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Other Marvel Characters

Captain America | The Hulk | Iron Man | War Machine | Mr Fantastic | Dr Doom | Orange Hulk | US Agent | Black Heart | Shuma Gorath | Onslaught | Thanos | Human Torch |

Captain America

During World War II, a young soldier was chosen to undergo an experiment to become a “super soldier”. The process was a success and the soldier became Captain America.

Strategy: Captain America needs to fight melee style. The Shield Slash is his only distance attack, but it can cause his shield to be lost. Move in and use tricks like the Cartwheel and the fact the starting animation for the Hyper Charging Star looks identical to his blocking animation
  • Sweep Combo, Shield Slash
  • Chain Combo, (Hyper) Charging Star or Super Stripes
  • Launcher, 3 Light Punchs, Double Jump, 2 Light Punchs, Air Combo

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 4 Defense: 6 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Shield Slash*: Throws his shield at the enemy. Must be picked up to use again. (A,W)
    Charging Star*: Captain uses his shield to ram the enemy
    Stars and Stripes*: An uppercut attack using the shield, if available
    Call Shield: Use to pick up the shield from any distance
    Cartwheel: Used to change sides on the opponent for a surprise attack .
    When not holding the Shield, Capt loses 2 points of power and 1 point of energy
    Double Jump
    Launcher: A rising shield whack. No Launcher without shield.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Hyper Charging Star*: A hyper shield ram. Shield engulfed in blue energy. 15 hits. Blocks projectiles (W)
    Super Stripes: Moves forward while making 3 full circles with shield, ending with jumping uppercut
    Final Justice: Cap charges forward (C) punches and kicks 7 times, throws into the air and slams. 10 hits

    Enter: Slides down a rope
    Taunt: Salutes the players
    Victory: An eagle lands on Cap’s arm

  • Hulk

    Dr Bruce Banner was exposed to gamma radiation and became a large green mass of muscles.

    Strategy: Hulk should play defensively, waiting for the other guy to come to him. If that is not possible, super jump towards the enemy and don't attack until you get close. Take advantage of the Invinciblity by using Light attacks when the enemy starts a combo.
  • Chain Combo, Gamma Charge or Gamma Rip or Power Quake
  • When jumped at: Gamma Crush
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Gamma Crush

    Stats: Power: 9 Energy: 4 Defense: 8 Speed: 2 Ratio: 2 Drain: Super Armor 2 Size: H

    Special Moves:
    Gamma Charge*: Hulk charges ahead. (A)
    Gamma Throw*: Grabs the enemy, spins them in a circle and throws them
    Gamma Rip*: Hulk uses his arms to rip blocks of earth out of the ground (E)
    Meteor Drop: Air only. Hulk throws a large rock downward (E)
    Super Armor 2
    Launcher: Brings both of his arms rising from the ground in a sweep. 2 hits
    Hyper Attacks:
    Gamma Wave*: A hyper version of the Gamma Rip attack. 12 hits (E)
    Gamma Crush: Jumps into the air and lands on the enemy with a giant rock (E)
    Gamma Quake: Punches the ground and rocks fall out of the sky (E)

    Enter: Falls into the battle
    Taunt: Stands straight and serene
    Victory: Raises an arm in victory

  • Iron Man

    Tony Starke, a head of a corporation, created a suit of metal to help him build his sometimes-dangerous inventions. Soon, super-villains show up in his neck of the woods, and he configures the Iron Man suit for combat.

    Strategy: Iron Man needs to hang back, but not necessarily as far away as possible. Moves like the Replusor Blast and the Shoulder Ram are unexpected and can do quite a bit of damage if used properly. Use the projectiles to keep the enemy from getting on top of you
  • Chain Combo, Uni-Beam or Smart Bomb
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Uni-beam, Smart Destroyer
  • Launcher, Space Laser

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Uni-Beam*: Fires a beam attack from his chest-plate (A,S)
    Shoulder Ram*: Dashes forward to shoulder tackle the opposition
    Replusor Blast*: Puts his fists together overhead and they shoot sparks (S)
    Smart Bombs: Drops 2 bombs out of his shoulders (S)
    Launcher: He kicks straight up
    Hyper Attacks:
    Proton Cannon*: A giant cannon lands on his shoulder and fires a huge beam. 28 hits (S)
    Smart Destroyer: Drops 16 smart bombs on the enemy. Air only (S)
    Space Laser: A giant backpack shoots a laser straight up, and it comes down on the enemy as well. 14 hits (S)

    Enter: Lowers to the ground on a jetpack
    Taunt: Puts a fist in the air and it glows
    Victory: One arm in the air and the space laser attachments appear

  • War Machine

    One of Tony Starke’s friends. After he expressed his desire to join Iron Man in battle, they created the War Machine armor. The two suits are practically identical, but where Iron Man uses lasers, War Machine prefers missles.

    Strategy: See Iron Man. The 2 are basically the same.
  • Launcher, War Destroyer
  • Chain Combo, Shoulder Cannon or Smart Bomb
  • Sweep Combo in VERY close, War Destroyer

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 6 Defense*: 7 Speed: 3 Elemental: S Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Shoulder Cannon*: Fires a cluster of missiles from his shoulder. 5 hits (A,S)
    Repulsor Blast*: Puts his hands together overhead and they radiate energy (S)
    Smart Bombs*: War Machine has a better version. This one drops 4 bombs (S)
    Sniper Beam: Air only. Fires a angled laser beam downward (S)
    Launcher: He kicks straight up.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Atomic Cannon*: A large cannon lands on his shoulder and fires 27 missiles (S)
    War Destroyer: Large attachments fire 8 missiles upward. Each hits on the way up, then way down (S)
    Dogs of War: Dashes forward (C) and unleashes a 11 hit combo

    Enter: Flies in using a jetpack
    Taunt: Puts a fist in the air which sparks
    Victory: “Piece of Cake” with one arm in the air

  • Mr. Fantastic

    The leader of the Fantastic Four. He gained his powers when he and the soon to be FF flew into space to perform research. After being exposed to radiation, all four members of the crew gain super-powers.

    Strategy: Like Dhalism, Fantastic is best off keeping the enemy just with in reach of his long limbs. However, unlike the Street Fighter, Fantastic has good defense for if the enemy does get close
  • Sweep Combo, Rubber Snap or Fantastic Combo
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Parachute Man

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 4 Defense*: 7 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Overhead Punch*: Mr F punches straight up, and his arms come down from the ceiling
    Arm Wrap*: Wraps his arms around the opponent and throws them
    Rubber Snap*: Snaps his entire body like a rubber band. Causes projectiles to rebound
    Fantastic Four: Calls either the Thing or Invisible woman
  • Thing: Runs forward with a shoulder tackle
  • Invisible Woman: Fires a thin beam of psychic energy (P)
    Punches and kicks stretch
    Launcher: A upward punch that stretches up a ways.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Fantastic Combo*: Moves forward frantically attacking with his arms and legs. 10 hits
    Parachute Man: Flattens himself and flies forward (C) wraps the enemy and beats them internally
    Add Elemental: Gives Mr F a random elemental strength for 15 secs.

    Enter: Steps his leg down, and Mr F steps down
    Taunt: Ties himself into a knot
    Victory: The Fantastic Four gets together to celebrate

  • Dr Doom

    One of the Fantastic Four's enemies. During an experiment, his face was splashed with acid, and he became horribly disfigured. He wears an metallic mask at all times.
    Note: Energy Beams and Doom Ray fire at an 70 degree angle downwards in the air.

    Strategy: A heavy projectile user. One difference from the majority of his moves can only be used in the air or as an assist. Use the Flying ability to fly around, shooting various projectiles at the enemy
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Energy Beams, Rocket Flying, Beam of Doom
  • Chain Combo, Doom Ray or Electro-Shock
  • Launcher, Anti-air Cannon

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy*: 8 Defense: 6 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Energy Beams*: Fires 5 beams of energy in 5 different directions. (A,downward)(P)
    Doom Ray*: Fires a large, one-hit beam attack. Can be used in air (P)(A,downward)
    Vectral Slash*: Rocks swirl around him, and then launch at the enemy. 4 hits (E)
    Energy Pistol: Air only. Fires a small beam straight ahead. (P)
    Foot of Doom: Air only. Flies feet first at the enemy. Travels 20 degrees from the horizontal
    Bonus: Air Dash
    Launcher: Punches the ground, causes small electric bolts to rise (S)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Beam of Doom*: A hyper Energy Beam.
  • Ground*: Fires 24 beam blasts in all directions. 8 hits at most per target
  • Air: Fires 24 blasts downward. Up to 18 hits (P)
    Electro-Shock: Fires a small ball that explodes into a globe on contact. 16 hits (S)
    Anti-air Cannon: Fires a small blast of energy straight up. Carries the enemy. 10 hits (P)

    Enter: Floats down from the ceiling
    Taunt: Raises one arm in victory
    Victory: Wraps himself in his cape and laughs
    Special Block: Doom blocks by drawing his cape around himself

  • Orange Hulk

    A hidden version of the Hulk found in Marvel vs Capcom 1. This Hulk is much faster then the regular Hulk, but he is not invincible. That, and he's orange.

    Strategy: Use most of the same strategies as with the normal Hulk. Just remember that you can't count on being hit, and still finishing your attacks.
    Battle Plan: He is easier to fight then the regular Hulk because his invincibility is gone. Use the same tactics; he still isn't fast enough to counter effectively.
  • Launcher, Gamma Crush
  • Chain Combo, Gamma Charge, Aerial Charge.
  • Chain Combo, Gamma Wave, Gamma Charge

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 2 Defense: 6 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: H

    Special Moves:
    Gamma Charge*: A shoulder tackle attack.
    Gamma Wave*: Rips chucks out of the ground. Moves like a wave (E)
    Gamma Throw*: Reaches out to grab (C) twirls around 720, then throws.
    Meteor Crush: Air only. Hulk throws a large rock towards the ground. (E)
    Aerial Charge: A vertical Gamma Charge.
    Launcher: Brings both of his arms up in a sweep. 2 hits
    Hyper Attacks:
    Gamma Crush*: Jumps upward (stuns if hits), crashes down with giant rock. 8 hits (E)
    Meteor Rain: Air only. Throws 10 Meteor Crush rocks at the enemy (E)
    Hulk Smash: Grabs the enemy (C) punches 5 times, then throws.

    Enter: Drops out the screen from above
    Taunt: Stands straight with agonized expression of his face
    Victory: Yells "Lets rock!" and gives a thumbs up

  • US Agent

    Originally a helper character in Marvel vs. Capcom, US Agent is Captain America with a swapped color palette.

    Strategy: Agent's stats are quite different from Captain America's. His attack powers are weak, so give him plenty of distance and hammer at the enemy with specials. Also, remember that the (Super) Charging Star moves reflect projectiles.
  • Chain Combo, (Super) Charging Star or Shield Slash
  • Sweep Combo, Shield Slash, Super Charging Star
  • When shot at: Charging Star, CS hits just as projectile does.
    Similar Fighters: Captain America

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 3 Defense*: 7 Speed: 7 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Shield Slash*: Throws his shield at the enemy. The Shield automatically returns (A)
    Charging Star*: Dashes forward with a flaming shield. Move can reflect projectiles (F)
    Stars and Stripes*: An uppercut attack with the flaming shield (F)
    Cartwheel: Can be used to move through projectiles and enemies
    Gather Energy: Charges himself to gain vigor. Same as SNK groove.
    Launcher: Swings his shield in an upward motion. No Launcher without shield.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Shield Storm*: Throws 10 shields at the enemy.
    Super Charging Star: Does a charging star attack straight up. 14 hits (F)
    Final Justice: Dashes forward (C) and does a 8 hit combo.

    Enter: Slides down a rope that bursts into flame
    Taunt: Salutes the enemy with his shield
    Victory: An eagle lands on his arm, and gets burned

  • Black Heart

    A really, really tall demon-like creature. I have no idea who or what he is.

    Strategy: Stay the hell away from the enemy and use nonstop specials. Most of his attacks cover an insane amount of area
  • Demon Muck, Any Special or Hyper
  • No Ground, Sweep, or Air combos can be combined with specials or hypers
    Similar Fighters: none

    Stats: Power: 1 Energy*: 8 Defense: 7 Speed: 3 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: H

    Special Moves:
    Demon Grasp*: Throws a flock of little red demons at the enemy. Hold on, causing Speed –2 (D)
    Electro Shocker*: Throws lightning along the ground. Covers the entire length of the screen all at once(S)
    Demon's Gate*: The ground bursts under the enemy and a pillar of energy blasts upwards (D)
    Demon Muck: A pack of slimy green demons move along the ground. Hold enemy. Stun (D)
    Ground Teleport: Blackheart turns liquid and leaps forward or back
    Bonus: Air Dash
    Launcher: Swings his claws up, a metallic sound on impact.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Brimstone*: Raises his arms and fiery meteors rain down. 19 hits (F)
    Devil's Play: A swarm of demons fly around Blackheart. 20 hits (D)
    Hoard of Demons: Fires 20 demons at the enemy. 2 versions
  • Ground: Fires Demon with wings straight ahead
  • Air: Fires Demon muck style demons downward.

    Enter: A black hole opens and Blackheart comes out
    Taunt: A demon appears and Blackheart beats it up
    Victory: Raises his arms and Demons fly around
    Special Block: Blackheart turns distorted when he blocks
  • Shuma Gorath

    A giant eyeball with tentacles that first appeared in Marvel Super Heroes.

    Strategy: This is one goofy ass fighter. I can't even GUESS as to how to win with this one.
  • Jump, Stone Gorath, repeat
  • Chain Combo, Hypno Beam, Optic Storm
    Similar Fighters: none

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy: 6 Defense*: 9 Speed: 4 Strength: E Weakness: B Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Mystic Stare*: Fires a wheel of eyes at the enemy. Eyes explode if the enemy cannot hit Gorath
    Mystic Slice*: Turns into a giant eyeball and bounces
    Bouncing Pupil*: Fires a bouncing eyeball at the enemy
    Stone Gorath: Air Only. Turns into stone and plummets. Cannot be block when on the ground (E)
    Hypno Beam: Fires a beam out of his eye that stuns the enemy
    Launcher: Flattens himself to the ground and stabs out with all six tentacles.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Mystic Storm*: Fires 18 bouncing clones at the enemy.
    Doom Dimension: Use the hyper and hit the enemy with any attack (C) a pillar of ooze injures them (E)
    Eyes of Fate: Gives a random stat up by 4 points. Lasts 10 seconds

    Enter: A large eye appears and blinks
    Taunt: Messes with its "hair"
    Victory: Grows weird angel wings
    Special Block: A pair of angelic wings close around him

  • Onslaught

    A creature formed out of the darkness of Professor X's mind and Magneto's flesh. This combination forms Onslaught, the most powerful mutant ever. He not only has the powers of Magneto and Xavier, but he can also absorb mutants into himself, making himself even more deadly. Note that Onslaught only existed in an alternate Marvel universe, because nearly every non-X-Men Marvel character was killed in the battle.

    Strategy: Be aggressive and use the teleportation moves often.
  • Hyper Grab, Metallic Tempest
  • Sentinel Bombs, Mighty Hand or Slaughter Fest
    Similar Fighters: Abyss (Solid), Apocalypse

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy*: 10 Defense: 6 Speed: 4 Strength: P Ratio: 3 Size: H

    Special Moves:
    Hyper Grab*: A ball of magnetism that pulls the enemy in close on a hit. (P)
    Metal Storm*: Throws 5 shards of metal at the enemy
    Explosion*: Blasts the enemy with a pillar of psychic energy (P)
    Sentinel Bombs: Summons Sentinel's mini-robots that drop bombs on the enemy
    Launcher: None
    Hyper Attacks:
    Mighty Hand*: Turns huge and rushes across the screen with a claw extended. 10 hits
    Metallic Tempest: Surrounds himself with flying metal that flies outwards
    Slaughter Fest: Onslaught charges forward. 15 hit combo.

    Enter: "I am Onslaught"
    Taunt: Professor X can be seen glowing inside of Onslaught
    Victory: Turns into the big form and says "The Dream is Dead"

  • Thanos

    The last boss in Marvel Super Heroes. I have no idea which Marvel universe Thanos is a part of. His hypers are all based on the magic stone powers from Marvel Super Heroes.

    Strategy: Thanos is horribly slow, so let the enemy leave himself open and then counter. The Horn Assault is a fast move given Thanos' speed, but it has a long recover time.
  • Launcher, Space Stone Magic
  • Magic Bubble, Any Hyper
  • Chain Combo, Horn Assault, Power Stone Magic
  • Thrusting Screw, Horn Assault, Thrusting Screw, Horn Assault (cheap!)
    Similar Fighters: Thanos

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 5 Defense: 6 Speed: 2 Strength: P Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Horn Assault*: Throws blue horns and dashes forward head first (A)
    Magic Bubble*: Throws a bubble that encases and holds the enemy on contact
    Armor Stone*: Assist only. Gives an ally Super Armor 2 for 5 seconds
  • Note: While being effected by Armor Stone, drains give Super Armor 2
    Thrusting Screw: Air Only. A shield-like force appears on his legs and he falls down
    Launcher: A rising elbow strike
    Hyper Attacks:
    Space Stone Magic*: A vortex sucks up rocks near Thanos, and a second one drops the stone on enemy. 23 hits both ways (E)
    Power Stone Magic: Throws a giant red sphere forward. 12 hits (F)
    Gravity Stone Magic: Two stone pillars rise out of the ground and crush together. 10 Hits (E)
    Soul Stone Magic: A tendril flies out (C) and Thanos drains the life out of the enemy

    Enter: Falls out of the sky and crushes into the ground
    Taunt: Same as victory
    Victory: Raises his arm in victory

  • Human Torch

    After flying into space with his fiancee and brother in law, the Human Torch gains the ability to set himself on fire at will. You might have noticed that I just copied the entry for Iceman.

    Strategy: Human Torch is a projectile user in the extreme. His distance attacks are not only cheap, but fast. Make good on his projectile and throw move, since they temporarily weaken your enemies.

    Battleplan: Even in close, he can still use his projectiles, but it is much harder if you are punching him.
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Fire Beam or Inferno Attack
  • Sweep Combo, Inferno Attack
  • Chain Combo, Fire Beam or Inferno Attack or Volcano Blast

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 10 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Fire Beam*: Fires a thick beam of fire. Either forward or up/down at an angle. Speed down 1 for 5 secs (A)(F)
    Meteor*: A large ball of fire falls out of the sky over the enemies head (A)(F)
    Burning Grasp*: Moves forward slightly, grabs the enemy, and incinerates them. Defense down by 1 for 5 seconds. (F)
    Pyro Blade: Forms a blade of fire on his hand, gives him extra range on normal attacks
    Torch Run: Flies forward engulfed in a fireball. (F)
    Normal Attacks deal fire damage. (F)
    Launcher: A burst of flame rises from the ground (F)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Inferno Attack*: Shoots small balls of flame from his body. Up to 37 hits (A)(F)
    Volcano Blast: A large flame pillar shoots out of the ground just in front of Torch. 10 hits (F)
    Meteor Strike: 8 Meteors drop out of the sky. (F)

    Enter: Regular Guy turns into Torch
    Taunt: "Powers down" and creates a effigy of himself
    Victory: Same as taunt
