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Plasma Sword

Hayato |

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A character from Plasma Sword and Star Gladiator (and if you ask my friends, the overweight gym teacher of Rival Schools). Whatever the game, Hayato uses a beam saber to perform long, involved sword techniques.

Strategy: Don't let his low speed score fool you. Once his sword attacks start, he actually moves quite quickly. Use a variety of sword slashes to keep the enemy off-balance.
Battle-plan: If he hits, the recover time is negligible. However, if he misses, he is left wide open for a long time.
  • Plasma Sword, Slash Combo or Star Beat or Plasma Strike
  • Chain Combo, Slash Combo or Plasma Strike
  • Launcher, Slash Beam

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 4 Defense: 6 Speed: 4 Strength: P Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Slash Combo*: Performs back to back sword slashes. 2 hits (P)
    Rising Beam*: Charges, then uses an uppercut when he reaches the enemy (P)
    Electro-Form*: Uses his sword to fire a ground-traveling projectile (P)
    Star Beat: Grabs the enemy, then slashes them 3 times
    Plasma Combo: A series of 1 to 4 slashes. Combo a Slash Combo or Star Beat after this one. (P)
    Bonus: Air Dash
    Launcher: A rising sweep of his light saber. Covers quite a bit of area.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Plasma Strike*: Moves forward while delivering a 10 hit sword technique (P)
    Electro-Ball: A globe of energy radiates from Hayato. Hits 5 times. Gives Energy +2 15 secs (P)
    Slash Beam: Stabs the ground and unleashes pillars of energy. Like Magnetic Shockwave 10 hits(P)

    Enter: Lowers to the ground in a Electro-Ball attack
    Taunt: Raises his sword into the air and it sparks
    Victory: Taunt, with a large blue aura around him
