged attacks. Use the Triple Lance sparingly, because it is easy to jump the last two.
  • Chain Combo, Triple Lance
  • Launcher, Shining Lance
  • Sweep Combo, Demon Slayers
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Strength: H Weakness: D Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Triple Lance*: Throws 3 lances. Kind of slow.
    Dagger Vector*: Throws a dagger into the air that creates a blast of light (H)
    Shining Lance*: A holy lance attack that moves straight up (H)
    Golden Shield: His shield absorbs holy energy and raises his defense by 1 point temporarily.
    Helper Characters
  • Tonpu: A girl that does a long distance kick attack
  • Saki: Another girl that fires a lightning gun (S)
  • Devilot: A woman with a Frankenstein that self-destructs. Unblockable and hurts herself.
    Launcher: Stabs upward with a lance.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Silver Dragon*: A holy energy shaped like a dragon swoops down on the enemy. 14 hits (H)
    Demon Slayers: Arthur throws 6 lances, Tonpu does 4 kicks, and Saki fires 3 blasts; All in rapid fire (S,H)
    God Shield: The shield floats in front of Arthur, automatically blocks normal moves and projectiles.

    Enter: Opens a chest and pulls out his equipment
    Taunt: His armor breaks off, showing you "naked" Arthur.
    Victory: Raises his lance, while his helper characters gather around him.
    Special Death: When he dies, his armor shatters, so "naked" Arthur goes flying.

  • Sonson

    Originally from an NES game, Sonson has come a long way from the little chimp she used to be. After growing up and getting a sex change, this girl with a tail is now extremely angry and ready to kick in some heads in Marvel vs Capcom 2. It seems likely Sonson is an adaptation of Son Goku, the Chinese Legend that Dragon Ball is based on.

    Strategy: Quite possibly one of the strangest fighters in the Versus series. Sonson uses a red staff for nearly all of her attack. Her hypers are mostly powerful, but most of them can be blocked or dodged fairly easily. Try to hit the enemy on the way up for the Staff and Cannon hypers.
  • Launcher, Giant Staff or Chimp Cannon
  • Chain Combo, Staff Twirl, Exclamation

    Similar Fighters: Chibi Goku, Vegeta

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense: 4 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Shinenbu*: Blows a kiss and little monkeys fly out. Hold onto the enemy, causing temporary speed loss. (A)
    Seiten Rengeki*: Jumps into the air, spinning her staff in a circle. Basic uppercut (A)
    Health Fruit*: Assist Only. Sonson holds out a fruit that can heal either player.
    Crawling: Unlike most fighters, Sonson can move while ducking.
    Fusetsuzan: Swingers her staff extremely fast.(A)
    Wall Running: Sonson runs up the wall and then ceiling
    Magic Jar: A vacuum jar pulls in the enemy, Sonson boils the jar. (W,F)
    Launcher: Uses the staff to stand on, Sonson kicks upward
    Hyper Attacks:
    Chimp Cannon*: Turns into a giant monkey and fires a laser from its mouth. Moves head up and down. 12 hits (P)
    Tenchi Tsukan: Throws her staff upward and a really big one slams down on its end. 10 hits
    Monkey King: Turns into the giant ape, but the player can fully control it. Hits effect it, but Sonson takes NO damage.
    Exclamation: Sonson throws a giant POW!!! at the enemy. Turns the enemy into fruit that Sonson eats. 5 hits

    Enter: Rides a little yellow cloud, just like Goku's Flying Nimbus
    Taunt: Grabs the staff in both hands and shakes
    Victory: Throws her staff up, gives the 2 finger pose, and the giant staff crashes down, scaring her.

  • Abyss (Solid)

    The first form of the boss of Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Who is Abyss? What are his goals? How? Where? Why? I don't think there is an answer to these questions. Simply, he's a large giant-like fighter that is actually a suit of armor that contains a magical orb of some kind.

    Strategy: Play very aggressively. Even though Abyss is slow, he cannot wait for the enemy due to his inability to block attacks. Use the specials often, and just try to pummel the enemy into submission.
    Combos: none
    Similar Fighters: Onslaught, Apocalypse

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 7 Defense*: 10 Speed: 3 Strength: E Weakness: B Ratio: 3

    Special Moves:
    Shoulder Charge*: Abyss charges forward with his shoulder out.
    Acid Javelin*: Creates a spear made of acid and throws it at the enemy (E)
    Chest Beam*: Fires a laser blast from his chest. (P)
    Electro-Globe: Punches forward with a globe of electricity (S)
    Shock Globes: Throws 3 slow moving, homing balls of electricity (S)
    Infinite Super Armor, but he cannot block
    Launcher: None
    Hyper Attacks:
    Acid Rain*: Puts his arm up and 17 Acid Javelins fall out of the sky (E)
    Abyss Beam: A gigantic Chest Beam attack. 30 hits (P)
    Abyss Ram: A hyper Shoulder Charge. Hits 15 times

    Enter: Pieces of armor fuse to a floating orb
    Taunt: Puts his arms up and he shakes and glows red
    Victory: Turns into the final, giant form of Abyss

    Cyber Jin

    This being was shown in the ending of Shadow Lady in Marvel vs Capcom 1. She finds a dying Jin, and saves him by making him a Shadow. This means that Jin's clothes and skin are no pitch black with glowing yellow highlights, like Shadow Lady. Also, he lost one of his hands and now has a huge drill in its place. Strategy: Unlike most character, Jin is best off using a lot of special moves. Even his regular attacks have big wind-ups and leave him open to counter. At least his specials lack the wind-up. However, almost all of Jin's moves have a long recover time. Use this to your advantage.

  • Chain Combo, Drill Fist or (Hyper) Typhoon or Blodia Drill
  • Sweep Combo, Dynomito, Hyper Typhoon
    Similar Fighters: Jin

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 7 Defense: 5 Speed: 4 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Drain: Super Armor 2

    Special Moves:
    Drill Fist*: Punches forward with his spinning drill weapon. 3 hits
    Typhoon*: Dashes forward as a large, spinning tornado of electricity. 4 hits (S)
    Dynomito*: Blows himself up, with short ranged blasts going in all directions. 6 hits (S)
    360 Throw: Grabs the enemy with a short dash (C) and runs around the edge of the screen with the victim
    Super Armor 2
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy to the ground, jumps on top and starts punching
    Launcher: An electrical uppercut (S)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Blodia Drill*: The blodia arm punches forward with a large drill on it. 18 hits
    Hyper Typhoon: Does a screen high typhoon attack that moves forward. 16 hits (S)
    1080 Degrees: A short dash (C) and Jin does the 360 throw 3 times.

    Enter: Blodia's arm drops Jin out of its hand
    Taunt: Short circuits and steams while panting
    Victory: Walks over to the enemy, and puts the drill into the corpse.

  • Shadow

    Another hidden character in Marvel Vs Capcom. Shadow could be used as a helper character. He looks like Charlie, except with the color scheme of Shadow Lady, both pictured above.

    Strategy: See Charlie on Street Fighter 2 Page
  • Chain Combo, Horizontal Flash or Flashing Torment
  • Sweep Combo, Double Sweep Combo, Flashing Torment
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Cyber Army
    Similar Fighters: Charlie, Shadow Lady

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy: 4 Defense: 7 Speed: 4 Strength: S Weakness: P Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Sonic Boom*: Throws a sonic boom upward at a 45 degree angle. (S)
    Double Sweep Combo*: Does two sweep kicks together. Both can hit
    Horizontal Flash*: Does a flash kick that sends a wave straight ahead. 2 hits (S)
    Shocker: Electricity covers Shadow, making him unable to be hit (S)
    Drill Fist: Turns his hands into a drill and punches forward
    Basic Throw: Knees the enemy repeatedly
    Launcher: A rising from crouch uppercut
    Hyper Attacks:
    Flashing Torment*: Does 3 Horizontal Flashes in rapid fire. 10 hits (S)
    Sonic Horizon: Throws 8 Sonic Booms upward (S)
    Cyber Army: Does a forward flying kick (C) followed by a 12 hit combo (A)

    Enter & Taunt & Victory: Straightens his jack
